Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Tue May 26, 2020 2:40 am



Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

The familiar plains of Africa - even after four centuries - still stood as a testament to the beauty of mother nature and filled those who entered with pleasant emotion. There was no extreme progression in the landscapes that comprised the continent compared to others.

Technology did not bless this land as well as it did with other nations, to say nothing of the poverty or harsh living conditions that still remained in most areas. Of course, there was Vastime who was making efforts towards not only fixing the continent but protecting it - as well as the realm of earth - from those they viewed as enemies.

The Princess of Death had recently learned of Vastime from her Captain-Commander, Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden. Hime had made a note to remember and repeat her entire name after embarrassing herself in front of Ulv during a life-changing event in Rukongai, one that brought her and her sister together again.

Humorous surname errors aside, Hime had earned Abalia's trust to travel to earth and enjoy the scenery, to visit locations within the scope of wherever she was allowed. Her image in the soul society may have been gradually rising but earth was a different tale altogether. In fact, one could say that the travels she mapped out inside her mind for this planet were ones of moving towards forgiveness, towards truly coming to terms with her past crimes.

Floating above a large river, Hime sighed softly as she allowed her spirits to relax, entering a meditative state as she reflected on the past months.

Fate was such an odd mistress.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue May 26, 2020 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Tue May 26, 2020 10:40 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始


There’s a resounding explosion not far off from Hime, and the Reiatsu of a Shinigami washes over the river before the shockwave does that causes the water to ripple. Then, there was just a single monstrous howl before silence fell over the area once more leaving Hime to resume her lazy floating or let her curiosity get the best of her. Either way, the rising dust that appears over the treelines is enough of an indication for one to find their way to the sudden commotion if they so desired.

Though, once there, she will find a familiar face, a lone redheaded woman sitting on a fallen tree in the midst of a nice sized crater with the remains of a Hollow vaporizing beside her. Dressed in normal jeans and a white T with a backpack beside her next to the tree, the redhead is busy wrapping her arm with bandages; a closer look revealing the slight scratch marks on her knuckles and palm as she worked. She seemed entirely consumed by her actions, barely flinching as she went about treating herself.



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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Tue May 26, 2020 12:06 pm



Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

Hime could have easily allowed herself to return to her meditative state but a loud booming noise would take anyone out of their state of tranquility under the right circumstance.

Thus, Hime allowed her curiosity to overtake the need for meditation. The rising clouds of dust were enough to catch her attention and allow her to read where the commotion was coming from. Her flash step technique was highly advanced, which made her reaching the location in question far from a difficult one.

When she reached where the dust had subsided, Hime could not help but to raise her eyes in surprise somewhat, considering the familiar face. Elyss! Elyss Kishimoto. From memory, she was the first woman who approached Hime outside of her cell and helped her find her way towards Abalia's barracks.

Her appearance was vastly different from when Hime had last seen her. She was dressed in casual attire, with a backpack placed beside her while she wrapped bandages around her hands. Her whole appearance screamed brawler, but what caught Hime's attention was the vaporized hollow from moments ago. Had she fought the creature with her bare hands?

There were so many questions Hime had wanted to ask. Therefore, she called out to the woman and waved her hand.

"Long time no see, Kishimoto-San!"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Tue May 26, 2020 1:16 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

The sudden energy signature that directed itself her way warned Elyss of possible danger. It seems her little confrontation caught the attention of someone or something nearby. Eh… It seems her time for rest is about to be cut short. After stopping into one of the train stations, Elyss had opted into traveling the rest of the way to one of the more popular cities in Africa by foot simply because she wanted to see more of the environment. Elyss should have expected that she’d run into something that’d want to eat her after the train incident, but of course, she simply did what she wanted despite all the other options.

So, now, here she is wrapping her arm after quickly dispatching the Hollow, and from out of the woods, comes… Oh… Wait! Hime? The redhead did not expect to hear that woman’s voice anytime soon, but here she is. Elyss couldn’t help but throw a confused glance towards Hime.

“Hime? What the hell are you doing out here?”



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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Wed May 27, 2020 9:18 am



Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

Elyss's confused expression had caused the graceful woman to chuckle as she made her way towards her crimson-haired friend. An expected reunion, to be certain, but not an unwelcome one. If Elyss had bothered to notice, there was a significant change in Hime's demeanor since the last time they met. There was still the air of grace and kindness, with an added layer of bright confidence.

Would such a newly animated demeanor throw the crimson-haired woman off? Hime flashed towards Elyss until she stood before her and without giving her even a moment to speak, she pulled the woman into a warm embrace before replying to her question.

"A vacation of sorts, I suppose! That said, I hardly expected to see you out here, Kishimoto-San. I have been wondering where you went ever since the last time we were together. Therefore, I could ask you the same question..."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Wed May 27, 2020 11:58 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A brow rose. Interesting. There just seemed something different about Hime, just more shine about her. Though, Elyss doesn’t have much time to determine what has occurred. In just a blink of an eye, Hime has blitzed her into a bear hug which caused Elyss to hiss slightly from the sudden tug on her wrapped arm. Yet, there was no true resistance besides a shift here and there as Elyss tried to get herself more comfortable in the embrace. Never one for sharing intimacy so easily, Elyss didn’t return the hug but allowed it to continue for as long as Hime deemed necessary. Besides, Elyss has no qualms over Hime showing affection like an old friend. It’s refreshing in a way to see someone who was a bit gloomy at first act more openly.

Of course, with meeting a friend, that also comes with questions, and those questions are a bit difficult for Elyss to answer. Hime deserves something, right? Even if it isn’t the whole story, Elyss can share. It’d be best for this reunion to stay at the same upbeat tone that it is anyway.

“Uh. Yeah. Hey. Vacation? That's cool. I just kind of left the Gotei for a bit to go on an adventure of sorts. Sort of like a vacation too.”

That’s the best she can do right now, and she hopes Hime doesn’t ask for more clarification. It’s difficult to have to relive those mentally exhausting moments again.



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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Thu May 28, 2020 10:48 am



Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

From her explanation, Elyss seemed to be on a vacation of sorts as well? Hime tilted her head and stroked her chin, contemplating why she hadn't been notified of such a thing.

No one had told her where the woman had went and Hime could not help but to wonder if something had happened to her during the war of if she simply disappeared out of thin air.

It was all so confusing, but Hime would not prod any further for now. What mattered most is seeing a friend who helped her out of the kindness of their heart.

Hime held the hug for a few more moments before she released her grip. Gazing at the area, Hime could not help but feed her curiosity. And so, she decided to engage in a conversation with Elyss.

"To be honest, I've never taken you as the type to go on a vacation. Moreover, that explosion just then, and the hollow... did you happen to be training?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Thu May 28, 2020 11:02 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Freedom. Finally. Elyss will never understand how people so easily share such intimacy. Maybe she’s the odd one though. Ugh. If she thinks too hard on it, she’ll just start questioning whether she should work on such, but there are way more pressing matters for her to look into first before she allows herself to perfect the art of hugging or whatever. Conversation is simply easier for her, except when it’s pressing into private or sensitive matters. Elyss can’t blame Hime for being curious though. That was a loud explosion, and it’s probably strange to find someone fighting Hollows barehanded in the forest. At least there’s a simple response to this.

“Eh. I was heading towards Vastime. Just decided to walk the way there but this Hollow decided to try and eat me. Did I really not seem like the type of person to want a break? Man… I suppose I was sort of a workaholic...”

She hasn’t really changed much since then, but her current circumstances have forced her hand in developing herself. Right now, things are progressing a bit slowly, but there is progress, and she’s proud of herself because of it. She still has to learn not to throw herself into every fight that’s available haphazardly however, but on the bright side, it does help keep her senses from dulling.

“What about you? This area doesn’t seem the best for relaxing. Who knows what’s lurking in a bush. You come out here to train despite being on vacation? Went for a little dip?”

Yeah. Elyss can see that Hime has a bit of moisture on her skin. The redhead did hear a river nearby while walking.



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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Thu May 28, 2020 5:50 pm



Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  6EdIfMt

"Yes, that was always my impression of you. The last time I met you, you seemed so exhausted and tired, as if you worked yourself into such a state. Plus, the type of nature you exude is why I tended to have the impression. A fierce spirit with a low tolerance for nonsense. That is how I would view you."

Hime stroked her chin as she raised an eyebrow at the mention of "Vastime." To reiterate, the graceful woman had already learned a semblance of who they were and what they stood for. Meeting any actual members, however, was a far different story. What was her reasoning for wishing to go there? Hime wondered.

"As far as what I was doing, you could say that we both had a similar intent in that we both wish to travel to Vastime. I just chose to take the time to meditate and enjoy the flow of nature. That said, I'm impressed you were able to take down a hollow with your bare hands. Whatever form of training this is, I must say the results seem quite remarkable so far."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)  Empty Re: Halcyon(Hime/Elyss)

Thu May 28, 2020 8:31 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Eh? You weren’t supposed to agree with me, you know…”

Throwing an annoyed glance at Hime, Elyss couldn’t help but fold her arms finding the other’s presence annoying all of a sudden. Though, her mood shift was short lived as she’s quick to access the area around her, taking note of the damage caused by her little scuffle. The fight wasn’t even that long, but it still made an impact on the land. She’ll have to work on restraining herself.

“Anyway, Vastime, huh? Well, if you’re heading to the same place, I guess that’s that. Let’s go.”

She rolls her shoulders and starts to walk off.



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