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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:18 pm

So, This is Earth?! 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 300

Today was a big day for the Shinigami! She was gonna head onto earth for the first time! She was beyond excited, she had never seen Earth before! So once she had permission from Abalia to do cross-divisional work, that meant she could visit earth! Tokyo would definitely be the place to see! The biggest city in Japan would definitely make a nice spot to visit! Thank you Abalia~ Hono was really thankful for her Captain,

From out of a portal Hono arrived in Japan, where she would need to take a boat to Japan! So this was Earth! Though... it was a bit unimpressive in her opinion, it was similar to the soul society. None the less, she headed to the counter, purchasing a ferry ticket! However, the man behind the counter seemed to be new, instead of giving her a one-way ticket to Tokyo Japan she got one for Minatumi Japan, but the girl didn't even bother to check her ticket.

Hono walked forward, giving the ticket up and setting onto her ferry! The boat wasn't super crowded, only around 5 people were on the boat, weird, she expected the boat to be packed, Tokyo was the biggest city in Japan. Hono then would walk over to the edge, looking down at the water. It was quite pretty. The whole ride went by so quickly!

Once the boat arrived at the harbor, Hono was the first to get off!

"This isn't Tokyo!" she said loudly, while she had never been to Earth, she at least knew what Tokyo looked like! With a slight grumble, Hono would head into the city, while it wasn't where she wanted to go, she would make the best of the situation. What could this city be like? What kind of people lived here?

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:59 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Today was quite the nice day, all things considered. Such a nice day was why Arianda decided to go out on the town with her dear girlfriend; Kita. Of course, such a spontaneous offer was met with only a single caveat; Kita was likely going to be in her shifter form. That was alright, frankly. Arianda believed the woman to be beautiful no matter what form she took; something Arianda made sure to remind her of on a daily basis. However, today was a good day to go out on a walk. Which was why one could find Arianda and Kita walking around town. Arianda, the previous Angel of Conflict, was guiding Kita around town; holding her girlfriend's hand while showing her the sights. Minatumi wasn't exactly large or anything, but it did bustle with the regular foot traffic from residents and the rare tourists.

Regardless, Arianda enjoyed showing Kita around; humming as she held her girlfriends hand and walked beside her. She was, in all truth, quite happy; and the city was full of all sorts of people. Someone new to Minatumi may find it a bit odd; given there was a conglomeration of races and people who all lived here peacefully. Those who desired to be free of the conflict of the world; those who wished to have a good life and protect their home. Regardless of everything, the little demon was quite happy to be roaming around town with Kita; especially given she hadn't had a load of opportunities to show her around. However, it seemed like a newcomer had arrived in town; one whose voice carried through the streets.

Quite the complaint, the fact that Minatumi wasn't Tokyo. Indeed, it wasn't at all! However, whatever may have happened to cause the owner of that voice to arrive in Minatumi instead of Tokyo was beyond Ari. So, the little demon started to subconsciously steer herself and Kita towards the source of the voice; still showing Kita the places she knew. She also mentioned the steakhouse they passed, suppressing a flood of memories of a friend long since gone; but Arianda still liked to frequent the place. After all, the food was good there. In all truth, it was hard for the demon to find a place in Minatumi where the food wasn't good. Maybe Ulv just attracted those real good chefs. Whatever the case may be, Ari hummed in pleasure as she found herself and Kita rather close to the girl who had made such a grand complaint. At least, Ari figured it was.

The demon saw a girl with pink hair, tied into pigtails, fair skin, Yellow-Amber eyes, and she appeared to be dressed in the garb of a Shinigami; which, of course, stuck out more than a sore thumb. Arianda had to let a tiny smile slip as she looked towards the girl. It seemed to Ari that, when coming to the world of the living, one should wear a gigai; but the demon supposed it was nothing to really be worried about. Albeit, the woman did look quite glum; maybe she truly was the one who gave out her displeasure for Minatumi to hear.

Well, whether she was or not, Arianda was having a nice time with Kita; humming softly as she lead Kita around still. Albeit, they were relatively close to the girl; and Ari always looked friendly enough to approach. While Ari wouldn't go right up to the girl, because she was with her girlfriend, she wouldn't mind if the girl came up to them and asked where she was; after all, that way it would just be a casual interaction and Ari could devote her attention to Kita until that time. If that time came that is. Regardless, Arianda decided to simply enjoy her time with her darling girlfriend and see where the day took them.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:53 pm

So, This is Earth?! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Sun Lu - Song: Moonlit Sky

It had taken some time, but Atsuko -- now Kitarune -- was finally getting adjusted to life in her new home, Minatumi. It was certainly better than living in the Rukongai, that was for certain. She had her brother, Arianda, and some of the various people in the city that she had met and befriended -- though none of them ever had seen her true form.

She never had been able to figure it out, but she had always felt like her true form was too young. She never felt that she was 'womanly' enough or anything like that. So, she hid away her true form behind a facade in appearance and personality, and Arianda loved to nag her about how she felt about the whole thing. Nevertheless, Arianda insisted that they talk a walk around the city. Thus, as Kita walked beside her companion, she picked up on the young woman's voice, confused.

How on Earth did she manage to get on the wrong boat if she was headed to Tokyo?

The woman blinked a few times, the thought coming to her to approach she did, Kita squeezed Arianda's hand tightly, lightly gesturing to the young woman. Part of her wondered if she could learn more about the Gotei from this young Shinigami. Maybe she could learn why and how Katsuhiko turned into who he did.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:46 am

So, This is Earth?! 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 393

"What do you mean I can't have a refund?!" The pink-haired girl would once again shout at the man behind the ticket counter. The man was in his early 30s but he appeared to have been working for a while. "I'm sorry ma'am! The ticket was already used-" Hono appeared to scare him, the Shinigami slammed her hand on her desk, speaking up, causing the man to quickly flinch while staggering back. "Ugh! FINE DAMMIT!" With that, the girl would quickly turn and walk forward.

The pink-haired girl would sigh, giving the city a quick look, it was rather impressive. While it wasn't Tokyo it could be just as fun to explore. Maybe Hono could finally try some of that Earth food she had heard so much about! Just what kind of food did they have? Well that didn't really matter yet! It was time to figure out where in the hell she was.

Maybe Hono could find a local to show her around? Everyone just looked rather normal, while many gave her strange looks.However someone quickly caught her eye. Well, two people actually, two woman who's hands were tightly interlocked with one another. She thought about it, maybe they were a couple? Just like her, the pair stuck out like a sore thumb. Rather quickly, Hono walked towards the cute couple. Clearing her throat, the visitor would speak up, trying to get the attention of the two strangers.

"Excuse me, Where the hell am I?" She rubbed her neck embarrassed, as her cheeks turning a soft hue of pink. "So, I bought a ticket to Tokyo, and the fucker at the ticket counter gave me the wrong ticket, so after that boat ride, here I am! They said I couldn't have a refund either..." She grumbled to herself as she folded her arms and looked to the side annoyed with the ticket situation.

"I'm not from around here, obviously so I'd really appreciate any directions you can give me!" The Shinigami would turn her head, giving Kita a rather warm smile, showing that despite her blunt nature, she had good intentions. Hono really was just a clueless soul, who knew next to nothing about the real world, hell she didn't know much about the Gotei being such a new member, but she was eager to learn about the human world!

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:48 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It seemed Ari's indirect desire to help the poor woman, but not wanting to detract from her time with Kita, seemed to pay off. Not to mention, Kita even signaled that she wished to help the woman. However, soon it was clear she was to approach them; which afforded Kita and Ari the chance to collect themselves; one could say. However, Ari did feel quite sorry for Hono.

Especially considering how the pink-haired woman was quite flustered, looking for help, and definitely seemed to have gotten the wrong ticket. Indeed, travel by boat was not the most common method of travel for most; but if you were a weak enough spiritual being, then it was quite reasonable why the woman took the boat. Arianda smiled at her warmly, probably showing off a bit of beauty the demon had not shown when she was simply walking next to her darling girlfriend; who was in her Shifter due to a lack of confidence. Perfectly fine to Ari; after all, Kita was her focus, not getting other girls or men to notice her.

"Why, this is Minatumi~ An Island near Japan; the person who gave you the ticket must be new. I'm sorry you got the wrong ticket, I'm sure I can set you up with the proper ticket if needed; and make sure you get the right boat. However, you're here now, why not enjoy it?"

Arianda gave her a warm smile again, not minding the attention Hono was giving Kita. She couldn't blame her. Kitarune was a very attractive woman; one who Arianda was lucky enough to be dating. Arianda smiled still before she chuckled softly and nodded at Hono.

"Of course, of course; I'd be glad to help. My name is Arianda, Arianda Vael; and this is Kitarune. So tell me, what might your name be and where would you wish to go? I'm sure I can remember how to get there if it's in Minatumi; bar none I'm sure we could show you there if I falter in my memory."

Again, Arianda gave the woman a warm smile before she gently leaned against Kita; imparting the tiniest of her weight onto Kita. It was a casual motion, but one that was followed by a gentle squeeze of Kita's hand; as well as a meaningful look. All she was asking, without words, was if Kita was okay with this; after all, their walk originally did not include helping out a random girl with pink hair. But, if Kita was alright with it, then Arianda would not mind helping Hono out while she was still on Minatumi. After all, she wished to think of Kita; make sure this situation was okay with her. Besides, Ari was more than happy to help someone who had a mishap of bad luck and ended up in the wrong place. Hopefully, the time in Minatumi would make up for the time Hono would miss in Tokyo. Besides, she could likely go there some other time.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:39 pm

So, This is Earth?! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Sun Lu - Song: Moonlit Sky

As the two walked over to where the commotion with the woman and the man at the counter, Kitarune realized that Hono had gotten the wrong ticket, wanting to get Tokyo instead of Minatumi, where she had ended up. Kitarune's eyes lit up at the mention of Tokyo, the capital of her home, but before she could say anything, Arianda had already started, and Kitarune quickly closed her mouth and stayed by her companion's side, squeezing her hand just a little bit tighter in annoyance.

But, as Arianda introduced her, Kitarune raised a hand to give Hono a gentle wave, returning the warm smile, though she quickly turned her focus to the, apparently, significantly more interesting ground. Not long after, Kitarune picked her head up, giving another warm smile before she lifted a finger to try and interject.

"Um, once you get to Tokyo, if you wanted, I could try and be a guide for you. I haven't been there in a long time, so it's probably really different compared to back then, but I'd still like to help any way I can."

The Archmage gave an awkward chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck as she paused for a moment. It was so strange to be in a regular conversation like this -- after so long, wandering the Wastelands, the world, and living in the Rukongai the way she did. It felt like it was an entirely different era, which, in a sense, it was. Yet, at the same time, there were still things that never changed -- and while she wasn't saying or doing all that much to help, Kitarune still had the desire to help out Hono as much as she could.

"Arianda can probably help you out more than I can since I'm still pretty new to Minatumi and just recently started living here. Arianda's been taking me to a few places, but I'm...still wrapping my head around it all, honestly."

Kitarune's gaze returned to the ground, gently rubbing her arm at the thought of her life not too long ago, before this sudden change and revelation -- her brother being alive, Arianda so suddenly and graciously accepting her and allowing her to move in, and how kind and welcoming everyone had been to her so far, and now, being able to help someone who seemed lost, but sweet. Maybe things were really looking up for her.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:34 pm

So, This is Earth?! 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 264

Ari did certainly have a point... why not enjoy this city? Sure it wasn't Toyko! But it was probably just as good as it! Hono would shake her head in agreeance. Best make the best out of the situation. Both of the girls seem really kind, thankfully she met someone like that. It seemed like they really were a couple, they were quite cute with one and another. What a nice couple! Hono shook her head and spoke up.

"No need for that! It's not your fault I got the wrong ticket! Minatumi" She repeated the name of the island a couple of times, it was the easy way for her to remember things! "Right. What do you recommend I do around here?"

The Shinigami would raise an eyebrow as she looked at both of the girls. Listening to them both introduce themselves.

"Names Hono! Nice to meet you both." She held up a hand quicking giving them one wave, before dropping her arm back to her side. "Well, I'm not sure what I wanna do, I just kind of wanna see what happens in these cities!" The girl would chuckle. Kitarune had offered to be Hono's guide in Tokyo.

"No no! You don't need to do all of that just for me!" The girl's cheeks turned bright pink. "I wouldn't mind exploring this place a little! I've never been anywhere like this before, so you can show me all the spots, Ari!" The had already given Arianda a nickname! That was definitely a good sign! Now to think of one for Kitarune...

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Last edited by Squish on Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:30 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda blushed gently when Kita squeezed her hand tighter, just a bit tighter than normal, and the demon felt bad, and embarrassed, for accidentally interrupting her earlier. She couldn't help it, Arianda could be quite the chatterbox. Which was why Ari held her tongue while Kita talked, giving her hand a gentle squeeze to take place for a worded apology; gently rubbing her thumb on the back of Kita's hand. However, the demon soon started to hum softly as she listened to Kita speak to Hono. Indeed, Arianda could help Hono out a bit more than Kita could. After all, she only knew what she and Ari had seen; which was not exactly the whole island. So, Arianda gave Hono a big grin as she leaned into Kita; waiting to make sure Kita was going to speak before she did.

"Yeah, I could do that~ Honestly, I mostly just have my favorites; but I'm sure I'll be able to find some good spots. You've already been to the harbor, obviously, so, why don't we start with the park? Then wherever our feet take us next; afterwards, I'll treat us all to dinner somewhere~"

Arianda gave both Hono and Kita a grin, leaning up to peck Kita on the cheek; another apology for interrupting her earlier. When both Hono and kita were ready to go, agreed on the situation, Arianda would lead the way to the park; showing Hono interesting parts on the way there. However, the entire time, Arianda held Kita's hand. It wasn't for any other reason than Ari wished to hold her hand and be close to Kita; while also wanting to make sure Hono had a good tour of Minatumi. Even if Hono did not intend to come here, she still wished to make the best of it; for all of em.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:39 pm

So, This is Earth?! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Sun Lu - Song: Moonlit Sky

This girl was so modest, it was adorable. She was more than happy to attempt to serve as a tour guide for Hono, when or if they got to Tokyo. It was the least she could do when Ari was doing the guiding around Minatumi. So, giving a gentle shake of her head, Kitarune made a silent confirmation that she would be Hono's tour guide for Tokyo, letting Ari talk for a bit, her eyes lighting up at the mention of the park.

It was a wonderful place, and Kitarune was already excited to see what Hono thought of it. She gave Ari's hand a tight squeeze, turning back to look at Hono with a big smile as she started to tug her girlfriend off in the direction of the park just as Ari started to lead the way.

"Ooh, maybe next, we can show her some of the restaurants around Minatumi!"

With her peppy energy, an aura that basically just screamed positivity, and a big grin on her face, it hadn't taken Kita long to get excited about this little tour, a mini-adventure for the three of them to take that the Archmage was more than happy to go on.

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So, This is Earth?! Empty Re: So, This is Earth?!

Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:02 pm

So, This is Earth?! 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 230

The hospitality was defiantly appreciated. Was everyone on Earth this friendly? It was interesting. Hono simply smiled back at Arianda. A park sure did sound interesting, who knew what she'd see along the way.

"Thanks again Arianda! I appreciate it!" She quickly bowed, "This place is pretty damn cool~ Living here must be pretty relaxing" Hono's eyes wandered, looking around the area. "Where's this park? Just how big is this place anyway?"

Arianda offered to purchase both of their dinners. Hono would have normally declined, however it would probably sound rude to shoot her down after how kind she'd been.

Arianda quickly kissed Kita, this confirmed their relationship towards Hono. Admittedly it was quite cute, Hono would turn a soft pink and smile slightly, something about the couple made Hono smile! Though... Hono felt as if she was intruding slightly- it seemed like they had a date planned before Hono showed up. So she would have to apologize.

The pink-haired girl walked a few feet behind the couple as they led her to the park. Hono made sure to take in as many sites as possible!

"I'm not picky, so I'll eat whatever you two want!" She smiled in response to the comment on Kita.

"I'm sorry for uh intruding on the two of you..." She would finally apologize. "So I'll make sure to make it up to you two!"

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