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Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Wed May 06, 2020 11:45 pm
Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile
(Image is what Adam is wearing)
The past had a nasty way of lingering within the depths of a person's heart and mind. As it is the actions, events, and progressions which had taken place in a man or woman's history which molded them into the soul they are today. No matter how heroic or vile their deeds were, these seeds of one's former self were hard to detach from and often contorted, grew, and evolved into entirely different concepts and spirits with enough time.
So, in knowing that sentiment, the ex-terrorist known as Adam stood upon a cliffside overlooking a desert town. In it, there were people living their lives, maintaining the city, patrols going throughout it and all seemed normal for this small settlement of Eden Evolution supporters. All of the people who were gathered below the male's feet were supporters of his cause that were devoted to the evolution, progression, and belief of human's reclamation of the earth. They believed in the man's vision that this world could perhaps be taken back by mankind, that their people had a deep spiritual evolution ahead of them to be unlocked, and that the tides were changing in the midst of this hellish war.
It was all -- so much to take in.
Yes, Adam's blood eyes seemed to have a sense of melancholy in them as he pondered where to take this course with his faction. While it was true that he had amassed his own means of resources to secure this small threshold of power in the fallout of the Monsuta's destruction, it all seemed so -- insignificant -- to him. There had to be a deeper fire within himself that could ignite the world and it was his duty as a leader to see his people to greatness. To atone for his failures in the Monsuta, he wanted to do things a better way; but he just wasn't sure what route to go.
So, he stood alone contemplating and mulling over the reflections of both the past and future to determine how he should act. Not caring much for his surroundings as he seemed prepared for any and everything to happen at the drop of the life. That was just the type of lifestyle you lived when you had a record of crimes, murder, destruction, and war acts such as Adam. That karmic debt had not been fully paid.
"Ah, Adam ya' boy, you are in quite the pickle, eh?"
- The CatExperienced Member
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Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Thu May 07, 2020 1:36 am
A simple checkup, that's all that Lyza had come for. But of course, it never ended up that simple. Lux Orior had contacts all across the globe in more or less every country, or so Lyza was lead to believe, and today her job was to check in with one of them in Chile. The goal here wasn't to actually check in, but rather get Lyza used to long distance travel. It seemed that information gathering like this was important given the state of the world, and once she was done here, the woman would be travelling even further out in an attempt to connect with more and more of these special contacts across the globe. Then, at the end of the day, she would contact someone of importance wirelessly and relay whatever information was needed before moving on to the next. "So then why are we out here?" A voice in her head questioned her motives for going so far out of her way just to be here. | Lyza, Vessel of Aries |
The Chilean contact that Lyza encountered had informed her of a special little village that had sprung up in the past few months or so. A quaint little town with a suspicious little individual residing within it. One who's name Lyza had read a few times while going through some of Lux Orior's old reports. Adam. Or so the man believed.
"My job is information gathering, so I'm gathering information." Lyza nonchalantly said aloud, though the voice she heard was confined to her head. All the brunette was doing at the moment was trudging her way through sand to a little blip in the distance, an umbrella held over her head to keep the sun from completely destroying her skin.
"So you're just going to walk up and just start asking questions? That's suspicious. What if this 'Adam' is there? You've heard of the things he's done. If you hadn't, I wouldn't know and wouldn't need to warn you as a result." The voice said, sounding far more wary than Lyza felt.
"Of course this is a bad idea." The woman said as the blip in the distance grew ever so slightly closer with each step. "I don't need to do more than get a name and maybe a place."
"So you just expect them to let you do that without giving you any form of hardship or contest?"
There was a long silence from there on out until Lyza arrived at the village, though she could feel Aries' anger boiling up in the back of her mind. When the woman did arrive, she simply waltzed in without much of a care in the world and started to look around. Lyza cast her gaze back and forth as she strolled on through the place like she didn't even look strange or out of place at all. Whether she got any odd looks from the villagers, well, that didn't matter. She could bolt on a moment's whim. Nay, she was just here to look and listen. That's all she needed to do right now, so that's all she did.
Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Thu May 07, 2020 7:53 am
Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile
Adam could lose himself in his head as much as he could to the external world around him at times. So why would someone as keenly in tune with the earth itself not notice a new presence waltz into his small village? In fact, his bloody gaze couldn't help but fix itself on the voluptuous, red-headed figure in the distance. Such a tantalizing woman could hardly go unnoticed -- especially when he wasn't expecting any new people to arrive at this location.
Hence, in a hop, skip and a jump did the oak-haired male appear at the front of lyza's face with a gleeful smile smacked across his lips. The woman seemed familiar in a sense, but he was more than eager to always chitter-chatter with a beautiful female. So, it didn't take him long to introduce himself:
"Hola. My name is Adam Eve and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, cutie-pie. What brings you all the way out here, tender eyes?"
Flirtatious as usual, the male had no sense of shame since he lived for the moment and enjoyed these playful interactions with people. And this fact was true about him regardless of whether the new people he had encountered had the potential to be friends, enemies or neutral folk alike. Though, regardless of that, something kept attracting him toward this tasty-chick and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. However, at this point in his life, he learned to trust his spiritual instincts and would just see how this all would play out with her response.
- The CatExperienced Member
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Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Thu May 07, 2020 9:20 pm
The village wasn't too shabby. In fact, Lyza found it kind of quaint. Cute, even. But why the hell was it all the way out here? Though there could be any number of good reasons, Lyza would wait until she was given one before she stopped being suspicious. Just a countermeasure to any complacency she might otherwise want to have. A war criminal was supposed to be here after all, or so she was told. Speaking of which- A face suddenly appearing right in front of her was not what Lyza was expecting, and to be fair it did make her jump just a little, but just as quickly as she was startled, the woman calmed back down again. Another flirty type, just like a certain redhead that she had met not too long ago. Of course he asked about why she was here, she had expected someone to, and so she answered calmly. | Lyza, Vessel of Aries |
"I'm just wondering what this place is. That's it really." Lyza said with a dismissive shrug. "It's not every day you find a village out in the middle of nowhere when you're on a stroll like this."
"Do you think he's going to buy the idea of you 'just being out on a stroll'?" Aries had every right to be suspicious, and was at least trying to act as a voice of reason in Lyza's otherwise mostly empty head. The woman hadn't thought of a plan prior to coming here, and now the second soul in her body was starting to become more and more desperate for some sort of reason.
"No." Lyza replied in her mind this time, knowing full well she had an audience now. If she was caught talking to herself out loud then things might get a little awkward having to explain herself to the locals. So for the moment, she simply tried to keep herself as normal looking as possible.
Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Thu May 07, 2020 11:59 pm
Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile
Hehehe, he scared the sexy little vixen. It was a childish joy of his to see that his scare tactics had managed to work on the woman. Of course, his attention was far more on the reason why she was here. Although there was a sneaking suspicion that this woman was lying to him because of her initial reaction, any person who lacked spiritual awareness could fall prey to such actions. Still, if she ended up here, there must be something she was looking to develop and progress within herself; as random encounters like these rarely ever ended-up just being casual encounters. So, he'd indulge:
"Oh, this charming little place? It's a place for Eden Evolution. We are a humble group of cute little humans who wanna progress humanity in a spiritual, physical, and mental way. Yeah, it sounds new age as fuck, but we believe humans should have a stronger place in a world filled with demi-god monsters, don't you agree?"
Not caring much for physical space between the two, Adam gave the woman a pat on the shoulder as her was a rather physical person. And, for him, getting to touch people allowed him to gauge where they were at mentally. Touch unveils a lot about a person to him and how receptive they are to the people around them. So, he was rather curious to observe her reactions to keep this new piece of hot-ass under watch. You could never be too careful~!
Of course, since there was surveillance cameras nearby, it didn't hurt to run the woman's face through a few databases. After all: he did have a mental connection to the different security systems in the area. So, just the standard background stuff would do: going through known records of active org members, criminals, notable people in society, and the whole nine yards. It was the 25th century, so it was pretty easy for him to utilize the resources from the remnants of the Monsuta to check to make sure this chick was on the up and up.
And -- that's when it hit him. This chick was with the Lux Orior. There was a brief record of her being on the roster of the Monsuta with a facial match. Sure, there wasn't much else information besides her name being "Lyza" that was publically known, but that was more than enough for him to prod her. So, while he wasn't too worried about it, he was amused that such a member of that organization would find themselves here since their leader hated the guts of the Monsuta. Hence, a coy smirk bled over his face and h poked her nose before asking her a quick question:
"And tell me: what is a Lux Orior member doing way out here? I thought that Shadin guy hated the Monsuta's guts. While I ain't the old bastard I used to be, I really haven't cleared my name in the proper channels. I really need to get around to that one of these days...."
- The CatExperienced Member
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Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Mon May 11, 2020 12:33 am
Eden Evolution... A group of humans who wanted a place in this world of demi-gods and monsters. If she ended up getting out of here alive, Lyza had a hunch she'd get one hell of a questioning back at the base. But as Adam started to mention the very organization she was from, Lyza felt like she might not have the easiest time getting back home now. "I told you this was a bad idea." "I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning." "Then why-" "Stress testing." | Lyza, Vessel of Aries |
Lyza could feel the incredulity within Aries right now, but that wasn't important. It seemed that this was indeed Adam, given how he mentioned the Monsuta and clearing his name. Lyza's suspicions were confirmed, and suddenly she felt a little more stiff than usual. Probably just Aries again, or perhaps her gut also telling her this was a terrible idea. Then in that case, maybe running was probably a good idea.
For now though, Lyza simply withstood her own gut instincts, as much as that set off every red flag in her brain, and just kept eye contact with Adam. "I might be a part of Lux but I'm not really there for the reasons you might think." The woman said, not sounding at all threatened or uneasy. "I mean, I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not a member, but honestly... I kind of just wanted to see what you were up to for myself, job be damned. I mean, what does a war criminal even do nowadays? Especially out in the middle of fuckin' nowhere like this..."
At no point did Lyza take her eyes off of Adam. If he did anything funky... well, she might be able to deal with it. If she could react fast and properly enough. Any melee attacks she could defend herself from, it was something else that she was worried about. Anything abnormal or supernatural, really. Of course she had only read a few reports on this boy before she came here, just enough to know a few things about him, but not enough to warrant showing up so unprepared and by herself.. Shit, now that she was thinking about that too, even more red flags were starting to spring up.
So even through her own distressed spirit and the gut instincts telling her to leave, Lyza stood her ground and maintained eye contact with Adam for now. For what reason though, well... maybe she'd find one later?
"It's fine, just wait it out." She tried to reason, and Aries kept quiet, but there was now the literal nagging of her spirit, and the gut instincts telling her that too much was out of her control in this situation, and that this was too much of a risk. What was she even really trying to accomplish here...?
Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Mon May 11, 2020 1:50 pm
Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile
Adam didn't' give one iota of a shit about whether or not she was here to investigate him, if she were here of her own will or just happened to stumble upon his precious home on a whim. No, he felt he saw things far beyond the dull interactions between factions and organizations. What his blood gaze observed was a human who was in search of something that was missing within herself. People do not just encounter him directly by chance and as another member of humanity he felt it was his duty to progress whatever it is this woman was searching for. So, he knew the route to take from here on forward.
"Honestly? I don't care why you are here. I feel the world has brought together because I'm a spirit capable of progressing others. And, when I look into your dead eyes, I can see something is missing."
There was a switch in his demeanor. While he was not aggressive, hostile, or filled with malice; there was a sense of somberness in his voice as he observed the woman's body tightening up and becoming stiffer from their encounter. How could such subtle alterations of the body escape the eye of a trained murderer? Adam saw this and knew there was something for her to be afraid even if he wasn't aware of what that thing might be.
"Maybe I'm insane, maybe I'm an idiot, but I want to draw something out from within you as there must be something you are here to prove. So tell me: what is it that you suffer with in life, Lyza? What are you trying to find by coming here?"
And, in one fell swoop, Ol' Adam had an energized red-colored knife casually materialize from his energy. It moved swiftly due to the close range they were at and he only wanted to pierce her face so that it may begin to bleed. Indeed, there was no murderous intent felt in his aura, but he was annoyed with her reaction so far.
"I can help you: just don't lie to my fucking face."
- The CatExperienced Member
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Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Wed May 13, 2020 12:35 am
Before Lyza knew it, a knife had passed her face narrowly with a genuine threat that would send shivers up almost anyone's spine. She didn't even flinch, in fact she had seen it coming from Adam's muscle movements, but when she saw where he was aiming Lyza felt there was no need to avoid it. It wasn't like that was her focus anyways. The look she was being given along with the viciousness that was in Adam's tone of voice when he spoke to her... it all felt... " cliche." The woman mumbled as she gently swept Adam's hand away from her face. "There's no need to be so overdramatic. Alright, you caught me red handed, I'm here to test myself against the big bad war criminal." Lyza narrowed her eyes slightly and took a single step back to put space between the two of them. "Lux Orior be damned, I'm here for me. I could tell you what I really want, but you can't give that to me. I have to achieve that by my own means. I just need power right now." | Lyza, Vessel of Aries |
A place that believes in humans contesting with all these demi-gods of war. Each one of those demi-gods was definitely a threat to humanity, whether anyone really noted it or not. It almost felt like a normal every day thing. Lyza felt the complete opposite. The sheer power of these people was abnormal, and the destruction they had the potential to wreak was insane. Just their existence was a threat, and the brunette couldn't stand thinking about it.
"To become as strong as one of those demi-gods so that I can stop them from causing more destruction..."
"...I'll get there one day. I just need time." Lyza said her last thought aloud with a defiant glare, life suddenly arising in her otherwise dead eyes. "So until then, I'll prove myself by taking you in. Then after that, I'll get strong enough to stop all the needless destruction these 'demi-gods' bring. You can get behind that idea too, can't you, Adam?"
Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Wed May 13, 2020 11:15 am
Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile
Power? Many creatures desired that. Yet, in the conquest of such a commonly sought out commodity, many truly lacked the drive to remain consistent enough to attain it. And, in saying that, Adam's head tilted to the side as his blood eyes observed the woman's cool, calm and collected demeanor If such statements were true and not the lies uttered earlier, he was going to have to act as the catalyst for such an event. And, since he was not interested in turning himself in, the human gave a devilish smirk for he knew how to handle this.
"Power? You don't even have the stones to tell me what you really want, yet you want to proclaim to the universe you want power? I'll test that belief and evolve it."
Adam wasted no time in forging more scarlet knives from his energy. In a matter of moments, dozens of these blades sought to pierce the woman's arms, legs, thighs, face and anything they could puncture through. Though, more than that, if any of these blades made contact with lyza? Boom. Pop goes the weasel. Mininature explosions would emerge all throughout her body until nothing but a plum of smoke would remain for one city block over.
In this time, our blood-eyed wacko known as Adam would jump up in the air, fold his arms and observe the situation from an aerial distance.
"Really: what are you scared of from telling me what you honestly want? It is a sign you are too chicken shit to pursue your goal if you can't be honest with the world around you."
Sure, he was playing hardball a bit, but some people needed to be prodded to develop themselves more. So, for now, he'd just let his emerald, honey, and crimson energies flow in the air around him and observe what response he'd get from the woman and how to proceed from here.
- The CatExperienced Member
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Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]
Wed May 13, 2020 4:06 pm
"I don't need to tell the whole world my conviction in order to feel justified." Lyza said flatly and without a second thought, even as she watched Adam's crimson energies form more knives. Immediately her stance shifted to be more prepared, more ready to protect herself. With each knife that was fired, Lyza shifted her body just enough to dodge one or two at a time, leaving them to fly far past her body and explode in the several meters away. "This is not a good idea, you cannot contest with someone who is stronger than you and has proper powers." Aries warned, even as Lyza lowered herself close to the ground to ready herself to leap at Adam. "Be quiet." Lyza scoffed, though whether she was talking to Adam or Aries was unclear. "I'll take you in and prove that I have what it takes to achieve my goals." | Lyza, Vessel of Aries |
But even as she sounded confident in her actions, Lyza couldn't help but feel a little unsure about herself. What if this didn't work out and she simply died? In her head Lyza thought "Well then I guess I die", but there were several parts of her that wildly disagreed with facing death so carelessly. There may be an afterlife, but there was no reason to throw away one of her chances at life this way.
Regardless, there was a brief pause as Lyza crouched down, and then she simply vanished. With a quick spring, she had shunpo'd up to Adam's height just to his left side and aimed a snap punch square at his head. The faster she knocked him out, the faster she could get this over with and the better she would prove herself. But even if she ended up taking Adam in, was that really proof of strength? Or just skill? In a world like this, skill meant nothing where raw power was so potent instead. But now was not the time to be thinking of that, nor second guessing herself. Lyza had a job to do, one that she gave herself and that she wanted to see through to the bitter end.
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