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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:14 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou blinked a few times, once again thanking he had immense patience to begin with. This young girl reminded him of a much younger Kukaku, and despite some minor annoyances, he got a thin smile. It was professional if not a bit noble as his back straighten, his head tilting as amber eyes focused on her. It was best to assert some level of authority, to remind her of the importance of one's duty.

"It is important for a young shinigami to be aware of their duties, otherwise they will find themselves in trouble, Himiko-san." The man would remark, the form perfect japanese unlike her own which seemed riddled with modern lingo. It wasn't rude, but it commanded some level of elegance. Of nobility. He'd take a few steps forward before striding past her.

"We will tour the town, and then depart. Wherever one may acquire news, is where we will look for."

He wasn't being rude persay, but taking firm control of the situation. He was not going to waste time twiddling with her, perhaps the young woman would learn something along the way.


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:19 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banne-Himiko


"Yeah, Yeah. I know. I'm like totally getting fed up over this thing aren't I? We should be working, bwah. I'm soooo stupiiiid."

Shaking her head as she was agitated from her own mistake of getting so caught up she gave a few quick bows of apology because that's what you did when you were sorry... or somethin'. Then it was back to work.

"Alright. Yeah, We should start looking around for this stuff huh?"

Taking a look around before closing her eyes after visual cues gave her nothing, now her ears were twitching as though she was listening for something with her enhanced hearing.


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:24 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"You are forgiven."

He didn't need to hear an apology to know one was ushered, his goal was not to simply be uncouth to her. He was a after all supposed to be a seated officer, a the head to the Shiba, and to push this youngin' away by being offputting would do nothing for her. So he simply accepted it, his head turning as he took in the scenary- the mix of spiritual and physical.

It caused him some distress, as old blood raged against the new. Perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed he stopped walking for a moment, seeing the shifting of the world so rapidly was.. well he closed his eyes. Despite his stoic facade and little expression on his face, internally he felt wayward. He wished Kaien was here. He would know how to navigate such waters better. A deep breath was taken followed by a sigh.

"Any luck? Kaien- I mean Himiko-san."


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:34 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banne-Himiko


"Kaien? Who's she? Is she someone cute that you like~?"

Kaien did sound a fair bit like a boy's name to Himiko but hey, in Japanese who knew what names you'd give your kid. She settled to nodding though regardless.

"Yeah, sounds like something that-away, let's go yeah?"

Dragging him along she led him towards the outskirts of town close to the ceasefire line and sniffed the air.

"Mhm. Smells like demons 'round here. Can you smell them?"

With her enhanced sense of smell he probably could not. Granted being so close to the ceasefire line didn't really help that she could be sensing stuff beyond it.


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:40 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road


The man would trial off for a moment, that stoicism only faltering ever so much. He'd close his mouth for a moment, focusing his gaze forward. "I was just remembering my little brother, I should not burden you with such things." The man would explain leaving it vague, believing that the young woman would probably press it. But he hoped she wouldn't.

"No, I cannot. I have yet to see a demon; I have heard they sound like normal people. I tried using one of those... 'phones' to see one. I do not like using it." The man would comment with a frown, having broke two already. At this point he just kept them in a satchel and never touched them.

"I believe.. I see the ceasefire line as they call it."


Brave New World - Page 3 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:49 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banne-Himiko


"Oh... k then."

She spoke a little awkward, she couldn't discern whether or not Hakuyou's little brother was dead or not so it was a bit hard to really show one emotion or another. It sucked a bit, she wanted to be able to look sympathetic or just giggle about it but didn't know which one was appropriate.

"Well there's some near here or something..."

After a quick sniff she perked her ears up like they honed in on it and she took off with a quick shunpo towards the brush. In a moment a small animal was pulled out and thrown out into the open before it shape-shifted into a very weak demon and went to pounce on Himiko.

With a quick 'polygamist castration fist' it was left on the ground whimpering in pain and she stood up tall and proud looking.

"Yep. Smells like a demon, come have a look yeah? First time heehee."

With a cheeky wink that said she was pretty proud of herself she showed off her victim.


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:57 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

The captain level shinigami basically had to watch that whole display, allowing her to take the lead. In the mean time he would remove his rifle with a singular hand, approaching the knocked down demon. He had to wince briefly at the strike to the groin, feeling ever much the sympathy had that happened to him. But now business needed to be conducted, the rifle was placed under their chin lifting it up. Amber eyes met crimson.

Hakuyou was many things to the world, some of those more reputable than others. But there was a side to the man few rarely saw. The aura of the world shifted around him, becoming almost chilling. Amber eyes gazed upon the demon silently, whatever remorse a man should feel- he felt none. A finger placed around the trigger.

He was a killer. He had slain quincy, humans, for merely existing. Such was his orders, and the only reason he didn't destroy this demon was because there was no need for it.

"Indeed, this is a demon. Repugnant in their aura, a measly creature. Shapeshifting. Interesting; demon what are you doing within our lands? Speak." He spoke calmly, his voice never raising but commanding. His hand flicking the rifle just enough to regain their attention, as he began to spill the beans about reconning the area- a possible assault. He just wanted to make some extra cash, etc. Pitiful.

"Himiko-san, what does the Gotei recommend for spies?"

He defaulted to her judgement. The demon's life rested squarely within her hands, his eyes never leaving the demon.


Brave New World - Page 3 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:04 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banne-Himiko


Himiko was looking pretty thoughtful while Hakuyou's attention was squarely on her, at least that is what their little captive thought.

"Well yeah, the thing we do with 'em is... huh?"

In a moment the demon had shapeshifted into a small lizard and tried to scurry away from the rifle and threat of death while they were distracted but in all her brilliance Himiko jumped high into the air and crushed the demon underfoot with an elegant fall and looking down.

"Heehee. He totally thought he could just sneak away huh? He was pretty silly right?"

Now there was one issue, Himiko's shoe having the remains of a dead demonic lizard on her sole.

"Ewww. It's sooo gross, eck. Get it off, get it off!"


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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:11 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Interesting turn of events.

The man would sheathe his rifle, turning to the girl. She clearly looked distraught, but she had proven herself to be fairly competent. He'd help her out this time as he approached, pointing a finger down. "Sit down." The man would instruct her, assuming she did so he'd kneel down grabbing the heel of her foot lifting it up. Reaching into his uniform he'd remove a large handkerchief. With a few deft movement's he'd wipe/smack clean the remains from her foot before grimacing at the handkerchief.

As he stood up, he removed his Katana very lightly watching it edge ignite as he did so, but not fully removing it. The somatic movement channeling his flame, before touching said handkerchief burning it pieces. He'd drop the katana back into his sheathe before standing up. "You did well, Himiko-san. Perhaps we should head back; I have gathered enough intelligence."


Brave New World - Page 3 JfH75kA
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Brave New World - Page 3 Empty Re: Brave New World

Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:15 am
Brave New World - Page 3 Banne-Himiko


Sit down. Yep, hearing those words that's exactly what she did and she plopped down on her butt without questioning it until afterwards but figured it'd be fine. He was obviously going to fix it for her right? She hoped so. Really she ought to have just let Hakuyou show off his gun skills.

"Ahhh thanks!"

Seeing it all gone she got up pretty happily and stretched, eagerly nodding when he said it was time to go back.

"Hey by the way when we get back if you find those adult toy thingies can you like get me one, or maybe tell me what they are like k?"

Wagging her tail like she was pretty content with herself while she waited to go back.


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