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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:39 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Alright. Her mind was made up. There was no going back from this, but there had to be more to this life than suffering being a slave. Whatever may come after this was just going to have to be a risk that Saiko had to make to improve her life. So as she turned her concerned gaze back to her new comrade, the half-breed nodded her head to affirm to herself that this was something which she wanted to do.

"Then let's go now. I don't think there is much to gain by lingering around here. I feel this world, this time and this done. I don't know what awaits me after this war, but I don't want to live like this forever."

There was then a soft exhale of breath which escaped the woman's pale lips. She was in earnest contemplation, but still worked up the nerve to express her gratitude.

"And...thank you. If you hadn't shown up today, I don't think I would have gone down this route. I may have fought again, killed or gotten killed myself. Thank you so much."

Saiko was not one to waste people's time. It was her own way of trying not to waste the investment as it is a high risk to take someone from an enemy faction into your own home. There is no telling what can be going through the hybrid's mind, so her chest was filled with a fluttering feeling of anxiety as the pitter-patter of her heart was filled with excitement for this new future that was ahead of herself.

"I think this is the start of my new life...I hope."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:47 pm
Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Fj7VNHf


There was something almost endearing to Murasaki about the way Saiko was handling all of this. It was so earnest, so...girlish, for lack of a better word. The Captain was so used to dealing with paragons of authority and warfare that it was unspeakably refreshing to interact now with someone who seemed to simply be a person. Allowing herself a small smile as this conversation reached its zenith, Murasaki stood from her perch atop the church's arch and extended a hand to her fellow half-breed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm happy to help, ya know? I think you'll do a lot better with a little helping hand. And hey, I like to help."

Giving her a cheerful wink as she opened a senkaimon to the Soul Society, Murasaki led the way, making sure they arrived in her command tent on the 7th division grounds. She was entirely confident that this whole thing would go over fine, but that also didn't mean she just wanted to bring a former enemy right into the Seireitei for everyone to see. She'd talk to the Captain Commander first, and work from there.

"I hope ya don't mind staying here for a few days, at least until I can get all the paperwork sorted. I can get you sorted with some changes of clothes and stuff, I don't think you'd really be able to borrow any of mine."

Admittedly, Murasaki knew she wasn't exactly holding a serious conversation right now, but she also didn't want to keep things all doom and gloom forever. Sometimes it just helped to have a cheerful presence.

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]

Sat May 02, 2020 4:39 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

Saiko really had no idea how any of this was going to work out for her in the long term, so she just allowed herself to step forth into the abyss of the unknown and take the slither of light which was Murasaki's hand toward that future. As her plum eyes darted toward the grassy stare of the shinigami's cheery smile, a faint blue blush washed over the face of The Glum-Filled Hybrid. Seeing that visage caused her aura to relax and her eyes soon turned a deep shade of aqua as she became more at ease.

"Maybe I will do better with help. I-I look forward it."

She was a bit flustered at this point when she winked, but it didn't matter since they were going to leave this drabby place soon and that awkward moment would be a distant memory in time. So, as her starry eyes set its sights on the imagery of the 7th division grounds before her, Saiko gave a small smile of her own and nodded her head with not minding being in the barracks until her whole circumstance was wrapped up by the Gotei.

"It is ok. I know I'm an enemy. It takes time for this to be processed and I'll be patient."

After taking a deep breath, the woman took one final glance back at the burning city behind her. Perhaps the darkness of her past transactions could be atoned for. Maybe not forgiven, but maybe she could work toward putting better karma in this world of grief, conflict, and hell. She truly didn't desire to cause harm in this existence and just -- wanted to get better. Hence, when the woman started to step forth into her new world, she could only utter these words out:

"Thank you...for giving me a second chance. I want to make things right..."

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Church Of Melancholy [Saiko/WW4 Event] [Milan, Italy]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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