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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:31 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

The skies were drenched in a deep shade of black and grey. In the distance, fire and smoke could be seen, but the downpour of shade rain kept such immense flames from consuming all in their path. Such loathsome scenery could not ever cease the eternal clock of conflict. Demons, hollows, shinigami, and humans all alike were at war as the pressure was far too much for Shadow Fall to bare. With the rate this war was turning, the rubbles of this city would soon turn to ash and from the smoke would be a land erased of Shadow Fall influence more than likely.

So why fight it?

That is the only thought which washed in the mind of one it's last prominent remaining forces in this division of Earth. When the void of Shadow Fall is left on this planet, the cycle of violence, destruction, and power wasn't going to stop. Small and larger factions would continue to maul each other and make blood rain in the streets. Did any of it really matter?

With the torrential flow of deathly rain washing out the city of Milan, Italy; the gloom-filled essence of Saiko Mori bled throughout this dark evening. As her plum eyes stared at the visage of decay and savagery, she merely held her legs close to her chest and closed them to take away such a brutal sight. Even as other beings tried to attack her, the overwhelming aura of power which this woe-filled half-breed possessed was enough to keep most away.

Though, what was more interesting was her resting place. Indeed, it's almost comical that a creature tainted with sin would seek refuge upon a church. And, not just any church: this was the Milan Cathedral. It was one of the most infamous churches in the nation of Italy. Yet, for one reason or another, the Mistress of Glum saw fit to seek shelter here.

But -- did it really mattered where she rested? Her life was over regardless of which option she took. Taking meek sighs, the woman held her hand out and used her control of death energy to melt through another horde of Shinigami trying to approach her. And, at that moment, the reflection of blood on her hands for the many of the fallen Gotei she had slain came burning into her mind. There would be no safety in the Soul Society for her crimes.

With the roars of demons echoing out to her, there wasn't much of a future to be had in Shadow Fall. She never even wanted to be a part of this organization, and it was only a matter of time before civil unrest broke out in Demon World and more chaos broke out. There was far too much instability in the royal families to hold much confidence there.

And as for Earth? This hellhole would have her slaughtered and imprisoned for being a criminal of war. There wasn't a single doubt in her mind about that.

So, as the rain fell, her tears flowed against the backdrop of its cold embrace as thoughts of the men she loved flowed in her mind. Ash, Rudi; they meant a lot to her heart and she wanted them to take away this hurt. But, she knew her own demon's blood posessive drive only used them to bond with their love so that it could fill the void within herself. Thus, even as that hurt flowed as her world came shattering down, it was but a hollow emotion to her.


She deserved this and whatever was to come.

Overflowed with grief at this point, Saiko's blackened tears gave way to a foul sense of power as she started using her demonic energy to suck away the life force of those unfortunate enough to be around her. There was no going back from any of this, even if she wanted out. Her life was over and all that was left was to venture through the smoldering remains of its existence before the light was inevitably snuffed out as she couldn't see a way out of this...

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  WVMWLOu
God of Love
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:43 pm
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Fj7VNHf


The vast majority of the Gotei was not involved in the war currently ravaging the Earth. Strictly speaking, Captain Kagayaku no Murasaki was not authorized to be taking any action related to the war. However, she was still the Captain of the Earth Affiliation Division. Her duty was to keep a careful eye on the Earth, and to intervene when necessary. Even if she had no formal authorization, her position was more than enough justification to step in. This was the reason that Murasaki now found herself standing in the city of Milan.

There were reports that one of Shadow Fall's leaders was in this place, and perhaps that was the justification the Captain would list should her actions be called into question. But, in truth, she simply wished to help. That was always what Murasaki had wanted, and while she knew that the Gotei's position was shifting to one of non-intervention, she wasn't so sure she liked that. They had a duty to help people, after all.

To help. That was what Murasaki wanted to do as she felt the spiritual presence of countless lives snuffed out in a moment. That was what she wanted to do simply as Captain of the Seventh Division. With a single flash step, Murasaki bolted across the city, the air thundering as she crashed effortlessly through the sound barrier. Yet, even as she arrived in front of the Milan Cathedral, as she saw the corpses surrounding her, she did not draw her blades. The aura of death was palpable to her, but she pushed aside any fear she might have had, any inclination to respond rashly. The woman could feel the gaze of her father upon her, the chiding words of her comrades. She had been too quick to violence for far too long. Instead, she simply looked up toward the roof of the cathedral, and took another flash step to arrive upon it.

The woman she found there was one that she was familiar with, though certainly not on any personal level. She had read the reports, of course. She knew the face before her, and knew fully the crimes that Saiko Mori had committed. In another time, another place, Murasaki would have readied her swords and prepared for battle. But she was so very tired of fighting.

"Saiko Mori. I don't imagine I can ask you to just leave, can I?"

It was so simple, the way Murasaki approached this conversation. She didn't bother with accusations, didn't waste either of their time with a list of all her crimes against the Soul Society. Murasaki didn't care about those things in this situation. That wouldn't help much in this situation, she knew. A fight between the two of them would be catastrophic for the people who lived here, to say nothing of her own mental state. There was a time and a place for diplomacy, and perhaps this was it.


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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:59 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Despite the midst of sorrow, decay and death plaguing the land; could Saiko sense a powerful force coming through this hellstorm of war. However, in spite of the power this entity possessed, The Half-Breed could not sense much malice or intent to attack. Otherwise, the shinigami she felt would have started assaulting her out the gate. So, for the time being, there was no need to be violent.

So, when the woman approached, a vacant plum gaze is all she could give the emerald haired woman as a soft exhale of breath left her pale lips.

"Leave and go where?"

Cold, deadened and detached; the words of Saiko cut past the violence around them like droplets of frigid rain.

"I'm a war criminal, and enslaved Shadow Fall; where do you think I can even go?"

Tired. This exchange exhausted her as the woman's spiritual energy grew more irritated. Though, she showed no signs of attacking the shinigami. Provided no violent acts were enforced upon her, Saiko was fine to have a simple conversation as she tried to make heads or tails of what decision she needed to make to get herself out of this storm of suffering.

"I don't have a future anymore."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  WVMWLOu
God of Love
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Left_bar_bleue16000/1Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:10 pm
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Fj7VNHf


"Mm. I guess that's a good question."

What was Murasaki even doing with her life? Something about that question echoed deeply through her. She'd asked it to herself two centuries ago, when she decided to just wander the Earth.

"I've never been a part of Shadow Fall, I don't know how good they are at tracking people down. But wandering isn't so bad. Most people on Earth aren't too picky about those kinds of things."

Taking a seat herself on the rooftop, Murasaki kept her eyes on her fellow half-breed. Once upon a time she might have offered more optimistic words of encouragement, bright assurance that life would improve. But she couldn't quite bring herself to do that just yet.

"I'd say come back to the Gotei, that I'd vouch for you. I know the Captain Commander is pretty supportive of people looking to make up for their crimes, but I don't know if that's what you want out of life. I'm not going to push you toward that."

She shrugged then, almost absently. She didn't want to fight.

"People say 'your past doesn't define you,' but that's not true. I know that. Sometimes life just pushes you into a bad spot and there's nothing that makes you want to get to a better place. Other people tend to be helpful for that, but I don't know you personally, Saiko. I can't say what'll help you one way or the other. Sometimes you have to just pick a place and go, even if you don't really want to."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:55 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

As her sullen eyes gazed upon the visage of the shinigami before her, the half-breed knack for sensing others' own misery manifested by way of feeling the subtle pangs of fatigued energy. By no means did Saiko possess the capacity to read other's minds, but the aura which bled from Murasaki did not indicate someone who was super chipper about life at the moment. It is why streaks of plum energy started to gather around the emerald haired girl because of the fact that hybrid could feed off the woe of others.

"You seem lost yourself."

That was all Saiko had to say at first as Murasaki started to try and come to an answer for her. During this time, perhaps the woman could notice the lightening of her load from Saiko's subtle influence at this point. She wasn't trying to remove or absolve her pain, but her body craved it and in her own way it was a masochistic way of subconsciously helping others with their sadness. Still, in spite of trying to feast off this element of woe, Saiko's glum filled eyes set themselves squarely on the shinigami as she proposed the notion of wandering.

"They are skilled at tracking people down, but perhaps wandering can be good. I'm just scared to be alone."

There was no sense of hesitation in her voice; which was rather odd for her. Normally, Saiko would have issues expressing such sentiments, but with her world ending? None of it really mattered and it brought forth a sense of apathetic confidence if everything was damned in the end.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to face the Gotei. Why would they even want to work with someone like me?"

The notion of being redeemed from her sins was so foregone from Saiko's mind that it didn't seem like it could be an actual reality. Still -- she had no desire to really harm or hurt anyone else unless they actively sought to slaughter her. The only reason she has sent others to their grave to this point is that her own personal safety and instinct to live deemed it necessary to kill. Provided she wouldn't be chased -- Saiko saw no reason to kill again.

"I'd rather not kill anyone anymore, but this is war and the fallout will force me to kill once again most likely. It doesn't matter if it's Shadow Fall, Gotei, Bounty Hunters or those who just hate demons."

There was then a pause, but then the half-breed gave way to another tired sigh before determining she had to do something. Saiko was scared, uncertain and so used to her way of life that the comfort of being enslaved felt better than running away from it. Yet -- if she didn't -- she'd most likely be in further unwanted pain. And she didn't desire that anymore. It was tiring.

"You are right: I don't want any of this. So if my life is damned, I should just go rouge......but I'm scared....scared to make that heavy decision. I've been so enslaved it feels natural and I don't know what to do anymore...."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  WVMWLOu
God of Love
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:31 pm
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Fj7VNHf


"Lost? Maybe. I've been lost for a long time."

Murasaki smiled humorlessly as she made that little remark, but it was true when she thought about it. You didn't spend two centuries wandering the Earth just because. Nowhere ever felt quite right. Sometimes she felt like she still hadn't found the right spot. But it was different this time, wasn't it? This wasn't just some town, wasn't a little group of friends that would forget about her in time. This was a job, this was what she'd always wanted to do.

So why did she still want to leave?

"I don't think your life is damned. I don't think anyone's life is damned, or I probably wouldn't be sitting here talking to you now. Sometimes people just won't like you, sometimes people will want you dead because of who you are. I've been there. And sometimes you just want it to stop."

Mm. She could feel, at least absently, the faint whisperings of feelings she'd long since dealt with echoing through her mind. It wasn't that the Captain was in any danger of returning to that depressive mindset, for she was long past that by now. It was simply a reminder that she'd been through it.

"Well, I don't want to push you one way or another. I've made a lot of promises that I haven't been able to keep. I've seen a lot of people I put my trust in throw that under the bus. But I don't like slavery. Don't like the idea of anyone wandering all alone just because they've got nowhere else to go. You can come with me, if you want. I'll vouch for you in the Gotei. A lot of people already don't like me much, so I'm not worried about my reputation there."

What was she, stupid? After everything she'd been through, she'd put her trust in someone again this easily? What if it was all just some ploy? An easy way to get a Shadow Fall operative into the Gotei? That was entirely possible, and Murasaki would keep it in mind. But she also didn't care. It wasn't that she hadn't learned from Tsubasa, from Stefan, from Tatsuya. She'd learned a whole lot in that little span of time.

But Murasaki would never give up on her ideals just because other people had let her down.

"It's up to you. I'm sure there are other places on Earth that would take you in, if you don't want to face the Gotei."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:56 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Her heart was racing and filled with tension now that Murasaki was bringing up the idea of leaving this life behind for another in the Soul Society. It made the woman's chest feel as if it were going to explode, but she was going to be forced into a hard decision no matter which route she took. It didn't matter if she left Shadow Fall, stayed with Shadow Fall, went rouge or hid in any of the realms that are connected to this grand universe; it all was going to be reflected on her own capacity to make these difficult choices. So she knew in her heart what needed to be done.

"I'm defecting from Shadow Fall, but do not be surprised if you have a mark on your head if you want to help me."

Her voice seemed almost hoarse as she grabbed her chest and realized what she said. Was she insane? Trusting herself to an enemy? This could all just be a ploy to imprison her and make her pay for the crimes she committed while working for Shadow Fall. Though, something about the way her body language didn't convey that.


Maybe she was that desperate just to get out at this point. They were weakened and had to focus on other things, right? Maybe it could work, right? There were so many uncertainties in this that it made the anxiety inside of Saiko's heart begin to bleed as the woman had a look of concern wash over her face at the contemplation of such a complicated future ahead of herself.

"...I don't want to be alone, so I'll go with you. You seem familiar anyway."

She made up her mind. She was tired of this life. If she were to be killed? So be it. Imprisoned? She'd just kill herself. So it all didn't matter. There was a potential way out and she'd try to see it through. It was terrifying, but there was a sense of bond between them. Yet -- she couldn't think of why. She knew she was a Captain of the Gotei, but why did they feel so -- close?

"If Tsubasa can wander this Earth having betrayed everyone left, right and center for as long as he did before ruining his life...maybe there is hope for me, at least. I'm tired of this and I don't want to make the same mistakes he did in ruining his freedom and future..."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  WVMWLOu
God of Love
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Left_bar_bleue16000/1Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:18 am
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Fj7VNHf


"It wouldn't be the first time I've had a mark on my head. It probably won't be the last, either, but that's not a good enough reason for me to not do the right thing."

Murasaki nodded in affirmation, partially to Saiko, but partially to herself, as well. Sometimes you just needed to remind yourself of things, and this was definitely one of those times. She understood this situation well, and she knew it could easily come back to bite her later. But at this point, did that matter? She'd been through so much that she couldn't be blindsided by something like that anymore.

Of course, she could still get blindsided by other things, and the mention of Tsubasa threw her at least for a little bit of a loop.

"I guess you knew Tsubasa too, huh? I'm not surprised word got around of all his mistakes... I dunno. I try not to think about 'em too much. Makes me sick sometimes, to be honest. But he's in the Maggot's Nest now, if that means anything to ya. When'd you guys meet? I can't say I got to talk to him much before everything went south."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:44 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Dread flowed through Saiko's body as her heart fluttered with anxiety at the thought of going forth into enemy lands, leaving her life behind and dragging someone else into her mess. The woman had no desire to bring another person down with her own sorrow, regrets, and crimes; so one could say there was a sense of empathy or concern for Muraski in terms of the risk that comes with investing her. Still, it would be even ruder to just act as if the woman is powerless. As rejecting the offer seemed just as bad.

Though, the rigidness within the half-breed ceased when she overheard her war-time companion speaking about knowing Tsubasa Unabara. It came as a rather big shock to herself, but it wasn't as if the man was an anonymous figure either. He was quite the infamous person for many years and it makes sense that such connections ran deep in this world. So perhaps it was fate or something which brought them together.

With a meek nod of the head, Saiko affirmed she knew Tsubasa and decided to open up about how they met:

"He was the reason I even joined the Gotei. I grew so much during my time there that I even was promoted to Vice-Captain of the first division for a time."

There was more details she could have given, but there was no need to give her a senses overload. So, Saiko exhaled as a wave of dejection washed across her face at the reflection of those golden days. Memories of connection, bond, community, achievement, and youthful optimism flowed into her brain. It made the bitter, bleak reality of her presence all the fouler as nothing but dark clouds were all that she could see in her surroundings and toward her future. Nostalgia hurt like hell.

"I'll visit him when the time is right. Though, I have my own crimes to atone for before I can even begin to give energy toward him."

Honestly, the anxiety of the trip was getting to her and she figured she'd turn her vacant gaze back to Murasaki and asked this simple question:

"How will this even work...?"

Saiko took a second to pause before further explaining.

"Do we just...make a meeting? Do we just go back? What steps do we take from here? I'm just nervous..."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  WVMWLOu
God of Love
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:56 am
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  Fj7VNHf


"Really... I guess that's not surprising, if I think about it. Tsubasa was pretty helpful before things went south. He had a good heart, he's the only reason I could join Shin'o when I was a kid. He did a lot for me."

The bitter tone in Murasaki's voice as she had to say such a thing in the past tense was rather apparent, but what more could she say about that topic? Shaking her head, her ponytail shaking in the wind faintly, the Captain took a breath to recenter herself, being careful not to rely even slightly on the Nothingness she had spent so long cultivating.

"I'll bring you back with me under my protection. I'll set up an appointment with the Captain Commander, but in the mean time you'll be counted as a prisoner of war under my watch. I won't let anyone cause problems with you."

Was this the right decision? Murasaki knew nobody could have the answer to that question but her right now. She had to make a decision, and she knew that if she really did have dreams of being the Captain Commander one day, she couldn't just keep acting like a child and relying on the judgements of other people. If she wanted to pursue that dream like an adult, she needed to make her choices and live with them, right or wrong.

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