Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:08 am



Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Judging by how well-maintained your division is, I do not deny that - Captain." Hime tapped the ballpoint of her pen against the paper as she momentarily cycled through her thoughts, evaluating all the information she had received during their assessment.

From her analysis, Liana was truly a woman to be revered for her studious attributes yet also feared for the bloodthirsty presence she was capable of exuding, one that truly embodied the title of "Unohana."

Hime followed Liana until they reached a new destination. From a distance, she witnessed the sight of several shinigami moving in lock-step forming, chanting incantations as they moved with flawless precision and uncanny chemistry.

No movement seemed stilted, no soldier stepped out of line. Indeed, it was as if Hime was witnessing an illusory performance that defied the realm of common sense. Could this be the Kidou formation concept Liana had alluded to? Hime awed by the sight of countless men and women working together in unison.

"Amazing..." Hime commented before writing down a few more notes on the assessment paper. Turning to Liana, she nodded her head in a motion that indicated that the assessment was nearly at its end. Even though she was a significant person of interest, there was nothing that made her seem suspicious in Hime's eyes. However, she would let Abalia be the judge of that when she made her report.

"I must say this has been a meeting I won't soon forget, Captain Liana. From the management and astute detail of your division and the tasks, you are able to ascribe to such a large group of people, and to the aim of striving to strengthen our forces through Kido-Formations and synchronized spellcasting - it is truly something to behold. "

Hime brought her pen towards the closing section of the assessment, but she wasn't quite yet at the end. One section was reserved for what Liana may have desired from Abalia or if she had any questions she wished to ask herself.

"In closing, I suppose the last part of this assessment is to ask if you feel that all the resources you have are satisfactory; if all that you have at your disposal is conducive to the plans you have for the future."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Assessment(Hime/Liana)

Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:22 pm


"In closing, I suppose the last part of this assessment is to ask if you feel that all the resources you have are satisfactory; if all that you have at your disposal is conducive to the plans you have for the future."

No. The answer was unequivocally no. The end goals Liana had, Abalia could definitely give them to her. Whether she would, was a different question. Inside, Liana's heart was set aflame, and the thrumming voice of her inner hollow's whispers grew, but not an ounce of that escaped her. Not in energy, not in expression, not even in her eyes this time. It was a feeling, something of a burden, she intended to hold deep down, even if she fixated on it. Now wasn't the time to get ahead of herself.

Liana offered a polite smile in response.

"More resources would certainly help. I am content with working with what I have, but the more funding our division possesses, in both finance and personnel, the greater and more quickly we can train these shinigami to master their kidou and better fortify our Soul Society."


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Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Assessment(Hime/Liana)

Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:55 pm



Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As far as Hime could tell, there was nothing outwardly suspicious about the woman known as Liana Unohana. In fact, she was an exceptionally intelligent woman with progressive views and futuristic ideas that could aid in the overall performance of the Gotei 13.

Her nature was as fierce as the reputation but Hime had expected that from the outset of the assessment and was certainly nothing that brought more than a chill up her spine.

To be fairly honest, Hime had developed a sense of admiration for the woman and hoped that they would meet under different circumstances, as comrades or even as friends sharing banter over a meal. In the end, only the future would tell where their paths would lead, but for now, Liana had answered all the questions Hime had prepared and written down. Truly, there was nothing else to ask.

Hime nodded softly and wrote down the last pieces of information, her amber eyes gazing softly in Liana's direction. With a small nod, Hime closed the folder within her hands and spoke.

"This meeting and its assessment has been excellent. You are certainly a woman befitting of the highest respect in your division and what I witnessed was truly a grand sight to behold, one I won't soon forget. If there any closing statements, I may add them but I do not believe there is anything else to ask you, Captain Liana."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Assessment(Hime/Liana)

Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:19 am


"Well, if that's all, then I must thank you for coming, Tatsumiya-san."

Liana offered a courtesy bow.

"I don't believe I have any other comments to make regarding the assessment, however if you are able, then you are welcome to stick around. I still need to finish up my inspection on my division, and I'd be happy to show you more of it if you have the time."

If Hime was open to it, then Liana would continue her inspection, offering commentary on the different tasks her division was performing, like a tour guide. If not, then the woman would continue off in her inspection after bidding Hime farewell, making good note of her assessment to make adjustments not to just her division, but her personal plans for the future.


Assessment(Hime/Liana)  - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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