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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:17 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Feeling her squeeze around him was one of those tell tale signs of someone who might be a bit scared. Truth be told, that was entirely reasonable when you were speeding while sitting precariously on a dragon. He'd begin to pull on the reigns softly, slowing down ever so much so that the jet like speed was reduced to a more enjoyable cruise.

"It's very.. humid here." The man would remark dryly at the climate of the area, slowly beginning to have Ryo guide them down to what looked like a border town. It looked to be.. militarized would be a good word, and the shinigami uniforms. But they where some ways off, and he'd look over his shoulder.

"You ok there, Himiko-san? I apologize for the speediness. Ryo is a.. well he likes speed."


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:18 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banne-Himiko


Gonna die, gonna die. No more, shinigami can just fly for a reason!

Thankfully he slowed down and she loosened up a bit while breathing with ragged breaths.

"He's like... super fast you know, he could hurt someone. Aren't you scared you crazy guy?"

Once he landed in the town Himiko basically jumped onto the solid ground and would've got on all fours to kiss it if she wasn't worried about the fact she almost died!!!

"Ye- Yeah. It's America. It's like, super active right now cause of Shadow Fall and the Gotei fighting. Also what kind of shops do you think they'd have here out of curiousity?"


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:30 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

The man seemed to let out a muffled laugh as she did so, he himself still sitting on the broom. The stoic man seemed to begin to shift his weight off the broom, reaching into his uniform to toss a treat at Ryo. It would soon grab it and eat it lovingly, while floating behind him. He'd approach the fox-girl taking a knee while offering a hand, amber eyes gazing at her with all the patience in the world.

"I do know, perhaps strange foreign things. If you are curious, as I am, then perhaps we should explore?" The man would offer, and once she took his hand he'd stand helping her to her feet. His head turning to take stock of the town they where in, before seeing a town which said 'San Antonio.' "I believe that is the name of the town."


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:41 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banne-Himiko


She waved away his help. She was totally fine, just a little sick from her first time. Yeah, it wasn't her being scared or anything. That'd be super embarrassing for her right? So no. She was totally fine.

"Oh yeah, good idea. We'll look for these toy stores huh?"

Himiko stretched to work herself back up for the task at hand before she began to walk around with him.

"San Antonio huh? Yeah I knew that."

She had in fact, not studied where they had ended up at all but if he said it was San Antonio then it was San Antonio right? Genius. Then if something bad happened like they weren't in San Antoio it was his fault for saying it. She definitely wasn't the one that should be on top of all this or anything, the weird foreign western dude that wasn't in the Earth Affiliation division knowing his way around America? Should be easy as pie.


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:52 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"Toy stores? Why those? Would you like to get a toy for a little sibling?"

The man asked his questions seemingly murked with confusion for a moment before waving it. He supposed he had nothing better than to do it, he was more or less simply here to walk around and learn. If a toy store was where he needed to begin, then he would learn about toys. The man really was a stoic individual in that regard, taking these monumental changes in stride. He'd look to the fox girl once more.

"You should lead the way, as the guide." The man matter-of-factly, not out of any disrespect but pointing out the most clear action choice. She hadn't started moving so he didn't know if she was waiting on him or not. His hands would go to straighten his gun belt, before gazing around as they prepared to enter this 'San Antonio.' He personally thought it would be Antonio-san but whatever western society was always weird.


Brave New World - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:57 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banne-Himiko


When he brought up toy for a little sibling she turned to him like he was stupid or something, no. Not stupid, a little weird. After a little blinking at him while trying to process his words she shook her head.

"N- No. For me. Getting toys for a little sibling is just weird and gross, I mean not for me. A friend you know?"

After he said she should lead the way she nodded and did the most reasonable thing, pick a direction and walk down it that way. Just follow the streets Himiko.

"Anyway, I need a toy as a prank for a friend k? So keep your eyes peeled."


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:01 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"Are we speaking of the same thing?"

The man would ask genuinely. He was by no means an idiot but piecing together the idea of getting 'toys' for a sibling as weird seemed.. not right. He'd follow behind her for a moment, as he looked for this 'toy' store. Hopefully they'd have it plastered on the front of the building.

"When I was in the Soul Society, toys where things like ... figurines. Or balls. That children played with." The man would explain making the motion of as if he was bouncing a ball of some kind, before realizing how stupid that looked. "Er.. so yeah, could you explain these toys?"


Brave New World - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:07 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banne-Himiko


When he asked her to describe what a toy was she realised that she had very little idea of what they generally looked like, only where they went and what they accomplished.

"Well, those are toys but then there are toys you know? Like kiddy toys and grown-up toys or something. Anyway, I gotta get one for a prank. Yeah, that's it. A surprise."

Keeping her eyes peeled for anything important she hoped she had satisfied his curiousity when really she had just spoken words and communicated nothing at all through them. Unlucky right? He must just not speak Himiko.


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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:02 pm
Brave New World - Page 2 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

The man seemed to.. piece that bit together. He had no idea what this 'adult toy' would look like, so he'd set to scanning the stores. This was quite strange, but he was the type of guy to go with the flow in these strange situation. Surely it couldn't be too bad if a young woman was searching for it so openly. As they walked he'd finally speak after a good long while.

"Do you know what they look like?" He'd ask at the very least attempting to make small talk, or help in her endeavor.


Brave New World - Page 2 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 2 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:07 am
Brave New World - Page 2 Banne-Himiko


Oh shit. How does she explain what they look like... WHEN SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!?

"I uh... well they look like... Gosh I dunno. I have no idea what they look like k? Jeez."

She gave a sigh of frustration and waved her hand around.

"Gah. Whatevs. I'll just check later or somethin', we're here for something else right? What was it again?"

Super professional. There was no one more professional than her right now.


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