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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:24 pm


Six months was quite a bit of time stepped away from the Gotei. Liana had someone fill her role during her time with the joint program with the Lux Orior, but the man picked had never experienced the role of captaincy. He had to acclimate, and as a result, by the time Liana came back, some surplus in workload was left for her.

That said, it was of no issue for Liana. She was more than happy to fulfill her work. The breath of fresh, reishi dense air, and a whole lot of things to catch up on, made working back home all the more pleasant. While at her desk, a few more shinigami were helping out, arranging records and books on the shelves, stamping away at some documents, and filing letters to be sent to multiple recipients. Most of the people doing so were administrative shinigami by profession, but a few faces were assigned these duties temporarily, to help catch the division up.

One of them in particular, Julian Vendemiaire, was something of a familiar face. When he joined the division, Liana took notice to his records, but they had never worked in such close proximity to one another. This was the first time. While Liana was the Kido Captain, she doubled as the Medical Captain, and her duties tended to demand more focus on medicine as a result of the frequency in urgent cases.

After finishing a full stack of paperwork, Liana brought her hands behind her back and raised them, stretching the muscles out before returning herself to a straight and tall posture. Taking a small break from the workload, her eyes went around the room, finally settling on the man in mind. Liana spoke politely and eloquently, in such a manner that you wouldn't figure her from the slums.

"Vendemiaire; if you don't mind me asking, I've heard that you came from quite far out in Rukongai? I'm from out there myself, so I was curious to know what you thought of the recent changes the Captain Commander has done."


Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:44 pm

Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 6o7dTH3


The recent days in Julian St. Vendemiaire's life had been tumultuous, in more than a word. He had met with the Captain Commander, discussed the future of his role within the Gotei, and been assigned the position of Special Executioner. It was not something to be flaunted, but was considered classified information shared only with other Captains. But, for now, he was simply assisting his returned Captain with some paperwork.

He knew her name very well, from the tales told within the Rukongai, but he had not spoken with her in anything but the most professional of manners. After all, he was doubtful that she knew him, and regardless, until quite recently his intentions had been...well, different. But now, she was asking him a bit more personal a question. His instinctive paranoia from 2 decades of planning the revolution told him that, surely, she must have known, but that was foolhardy. Giving her a small smile of acknowledgement, he gave her a wholly truthful answer.

"I think they are a step in the right direction. I would not say that they are assured to fix all of the citizenry's problems, but with corrective action over time, they will presumably work in the people's favor. That, too me, is what matters most."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:19 am


Liana agreed. Before Demon Incursion, she was a zealous woman towards the Gotei. Afterwards, her time away from Soul Society helped to give her some perspective, and when she returned, she visited the communities she once knew in the outer edges of Rukongai. When she saw how few things had changed, and the stark contrast of the livelihood of those within the Seireitei, her opinion on the Gotei declined.

Honestly, she wanted to tear it all down. Or, at least, completely separate it from the Rukongai. Those outside the walls lived lives controlled by a people whom they did not submit themselves too, whose primary goals had never been in the best interest of the denizens. The Gotei existed to defend for the Soul Cycle and for the Soul King--not at all for the Rukongai. On Earth, the human societies had a hard time following such a structure. For them, the military bodies, which pulled numbers from the people, were established to defend the people and their interests. Nothing like Soul Society--and frankly, she thought it a shame.

Of course, the changes to the Soul Society were exceptionally helpful. Finally, the Rukongai citizens had gained some agency, some protection and means of defense against a tyranny. It was good. But, not all was good. To Liana, this wasn't enough. So she had to ask, and no heads in this office turned to her with surprise or suspicion, no derision or disgust.

"For you, is that enough?"


Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:45 am

Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 6o7dTH3


"It is not."

He said it simply, no exceptional conviction or power in his voice. It wasn't because of any confidence in his goal, but rather quite the opposite. He had been broken down, after all, watched all that he had built turn to ashes once more. Still, perhaps in this case it had not been for nothing.

"I have dreamt for many years of a Rukongai wholly separate from the Gotei. One which rules itself through republic. Whether such a thing is even practical... I do not know. I suppose I could not say. But dreams are not meant to be taken at face value."

Julian looked into Liana's eyes, and for her, it was likely obvious even at a glance the degree to which he was still so very hollow inside. Not in the sense of the spiritual ailment, but rather in a far more traditional sense. He simply had not yet come into the stride of his new purpose in life.

"And you, Captain?"

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:57 am


Indeed. It was not enough.

When Julian turned to look into Liana's eyes, she could see a soullessness too him. It was a look she was familiar with. Countless members of her division were struck with this visage in the aftermath of their many tiring wars and woes. Liana herself wore that face and those eyes once upon a time. She still does, sometimes.

"Personally, I do not know, Vendemiaire-san. I hadn't envisioned a republic myself, though I very much had an idea of their total separation. Keeping this sort of thought in mind..."

Liana stood from her desk, her full height extending a couple inches higher than Julian, and she approached the man and put her hand on his shoulder. A flighty aura encompassed him, hopefully inspiring spirits at least somewhat lifted. If anything, it did offer some comfort, like a warmed blanket or a careful hug.

"My mother raised me in a manner which saw dreams as distant futures. It makes me wonder, what hills have you crossed that seems to trouble you in these dreams? If you wouldn't mind sharing that with me."


Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:14 am

Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 6o7dTH3


Julian was not one typically used to being touched in near any capacity, if the truth was being told. He had, in fact, more or less entirely eschewed physical contact unless absolutely necessary ever since Julienne had passed. To be given a touch on the shoulder like this, and one which was so reassuring, was almost physically arresting for how unused to it the man was. But it was not unpleasant.

"I...would not wish to speak openly of my life among the others of the division, Captain. I do not wish to seem rude, but it would make me quite uncomfortable to share matters so personal in the open."

His words may have been cordial, but his eyes said so much more. The weight of his actions quite apparently hung on his shoulders, and the scope of the revolution he had failed to build, of the plans he had seen crumble to nothing, still plagued him nightly. It occurred to him almost absently that he likely did not sleep as much as one should.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:27 am


"I see. I understand. I would like to say, however, that if you look around, you'd find many eyes who have seen many things, and too understand the plights of the undeserving and underprivileged. I will respect your wishes, nonetheless."

Liana lifted her hand from his shoulder and walked back to her desk, stretching once more before returning to her former posture, pen in hand being placed back to the documents.

If Julian did look around, he'd find that some of the people placed in the office were different to the previous men and women with administration jobs from before Liana's return. A lot of positions seemed to be shifted, and some faces might've even been familiar to him. After all, everyone here shinigami that came to the Gotei from the outerr regions of the Rukongai. Many of their faces had signs of tire and fatigue, but their eyes were still steeled. As if to say, We're a step closer, but our work isn't done. They had no judgement in them either. Just a look of camaraderie and empathy. They were people who understood well, and it was by no means an expectation for him to carry a burden that weighed more than his own share.

"I will say, however, that you should take care of yourself better, Vendemiaire-san. We are the Kidou Division, but also the Medical Division. If our members were to look unhealthy, it would reflect poorly on the squad as a whole. It is also unpleasant to see a comrade not looking their best, as it has me believing they are not feeling their best, and the well-being of my subordinates is vested interest of mine."


Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:43 am

Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 6o7dTH3


Julian found that, these days, he was becoming one who missed the forest for the trees more often than he would have liked. Indeed, there were men and women he recognized here. Quite a few of them deemed treasonous to the future he had once hoped to build. He wondered if they knew. Wondered further if it mattered.

"I will do so, Captain. My sincerest apologies. I am rather used to working myself to the bone, with little regard for my health in the moment. Such is the cost of a greater future, I suppose. Of a brighter tomorrow."

There it was. An admission in its own right. He could not say so openly the role he had filled within the Rukongai, not when the Coalition was a veritable terrorist organization. But given the faces around him, and the history that he knew of his Captain, what he had said would be enough.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] Empty Re: Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:49 am


Liana wasn't actually certain of it. Julian's place in the Coalition was something Liana found hints of, but the man covered his tracks well. Admittedly, Liana was probing to confirm her suspicions, but she still genuinely felt concern for him, as she did all her subordinates and comrades. So, when he also resigned to overworking himself, Liana smiled in relief.

"After we're done here, I think you'd be deserving of an early release from duty. Find some time to recuperate yourself a bit, and perhaps come tomorrow refreshed? Would you be willing to come in tomorrow early, even, and report to my office? There are some things I'd like to ask you, more privately as well. In my return to Soul Society, I've found that there's quite a lot of work to be done, in many ways and many places. And I intend to do my share."


Not All Hills are Ones We Die On [Private/Julian] 8Bvy1N8


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