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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:48 pm
"..Okay.. Shit.. I.. I think that's far enough for now.."

Klaus had been running for.. What day even was it? He stopped counting about three sunsets in, and his phone died not too long after that. Shivering, dirty from going several days trekking through the elements with hardly much pause, he was exhausted and sore and honestly wanted to take a nap. But no matter how far he ran, that sinking sensation of fear, the need to run, pinpricked his beating heart as he slid to a rest beside a building, groaning as he noticed his clothing was in tatters from roughing it constantly.

"..Where the hell am I even supposed to go..?"

Okay, he might not have thought out this listening to his gut and running idea through very well, but... Going back just seemed like a terrible idea, like something he wouldn't want to do, and thus he didn't want to chance it. Maybe... Maybe he could keep going and hope someone takes pity on him? He already had the dirty hobo look - Maybe going homeless for a bit wouldn't be too horrible...

"..God I'm a moron.."
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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:39 am


Enter Nicoletta


A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

It had taken a few attempts to get it right, but Nicoletta had finally managed it. She had ended up back in Germany. She wasn't here to stay. She had been trying to come back for the sake of gathering her things. After all, there were several important items that she kept in her apartment that couldn't simply remain there. She needed to retrieve them. At least..that had been the plan.

Unfortunately, it seemed reality was deigning to throw its first wrench in her plans. Moments after managing to arrive back at home, her phone started blowing up with notifications of back to back missed calls..all coming from a number that Nicoletta never thought she would hear from again. Well. This was going to be..interesting. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she hit the redial button, bringing her phone up to her ear. She hadn't even gotten a word in before an all too familiar voice started spilling out in a panic.

It seemed that Klaus had gone missing a few days ago. At first it hadn't been that big of a deal. He had apparently routinely gone away from the house to do..something. But this time had been different. They had gotten a call from a Hospital. One that was in the rural area just outside of Berlin. The very hospital that she had gone to all those years ago. As her mother spoke, she couldn't help but reach up to her new eye, fingers running along the curve of the socket as the emotions of that day threatened to well up within her again.

He had been diagnosed with amnesia. Their father had been the one to get the call, and had started the drive. But instead of coming home with him, he had called back home and told her that Klaus had escaped. He was officially a runaway. It was odd, hearing her mother so desperate, begging her for help. But before she could say anything, she heard what was so obviously the door of the house opening, and then the click of the phone line.

Well. Fourteen years was apparently a long enough delay in Nicoletta's job as an older sister, it seemed. The drive out wasn't that long. And when she explained who she was, the staff had seemed more than willing to help, explaining exactly what room he had been in, and how he got out. His placement had been lucky. If he had been on any other side of the hospital, he would have ended up running out into a forest or empty farmland. According to the workers, he had been under their care about a week ago. Well.That explained why she had missed so many calls. She had been wandering the Stadt des Lichts. A place that apparently didn't have cell signal. Or at least, not one that her phone could utilize.

As she got back in her car, things started to fall together, in terms of where Klaus would have ended up. Aside from having been struck by lightning, he was relatively healthy. That meant that his distance would be mostly determined by how hard he ran. But she had at least kept an ear out. Klaus hadn't shown any real promise in his training, from what whispers managed to get out of their home. That meant he could only run normally. But that wasn't all she had been told. The escape alone hadn't been the only truly odd thing about his visit. When they had finally taken a look at the machines in his least one of them had been shorted out. Several others were mildly scrambled.

The pieces had definitely started coming together. If his powers were starting to rear their head, he would have been able to run for a little longer than a normal human. But that didn't change where he would have ended up. A small village that was about an hour's drive away.

But that hour drive had been worth it. She'd left her car in the parking lot of one of the public buildings. Some asking around had turned up nothing. It seemed she had arrived ahead of him. However, there was something unfortunate she had noticed. There was very little in the way of ambient Reishi in this area. That could be a problem if something was following him. She could maybe form a handful of knives before running out. That worried her. Still, she kept wandering town. And eventually her senses picked up something. A weak..but somewhat familiar signature. It was moving towards one of the houses at the edge of the village. Nicoletta walked over casually. Instead of walking to the point where she was in plain view however, she decided to stick to the side of the house. After all, if he saw her, he was likely to turn around. Better to let him think that he was alone still.

However, it seemed that he was faster than she thought. By the time she made it to where she wanted to be, she heard only one statement.

..God I'm a moron..

"Yeah. You are." She stated as she came into his field of vision.

"I can get not wanting to get dragged back home by dad. But you ran from a Hospital. Did you really think you'd really be able to just slip off the radar by just leaving in the middle of the night?" Oh man, this was nostalgic. She hadn't taken the 'disappointed big sister' tone in years. He'd been what, three the last time she'd had to chastise him? And now, here he was. All grown up...

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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:08 pm
His head was in his hands, groaning as his body creaked with exhaustion and the burn of filth on him. No matter how much he tried to put logic into this, it turned up stupid. He wasn't sure what to do, but he didn't feel as if he could go back to the hospital at this point - They'd probably shove him into the looney bin or something with how crazy he was to run off. His breath shook with anxiety, a sense of paranoia befalling him as he just felt.. He felt that he couldn't go back to see that man, whom was identified as his father.

He was torn out of the sickening stew of his thoughts as the sound of a woman's voice penetrated his mind,

Yeah. You are.

His entire body twitched, as his head lifted, red eyes taking in the gaze of a black haired woman, standing over him and giving him a lecture, as if she was familiar with him, Klaus shrinking back from the scolding she gave him. His lip quivered, his red eyes tired as he let out a low groan. This woman didn't induce terror in him, rather, he felt a sort of natural comfort towards her, even with her lecturing, however the young man would narrow his eyes, glancing up at her,

"No. I thought I could run faster than getting caught. Middle of the night trick was just to get a head start."

She referred to his father as 'dad', so this lady definitely wasn't his mom. He didn't have any other contacts in his phone, so he had no frame of reference for who this could be, apart from maybe a sibling.

"So, you found me, what're you going to do, drag me back to the hospital? Cause I probably can just run again and skip three nights' sleep instead of the occasional two to run for longer."

He smiled, almost sadly, as he pushed himself to his feet, though anyone with functional eyes and an IQ higher than five could tell he was weak - Hungry, shivering, dirty, and tired. He likely wouldn't get far despite what his bark spoke.
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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:13 pm


Enter Nicoletta


A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

Well. If anything had remained from Klaus's childhood, it seemed he hadn't become any less stubborn. Though he had definitely picked up a bit of a smart-ass attitude. But it was obvious that he was basically dead on his feet. So instead of answering his question, Nicoletta simply reached out as he tried to get on his feet, and gave him a little push. Any normal human that had been running for a week would definitely end up falling back over because of it. And with how dirty and tattered Klaus's clothes were? He'd definitely been on the harder end of that spectrum. It would have been different if he'd had even a modicum of power truly awakened. But he obviously didn't. And if she was right, and it really was starting to awaken? There was absolutely no way he'd be safe if he was left to his own devices.

"All that running is going to do is make you run yourself to death, Cass." As she stood over him, she crossed her arms under her chest.

"For god's sake, you're so ragged that you can't even stop shivering." She said as she sighed..only to get down on his level, sitting just across from him, looking him in the eyes. Red eyes to red eyes. If he really was as stubborn as she thought, then she was absolutely going to have to do some stuff.

However, as she had shifted down to sit, she noticed something all too familiar. The necklace he was wearing. The chain wasn't something she recognized..but the thing it was attached to was absolutely something she did. It was the cross that she had once used in her initial training. That made her chuckle.

"I see. He's still being a cheapskate, huh?" She asked as she held out a hand. Pulling on the ambient Reishi in the air, she slowly formed one of her knives, twirling it in her hand. The knife itself didn't keep on one particular color. As she twirled it, it kept bouncing between an exceedingly pale blue and red, with the whole thing running into a gradient during the spin. She didn't explain herself quite yet. And sitting here was at least a show of trust..but the knife was meant to be just enough of an element of danger to keep him from running..even as she broke her gaze and tilted her head back, sighing softly.

"They haven't talked to me in years, you know." She said as she turned and leaned against the building they were sitting behind.

"But the minute you vanished, the radio silence cracked. The only reason you got this far is because I didn't have service where I was at. I only recently popped back up here. My phone blew up when I got back. Calls from mom. Dozens of them, back to back." She said as she stopped twirling the knife.

It was bittersweet to be reunited with at least part of her family like this, really. She had been pretty much on her own for fourteen years. And while she had been talking in 'big sister' tone..the weight of the moment showed in her voice. The tone had cracks in it. The lecturing started to sound less serious..and her voice even started to waver.

She didn't expect Klaus to really remember her yet. But the reality of the situation was finally starting to weigh down on her. She knew what their father was like. He had completely disowned her merely because she had become 'defective', and had a disfigurement that prevented her use of a bow. She could only imagine how much harder he would have come down on him after she left..

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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:04 pm
Klaus, predictably, crumbled back onto his ass when the woman gave him the slightest of pushes, the young man grumbling as his bluff clearly was called and disregarded as he sat flat on the ground, grumbling a sharp, "I'll run however far I damn well please," under his breath as he was trying to keep himself upright, but his muscles were sore and body overall tired,

"I'm fine - You don't have to baby me, lady."

He knew he wasn't fine, but he wasn't going to be bleeding his heart out to someone he only knew as a stranger, no matter how familiar her presence felt. He felt her red gaze on him, following it to the necklace he wore, a brow raising at her statement of some 'him', Klaus assumed she meant 'their' father, being a cheapskate,

"Lady, I dunno what the hell you're talking about - It was just some necklace I had."

He looked a little threatened as she formed a knife out of nowhere, twirling it around with all manner of color to it as he knitted his eyebrows, clicking his teeth, "If you think that shit's scaring me..."

He trailed off as she went on, talking about how they - he assumed their parents - hadn't called her in years, that his disappearance was the only thing that lead to any break in silence. He heard the tone of her voice, the crack and emotion. He was still on guard, but he visibly looked put off by that idea, biting his lip as he sat there,

"..You didn't answer my question."

His tone of voice sounded totally different - low, confused, uncertain, as he would continue, "What are you going to do with me, now that you caught up? I mean, tossing me to the nuthouse sounds like the reasonable option for you - I am some crippled idiot willin' to run off in the middle of the night for no real reason, after all, like some looney crazyheaded asshole."
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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:33 am


Enter Nicoletta


A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

Hm. Interesting. If her math was correct, then Klaus was legally an adult by most of the world's standards. And yet, he still hadn't outgrown that teenage contrarian instinct. And of course, his angst was on full burn as she talked about things that she knew he didn't know. Truthfully, her little rant was more for her. She hadn't felt this kind of weight on her shoulders in years. She had some emotional baggage that had been exploited in Beijing. But this was a different kind of baggage.

And as was to be expected, Klaus asked a second time what she planned to do. From what he was saying, it was clear he thought that he was going insane. And right as he asked, Nicoletta somehow managed to balance the throwing knife she had created on the tip of her index finger. As she held her hand perfectly still, she started to speak again.

"Well, the way I see it, there's three options. I could go back home for the first time in fourteen years, and leave you there. And since they both know you're liable to start running, father will likely have some kind of system in place to prevent that. Second, you can stand up and keep running. But without a vehicle or any real memories, you'd be living a really shitty life..and will probably get struck by lightning over and over again, without knowing why." As she spoke, the area started to get warmer..even as the sun started to go down.

"And then there's option three. You stay here, and I fill you in on what you've forgotten. Maybe even explain why you got struck in the first place." She said as the knife on her fingertip lifted itself and launched away, tumbling end over end, burying itself at the very foot of the closest tree before dissipating. "And maybe even help you learn how to do things like that."

Nicoletta knew she was being frustratingly vague. But if she had just come out and dumped everything on top of him, there was a pretty large chance that he would have overloaded him with information, and spooked him. She needed him to think for himself, and make his own choice. She could only hope that her faith in him to make the best choice wasn't misplaced.

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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:36 pm
Klaus wasn't sure what the hell she was intent on conveying with her knife tricks, even if he showed some interest in it underneath his tired and starved exterior. He didn't understand what she wanted or intended, and that uncertainty made the young man, especially in his rather vulnerable position, extremely uncomfortable. He might as well be some poor sap met face to face with some an alien or something.

As she went on to roll out the options, he squinted with confusion as she mentioned being 'struck by lightning over and over', getting out a quick, "What are you talk-" before he was cut off by the third option, which was basically to accept and receive help from her. He was taken a bit aback, a look of uncertainty upon his features, as he would tilt his head away,

"..I don't know who you are. I don't know if you're supposed to mean something to me, or if you have my best interests at heart.."

His expression grew weary as he thought about it, "..But. My gut's screaming at me to avoid home like the plague. And if I was found outside alone, in the middle of nowhere... Maybe I was trying to get away, I dunno. Runnin' off by myself is stupid, fine, whatever."

His red, dreary eyes would then float back to look at her, a heavy sigh leaving his chest, "Third option sounds like the least likely to get me bit in the ass option right now, so.. Guess I'll go with that."
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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:06 pm


Enter Nicoletta


A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

It was to be expected that Klaus would be more than a little wary. But in the end, he made the right choice. Or at least, in her opinion he had. As he vocalized that he was going to go with option three, she immediately pushed herself up to her feet, holding out a hand to pull Klaus up to his feet. "Well, before we do much anything else, we need to get you some food." She said as she led the way, walking through the grassy lots until they got up to the closest place that held any food. Some little local dive that made typical German food.

As it turned out, walking into any restaurant with someone who looked like a homeless child wasn't exactly a great idea. Nicoletta was at least able to diffuse the situation before anything could really escalate. The explanation was simple. She had been searching for her brother who had run away from home, and needed to get some food in his system before they headed home.

They looked similar enough--as they very well should have--for the explanation to be viable. As they settled down in one of the empty booths, Nicoletta spoke up to Klaus again. "Alright Cass. You can get whatever you want. Just..try to be reasonable. She said as the menus were placed on their table. Nicoletta didn't even open hers. She knew what she was going to get. Coffee and a Coffee Cake. Nothing too bad. But she remained silent until Klaus figured out what he wanted, allowing the both of them to place their order.

"Well, there's going to be a lot to explain to you, so let's start with the basics. You've made it abundantly clear that you don't remember me. Not a surprise, really. I did recently undergo..quite a bit of a visual overhaul." She said as she ran a hand through her own hair, pulling some flyaways back down in the process.

"My name is Nicoletta Karlene. The disowned Oldest child of the Karlene family. Or at least, the older of the two that they had. When I was sixteen, I lost an eye to some kind of disease that caused it to start degenerating really quickly, before you ask for the reason why I was disowned." Start small. That was always the best idea. If he wanted more information, he'd start asking questions. Hopefully he wouldn't ask anything that was out of her depth.

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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:00 pm
Reluctantly, Klaus took the hand of the woman, being brought up to his feet, quietly following her to what he hoped was food, and, color him surprised, food there was as they approached a restaurant. He was quiet, apart from quiet nods as well, their appearance looked rather bad, he merely kept quiet until they got to a table. He quietly picked through the menu given to him, before finally coming to a decision,

"Egg noodles, some greens, and sausage."

He quietly fidgeted with the salt, tilting it to and fro on the table with one finger, as the woman would once again begin speaking to him, intent on explaining to him what he apparently cannot remember. First she started with who she herself was - Nicoletta Karlene. The name itched at his mind almost immediately, a thinking look to his face as she would go on to give some bare basics about herself.

"..Oh. That sucks," His tone was flat, monotonous as he was tired and thinking, ".. So I would've had to have been pretty young when you left."

He soon was picking at the bandages wrapped around his neck, lying his head on the table as he hummed softly, ".. Any idea why I get such a bad gut feeling towards dad?"
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A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] Empty Re: A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta]

Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:33 pm


Enter Nicoletta


A Lost Path [Klaus/Nicoletta] 6EdIfMt

Klaus's tone may have been monotone, but his statement about how young he must have been when she left still made her chuckle and nod as she leaned back further into the booth. " really were. You were only four, and you had a lot of trouble saying your own name. For a while, you introduced yourself as 'Kass Karene'. You were having trouble with your L's for some reason or another." She said, chuckling a little as she remembered the days before she had been forced to leave.

However..the mood was ruined by Klaus's question. Nicoletta's jovial expression became very grim as she slowly ran a hand up one of her arms. He had a bad gut feeling towards their father. She couldn't blame him. He had been incredibly strict on her before she had lost her eye, and became incredibly dismissive of her in favor of Klaus, to the point of actively disowning her. And that was the problem. She hadn't been home in fourteen years.

"I..I'm not sure. He was strict with me, and even disowned me after the surgery to remove my eye. But that was about it. If I had to guess, I would say he probably became incredibly angry after the fact. I had been hearing rumors that you weren't quite taking to your training. Just whispers from our extended family, you know? I think the only people that really know are you and dad. And you don't remember, and I don't think he'd be willing to talk to either of us right now." She didn't want to believe that he would actually try to purposely harm either of them. Sure, the man expected a lot out of the two of them. But he had plenty of chances to get physical when she had messed up in her training. But he never had. And yet..she could still feel that niggling doubt in the back of her head. The same feeling she had gotten in Beijing.

What if losing the 'family prodigy' and having to start over with someone new who didn't have the same growth curve had been enough to push him over the edge? The thought made the taste of bile rise in her throat. She didn't realize it..but as she thought about all of this, there was palpable intent to murder in her unfocused eyes, as well as a sudden drop in temperature for a moment before she caught herself, clearing her throat a bit. It had all been a split second. But the instinct was there. Buried for fourteen years, but there. Nicoletta was a good sister, and now he had a chance to prove it.

"But, really, it doesn't matter right now. I told you I would explain everything. And if being around dad makes you get that fight or flight response, then I'll make sure he doesn't have the chance to lay a finger on you. It's just that simple."

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