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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:42 pm
Footsteps crunched the snow as a man had made his way through the thick of the forest, humming a long lost lullaby as he wielded nothing but an exceptionally long stick in his hand, odd colored eyes sweeping the woods as he was in search of a particular variety of creature. His ears caught the stomps of small rodents and the skipping of deer in the night, however he was uninterested in prey; Rather, his mind was far more preoccupied searching for a different beast.

And thus did he stop in his tracks when he heard a familiar, ghastly roar in the distance, his eyes glimmering with interest as he would advance towards what most would run from, his feet quiet and quick as he advanced through the snow, until stopping short and ducking in the bushes, his eyes beholden to the being who lurked in the woods.

"Apparently the young ones call your breed 'Hollow' now.."

His voice was low and brisk, full of excitement as he could sense Alyona's squirms of anxiety in his being. Even if she was weak now, he knew she still bore the awareness he did.

"Oh nonsense my dear, you know i've slain hundreds of these creatures just fine. I haven't a single worry and neither should you. I simply wanted to get an eyeful of it.."

A dry chuckle strained his throat as he would watch the creature, clearly it's hulking figure was in search of some prey; they always liked preying on poor little souls. Though he hadn't any knowledge of the greater context behind them, he did enjoy learning what little he could about them, as learning your enemy was a powerful tool.
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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:47 pm



A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

Snow was beautiful. Snow was majestic. As someone who roamed the earth looking for an adventure or a thrill, unpredictable weather was remarkably exhilarating. Gliding through the forest with a pair of exuberant familiars at her side, Thara giggled at the wonder of her fortunes! Wondrous, lovely snow! The three companions marched through the forest and threw snowballs in any which direction they could at one another.

There were countless snowballs being thrown and none of them noticed the presence of a hollow. Thara was far too consumed by the nighttime snow and simply fell on the ground, creating snow angels while she remained blissfully unaware of her surroundings. Her familiars had generated a ball of snow they were ready to throw at her, to catch her off guard but they accidentally misfired and a large snowball had hit the hollow that Zephyr was observing instead.

The familiars panicked and quickly alerted Thara that they might have an issue on their hand as the beast's gaze landed on Thara. Oh, come on, really?

"Goddamit..." She really didn't have plans on ending her night so quickly but fighting a Hollow was not on her list of pleasures to enjoy during a snowy night.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:05 pm


Enter Zephyr


A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

His eyes flickered widely as he detected another presence enter the vicinity, intrigue lighting his gaze as such a presence was of a variety of creature he hadn't ever sensed before... At least, he thought it was something he hadn't sensed before. He remained in an at rest position until the Hollow was struck by a stray snowball, the beast's attention redirected from listlessly searching for souls, to an aggressor towards the being who slung the ball of snow, that ghastly roar filling the woods as it's hulking footsteps would advance towards the source.

"Oh dear oh dear~" The young man would softly speak in a singsong tone as he knew those movements were for a more direct track of movement, hopping out of the bushes with his rad new stick, and making steady footsteps after the beast. As the creature's yellow eyes would gleam from the brush, a low growl confronting the woman, Zephyr wouldn't be too far behind, feet having taken up pace in the wonderment of winter.

As the beast's head thrust down to deliver an attack to the demoness, Zephyr suddenly would appear, sliding beneath the space between the Hollow's legs, and counteracting it's bite with his stick, holding it back with the piece of wood firmly pressed against the beast's jaws. The man released an adrenaline filled laugh, as his eyes widened with excitement, looking back at the woman and her strange little pets,

"Damned be the gods, this is a cool stick!"

He clearly had a little issue holding the creature back, snapping it's jaws as Zephyr looked back to it, eyes glimmering with joy,

"My my! Even Hollows of this age have rank breath! Subarashii!"

He would laugh almost madly as he yanked the stick out of the creature's mouth, kneeing it's jaw shut, and smacking it square in the face with the dead branch,

"Ahh, i'd love to meddle with you further, but you appear to be causing this little daffodil panic! So, unfortunately, off you pop good beast!"

Slamming his foot on the ground, suddenly the earth would shift unnaturally beneath the Hollow's feet, almost like a spring was beneath it, vaulting the creature high into the air, far out of sight, as the only evidence of such a bizarre occurrence happening would be a piece of earth sticking out of the ground in an almost perfect square, as if it were carefully crafted into such a shape.

"Ahahaha~! The old catapult trick never gets old..."

He shook his head, a pep in his step as he would then pivot his body to turn to Thara, the man looking as if he just had an absolute ball, rather than disposing of a rather peckish creature.

"Well let's have a quick look at you now.."

He would lean in, giving her a close look, his odd colored eyes full of intrigue,

"May I ask, what are you, little lady?"

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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:03 am



A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

If Thara had any worries of having to be forced to face a pesky hollow, those worries were quickly abated by the appearance of Zephyr, readily handling the hollow without much resistance. He held off its jaws and then with one fierce step on the ground, catapulted him off into the distance. Thara's mouth was slightly agape as she witnessed the spectacle unfold before her very eyes. Who was he?

She was incredibly thankful for his heroic act and Thara gazed at him as he observed her closely with those odd-colored eyes. Thara smiled as she poked at his nose with a small boop, before floating up in the air along with her familiars as she observed him as well.

"I should be asking you the same question, mister. But you deserve an answer for saving me from a cumbersome confrontation. I am a Danava of Avarice. My name is Thara, though I have plenty other names. Lady Greed. Mammon. You get the idea."

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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:17 pm


Enter Zephyr


A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr let out a playful snort in response to her poking his nose, his playful look turning to one of interest as the woman started.. Floating, alongside her little pets.

He would be even more mad than anticipated if this didn't catch his interest.

"..Danava you say? I don't believe i've ever met one of your kind before."

He would then leap forward a bit in excitement, grasping her cheeks to get a good look at her face, an expression of child-like wonder on his face,

"My goodness you are just brimming with mystery and intrigue! Where do you hail from, Thara? Why come here of all places? What can you do? Can you fly to the stars?!"

So many questions, so little time! He wanted to know all about this woman, pronto! However, he eased up a bit as his hands would drop, appearing to realize how much he had overstepped,

"..Ah, apologies for my lack of manners. There is simply so much for me to find in this world, and I get excited with every discovery. My name is Sat-.."

He stopped himself, appearing crestfallen for a moment, before shaking his head, "Zephyr. My name is Zephyr, my lady."

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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:16 am



A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

Thara could not help but chuckle childishly as Zephyr examined her. If he was filled with childlike wonder at examining the Danava of Greed, then she was likewise fascinated with his excitement - taking it in flattering stride. He had asked her so many questions as if she were a guest in a spectacular show. Could she fly to the stars? She certainly wished she could but she doubted she had such skill to do so. Not now, at least.

She giggled as he removed his hands and kept a gentlemanly distance. Her head would tilt as he paused at introducing himself before stating that his name was Zephyr. Thara floated toward him and observed him with her eyes before nodding happily, excited to engage this quirky man!

"You are fine. I'm quite flattered that you find me fascinating, Zephyr. The world - this world specifically - is a wondrous place filled with curious things. As such, I do not blame you for taking onto it with such excitement! Hum! I descend from the demon world. I visit earth frequently even though I feel my presence is sometimes unwanted here.

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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:40 pm


Enter Zephyr


A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr's odd gaze laid on her curiously as the two beings seemed to share that energy of insatiable wonder. He could chime well with this lady, indeed! With her mentioning of hailing from a world unfamiliar to him, his eyes shimmered with great interest, until they subdued as she mentioned she felt as if she was unwelcome here.

"Well madam, last I checked nobody has any exclusive ownership of Earth; always changing management, shifting hands.."

He gave her a side eye, softly chuckling, "What I mean to say is, what any person thinks about you doesn't matter! They don't have any right to stop your enjoyment of this world! If you havent harmed a thing, you have every right to be here!"

He then suddenly leaned in, rather close, as his eyes twinkled with interest,

"So what's this about a.. Demon World?"

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A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] Empty Re: A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:46 am



A Greedy One's Pleasure [Zephyr/Thara] 6EdIfMt

Thara displayed a pleasant smile, listening to Zephyr as he spoke of what she believed was a universal truth. There was no ownership of the earth - if demons wished to come there with noble intent, why did humans always react so viciously? Well, she figured most of that came down to those who were religious and believed demons to be inherently evil and those who witnessed and suffered through Mana's reign over many continents of the earth. In any case, Zephr was inquiring about the demon world and Thara would be obliged to be his guide. In any case, she felt that it was a good opportunity to show him her castle.

Opening up a portal, she extended a hand.

"Would you like to see demon world? Sometimes I get a little scared roaming the demon realm but, I'll invite you to my castle and we can have fun reading books and eating till' our bellies are full! What say, you, Zephr~?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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