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The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet Empty The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet

Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:36 pm

The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

This was a notice that came way too early in the morning. His adopted family wanted him to present himself to the new head of the Shihouin. He'd gotten dressed as he normally would, though this time brought his Haori into play. He slipped on the Captain's uniform, wouldn't mean much to them.

But he was one, so there was a certain protocol he had to follow. The Kobayashi which often had female leaders looked up too and admired the Shihouin family heavily. Even now that their stance was outside the Gotei they were respected.

He'd made some waves, though they weren't massive or even important. As he went to the Shihouin family home. He'd been to the Kuchiki on one occasion. Different times and reasons for each. This place was big and it made sense in a way. He didn't foresee any respect coming his way. Captain or not, Kobayashi weren't big names. They were the people who lived out in the Rukongai.

They were at best-called outsiders who just happened to be nobles. His files had been buried deep, thanks to Abalia. But to doubt, a Shihouin's skill to collect intel would be suicide. So he did feel the tension in his back, this was the place his skills were tested.

His Squad didn't handle political things or even come towards them. He saw the Gotei situation as basically being a lamb surrounded by tigers. Though maybe that was too generous in this case. The technology was fine and allies were great but in terms of combative skill. The bar had fallen low and the Captains who remained, well he was one of them.

He stood waiting for an escort to lead him to where he could meet Lady Chidori. She was now in charge of the family, he could sympathize with her. He'd been in this position before. Everyone told you everything was going to be alright. They bombard you with if you need anything I'm here. People constantly pester and pick at you.

So it was a sensation he did know, but maybe she'd shoo him off and just try to get someone else here. Hard to say what couldn't be determined just yet.

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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

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The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet Empty Re: The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet

Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:51 am


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Apparently, Chidori had a meeting planned today. She forgot because it wasn't one that she herself had made, but one that was requested of her. There seemed to be a lot more of them in the recent weeks though for Chidori they all kind of blur together.

Today she was tasked with meeting a boy from the Kobayashi. Nobody really told her why or what this meeting was supposed to be about, but Chidori expected it to be one of first things she was told. It better be good too, she took out an hour of her day for this, something that she can't even do for family because she's busy all the time.

This escort would lead the person of interest through the halls of the Shihoin estate before stopping at just outside of a door. They knocked twice on the sliding door's frame--a signal that they were ready--and promptly left to go do other things. Chidori took a sip of her tea and spoke.

"Come in."

When he opened the door, he would be faced with an empty room floored with tatami mats. Chidori sat on a cushion and across the room on the floor was another one. "Please, take a seat."

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The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet Empty Re: The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet

Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:12 am

The Shihouin and Kobayashi Meet 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

His initial impression of her spoke volumes, she was very conservative. But that could be because he was an outsider, their clans got along well. His knees bent slightly as he sat down. He'd come to pay respects, that was the wish of the elders.

"I've come to offer our condolences and pay respect to the new Head of the Shihouin Clan. On behalf of the Kobayashi Clan." Though if he was honest, this was political tiptoeing as the Kobayashi wanted to be useful.

He, on the other hand, was like give the girl a break. She just watched her father slowly sub come to an illness. She didn't want more condolences or empty promises. He swore some of these nobles gave up humanity for positions.

But, this was the life he chose in turn for burying the Crow Family name. Being adopted was what he wanted, his eyes looked at hers. She did seem strong, maybe due to her family bonds. But she did seem strong none the less.

He told the elders, that they underestimate the power of a family's love and strength from the unity of one another. But this meeting had only begun, so time remained for things and opinions to evolve or devolve.

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