Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:14 pm



Oh god Murasaki was more nervous than she thought she'd be. Come on girl, you've been on plenty of dates! Get it together! But... Well, honestly she was like this every time she had a date, no matter how many she went on. She couldn't help it! There was just something about the idea that got her smiling and giggling to herself like a schoolgirl. How embarrassing!!

It took way too long for her to do all her makeup and pick an outfit. What did Alastor like??? Where were they going??? She hadn't even picked a spot, she just said she'd surprise him so she'd have time to think of something, but she hadn't thought of anything at all!! Okay, deep breaths Murasaki! Focus!

Aaaaand... Calm. Okay. She stepped from her yurt in a surprisingly modern getup, a rather short pair of shorts over a pair of leggings, some thick boots to match. Her top was a simple shirt, with a light jacket over it. She'd dressed for basically any climate, that was the whole idea. Where were they going..? Well, she'd figure that out. For now, she just headed for Alastor's tent, recentered herself one more time, and knocked slightly more energetically than she'd meant to.

"Heya, Alastor, you ready?"

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:23 pm
Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Banner-480


Ah shit. It was that day, it wasn't that he forgot. It's more like he'd been thinking about it so much since it was arranged that he actually had no idea what to do now that it was here. He got dressed pretty casual; shirt, pants jacket. Nothing too fancy since that really wasn't his style. Formal clothes did escape him too now that he thought about it. Did he even have any?

So all that was left to do was wait once he was ready and when the sound came and filled the room he opened it and peeked out. He didn't really know what he expected her to look like, especially not as good as it did. Did his captain secretly have the aptitude to be a fashion designer but she took the wrong route and became a Gotei Captain?

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm ready. Do you know where we're going?"


Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:31 pm



"Ooooooooooooof course! Trust me, I've got an awesome place in mind."

The long "of" had actually started out as a simple "uh," but thankfully Murasaki at least had the werewithal to catch herself and not seem like she was some big dummy who couldn't think of a date spot with so much time. Naturally, there was only one thing to do, and Murasaki just said the first place that came to her head when she thought of pretty places she'd been.

"Hawaii! We're going down to Hawaii. You ever been?"

Waiting until she was sure Alastor was all good to go, Murasaki opened up a senkaimon to the tropical island. She wasn't going to Honolulu though, cities weren't her thing at all. No way, they were going to the Big Island, with all that wide open space..! Well, there were cities too, so it wouldn't just be them hanging out alone in the middle of a field. But even the city of Hilo, where her senkaimon deposited them, was much smaller than any major city would be. A nice little middle ground.

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:45 pm
Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Banner-480


When she asked him if he had been Alastor could only shake his head. He had not gotten that patrol yet but knew his way around Europe pretty good, except England. He very much tried to avoid that spot. So with his final preparations he followed her through the Senkaimon and looked around.

It was brighter than he was expecting but once he got used to the change of scenery he gave it a good look around.

"Hey this place is pretty cool."

Now the next question that he didn't ask her but himself, what did people do in Hawaii?


Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:58 pm



"Hehe, glad you like it. Well, lots to see you know! Gotta see the beach, get dinner, ooooh we can go tonthe volcano!"

Murasaki may have been a Captain, may have been a skilled warrior hundreds of years old, but despite that she was still, without a doubt, a girl. Taking Alastor's hand excitedly, she led on down the street, heading right down toward the water. It was kinda convenient how the whole city was built on a slant, at least when you wanted to find the water. But, truth be told, she got distracted long before they made it to the water. Spotting a shop with all manner of blown glass in the window, Murasaki's eyes widened as she hurried in, naturally bringing her date with her.

"Look, look! Isn't this pretty? Oh my god, I love all these colors... I might buy this one, what do you think?"

She'd looked through quite a few pieces in only a few moments, but right away her eyes landed on one in particular. It wasn't very big, maybe the size of a fist. A single lump of solidified glass, and within sat what seemed to be a lava rock. It had been carved to resemble a mountain, and down one side, a trail of bright red and orange class trailed, leading into a lovely pool of blue glass to represent the sea. Clouds of sand gave the illusion of steam, and while the while thing was ultimately still but one piece of artwork, Murasaki seemed quite genuinely impressed by it, especially as she held it out for Alastor to see.
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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:08 pm
Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Banner-480


And they were off. Murasaki led the way without any time to spare but Alastor had to guess she just didn't want to waste a single second of the date which was fair enough, he did hope she was going to take it slow a little so he didn't have the stress of being dragged around from one point to another after five minutes. Already there was a detour and she pulled him into this fancy looking store with all these trinkets.

"Yeah it looks pretty cool, it's so detailed. I totally couldn't make something like this."

Giving a embarrassed smile at the glass, he did think they were cool but didn't have the faintest clue how he'd even make one, nor would he really have the patience.

"Anyway, you should buy it if you want. Maybe not buy everything in sight though cause we gotta carry it all back and stuff."


Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:18 pm



Nodding to herself with a big smile as Alastor agreed with her assessment, Murasaki very happily purchased the little trinket and held the bag on her elbow. She'd gotten a little hyper what with the excitement of the date starting, but walking into a shop full of glass definitely helped calm her down some. The girl took Alastor's hand in hers once more, but this time walked at a much more reasonable pace down the street.

"So... Wow, I guess you n' me have never really been out just the two of us, huh? I've never really had the chance to ask all about you. What's your favorite color, Alastor? Favorite food? Oh oh, favorite season?"

She wasn't trying to pry or anything like that, but she did really like to know these kinds of things, not just about a guy she was on a date with, but about everyone in the division. She hadn't had a chance to ask him all these things, what she'd been for a while. But she loved just getting to know people, and, well... She definitely wanted to get to know Alastor.

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:31 pm
Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Banner-480


After she had appeased her need for the glass trinket they were back on the road and thankfully with a lot less dragging while Alastor followed beside her and listened to her shoot out questions like a world war two machine gun.

"Nope. Not really."

After a brief pause to think about his answers he responded.

"Red, Lamb and Summer. How 'bout you?"


Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Location : The beach :)

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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:38 pm



Somehow, none of those answers surprised Murasaki at all, and she couldn't help but giggle in amusement at the thought.

"Color's gotta be sky blue. Food...mmmmmmm that's a toughie. Hm... I'll say mochi for now, but I might change my mind. Summer's the best season though, definitely! Hmhm... You got any brothers or sisters?"

Having been an only child, and growing up in a place that very much did not have a wide dearth of other children to interact with, Murasaki had always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. It honestly sounded like it might be kinda weird, but hey, lots of nice things were also kinda weird, if you really thought about it.

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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Empty Re: Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:44 pm
Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Banner-480


Giggling after he gave his answers. He had to ask.

"Hey what's so funny?"

Having heard her own though he nodded, that did seem like a pretty Murasaki set of answers. Being asked about his siblings though was a little surprising but he nodded.

"Yeah, I've got a few brothers and a sister, most of them are still at home. Except my sister, she apparently ran off I heard when I checked in for a patrol a while ago."


Ono Kine Boy [Murasaki/Alastor] Gamma_Signature
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