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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:05 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


The ground shakes as an explosion rocked the forest. Yet, there was no energy used in this ear popping display of power. The Earth rose up as strong winds and dust rolled through the trees causing their leaves to dance and flutter before something black and large rolled through, knocking out the vegetation with each flex of its large body. Some serpentine creature then brought its head up from the treeline; its face adorned by a large white mask that held four eye sockets, two on each side, with glaring red serpentine eyes that pierced through the trees towards a crater with debris rising from it from some power impact.

From said crater, a pair of onyx eyes look up through the dust that’s sprawled all about. Red hair sways in the disturbed wind as the woman rises from her crater looking somewhat unscathed by the powerful blow she took. The snake, in comparison, dwarfs her greatly. Its large and long body easily encompasses many of the large trees around, and its mouth, with the ability to unhinge itself, is at least more than 3 of her, but the woman seemed undisturbed by this fact. In fact, she’s even cracking a bit of a smile as she planted her feet down and beat at her own ruined clothing: a pair of black jeans that only seem dirtied and a ripped white shirt. There was a black jacket, but that has long since been discarded into the wind.

“Eh. Just what I needed, a distraction. Well, you caught me off guard at first, but now I got a read on you, you serpent.”

As if being able to understand her words, the giant serpent raised its boney head to reveal the rows of sharp jagged fangs within its jaws lines in rows meant to tear anything to shreds instead of bite down and hold like normal giant pythons. It only took seconds to hiss before the Hollow tensed its muscles and struck at high speeds to bite down on the lone redhead, but before it struck the Earth, the woman tensed herself by crouching and jumped just in time to dodge the attack and landed down on the snakes head with her fist raised and brought it down hard causing the Hollow’s jaw to snap shut from the impact and worsen the crater that the two now shared. Of course, before any action could be taken, the snake is quick to recoil itself after such a hit seemed to do little to its mask besides leaving a small crack in the middle of its mask that sent the redhead tumbling off into a nearby bush.

Once back up to where it was, it hisses once more feeling pain running down through its body from the crack, and in an angry display, begins trashing its whole body about destroying anything around it with mighty thumps of its body that shook the surroundings further knocking up dust, broken trees, and sending the poor redhead running to keep from getting hit by the snakes body and from everything flying about. This is no good. It’s too hard to get close with such movements.



The Cat
The Cat
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:18 pm
Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") SXASkqn


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

Work, work, work... always so much work. It didn't pay well, and that was part of why she had to work so much, but it got V the thrill of fighting that she desired. That is, for now at least. One day, she'd find someone to fight that was worth her time, but right now she had a job to do. Hunt a snake looking Hollow that had been eating the local wildlife without end, simple enough. A serpent was nothing to V, but what was something was the entire act of finding it.

V had been using her genetically superior thighs to propel herself through the forest at a fairly moderate pace, though to her a moderate pace was well over a few hundred miles per hour. She could keep this speed like it was nothing, hell she often broke the speed of sound for fun, but speed wouldn't get her any closer to her target if she didn't know where it was to begin with. Thick thighs tensed, the muscle underneath flexing as the rabbit propelled herself further until-


Immediately V's nose twitched and picked up a new scent, conveniently timed and pointing to the explosion she just heard. The dirt beneath her feet flew into the air as she skid to a near halt and launched herself in the direction of the noise. It took her seconds to hear what was going on. The thing was thrashing, causing a massive ruckus, but it wasn't the sound from earlier was it? Whatever that had been didn't matter, V just wanted her kill. The redhead went unnoticed as V leapt high into the air, well above the serpent's head and let herself fall straight down onto it, aiming to end it with just a few easy blows.

The earth shattered and crumbled as V's heavy body slammed into the serpent's midsection, crushing whatever bones it might have had and ceasing its writhing and thrashing. That is, for just a second. The serpent responded by lashing out even harder and flinging V off to the sidelines, much to her own surprise. She didn't catch herself on the landing, but rolled into a recovery and hopped back up onto her feet. How was she gonna deal with this thing when it was flailing around like a complete child? Oh who cared, figuring out how to beat these things up was half the fun.
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:56 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

From above dropped a sudden weight unlike anything the Hollow serpent has felt before. It pushed down into its midsection looking to dissect it in two or simply crush it into paste. However, its body proved more resilient which one might have thought would be the case by its size and muscular strength. With its trashing paused, there were sounds of cracking and muscle shifting as if a bone had broken within the beast, but instead, that was simply the trees under it that had become nothing more but splinters. In actuality, the snake had no bones within it and is actually nothing but a giant long black mass of muscle held together by its evil energy.

With a hiss, whatever had landed was thrown aside with a thrash of its body, and again, the snake resumed assaulting, not only its assailants, but the area around as well. However, it appeared to better calculate itself with the scent of both Elyss and V on its forked tongue and nostrils. It could pinpoint them perfectly by their Reiatsu and normal scent. And, with that in mind, its tail would slide along the ground kicking up dirt and dust as trees fell aiming for the dark skinned woman that had assaulted it from behind hoping to crush her with its immense strength while breaking the woman’s body and send her sprawling away.

However, the strength and speed of its attack faltered as Elyss appeared once more launching herself upwards towards the snake causing the Hollow to swirl its midsection to meet her for did not expect the woman to come straight at it face to face, and the impact caused it to actually lose its momentum in all of its actions but sent Elyss sprawling back down towards the Earth.



The Cat
The Cat
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:57 pm
Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") SXASkqn


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V got caught in the Hollow's attack on her, thankfully taking less than its full intended force as someone else interfered and caused the creature to hesitate. The black mass of body violently slammed into V's arms and legs as she curled to defend herself from the strike. It hurt, but thankfully nothing broke. Still, she was flung well and far away from the fight in that instant, at least a few hundred feet.

The rabbit's legs shot out to catch herself on the ground and she managed to slow herself to another skidding halt. This was going to be tough, but that's what V wanted. The only thing that the dark-skinned aggressor hoped for was that this other woman didn't spoil her fun too much. Eyes focused on her prey, V crouched and tensed her legs to quickly and explosively speed herself back into the fray, not wanting to waste her precious time outside of battle.

Her teeth bore in an aggressively entertained smile as she flew across the ground in just one powerful leap and twisted her body around to poise a kick somewhere randomly on the serpent's body. It was going to prove hard to get to the the Hollow's face while the rest of its body was still writhing around. Perhaps beating it into a pulp until it couldn't move would make things easier.

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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:43 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


Rising yet again from taking another hit head on, Elyss expressed her pain in a thematic fashion despite how little of a beating her body had actually experienced. The same cannot be said for the ground underneath her, nor for the foliage she crashed through on her way down to Earth. But, that’s just the consequence the world pays when spiritual beings start brawling. Elyss dislikes that fact, but her desire to teach this snake a lesson outweighed her mortality towards nature sadly.

With a crack of her neck, Elyss looked over herself noting the light bruising and scratches all over herself. The shirt is ruined and she’ll have to get her pants professionally cleaned probably, but she doesn’t feel anything too serious. She spits out some dirt and looks up towards the snake wondering just how she’s going to handle this. That, and not to mention the other woman who suddenly appeared from thin air. Competition? Ally? Enemy? Elyss is unsure what to make of this knowing how chaotic the world is, but one thing is clear for now: they’re both attempting to kill this damn snake.

The snake in question seems more interested in covering all of its bases. That means, it’s keeping its body more coiled and taunt prepared for the onslaught that comes its way. And, without much room to breath, it is confronted by V yet again. With its hypersensitive senses, it quickly picks her scent moving through the air, and with startling speed, moves itself on the ground whipping its head back as its mouth opens wide unhinging its jaw allowing its jagged horrendous rows of teeth to protrude in an imposing manner aiming to swallow the one daring to attack it once more whole. Well, one would think such considering it’s a snake, but its teeth tell a different fate for anything that is caught in its maw.



The Cat
The Cat
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:24 pm
Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") SXASkqn


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her desires keep her sinning. The transient end will only repeat.

V barely lifted her leg off the ground before the snake opened its jaws in an attempt to crush or eat or whatever her in retaliation. With the foot she still had planted on the ground, the rabbit managed to push herself away from the beast as its maw snapped close, shredding a few locks of her long white hair in the process. A little too close. V was being a little too aggressive right off the bat, but it didn't seem to matter at all. If this snake was a truly formidable opponent, it would have killed her then and there. V's reactions were just a little too fast for it, it seemed.

The backflips she did to put distance between the two of them was simply for show, even if she didn't have anyone to show off t- oh wait no, that's right. She did have someone to show off to, but they were unimportant. If they had any value in this fight they'd be on top of this thing along with her, but instead they just seemed to be casually cleaning themselves off. Oh well, not like V expected them to even be here in the first place. It was hard to hold them to anything when they probably just got caught out.

After putting ample distance between them, V started to circle around the snake at roughly half the speed of sound. She could keep this up for a while, but right now her intention was merely to test the waters. From behind the snake's head, V launched herself at the Hollow once more, but this time she held her attack. While her instincts were on high alert, she knew the beast would likely react to either her, or the other woman should she decide to join in. Whatever happened first, V would react to. There was no doubt in her cocky little heart that she was the fastest one here.

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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Fri May 01, 2020 10:00 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Its jaws snapped shut around nothing but air as its prey hopped away. Comparing snakes to humans would prove a truthful comparison. Snakes are able to spring themselves with more strength, accuracy, and speed than a normal person, but people still show the reaction time to move out of the way if not barely to dodge a lethal bite. Against beings around its level, the snake knew it would be difficult to land a lethal blow with its mouth considering it is its strongest asset.

Its nose swells as scents waft into it sensing spiritual energy nearing it. The woman is coming yet again after fleeing. Behind its head, the snake simply tightens its muscles before quickly turning its head, swinging it some before diving low to the Earth hitting the ground and begins to simply slither away from V despite her head on charge. The Earth trembles as it seemingly swims along its crust with ease seemingly trying to escape from V instead of tackling her head on.

A grand scheme begins to blossom in its mind, but its nose soon twitches again as another familiar scent fills its nostrils. Its serpentine eyes spot before it the redhead from before in its path. The woman seemed to be staring back, however, with a wild expression on her face: anger, excitement, fear? It is hard to tell for the snake Hollow, but it does not slow in its advance as its mouth opens to simply eat the woman if she refuses to move.

Elyss did not plan on moving as the snake’s maw opened. She had moved quickly after watching the quick exchange between the snake and V aiming to catch it off guard, but once it began moving, she had decided to do a more frontal approach, and how much more frontal could one be than standing in the path of a giant charging reptile? With a wicked grin, she meets the snake head on putting her feet against its large teeth and grabbing hold of two of its fangs with her hands squeezing down hard to keep the snake from swallowing it. The snake, in retaliation, tried to close its mouth on her, but she locked her muscles and kept it from closing all the way despite how some of the teeth began to pierce into her skin. However, Elyss stuck one of her feet out from the snake’s mouth and dug it into the ground causing the soles of her shoes to become ruined as Earth was kicked up as she attempted to slow the beast’s forward movement hoping to stop it.



The Cat
The Cat
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Fri May 01, 2020 11:01 pm
Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") SXASkqn


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her desires keep her sinning. The transient end will only repeat.

V's muscles were tensed to dodge and counter, or simply attack and cave this creature's head in with a single kick. All of her body was completely and utterly ready to destroy this thing with extreme prejudice. And it just... left? V scoffed to herself and stretched her leg out to catch herself on one foot, skidding just a few feet before pivoting and firing herself like a bullet back at the snake as it seemed to flee. Perhaps because it realized it was just too slow for her, or perhaps because that other woman's presence made it feel threatened.

Yet as she glided across the ground, the Hollow suddenly seemed to slow immensely. Just from flying by, she could see that the other girl had caught it, leaving V to fly right on past when she otherwise would have just been catching up to the monster. "God fucking damnit." The rabbit said with a visible sneer. This had went from potential fun to just downright annoying. What could have been an entertaining fight was starting to become a game of cat and mouse, and V despised chickenshit opponents like this. "Stay still so I can crush your fucking skull already!"

Once again, the dark-skinned woman caught herself on the ground, pivoted and this time leaped high into the air. Her trajectory was perfect, unless the creature moved again. V twisted her body in a fashion she had practiced all too many times. Her body flipped forwards and straightened out, one foot extended to catch herself as she landed while the other was pulled up and back with her foot raising over head. She would land square on its neck below its skull and slam her foot down into it with a single powerful axe kick, aiming to at least maim it while this redheaded chick had it slowed down. And god forbid it fucking move again.
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Sat May 02, 2020 9:33 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Can’t let you run off to do whatever.”

Elyss grunts as she continues to push back against the snake showing off her physical prowess despite the dull pain thumping up her leg from her ankle. No doubt she sprained it just to stop the Hollow’s advancement. Still, despite holding steadfast, she can feel it pushing back trying to move from her grasp, but she’s not planning on letting go of its mouth. However, she knows it’s soon to change tactics seeing how large it is.

Luckily, for Elyss, the Hollow never got the chance to change up its tactics before something crashed down onto it hard from above. V had landed right on the spot before its head, and the Hollow had no opportunity to react as it squared off against Elyss, and with a simply kick, V’s attack caused the Earth underneath the snake to rumble and shake as the energy of the kick traveled straight downward through the Hollow causing it to tense once before going still; its jaw going lack as Elyss held it.

Surprised by the sudden death of the creature, Elyss loosened her hold and stepped back allowing for the snake’s jaw to close and sighs before wincing as she put pressure on her left leg that had held the snake in place. In fact, her whole body seemed to hum with her injuries from taking the beast’s fangs head on.


She grumbles to herself lightly looking herself over once more noticing the scratches, gashes, and bruises all over her. This is what she gets for not exercising better caution, that and she’s going to have to go buy new clothes before heading off again. Actually, where the Hell did she put her backpack. She knew she had dropped it some ways away to keep it from getting ruined in the fight. She has extra clothes and her money in it. More importantly, however, she should see who this stranger is.

“Hey! You up there with the hops.” She’d call as she’d back up just a bit more to look over the snake’s head at the woman who’s standing on it. “Nice kick.”

She’d give a small smile; her dirty face showing a bit of relief. She did want to fight the snake alone to test herself, but she didn’t mind someone stepping in for whatever reason. She’s supposed to be traveling, not fighting. She’ll have to work on her tendencies.



The Cat
The Cat
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Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") Empty Re: Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V")

Sat May 02, 2020 7:03 pm
Alpha Predator (Elyss/"V") SXASkqn


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her desires keep her sinning. The transient end will only repeat.

V's foot connected square on the mark and the earth beneath them both shook and cracked underneath the raw weight. The beast shook and shuddered and all of a sudden stopped completely, seeming dead now. That was it? "That was it?" She repeated her thoughts out loud with a disappointed sneer on her face. "Man, what a waste..."

Hopping off of the beast, V landed next to the redheaded stranger with a solid thud and gave her a one over. Scratched, bruised, and still bleeding from prying open that monster's maw. This chick must have been pretty tough. She'd probably be a lot more of a challenge than that Hollow they just took down. But as she started to think about it, V could feel that something was a little off.

"Hey." V said, less so as a greeting and more to get the girl's attention. "Don't you think that was a little too easy? You sure it's dead?" The rabbit gave Elyss a suspicious side glance before looking over her shoulder at the beast. Sure enough, it hadn't vanished or anything. Wasn't that what Hollows were supposed to do when they died? So what was up with this thing? Perhaps its brain was still in the process of shutting down. Something like this couldn't possibly be smart enough to play dead.

"Name's V. You?"
Said the rabbit, a corner of her lips curling into a playful smile. "You did pretty good though. I bet you're pretty strong huh? Must be after catching a beastie like that the way you did." And V had to stop herself there before she asked for a fight, as much as she was raring to now that she had gotten just a tad riled up. The stranger was a little too beat up for that, or at least looked like it. It would be pretty bad sport to ask her then, but V made a mental note to try some other time.

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