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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 9:10 am



Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] 6EdIfMt

Desmond was surprisingly the typical husband of the world, and that included sometimes surprising his wife with flowers at work. The reason for such a gesture was simply because he hadn't done so before, and with the stressors of the world- it was a nice little thing to do. He had just left her office, having given them to her with a kiss and a small chat. Of course not taking too much time from her work. Such was the nature of these two.

But as he the walked through the Seireitei wearing his old traditional robes, something of a fusion between his old garb and something he liked to distinguished him as someone not among their ranks. He got a few looks, mostly of those who recalled who he was, occassionally needing to stop to shake a few hands. The problems with being a modern 'icon' was that people often wanted to take your time. When in truth he didn't quite mind it, but such things seemed.. to make life harder. But it was worth it if he inspired even one person.

But what did catch his attention was a short black hair'd woman, before his eyes widened. As he rounded the corner he was greeted by a shorter than expected Rukia Kuchiki. One of THE Karakura Defenders! Wow! She was literally a hero back in his human life, and he immediately began to feel the need to greet her.

"Oh! Apologies!" The man would comment with some level of embarrassment, a sharp contrast to almost majestic aura of the king. The King of Vastime would offer a bow to her, still remembering some of the customs, to show his apology for nearly bumping into her before standing.

"Look at me, bumping into one of THE Karakura Defenders. Oh god, I'm making a fool of myself." The man would comment bringing a hand to his face, before chuckling. He'd remove his hand shaking his head.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] JfH75kA
Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] H8Tyk70
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:26 pm

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] GOHWRTW

The Real Rukia Kuchiki

Life was busier than it had been in a while for Rukia, given the responsibilities she kept taking on herself. Making sure Takehiko was watched, setting up Keiko and Yushiro's visitation, and of course checking into the 7th Division for regular updates to Keiko's captain. She didn't actually mind, in all honesty. It was nice to feel involved again, feel like she was doing something. But, it did lead to a certain level of exhaustion, perhaps even a little bit of- oh.

A little bit of distraction. Having nearly walked into the relatively tall man, Rukia could only almost instinctively bow in apology. She had been about to tell him she was rather sorry, when...well, when he started getting pretty excited. His face was one she recognized, but it wasn't quite clicking as to who it was. She could have just asked, but that would feel rude. She would figure it out.

"The Karakura Defenders? I haven't heard that one in a long time now... But, I'm honored you're such a fan."

Look at her, reveling in the moment. Sure, most wouldn't call something that modest "reveling," but Rukia rarely put much time into anything self-aggrandizing, least of all imagining herself like a hero. Even if she knew those days were long past now, there was something almost endearing about the man's earnest excitement, and she had to admit it took the edge off those feelings of old age just a touch.

"Well, I suppose you already know, but I'm Rukia Kuchiki. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The rules of cordiality, of course, now dictated that he would give his name in return. A cunning strategy from a woman so versed in elegance, truly.

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Morph OTY
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Thu Jan 30, 2020 9:59 pm



Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] 6EdIfMt

The man gave one of those laughs someone gave when they where like clearly embarrassed and trying to shrug it off. Despite being one of the strongest people in the world currently, and possessing a will of immense magnitude, he was but still in some part the same guy all those years ago. When he first began to pick his role models who inspired him to begin down the path he was on. To see one of them before him, it was well, humbling.

"It really is a pleasure, I'm Desmond Hayden. I was just dropping off some flowers for my wife- but you know how it is her being so busy and everything!" The man just glanced over the fact he was the monarch of Vastime, on top of his wife being the captain commander. While in hindsight the man had a plethora of achievements which could much rival her own potentially, the fact was he didn't view it that way. So he'd once again chuckle extending a hand with some vigor.

"Could I perhaps shake your hand, I know the culture around here may not be for it- but it would really be an honor. Truly."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] JfH75kA
Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] H8Tyk70
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:28 am

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] GOHWRTW

The Real Rukia Kuchiki

Wait a second... Desmond Hayden? The attire and her exhaustion had definitely meant she didn't register who he was at first, but Rukia was far from uninformed about the world. Did someone of this scope actually consider her a hero? Well, if she hadn't allowed herself a proper smile before, she certainly did now, a more genuine expression than her usual poise would have allowed.

"I think I should be asking to shake your hand, Your Highness. Most people would say you're a hero in your own right."

Naturally, Rukia took Hayden's hand and gave him a proper shake, though the difference in their stature was just as apparent with how substantially larger his hand was than hers. Still, she managed.

"You said you were bringing flowers to the Captain Commander? That's quite sweet of you, you know. I think most people of your stature would have them sent on their behalf, rather than bringing them personally."

Given the circumstance of who she was speaking with, Rukia's demeanor warmed perhaps just a touch. She didn't necessarily know Hayden, but she did see him as something of a kindred spirit, someone else who had risked a great deal to do what he thought was right. And, admittedly, his admiration might have helped just a little.

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Morph OTY
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:44 pm



Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] 6EdIfMt

"Perhaps, but then I wouldn't get to see the love of my life."

The man would reply simply offering a chuckle of some bemusement, if not his face flushing a bit. He was ever the affectionate man to his wife but to speak of it so openly to another was not something he was used to. But this was the Rukia Kuchiki! He could barely contain himself truthfully, had it not been for the immense amount of focus and will he possessed he might've become a sputtering boy.

But with that he'd remove his hand from her own, in contrast to her warming smile he was filled with warmth from the beginning. A passionate soul which wore his heart on his sleeve, who had risked more than his life for the sake of others. Such a woman who related to him held much of hid admiration before he quickly came up with an idea.

"I may be called a hero to some, but I simply believe myself to a man gifted with the chance to change the world. If I can inspire one more person to seize that chance, then I am satisfied." The man would quickly gesture forward as if intending to walk.

"Please, while I'm here allow me to treat you to lunch. Provided you are free of course."

Perhaps he spoke the second part of the statement a bit quicker, wouldn't want to impose. Play it cool, Hayden.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] JfH75kA
Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] H8Tyk70
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:59 pm

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] GOHWRTW

The Real Rukia Kuchiki

The unabashed pride that Hayden spoke with about the Captain Commander was honestly incredibly refreshing for Rukia to see. She was so used to veiled comments, half-truths and political answers, that just seeing him so transparent about his reasons and his opinions was enough to make this conversation all the more enjoyable for her.

"Well, that's not far from how I looked at things myself, you know."

Rukia didn't openly acknowledge his question as to whether she was free for lunch, but simply nodded in answer to the question. After all, this was a nice conversation, little things like that weren't quite necessary.

"I did what I did, at least at first, because it was my duty. I had people I wanted to make proud. But- Well, I don't think I need to tell you this story. I imagine you already know it quite well. Tell me, did they ever get around to printing that series of, ah...comic books, I believe they were? There was a whole debate about likenesses and the like, but last I heard everyone gave their permission for it."

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Morph OTY
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:03 am



Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] 6EdIfMt

"Yes they did!"

He may have spoken with a bit more excitement than one in his position should, but he soon reeled it in. The man would start walking once she nodded, he still knew the general layout of this place. But he'd begin to speak, happy they shared such views. Honestly, having time to speak as just Hayden was nice. He sure his wife didn't mind him staying a bit longer and socializing.

"It's tough nowadays, threats are not always clear. Things get murky, ya' know? But we try to protect the innocent people, people who just trying to live good lives. I think it's why me and Abalia clicked; we just wanted to save people." The man commented his head tilting away a bit, his smile growing ever so much. When he thought of her, he couldn't help but smile- to think about how she improved his life. It was unconditional, and she could see it.

"I don't get to talk about her often, sorry sorry- I'm rambling. How have things been for yourself? Making a come back, he?" He'd give a small elbow nudge towards her, after all to see her in action again would be amazing.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] JfH75kA
Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] H8Tyk70
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:25 am

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] GOHWRTW

The Real Rukia Kuchiki

"Well, maybe I ought to find a collection and read them myself. I'm curious how the world sees what happened."

To most, Rukia's general atmosphere certainly would have still seemed completely tranquil, nothing but reserved elegance and polite conversation. But Desmond Hayden was a man of impressive observational ability, and perhaps just as importantly, a man married to a woman far less expressive than Rukia. To him, at least, the noblewoman's earnest enjoyment of this conversation likely would have been quite clear.

"That's entirely respectable, I think. Both as a reason to fight, and a reason to connect with your wife. I've found people get caught in the grand scheme of things too easily, and miss what's happening right in front of them. I imagine you would know about that from those comic books, though."

A genuine quip this time, minor though it might have been. She hadn't had much chance to just have a conversation in a very long time now. To finally do so was a welcome break. His last question almost threw her off, though. Was she making a comeback? Honestly, Rukia hadn't thought much about that. She was just stepping into what she saw as a necessary role, doing what she needed to for the people she cared about. Well...when she thought about it like that...

"A comeback... Maybe. I've been considering a return to active service with the Gotei, at the very least."

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Morph OTY
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Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] Empty Re: Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia]

Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:47 pm



Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] 6EdIfMt

"Well I mean, maybe I have few laying around- maybe you could sign them some time. If it's no hassle of course." The man would add on quickly letting out a laugh, filled with all the genuine enjoyment like a man like him could muster. He was simple at his core, he enjoyed little things like this. Speaking with Rukia was certainly a treat for today, perhaps like his wife in their tranquility. But he'd nod along with her getting active.

"Should you wish to extend your aide beyond the Gotei, Vastime would be honor'd to have you. Or Lux Orior." The man would extend such an invitation rather informally, knowing she would most likely decline. He was sure someone like her would be more comfortable at home in the gotei, influencing the organization she liked so much. But he'd place his hand on the edge of his robes, a small smile on his lips as he gazed upward for a moment.

"I know, in my heart, the war will pick up again. That I'll have to lead the charge once more; ya' know? I just want to see my daughter before then. Think that's selfish?" The man would shift his gaze, speaking genuinely. He seemed to be the type of man who wore his heart on his sleeve.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] JfH75kA
Is That The Real Rukia Kuchiki? [Hayden/Rukia] H8Tyk70
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