Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]

Mon May 25, 2020 2:45 pm

Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile

Well -- at least the choice was simple enough. It was clear that Lyza wanted nothing to do with Adam any further. So, the man could only have a ginger chuckle escape his lips as the conflict that was once internal merged into the material world. If nothing else it was going to be interesting to have Aries stay along his side. Since, judging from her looks, she seemed more keen and receptive to his powers, teachings, and so on.

"Yeeesh, you sure know how to turn a man down, but if that's what you wish, far be it from me to get in the way of that."

Back to his jovial persona, Adam couldn't help but give a roll of his wrist, whip out a circular device from his sleeve and press a button for a vortex to open up before them. Where did this wormhole lead? Saburo City, Japan. Since Adam's grubby hands couldn't get close to Karakura Central for the time being, the next best thing was the cities surrounding the country. If Lyza truly wanted to be gone, she could just take a hop, skip and a jump out of here.

"I'll take care of your better half over here, but if you truly want to leave, that little portal there should take you to Saburo City. I'm pretty sure you can wobble home after that. I think you'll have a lot of time to reflect what happened here even if you don't take my offer and you'll find me of your own accord when you come to realize the golden opportunity you missed."

Oh yes~! This man had never lost his confidence and spoke each and every word as if it were fact. And really: what else could he do? He wasn't going to enslave the woman to stay at his side, and sometimes, it was better for people to organically come to their own conclusion than force perceptions on them. So, to that end, Adam leaned on Aries and decided to chat her up some.

"You really gave her an earful, broke the poor girl's spirit I think."

There was a quick snicker uttered out of the man before he continued.

"But tell me: what exactly is your power? The more I know about it, the better my own can shape you into a magnificent woman~"

Computer Hope

Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
The Cat
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Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]

Mon May 25, 2020 3:29 pm

Lyza felt distasteful of Adam's upbeat demeanor in this time where she herself felt like she was worthless. It just ruined her already sour mood. The portal was opened and she was told where it would lead her and for just a second she hesitated. Her gaze shifted to Aries, but the woman was still facing away and looking off into the distance. Presumably to just spite her.

The grief in Lyza's heart felt all too much and overwhelming so she simply made a decision. Lyza stepped through the portal and off to Saburo City where the sounds of city infiltrated her ears suddenly and violently. Right. Now to just get home. The portal closed behind her and suddenly she was alone. Alone in a place she wasn't supposed to be. The woman mumbled something under her breath as tears rolled down her cheeks from the sheer volume of emotion coursing through her mind. She just needed... a moment. That was it.
Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 FbOm9Dh
Lyza, Vessel of Aries

Aries on the other hand was stuck with Adam. Even if it was of her own volition, she wasn't sure how long she could handle being flirted with constantly for the entire duration of her stay. She was asked about Lyza's spirit, and the woman just scoffed. "She'll live. She's weak, but she's not so pathetic as to kill herself over a broken spirit."

Was that true? Most certainly. Now that Lyza had her pride and self worth absolutely broken and dragged through the mud just for the insult of it all, the brunette would definitely start to make some progress. As for Aries herself now, she had her own goals to achieve in that time. "I too require strength, but not right now." She announced as she took a step forwards just to throw off Adam who was leaning on her. "My true power is nothing more than a synchronicity with my other half. Magic is all I have. Speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have any books on it, would you? There's some things I need to get done."
Head Admin
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Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]

Mon May 25, 2020 10:03 pm

Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 20th, 2420
Location: Canela, Chile

Oh well. You can't save them all. Honestly, Adam had no desire to make the girl feel that miserable, but perhaps it was still the kick in the ass she needed in order to stop making such a shit effort to improve her life. There was no doubt in his mind that the two would meet again, so he'd hope by the next time he sees that woman that she'd have made something of herself or made some type of progress to further the evolution of her desires.

For now, however, Adam felt more comforting to revert back to his more youthful appearance. While he slightly decreased in height, his milky skin returned and his hair blew ever so gently in the breeze as he put his hands in his pockets and just walked alongside Aries.

"Well, that's good to know. I may be an ex-terrorist, but I'm still human."

There was a whimsical shrug of the shoulder before Adam kept walking further toward the city and motioned for Aries to follow him.

"I have the prowess of the remains of the Monsuta with me: of course I have all the knowledge you could ever want. Let's turn the page in this book and get to the next chapter."

(We can close it out and you or myself can start a new thread.)


Karmic Debt [Adam/lyza]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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