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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:07 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Everything had been quite calm despite the amount of chaos that occurred rather recently in Minatumi; with Algos attacking and all that. Arianda still had not lived down how she had come home to Kita. After all, when your girlfriend arrives home from a dark portal, tries to flop into you after coming out of said portal; such a thing normally doesn't get the warmest of receptions. At least Ari was glad to find out Kita was alright, even if Ari herself was less than alright. Frankly, she wasn't doing terrible, but, Kita knew the things that plagued Ari; even if not quite intimately as one could think. After all, breaking a demonic seal was not without its consequences; and Ari knew that she was in for a rough time.

However, Arianda still wished to make the best of her time with Kita. Which was why the demon had approached Kita once more and asked if she would go with her on another date. It was a mix of wanting to make things up to Kita, to apologize for disappearing on her, and to also just generally continue dating the woman; still wishing to be with her of course. So, Arianda asked Kita if she wanted to go eat lunch in one of the nearby parks; humming as she hoped Kita said yes. Providing the woman gave her approval, Arianda grinned and tentatively gave Kita a hug; if she would accept it. Afterwards, Arianda would leap downstairs, literally, and begin preparing her and Kita's lunch.

Of course, such a task was quite easy; all things considered. Arianda may be quite nervous, thanks to the fact she was making a lunch for herself and her darling girlfriend; but maybe Ari was more so nervous about another thing that could potentially happen; the grand potential of a flour explosion. After all, it was something Ari never could quite seem to escape. However, as the demon made her and Kita's lunch, which she did her best to make sure it all tasted excellent, not a single thing went wrong at the expense of Ari's pride. No flour blew up in her face, nothing of the sort truly occurred. She started to feel rather pleased that she not only succeeded in making a rather lovely meal for herself and Kita; so much so that Arianda was smiling to herself as she finished up preparing her and Kita's meal.

Once the demon had finished up, she packed everything away in a cooler, to keep their food fresh, and then the demon started to make a dessert for the pair; and while Arianda was making the dessert, she was not paying attention to exactly what she was doing and what was going on around her. Kita could have come downstairs, for all Ari knew, and when she came downstairs there was a sharp POP and the next thing Ari knew; her face was covered in flour.

The demon blinked, coughed softly, before bursting into laughter as she wiped flour off her face; a silly grin adorning her adorable face as she finished up making the dessert and then waited for Kita to come downstairs. That, or comment on the fact that Arianda seemed to have cause some form of flour explosion; whichever came first. However, the demon's mood would be quite hard to spoil. She was going to be spending more time with Kita; and Ari couldn't wait to have a good day with her girlfriend.

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:04 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

It had been relatively calm since the attack on Minatumi months ago, and frankly, Kitarune was thankful for it. Arianda had come back from going missing for a few hours, scaring the shit out of her when she came back, exhausted and injured. After that, things had been relatively quiet around the harbor, and she was more than happy for that, because it allowed her to spend more time having fun with Arianda -- talking, laughing, watching TV together, everything that they did together always felt special.

It only served to make her more comfortable with what Ari had asked her about earlier that day, not long after she had woken up: another date. Giving a nod in response as Ari went downstairs, Kitarune sat up in bed, stretching and rubbing her eyes as she slowly made her way to the shower in order to get ready for the day. Stepping out of the shower and back into her room, Kitarune dried her hair off and quickly got dressed, making sure that her skirt and sweater were spotless before calling her jacket -- her Hagoromo -- to her.

Kitarune smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, fixing her twin-tails before summoning her staff and changing its form to a small hairpin. Finally, she started downstairs, only for her to stop midway as she heard a loud, sharp popping sound. She blinked a few times, going much slower down the stairs and carefully peeking her head around the corner, before snickering.

Arianda's face was entirely covered in flour. Whatever she was trying to do, she had failed spectacularly. Still giggling as she came around the corner, she held her arms in front of her shyly, a hand raising to rub the back of her neck as Kitarune had suddenly found the ground to be much more interesting than anything else in the room.

"So, uh...what's on the agenda, Ari?"

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:39 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Indeed, Arianda had goofed up just a little bit; her own nervousness got the better of her and she caused the first flour explosion since she lost her powers connected to her seal of Eris. Arianda had not realized, not fully, how much of her literal randomness could be boiled down to being the fault of her powers over Conflict. As she thought of such things, a hand drifted to where the seal was; a burn now only took it's place, and even that was fading every day. Her regeneration was, after all, among some of the best; but not quite on the same level as Mana's own for very obvious reasons. Soon, however, Arianda heard snickering, and then giggling; looking up to give Kita a delighted smile. However, as soon as she approached to talk, her face was directed straight at the ground; her eyes no longer visible.

Arianda frowned some as she saw Kita look down. Sometimes, she would look Ari straight in the eye like nothing was wrong. Others, however, she got real shy and looked away; depriving Ari of the sight of her beautifully purple eyes. Arianda soon smiled gently, walking up to Kita. She did not answer her question, instead, she gently raised Kita's head, using her chin to allow such gentle change; and then put her hand on Kita's face. Meanwhile, her left hand came to rest on Kita's side as the demon smiled warmly; gently caressing Kita's cheek with her thumb.

"Please don't look down at the ground, Kita; you have such beautiful eyes. It's a waste for the floor to stare upon their beauty alone."

Arianda gave Kita that same warm smile after speaking and then she leaned her face closer. However, before Kita could panic about the possibility of being kissed on the lips, Arianda's face missed entirely; giving the girl a kiss on the cheek her hand was not on. Afterwards, Arianda gave Kita a small wink, a quick hug to reaffirm her point and how she cared, before she turned towards the cooler of food she had prepared; packing away the last few bits of food into the handheld cooler and closing it up.

"I was thinking we could walk around the park a little bit, maybe have a picnic somewhere nice, and then come home and I can treat you to dinner~ That all sound okay?"

Arianda gave Kita another warm smile as she picked up the cooler and placed it next to the door; coming back to wherever Kita was to give her a biiiig hug. She grinned at her girlfriend, happy as a clam despite her recollection while Kita had laughed at her flour covered face.

"Whatever we do in between is up to us; why plan out an entire day in which anything could happen~? I'm really looking forward to spending it with you though, Kita~"

Joined : 2016-01-20
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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:59 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) 6EdIfMt

Song: Calla Lily - Artist: Elsword

Damn her cheesiness. As Arianda lifted her head and smiled, resting a hand on her cheek, the mage's face deepened its crimson tones as she fought every urge to look down again. She pursed her lip and puffing her cheeks out as she glanced to the side. A feeling of disapproval came from the woman at the remark, though a small kindle of shyness and joy flickered to life from the small marks of affection. Her voice reflected these emotions, a quiet, almost hushed mumble coming from her as she responded.

"You know, cheesy lines like that aren't really the way to a girl's heart."

Nevertheless, she straightened herself, pulling her jacket a bit more firmly around herself as Arianda finished up packing the last bits of their lunch into the cooler, explaining what her plan was. The park sounded nice, and the thought of a cool wind gently blowing through her hair on such a quiet summer afternoon brought a small smile to her face. She brought a hand up to rub her arm gently, nodding in response.

Her smile quickly turned into a look of surprise as Arianda gave her yet another embrace, returning to rub her arm after the embrace was broken, shrugging at her next comments.

"Guess you're right..."

As Kitarune made her way to the door, she instinctively pulled up her hood with one hand, her hairpin floating out of her hair and into her hand, reverting to a book that she promptly clutched tightly to her chest, offering another small smile as she gestured to the door.

"Lead the way, Ari."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:00 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Maybe it isn't, Kita~ But, cheesiness can certainly bring a certain bit of joy~ Besides, even if it was very cheesy; it's no less true."

Arianda gave Kita that same warm smile, letting Kita get read as Ari herself gathered the rest of her things; casually flipping a small, but quite metallic, pair of scissors into a pocket of her skirt. She hummed pleasantly, patting the pocket gently before she smiled at Kita, taking the woman's hand if Kita wanted to hold hands at the moment. Afterwards, Arianda would indeed take the lead, walking with Kita to the park; casually conversing or pointing out some areas she liked. Of course, Arianda purposefully was very careful about which places she pointed out to Kita; gently teasing her in a way that would be attempts to try and help relax Kita. Arianda wanted her darling girlfriend to feel safe. IF she didn't feel safe in Minatumi, she could at least feel safe because Arianda was right next to her.

Eventually, the pair of women arrived at the park; greenery dotting and tracing paths back and forth. Not to mention, there were a few cherry trees here and there, Ari always called them Sakura trees as many sometimes do; and every single one appeared to be in full bloom. Arianda gave Kita a big, warm, grin, before she slowly guided them through the park; moving past tree after tree until Arianda finally settled on the biggest, and relatively isolated, tree; where Arianda placed down the picnic basket she brought with her. Afterwards, Arianda carefully pulled Kita into a gentle hug that was once more meant to comfort the woman; which she combined with a gentle ebb and flow of her Resolve Flame, hoping it's warmth could help some too. It was likely a rather charming scene, two women embracing below such a tree; but Arianda was more concerned about how Kita was feeling than how the scene looked.

"Doing okay, I hope~? Figured this would be a nice, quiet, place; relatively well isolated. Beautiful too~ Just tell me if ya wanna go back, okay~?"

Arianda gave Kita another warm smile as she gently pulled away some, only enough so they could look at each other; but, afterwards, Arianda pulled away the rest of the way, unless Kita said something or stopped her. THen, the demon set to setting up their little picnic, seeming quite prepared thanks to the things she pulled out of the basket and set up for herself and Kita. Eventually, Arianda took a tentative seat on the cloth she had set out and then gave Kita warm smile; gently patting the spot next to her. As far as Arianda was concerned, they were in a relatively private place. Arianda just hoped that things would go well, and that she and Kita would have a great time out in the park; together.

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:10 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Despite how nervous she was, Kitarune gave her best smile in return, a hand tugging at her hood to keep it over her face as she stuck close to Arianda. As they stepped out the door, and Kitarune used the hand grasping at her hood so she could shield her eyes from the blinding afternoon sunlight, she felt Ari's fingers entwine with her own, causing her to pull her hood even tighter over herself to hide the sudden red that spread across her cheeks.

Following behind meekly as Arianda lead her to the park, Kitarune couldn't stop turning her head and looking around, seeing people walking around and enjoying their day. She couldn't see anyone looking at her -- but she still couldn't shake the feeling that someone would be out to get her. After so long in the Rukongai, fighting to stay alive and unharmed, she couldn't get out of that mindset. But, as they arrived, and Arianda set the basket down, Kitarune went to sit down, only for Arianda to suddenly turn around and give her a hug.

Her cheeks flushed with an even deeper shade of red, but as she sat down, she felt a bit more at ease with herself, and even though she felt confident enough to stay out here and enjoy the afternoon with Ari, a hand still remained lightly gripped on her hood, keeping it over her face as the chilly, bitey wind blew, causing the mage to shiver lightly.

"S-So, um, what did you pack for lunch?"

With her hands now gripping her shoulders, she turned to look at Ari.

"And are you ever going to tell me what happened with the random woman who showed up in Minatumi and started the shitstorm, and what happened in Demon World afterward?"

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:17 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda smiled sheepishly when she surprised the woman with her rather sudden hug; trying to make an apologetic face as Arianda knelt down so she was still facing Kita but able to pull their food out of the basket. Arianda hummed pleasantly as she unpacked their food, pulling out a few simple things first; varying from simple sandwiches to relatively complex ones. The demon even removed a thermos full of liquid; be it a drink or soup. Arianda soon then pulled out a small platter that appeared to packed full of miscellaneous finger foods; all of which still looked perfectly hot and not soggy at all. A perk of having magic, could keep your food perfectly preserved if needed. However, soon Kita asked her a question, and the demon smiled warmly at Kita as she asked what Ari had brought.

"Just a wiiide range of foods~! I got a salad here, some sandwiches, finger-foods, and a few other odds and ends; like tea~!"

Arianda gave Kita another warm grin, noticing how cold Kita appeared and slowly placed down the food, pulling her cloak off and gently placing it on Kita's shoulders; wrapping it around her a small amount. She gave Kita a smile, and then resumed unpacking their picnic. However, the demon faltered when Kita spoke of what happened on that day. She didn't want to talk about it, especially how part of it included Ari nearly dying in the short span of a few moments.

Arianda's hands gently dropped to her sides as she looked down towards Kita's lap, soon looking away to only stare past Kita towards the general area where that battle took place. Arianda's mouth opened for a moment, about to ask Kita if she was sure she wanted to know; however, such a thought was quickly suppressed. If Kita didn't want to know, she wouldn't have asked. Arianda let out a soft sigh, and looked Kita straight in the eyes.

"A lot... A lot happened that day, in the span of basically no time at all... I'm sure you felt what nearly happened to me."

Arianda looked away from Kita briefly, avoiding being blunt and telling Kita that she had nearly died. However, Kita would know what happened; how Ari's presence nearly faded that day. Arianda wouldn't confirm it, not right now. Death was a part of life, but the reason Ari lived was because of Kita; at least that's what Ari intends to spin it as.

However, Arianda soon gently took the hem of her shirt in hand, raising it the smallest bit; revealing the bottom of her abs as she continued to speak to Kita.

"I basically ended up in a rather harsh state thanks to what some people did that day; as you could probably tell. I lost a lot that day, but I didn't lose what was really important, you know?"

Arianda gripped her shirt tighter as she looked at Kita and spoke, her fingers trembling a tiny bit as she spoke.

"I used to be part of Shadow Fall, Kita... I was blind to the wrongdoings, I was blind to it all. I'm still rather heavily linked to them; and that's my cross to bear. And, back when I joined Shadowfall, I obtained something from Mana called the Eris Seal; it's one of the things I had to give up that day t-to survive."

Arianda lifted up her shirt more, revealing her rather impressive abs, and to show a relatively grisly scar; one that used to be in the shape of the mark of Eris. However, it seemed to have done no more than deformed into just that, a scar. To Ari, it was a painful reminder of what she had lost; but something that also reminded her how to move foreward.

"The woman who attacked Minatumi... she won't do it again. I doubt I'll have to go into battle against her again. That doesn't change anything, though. I-I'm sorry I kept this from you, Kita... It's-It's a little hard to talk about..."

Arianda gently lowered her shirt after a chunk of time, especially if Kita was still inspecting what was a rather grisly mar on Arianda's rather perfect skin. Then, Arianda continued to explain after gently placing her own hand upon her stomach.

"Basically speaking, I've gotten back into contact with the Asthavon's, got an apology for the things Mana has done in the past, and I kinda ended up getting pulled back into demon politics that I wished to avoid..."

Arianda rubbed the back of her head gently, giving Kita a gentle smile as she did her best to explain what she had experienced that day.

"I'm sure you remember how I came home... I'm sorry for leaving without doing more than sending Amphy momentarily; I didn't exactly have the option to not go. D-Do you have anything else to ask, Kita...? There isn't really any amazing specifics aside from what happened to me that day; but, don't hold back if you have questions to ask."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:32 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) 6EdIfMt

Song: You Will Be Okay - Artist: FrostFM

As Kitarune sat down, brushing off any leaves or anything that might have caused discomfort as she knelt down, she let out a quiet breath as she tugged her hood a bit tighter over her head. She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the mention of tea -- part of it felt like she was just doing everything in her power to appeal to the fact that she was Japanese.

But, it wasn't unappreciated, as she did enjoy it. But, as she shivered, she opened her mouth to object as the woman placed her cloak around her, with her face quickly returning to the crimson shade it had before, matching the bright red of Ari's cloak.

"You're just tryin' to friggin' butter me up..."

She turned her gaze to the side, grumbling to herself for a moment before her attention turned back to Arianda as she hesitantly started talking about the assault on Minatumi. She didn't really understand what Shadow Fall was, what it meant for her, or especially what it meant for Arianda. She didn't know who the Asthavons were, either, but from the way that she spoke about them, both of those things seemed like it was a really big deal.

But, as she finished, Kitarune remained silent. Her lip quivered slightly as she thought of what she wanted to say -- what could she say? What could someone even say in response to that? All she could feel was anger toward Arianda for not saying anything, for disappearing out of nowhere like that, for scaring her, and most importantly...


Kitarune suddenly lashed out and slapped Arianda across the face, sniffling softly as she looked the demoness in the eye.

"When you disappeared, I thought she had killed you, idiot!"

She brought up her hand to slap her again, but eventually lowered it to her side, instead choosing to wipe her eyes.

"You just told me to stay put until you came back, and then you disappeared, only to come back almost a full day later, battered to hell! What was I supposed to think about that?!"

Trying to calm herself down, she took in several deep breaths, eventually regulating her breathing to a moderate pace. As she did, she thought back on what Arianda said before. She blinked a few times, before tilting her head to the side. Arianda had mentioned something that had confused her. She hadn't heard the term before, even when she was in the Rukongai.

"Um...what's finger-food? I don't think I ever had that when I was in the Rukongai, or, at least, I didn't know there was something called that."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:46 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda had expected not exactly the best thing. It seemed that the show of her abs, and scar, had gone mostly unnoticed; which was likely a good thing. However, when the demon saw Kita's lip quiver gently, Ari leaned forward some, reaching out her hand before-- A sudden jolt of pain seared Ari's cheek; making the demon's eyes go wide in pure shock. Sure, she had seen it, the slap, but that didn't mean total surprise and shock didn't stop Ari from doing anything about it. She blinked a few times, holding her left hand up to her burning cheek; her shirt forgotten as it hung up on her midsection, Ari's abs still in partial view. She blinked at Kita, and then flinched a tiny bit when Kita moved to slap her again while speaking.

Her sniffling, what she said; it made Arianda feel horrible. It's not that she wanted to conceal it from Kita; it was simply hard to talk about. However, something so simple was clearly not worth harming Kita. The demon gently pushed the little basket aside, ignoring her reddening cheek, and scooted close to Kita until their knees were touching. The demon remained silent, gently taking hold of Kita's hands. Ari smiled gently, despite the hand mark that was currently making where Kita had slapped her very obvious. Eventually, the demon leaned forward and pecked Kita on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Kita; I am so desperately sorry. I should have told you earlier, I should have left you with more; I was in a rush, and it was a situation in which I couldn't exactly leave. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I want to make it up to you for being, well, an idiot."

Arianda gently rubbed the back of Kita's hands with her thumbs, caressing them gently as she smiled still at Kita. She felt terrible for not telling Kita sooner; but that was a mistake she would simply have to make up for. Arianda slowly pulled Kita into a warm, gentle, and loving hug; one that would also convey just how sorry Arianda was for being a dumb-dumb.

"I wish I didn't come home like I did. But I was tired, and I really wanted to see you; I had enough of royal politics and stupid situations. I just wanted to cuddle you and relax; not worry you more than you already were. But, you're right; and I truly am sorry for not talking about it sooner. But, I'm fine now; I'm safe. I told you I would be back, or at least I thought Amphy relayed that correctly; and I came back. I won't let you lose anyone else ever again, Kita."

Arianda pulled back gently, giving Kita a warm smile. After Arianda pulled away, and sat back on her heels, the demon finally noticed her shirt; her face colored to match the red of where Kita slapped her. Arianda lowered her shirt sheepishly, glad it hadn't been moved higher. However, she soon heard Kita's question, using a small bit of regeneration to heal up her red cheek a bit; so that wouldn't color the rest of their date. Well, that was Ari's hope.

"Oh~ Well, finger food isn't exactly one specific type of food. It's basically just food you can eat without any utensils. Without forks, knives, spoons, or chopsticks. You could still eat them with other stuff, if you don't want to get your hands dirty; but it's quite convenient."

Arianda gave Kita a warm smile, moving a bit so her right knee would still gently touch Kita's knee, but she pulled the picnic basket and food closer to them; so Kita could see what she brought a bit more up close. Indeed, she did bring tea, and perhaps she was trying to butter Kita up; but for no other reason than because she wanted Kita to feel comfortable. She smiled at the woman, adjusted the red cloak that was currently on Kita, and slowly set to unpacking their food; so that they could eat at their leisure.

"I only brought one cup for the tea... I ran out of room. Went a little overboard I guess... Heh~ If you don't mind sharing, I think that would be fine~"

Ari gave Kita that same warm smile, her face no longer colored by that slap; thanks to some quick regeneration. However, Arianda still felt bad about how she had basically hurt Kita by being a dumb; and she seriously hoped she would be able to make it up to Kita at some point. If not today, perhaps another day; and probably some apology cuddles were in order later in the day too.

Joined : 2016-01-20
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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:26 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

She wanted to slap her again. She wanted to just hit her again and again, just as a way of venting out her frustration of feeling hurt from that day. It was wrong, and she knew that she would never actually act on it. What was she even supposed to do if Arianda did die? She didn't have a lot of if anyone around that she really trusted, save her brother. But...she did understand, at least, that she didn't have a lot of time.

Taking a deep breath in, she winced at the kiss on her forehead, reeling back a few inches, but soon returned to a regular sitting position. Arianda pulled out the tea from the basket...only for her to see that she had only brought one cup. Rolling her eyes and internally facepalming, she quickly weaved together a small bundle of spiritual particles and energy in order to form a small makeshift cup, around the same size as the one that Arianda had pulled out.

Hardly batting an eye at her face suddenly healing from the slap, she sighed softly, holding out the cup shyly as she turned to look away.

"...I'm sorry I slapped you. I'm...still trying to get my temper under control."

Gently setting the cup down in front of her, Kitarune pulled out a paper plate, quietly setting a sandwich as she scooted back a little bit and switch to sit cross-legged in order to give them some more room as she silently gathered a small bit of food and set it in front of and around her, mumbling to herself.

"Finger-food is're just asking to make a mess when your fingers are all dirty and grimy with food residue."

Sighing softly, she brushed some of her hair over her ear, taking a bite out of her sandwich as she took a cursory look around.

"'s the Demon World like? I've never been there myself, even though I'm half-demon, so, I don't...really know what anything other than Earth and Soul Society is like."

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