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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:08 am
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Time moves on before anyone can truly grasp what has happened. The defender of the Shihoin knew that as if it were a law of the universe, more than anyone else. Processing all that had happened in the last year was like riding a roller-coaster that would leave one dizzied and disoriented. It was unfathomable to think of how much had changed.

Chidori came back, the pillar of the Shihoin clan had finally died - peacefully, as she felt he deserved - and even more than that. Yugiri was banished... a fact that still pained Rio. Kokoro was off doing whatever suited her fancy. Chidori had children now. Yes, children. Really? Rio had to ruminate on that one until she realized that yes - Chidori had indeed gave birth to two kids. Rio shook her head as she wandered the Seireitei, finding herself - somewhat unconsciously - sitting on the same bench where she had met the center of her own affections.

Hakuyou Shiba. Their budding romance had moved along quite quickly. To the point that marriage seemed like a genuine possibility. Then, everything came to a standstill. His workload increased and he became a busy man in the months that passed by. She never bothered interfering in his time. He had a goal to bring the Shiba back to their former name. Who was she to demand more time from him? Marriage was also tricky. There were so many hurdles she'd imagine having to leap over, but when he was concerned, they seemed less difficult.

Rio leaned back on the bench, gazing up into the sky. Why was life so hard? She wondered.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:41 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou Shiba was tireless, relentless, and most important utterly committed to the task of rebuilding his clan. There was so much to do, for the idea of raising your clan to prominence isn't merely to achieve great fame. It came from dozen of instances of greatness, of reliability to prove that his blood was worthy of it's title. In the past one tried to rise to the occassion of their blood, to prove they held the honor to carry the name attached to it. Now it seemed he had to bring the name far higher than it had been in recently memory.

With that being said, he had to admit he felt some sadness. The woman whom he had certainly fallen for, whom the prospect of marrying seemed all enticing at one point, had drifted to sparse meetings. It was painful if only cause of the obligations of both they had. As he walked among the Seireitei, walking and thinking, he nearly didn't notice the brown and black colors in the corner of his eye. His head turning out of curosity, before his breath caught within his throat. It was her, Rio Shihouin. He paused, thinking, but only for his legs to carry him towards her in confidence.

He approached within arms distance, opening his mouth to speak some courtly greeting or another. But it stopped as brown irises met her own, hardened eyes softening to something else entirely. His hand reached out to take her slowly, as his dry mouth opened to speak to her. "I've missed you, Rio. I apologize for my absence." He'd remark in the measured, yet emotional manner she rarely seen for the man. Despite his age and experience, it was clear that Rio ignited something vigorous within him. Something that yearned more for status and titles, a simple earnest affection which he quietly nursed every moment around her, or in thought of her.


After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  JfH75kA
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  H8Tyk70
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:32 am
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Rio was hardly one to let her guard down but the worries that troubled her had caused her to almost forget that Hakuyou was right before her. She leaned forward hurriedly to see him to eye as his firm hand had latched onto her own, prompting a blush from the shield maiden as she cleared her throat. Was this an illusion? Was the stress finally starting to get to her?

The Shihoin defender gripped his hand softly to affirm that this was truly her Hakuyou Shiba. Relief gleamed within her countenance as she rose up to embrace his tall frame. His apology wasn't even registered as she simply held onto him as though he would fade away if she let him go.

"I've missed you too, Hakuyou. There is no need to apologize. I'm just happy to see you. You have no idea."

She had truly meant that. Bearing the weight of everyone's issues had clearly worn on her conscience.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:30 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou brought another hand upwards to Rio to wrap round her shoulders as she pressed into him. He could feel the exhaustion of the maiden in her embrace. He had to wonder how much the young woman was placing upon her shoulders, to bear such a disposition that matched his own? In this moment the shinigami truly saw how he had neglected her. It was shameful that he had allowed for his own burdens to bring him away from her, to deny her some release. His hand would come to her head stroking the back of it softly, allowing her to bask in him as much as he did her own.

He did not care who saw, let them gaze. He had other things more important to deal with.

Slowly he would pull back, the hand upon her hair moving to her chin tilting it up softly. His worn features meeting her own in a strained smile. "How foolish of me to be absent, to see heavy burdens upon your shoulders." He'd speak softly to her. "To make you bear such things alone, when I am prepared to bear that weight along with you." He'd give a sad smile towards her as he leaned downed slightly, only top stop gazing at her. He was prepared to kiss her, but he wished to hear her speak first.

"Let us depart, and share upon me your burdens. Although it is admirable you have stood so until now, rest now, Rio."


After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  JfH75kA
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  H8Tyk70
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:30 am
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Rio felt so protected in Hakuyou's embrace as if no storm could harm her and all her burdens were weightless. He had hardly changed in their time away. He was a gentle spirit who cared just as much for her as he did in bringing back the lost pride of the Shiba name.

Even so, she felt a pang of guilt flaring in her heart; she felt ashamed to appear so helpless before him, lacking the composure she was lauded for by her peers. She wanted to be strong, to smile before him and let him know he had done nothing wrong and that his time away was merely a formality. Oh, how she wished to have avoided him, to spare him the disgraceful sight of a woman resembling a little girl who felt out of place and hardly knew the answers to her troubles.

And yet, in spite of her embarrassment, he caressed her hair with a firm hand. He held her within a compassionate embrace. She allowed her tears to flow freely as she gazed up at him, those soft fingers tilting her chin so that their eyes met with one another.

To hear that he was prepared to face those burdens by her side had filled her with happiness that could not be illustrated through words; any frustration that may have existed towards his absence had disappeared entirely. She knew that Hakuyou was, above all, a man of honor and his word. His word was his bond.

As he eased in to kiss her, Rio placed her lips against his own with loving passion. To simply be within his presence once more had slowly but surely lifted a tremendous weight off of her shoulders. Pulling away but for a moment, she gazed into those gentle orbs of amber.

"Thank you... Hakuyou."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:24 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

There was a sweetness which came to his interactions with Rio. In his near millennium alive he didn't think a man such as him had the capacity of love within his heart. By all conventions he had nearly sworn a life of celebracy, to devout himself fully to the cause he has taken. But in a swift motion the fingers of fate had sown a destiny which enwrapped the beautiful mocha skinned woman in his life. His hardened features softening when faced with the prospect of spending whatever years he had left within him with her, damning the consequences of a Shihoin and Shiba union.

In another life such a match would easily be seen as political, a man using the good name of another family to prompt his up. But that was not his goal, nor the life which he carried. Even now the eyes of prying onlookers made their claims, throwing dirt upon his good name. She did not know, truly, the weight redemption placed upon his back to carry himself. Thinking of every consequence of his actions had become second place for him, that danger had become his natural habitat.

Yet, as he removed herself slowly from her embrace, amber eyes merely stared at her with adoration which felt youthful. She had forced him to follow his heart, as he advised her to carefully act. Their differences maybe outweighed their similarities, but it was those differences which made them whole. To know that where the other may be weak, they could prop up the other and carry on was a match that the world rarely saw.

As he held her hand, beginning to walk next to her. For to simply stand here would become unseemly, he'd speak softly. "I know that you alone are a woman of great will. To do as you do, and still persist is in it's self remarkable." The deep baritone would impart upon her. As he slowly led her down the street, ideally towards where she was headed previously. "I know in no small part, that I am a man whom enforces his will upon the world. To seize that which I must, in my youth, I ran from such responsibility." He'd admit truthfully his faults, his cowardice. But with his head held high, with eyes which spoke volumes more than any words he may say, he held no fear.

"I know that together, a union such as ours, will be undeniable in their goals. When you are ready, truly, earnestly, I will marry you. I do believe, however, it be proper I meet the head of your house to secure this union. Are you opposed?"

As much as he loved her, some traditions cannot be ignored.


After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  JfH75kA
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  H8Tyk70
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:48 am
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family

Walking along with Hakuyou, Rio gazed up at the tall man as she smiled. She humorously reflected on how Yugiri thought of him as a handsome - something the Shihoin defender hardly denied but still, a humorous thought to reflect on. It had been a while since the last time they spoke.

In truth, those hours spent away from his side made her own difficulties with maintaining solidarity within her family increasingly more difficult than imagined. Nevertheless, the only thing that mattered currently was his presence here now. His timing was impeccable.

Receiving compliments from him had filled her heart with admiration. She valued him precisely because he viewed her as an equal, as someone who deserved to be praised for their sacrifice rather than judging her or making her feel as if she needed to be protected. His was genuine compassion. He then transitioned into speaking about himself, about the responsibilities he ran away from as a young man. Rio was not fond of him shaming himself for his past transgressions but before she could comment on that... he laid an absolute bomb.

I know that together, a union such as ours will be undeniable in their goals. When you are ready, truly, earnestly, I will marry you. I do believe, however, it be proper I meet the head of your house to secure this union. Are you opposed?

W-What? Marriage? Her cheeks grew bright red with shock. Her face hardly resembled one opposed to the thought but still...

"I-I'm not opposed at all, Hakuyou... but do you really think you're ready for such a commitment? Marriage means... um...."

Truthfully, she had no idea what marriage entailed but considering her father and mother in the past, it seemed like quite a hectic job.

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:49 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

Hakuyou found it endearing the way her face flushed when he spoke of marriage, at first he worried he might have over stepped but it soon became clear she just was taken aback. He allowed an easy smile on his face, slowing his stride as he turned his entire body to her. His hand would reach outwards to take her other one, holding them at their waist level as amber eyes looked into her own. He gave her but the most reassuring smile the veteran could muster.

"I am well versed in the subject, it is after all an expectation of those of our class." He'd chuckle softly, before pausing. His hands would squeeze her own lightly. "However, Marriage for us is something which treads foreign ground. But I will promise you this, my love, in our union your ambitions would become my own. As mine, yours. I will learn from you, as you will from me. In sickness, in pain, in strife, and joy."

His thumb would run over the bronze skin of the woman, whom he stood well over, as he gave her a genuine smile. He knew she had fears and worries, but was glad to know they did not stim from him. Her family was a mixed back with their own troubles, and to mix their bloodlines may be something that no one is prepared for.

"If you do not wish, or fear you are not ready, I would not be hurt, Rio." He'd reassure her removing a hand from her own, to place reassuringly on her shoulder. He meant it, for however long he must wait he would. If she was prepared to take that step however, then they would meet her family as a unit. Such was the nature of their genuine, yet pure, romance.

After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  JfH75kA
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  H8Tyk70
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:08 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin | Defender of the Family


Rio's blush was as bright as a tomato kissed by the sun itself. She was, in a word, dumbfounded. Shocked. Marriage? Rio had always lived her life believing that such unions - especially those within the soul society - were ones based on politics, to bring pride to a lesser family of nobles or to a well-known family of nobles. The only symbol of true love she could use as an example was her father and mother's union. There was no politics involved. Rio genuinely knew Hakuyou would never use her in such a way, even if he possessed a reason to do so. Did she have evidence? No, not necessarily. Even so, he was a man whose honor spoke a thousand words. He genuinely wanted to marry Rio Shihoin.

I am well versed in the subject, it is after all an expectation of those of our class. He'd chuckle softly, before pausing. His hands would squeeze her own lightly. However, Marriage for us is something that treads foreign ground. But I will promise you this, my love, in our union your ambitions would become my own. As mine, yours. I will learn from you, as you will from me. In sickness, in pain, in strife, and joy.

His firm thumb graced her bronze skin while he held her gaze. Rio was speechless. He was serious. There was no humor in his eyes, only genuine compassion and a face that said he was ready to commit to marrying the woman that stood before him.

He placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her that if she was not ready, he would hardly be disappointed. Rio thought of all the time they spent, of the memories they shared. From their first meeting to the time he consoled her after her father's death... He was nothing but honorable. He never made her feel useless in his plans nor did he ridicule her. She only envisioned a happy life at his side, where they stood as equals, yet also living the life of a powerful marriage.

The Iron Shield and The Shinigami of the Silk Road.

Rio gathered herself as she nodded softly, placing her hand around his own before gazing into his amber eyes.

"I would be honored. I may not be ready for this entirely... but I cannot imagine a future without me by your side."

END POST | Unfaltering Shielder
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After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Empty Re: After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)

Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:58 pm
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  Banner-shiba

Hakuyou Shiba | Shinigami of the Silk Road

"Then I shall wait, and pray, until you feel entirely ready so."

The shinigami of the silk road offered a small and approving smile to the Iron Shield. There was much to be done in the coming days, with conflicts all across their lives. But he was reassured in their ability to face them, to deal with them in all the gracing and cunning that they could muster. It brought the old hardened soul of Hakuyou Shiba something of a peace, to know that he had found something good in this twisted and hard road he walked. His hands gripping her own would release them softly, trailing up her soft bronze skin. Rising up her forearms, up to her shoulders, and finally to caress her cheek ever so slightly.

His callous fingers seemed to perfectly mold to her sharp features, holding them as he merely stared at her. In what he could not speak, he expressed through raw immaterial looks. In that no matter the struggles in which the two embarked he would be by her side prepared for whatever the world may throw at the two. If they where to be star-crossed in their love, so be it. He resolved himself to undertake harder tasks.

"Now, how about lunch while we discuss how to speak to our families?"

A wide smile adorned his lips, an eagerness he had not felt since his younger days had come forth.


After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  JfH75kA
After The Storm(Hakuyou/Rio)  H8Tyk70
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