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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:23 am
Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

It'd been a pretty long while since anyone made a request for Murasaki to help with training, and it was definitely the first time that the Captain Commander had ever made the request of her. She didn't exactly know Captain Commander Kyoraku-Hayden particularly well, and honestly most of what she could actually say about the lady came from that one time she'd met his husband...

Ah, well, that wasn't super duper important right now, she was just getting a little distracted. Regardless, when the ol' Captain Commander sends a letter your way to help with someone's training, you didn't really have a ton of choice in the matter. Er, not that she minded or anything, Murasaki did love to help people out with their zanjutsu and all that!

She was just a little distracted lately, she guessed. Nothing was really wrong, just...quiet. A little too quiet for her, even, and she was still feeling that need to wander that always seemed to bite every few years. She'd been hoping it would go away by now, but, well, it was still here.

No time to be thinking about that, though, or at least not giving it all her conscious effort. For now, she'd just keep working on lesson plans here in her yurt, at least get a decent idea of what she wanted to teach to this Miss Kaen... With a small cup of sake in hand, she simply kept writing out the list, a brush in hand as neat, ordered kanji were slowly put upon the paper before her. Maybe she'd just come up with things as she went...


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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue0/0Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:29 am

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 189

Hono didn't really know what to think... She had made a really good impression on Abalia, surprisingly. Somehow the newbie was able to get her Captain to write her a letter of recommendation of sorts. Which must have been a good sign. Hono would have to do her best at this training season, she didn't wanna let Abalia! After all this was thanks to her.

Hono had never actually been to the Earth Affiliation, so she was a bit lost, wandering around. Asking around she soon found her destination, a particular yurt, shouldn't be that hard to find. The girl had her Zanpakutō rested neatly on her hip. Hopefully, Murasaki could greatly improve Hono's swordsmanship, it would defiantly make her father happy.

She spotted Murasaki's tent, with a bit of nervousness, Hono would approach. There was no point in changing how she acted, Abalia seemed to like her, so why not do the same for Murasaki. Opening the door to the yurt, Hono would walk in. "Murasaki right? I'm Hono from the First Division, Abalia sent me." Hono wasn't one for formalities. She would give her a simple bow.

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God of Love
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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:03 pm
Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

"That's me! Nice to meet ya Hono."

Standing from behind her desk, Murasaki's proper height was made rather apparent, though it wasn't as if she was self-conscious about that sort of thing. She sized the girl in front of her up with a bit of curiosity, not especially used to people actually being sent her way. Most of the time she just taught people because they'd asked personally, though maybe it would be smarter if know, had the Captain Commander put out a more proper notice. Oops.

"Well, let's talk a bit while we get ready for practice, okidoke? The Captain Commander told me a little bit about your background, but I'd like to get a good idea of what you're workin' with before we get started. No use in teachin' ya things you already know, ya know?"

Heading on out from the tent, and of course holding the door open for her new student as she went, Murasaki had her constant smile firmly on her face. It was nice to be able to teach someone.

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Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:10 pm

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 241

From her first words, Hono got the impression that Murasaki was kind, she was already eager to improve her sword skills, with a soft smile she would nod. She was quite pretty, she appeared very young. So she was really this good at swordsmanship? She was excited to learn more from her. She wanted to get stronger! How else would she help Abalia unless she was in tip-top shade!?

Murasaki wasn't nearly as formal as Abalia was. "Oh? What did she say about me?" She would raise his eyebrow. Hono still wasn't sure what Abalia saw in her, but none the less, she wanted to make her proud! When someone had fate in you, you needed to make them proud!

Murasaki had asked for her experienced. "Oh, well my dad was a kendo instructor in the tenth district, so he taught me a lot growing up" Hono explained. "Plus, I have what they taught me at the academy. I am a bit self-taught in fencing, I worked it into my style a bit. A Zanpakutō isn't a thrusting sword, so they don't really expect it, and it lets me keep my distance" Hono would soon bring up her own question as they exited from the tent. "So, how long have you been doing this thing? Where'd you learn? I've been told you're pretty damn good with your sword!" Hono would chuckle, she was finally able to see her blunt personality.

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God of Love
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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:24 am
Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] NsOqTkn


"Ah, not too too much or anythin', I figure she probably wanted to let you tell me yourself and all that. She seemed pretty confident that ya had a lot of potential though, so I trust her judgement on that one."

Truth be told, Murasaki couldn't really say she had an especially spectacular view of the Captain Commander. She was a little too...distant. But that wasn't important right now.

"Oh, I like that, that's clever. I'll keep that one in mind through the lessons then, yeah? Good to make sure we capitalize on all your strengths."

As she led the way out to the training circle within the 7th Division grounds, te sky above clear as ever, Murasaki mused on the questions Hono had asked.

"Well, guess I've been usin' a sword since I was little, so maybe 200 years or so now? I, uh...learned from my dad, I guess you'd say."

It was strange, interacting with someone who didn't have the context of her lineage. She had to admit, it was nice.


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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue0/0Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:37 pm

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 325

Admittedly Hono was nervous out of her mind. It was just unbelievable that she was being able to train under someone like Murasaki! The Gotei was supposed to be the best of the best right? So it was time for Hono to step up to the plate and prove she was deserving to be apart of the Gotei!

Her cheeks turned a soft hue of pink after she was told that Abalia saw a lot of potential in the new recruit. "I appreciate it!" she bowed her head, Hono was no doubt blunt but she really did respect those above her, she saw everyone as an equal, they all worked together for the same cause right?

Fencing was a style the girl was interested in, so it was good to know Murasaki liked her style.

"200 Years?! You don't look a day over 20!" The girl would playfully tease her new instructor. "We definitely have that in common! My real dad was apart of the Gotei, but he died, so my adoptive father taught me everything!" Hono said surprisingly nonchalant. "But why is everyone here so damn old!" Hono said crossing her arms, "I'm only 25! And the rest of you are like 200 and shit!" She would admit with a soft chuckle. "So my life is only just starting! You old folks may have more experience! But hey! Maybe I'll surpass you one day! I'll knock you and Abalia fat on your asses, just you watch!" She said confidently that she would improve, balling her fist up, she'd use her thumb to point to herself, a large cute smile spread across her face.

"Anyway! Where do we start?! If all of you guys are four times as strong as me... that means I need to train 4 times harder to catch up! Right?" She had enthusiasm in spade! She was eager to get stronger! "Besides! If I'm weak I won't be able to help out!"

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God of Love
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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:29 pm
Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] NsOqTkn


"Ah, no worries! Ya don't need ta bow over somethin' like that, I'm not super stuffy about anything like that!"

Murasaki laughed quietly to herself, not at Hono's expense of course, but simply out of being in a pleasant mood. It was rare that she got to meet someone so earnest here in the Gotei, and she found she enjoyed their company more than most up here. Arkin, Alastor, it seemed most of 7th Division was that way really...

"Hehee, well ya know, a girl's gotta keep her secrets on lookin' pretty, can't go sharing everything. Ya get used to it, a lotta people around here don't kick the bucket just because they're old. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your progress though, ought to be quite a risin' star pretty soon."

The gesture of pointing to herself to confidently was rather endearing, Murasaki had to admit, and she hadn't seen such absolute confidence in quite a long time. Well, not outside some of her division members...

"That's a good way to look at things! Nobody got anything done by takin' it easy."

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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:35 pm

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 177

It was clear Murasaki wasn't nearly as formal as Hono expected, so it was nice she could just relax.

"Aw! That's not fair!" Hono rolled her eyes, chuckling. Murasaki definitely knew a whole lot. So Hono would definitely ask her any questions she had. "You are quite pretty!" Hono complimented her appearance. "True enough, old people are experienced! So they'll be my best teachers!" Hono nodded. Giving another smile. "Hell yeah! I'll learn those cool sword transformation things you guys do!" She chuckled, Hono had no clue what her Zanpakutō was really like.

The girl would draw her weapon for her friend to see. It was a rather long sword, with a purple hilt. "So! Where should we start...master?" She wasn't quite sure what to call her, "Nah... Murasaki" She chuckled, quickly changing her mind.

"Right, I won't stop until I'm just as strong as you~!" She said, somewhat challenging Murasaki. Hono wanted someone to push her to get stronger, it was more fun to have a rival! Someone who wouldn't let you slack on your training.

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God of Love
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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:48 pm
Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] NsOqTkn


"Okidoke, well first things first, what I'm gonna need to know is how close ya are with your Zanpakuto and all that. How much've you talked to it before today, whatcha know about it, all that sorta stuff."

Despite Murasaki's cheer, now she was at least a bit more serious, as this sort of topic was very much her bread and butter. She wouldn't be an especially good teacher if she didn't give her main topic all her attention, right? And, besides, being serious when you needed to...well, she wasn't going to go far in her career never being serious.

"I can't really go much further in tellin' ya what we'll do 'til I know where we stand on that front, since that'll change the gameplan a whole lot."

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Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] Empty Re: Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono]

Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:38 am

Think You Can Handle Me? [Murasaki, Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 194

Hono smiled at Murasaki for just a second, however, it quickly turned into a frown at her question. "Honestly, nothing..." Placing her hand upon the purple hilt she drew it for her new instructor. She pointed it outwards. "Sometimes I talk to it when I'm alone in my room, but it's never spoken back." She sighed. "I'm still new to all this Shinigami stuff..." The pink-haired girl would say before twirling the sword and slipping it back onto her hip.

"What's the best way to start?" Hono's eyes wandered down her Zanpakuto. Honestly, she was excited to learn more about her blade. Hearing about all the cool things her superiors could do! Learning more about her Zanpakuto would definitely help the Gotei. "How long did it take you to learn your Zapakuto's name?" She raised an eyebrow curiously.

"I know my birth parents knew their Zanpkuto's names, or so I was told, but I don't know the first thing about this thing..."
She playfully tapped her sword. "I feel like training with you will make this thing open up to me in no time!" she flashed the captain a smile, keeping a positive mindset.

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