Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 1:46 pm

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's expression was stern and steady as she knew exactly what Ulv was trying to do, but she wouldn't fall for it - She'd keep pressing until the woman came clean. However, her eyebrow twitched, eyes softening a tad as she heard Ulv's voice brush her ear, despite sitting and drinking. She could sense Ulv's powerful will, emanating in strong waves. Initially, it got the woman's gaze to soften; if she were of a weaker mind, a younger time, she likely would have gotten distracted by the lulls of desire.

She had no interest in this charade.

As soon as they softened, Calypso seemed to concentrate, sharpening her own resolve in order to otherwise block out the distracting attempts to divert her mind. While the blotting out wasn't perfect, it was enough for the young one to retain clarity of mind to push her desires as she finished off the tea rather quickly, placing the cup down with a gentle clink on the table,

"..Man, it really must be something you're tucking away with how hard you're trying to bullshit your way out of it. What else do you got to throw me off? We can do this fuckery all night if that's what it takes."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 1:55 pm


"Tsk, what kind of boring bore person has replaced my dear Calypso?" Ulv asked, standing up and walking over to the woman, standing over her with taunt sexuality bleeding from every pore in a constant, ever increasing fashion.

"If you insist on staying the night, then I have such plans for you. Dress you up like a cute little doll, show you all the little toys I have gathered over my life and the experience in using them. Ohhhh, I can't wait to see how you squirm and moan. Are you a soft, gentle toy or do you let all the neighbours know what we are doing?"


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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 2:09 pm

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"Oh, I haven't been replaced, I've just grown a lack of tolerance for horse shit. And god, does it reek of it in here."

Despite her sharp words, Calypso maintained a polite posture, knees together, hands on thighs, and sitting up straight as Ulv would come over, oozing with sexual energy, which only caused Calypso to further steel herself, growing increasingly irritated with Ulv's dirty words, her foot tapping as her tolerance in the moment would reach a breaking point,


Though the actual spoken word was soft, the sheer emotion in it was strong, likely to reduce any weaker willed beings to shivering mounds with the level of command within it, energy pulsing suddenly and rapidly as the flooring, beginning from where her foot tapped and outward, would suddenly crack with a loud snapping noise, as Calypso gave her a pleasant smile, however it was radiant with annoyance,

"None of that, alright? That isn't what i'm here for."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 2:22 pm


"Ohh, it's going to reek of other things, come the morning" Ulv replied, the sultry grin and burning hedonism just getting stronger in response to Calypso's attempts to be a scary dominant. Only one person wielded the crop in this house. Even her burst of power was not enough to throw Ulv off one iota, and she carried on as if it had not happened. After all, Ulv was a true master of these kind of tricks and wasn't one to be outdone by anyone.

"Mmm, you sure? I've told you I am fine several times now. And you just don't want to hear it so you carry on. Why, all I can think of is you are being a brat so that I punish you and send you back home with a red ass, a dopey smile and a super cute if erotic outfit"


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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 2:59 pm

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"You answered the door. Like a normal person."

The young one crossed her arms, staring deeply into Ulv, an unamused look on her face as she was determined to keep this talk on track, "You don't do that. You have some form of unique or downright weird way of making your presence known or as an entrance. You don't do 'normal'."

Her eyes then drew to the teacup in front of her, "You even brewed, and gave me the tea normally. Last time you used a Tulpa to do that. Why not now?"

She would then tilt her head, "And if I remember right, human sickness that shows as yellow skin typically are debilitating, and can even result in death if untreated... But... Your body is typically super healthy, isn't it? I don't remember you ever getting sick or even worn out before."

Caly would trace a finger upon the mouth of the teacup, her gaze unbreaking from Ulv, "So, even your lie doesn't hold up very well. Do you really not trust me to handle the truth?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 3:17 pm


"Must I always do something exactly the same every time to ease your paranoid mind? Can I not just do things simply sometimes for the novelty of it being simple?" Ulv cocked her eyebrow, returning to sit on the chair and continue drinking now the woman had stopped harping on like a stuck record.

"Typically. But then typically anything can result in death if left untreated. An open wound you barely notice can kill a human. They are notoriously fragile. But right now, give me a bit of a break, darling. Not that long ago I had to beat Aizen completely to absolute super death and then immediately deal with a city-wide crisis that really wanted to be a continent-wide crisis. So I am a little warn from back to back extreme events. Am I not allowed to be?"


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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 4:58 pm

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso sighed, shaking her head, "No, that isn't needed, but the degree of normal here is odd for you."

She crossed her legs, uttering a gentle wish under her breath for the cracked floor to be restored, the spiderweb cracks quickly fading away as the young one's gaze rested on Ulv as she spouted yet another excuse, Caly's gaze remaining unamused as she would reflect back on the woman's state of being lately,

"Ah yes, i'm certain anyone feeling battered and worn from large conflicts would be able to organize, attend, and even perform on-stage in a festival. I may not have been present for the conflict you speak of, but, if you have been feeling ill this whole time, i'm surprised you haven't shown much symptom of it til recent, even more so that you took so long to mention it. And if it's coming to a point where it's changing your skin to such a noticeable, sickly color, well.. Wouldn't it be getting worse?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 5:22 pm


"Never underestimate the importance of showing people you are perfectly fine, regardless of how you feel. It is hardly hopeful or in any way uplifting to have your icon slumped and ill. As for the skin, it's actually not that bad. My body goes super ham all the time, so it just requires a small thing to be out of wack before it looks like it is going terribly horrible. I'll be back to my beautifully rosy completion in but a few days, my dear"


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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 7:09 pm

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's expression was steady, but as Ulv appeared to be uninterested in relenting, her face softened, a sigh of defeat rolling out as she placed a hand on her cheek, propping her head up on the chair's arm, "Alright then, Ulv... If you're sick, at the very least I would want to keep you company, at least for a little."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Calypso decided to just roll with whatever this was - If she wanted her to act as if she was fine so badly, then alright. Her gaze betrayed her unconvinced mindset, but at least she would want to spend some time with the woman,

"Anything you wanna do, that doesn't involve making a leaky sex toy out of me? Believe me, within reason, I can make it happen."

She would slump in the chair, smirking calmly, "I have a few tricks up my millions of sleeves."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Uncertain Time [Caly/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 7:24 pm


"I am kind of really boring to spend time with right now. Trouble with a depth of power like mine is it is so very hard to exhaust. And so very hard to recover when you do exhaust it. Hence, eating and sleeping and not using very much of it so it can recover quicker. Other than turning you into a leaky sex toy with very realistic audio, what is there to do around that?" Ulv asked, finishing her cup of tea and then leaning back and slouching a bit on the chair as she took a half nap here and now.


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