Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  Empty Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:49 pm

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: 1/20/2421
Location: Canela, Chile

Great. The governments and factions of the world weren't actively pursuing him. After the mishap of Russian's world peace tour following the end of World War 4, Adam still roamed this earth the same as ever with his war crimes being a thing of the past in the wake of greater evils in the world. So, for now, the best option was just to lay low and gather his resources.

With the sun now setting over the shimmering Chilian seas, the blood eyed male stared longingly at the twilight sunset which reflected colors of honey, plum, and amber in the rich waters of the ocean. It was nice to relax, get away from it all and just be with himself, his thoughts, and contemplate whatever direction his soul yearned to move forward toward in the future.

Yet -- his focus shifted to someone more familiar. Well, his partner to be more precise. So, his nose wriggled when he picked up her scent, and that same-shitting grin smeared across his lips as he rolled ever so seductively on his right side; having a rose-shaped cluster of energy appear in his mouth as his eyebrow wriggled.

"What? You've grown hungry for your man already? How cute."

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  WVMWLOu
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Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:17 pm

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

As the sun sank into the amber sea, there was one other being aside from fish and the occasional crustacean settled by the shore. A dark shadow swirled in the shadows as the lonesome man called out, before suddenly, as if cutting a piece out of the ocean, a square's worth of water suddenly peeled away from the waves, glowing brightly with blue energies, as a figure was within the encasing of water, a woman with a rather extravagant, yet seal-like tail floated in the cut of the ocean, positioned directly in front of the man, her face visible yet slightly distorted by the waves...

She narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him wordlessly, before the encasement of water dropped, her seamless transformation from mythical selkie-esque being, to merely a woman wearing a rather nice coat forming, a parasol shading her from the remnants of sunlight,

"Hey, just cause we had some bomb ass sex once doesn't mean i'm clawing for you, so don't you be getting the wrong idea."

Popping on a pair of sunglasses, she would then give the man a toothy grin,

"Cut the routine, Pretty Boy. What're you up to?"

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Head Admin
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Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  Empty Re: Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:42 pm

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: 1/20/2421
Location: Canela, Chile

"Charming as ever. Vulgarly spittin' out such things when there are families around~ That's my little Ariel."

Smug as ever, the male took charge and just pulled the woman into his arms as his rose-shaped cluster of energy neatly slid in between her chest. In this way, He could better enjoy the sunset by the pressing of their bodies together. It made him feel right at home and that is what he desired more than anything after the sloppy affairs of everything they had been through in the past year or so.

"Enjoying my little piece of paradise. This whole world is a chaotic shit show, but I got you, my daughter, and this country under my control. So fuck it, I'll enjoy what I can before we evolve and march to war soon enough."

Now moving his fingers through her head, Adam gave a heated laugh before kissing his beloved and relishing the moment. The interlocking of their lips, the thump of her heart, the union of two hearts; It's all they had, so why not be bold and take charge? This moment may never happen again

"You are my girl. My daughter loves you and now your fate is sealed with me. So just accept it."

There were no if's, and's or butts with the way he spoke. She could play all the little mind games she wanted, but the two of both knew the reality and it's why he was so relaxed. All he needed to concern himself was amassing more resources to protect these two sacred gems in his life and everything else was irrelevant. Hence, he just listened to the reflections of the sea and waited to see what response his beloved would give him as he continued to look ever so pleased with himself.

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  WVMWLOu
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Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  Empty Re: Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:01 pm

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Celeste let out a gentle yelp as he was so quick to pull her into his embrace, though such an action was far, far from unwelcome. She certainly was quite into being so lovingly manhandled, the adrenaline rush just felt... Simply magical, one could say. She smiled, her teal eyes looking deep into his red, a smirk on her face as her hands were firmly planted on his chest, her own breasts pressing rather close to his body as he would then speak, though there was one little blip on her radar as he had spoken,


Mmph.. She was quickly silenced by a passionate lip lock. God, she loved and she hated how he could push her buttons so splendidly, leaning into the kiss herself as she made muffled hums, a soft exhale leaving her nostrils as the kiss was broken, the man professing how their fates were now entertwined,

"Ah yeah, your cute little kid - I'm sure we'll get along just fine... Just.."

She proceeded to then look him in the eyes, a look of mild concern shimmering as her parasol hung above them skillfully, "... What's this about a war, huh? You just being figurative or something?"

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Head Admin
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  Empty Re: Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:48 pm

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: 1/20/2421
Location: Canela, Chile

Well, wasn't that just dandy? The fluttering pink sensation of love twinged within Celeste as he could feel the tingling of her souls' wavelength. It was nice to make someone feel so tickled with his capacity to protect, nurture, guide and love as a man of value. So, for her being good, the man indulged the woman again in another kiss. Though, this time, he stayed for a bit longer as he enjoyed the pressing of their skin, the warmth of her mouth, and how their energies flowed into one another in this electric moment.

When all was said and done, however, he'd surely give his beloved another little treat by means of letting her in on his mind. As, prior to all this, she looked oh-so-concerned with the statements of war.

"War is inevitable. I cherish these moments of peace I have with you, but with a world filled with braindead monsters with chaotic power, yeah, it's only a matter of time before humanity is driven back into hell."

There was a hard laugh given by the male as he honestly had been in conflict for so much of his life that he was assured he'd probably die in some battle or something. So, for him, it was rather odd to share this warm, sweet juicy moment with someone he desired to care for after all the blood that was on his soul.

"Or you can just take these as the ramblings of an ex-war terrorist. What do you think, dear?"

Scarlet Oasis [Adam/Celete]  WVMWLOu
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