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Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:31 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

It was almost comical in how much she changed, including the almot peculiar way he handled the new mannerism he's acquired. A deep rolling laugh would leave his lips as she finished the sip, placing his dish down he'd bring an hand up to wipe his eye. It last only a few seconds as he lowered his head, opening his greyish-green eyes to look at her. Before finally speaking, shaking his head slightly.

"You looked so serious, and so funny." He'd jest, the look of her just transfixing her eyes on him while she sipped was a funny sight indeed. As if despite indulging him she didn't trust him one bit, and truthfully that was a fair assumption to make at this point. But after a moment he'd simply lift his own dish to his lips, taking a small sip his shoulders relaxing. It had been some time since he had fun in a manner like this. Without looking at her he'd speak.

"It's been awhile, since I've been able to relax like this. Thank you." He'd mused turning to look at her, giving a small smile in the dim light of the tavern. A hand would come up to brush some of his own hair back.


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Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:25 am
Spilled Secrets [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


Of course she looked serious. She was trying to act rigid. Why wasn't he getting it? Did it really look funny? It didn't surely? She took another sip to deal with the irritation at being the butt of a joke. It was fine, she could play it off and be cool.

"You're welcome. It's not like I've done anything though, you're really easy to amuse you know."

Yugiri did lean forward over the counter though. Groaning from the shift of position and stretching out her back. It might be a nice little distraction for him but she still had a bunch of bothersome thoughts flying around her head. Man, her family was really full of homosexuals wasn't it? At least Rio wasn't.


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Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:27 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Can't help it, recently learned to just, enjoy the moment, ya' know?"

He'd point out as he lifted his dish to his lips finishing the last bit of it, letting out a heavy quiet sigh. He'd rest his elbows on the table, staring ahead as the smile on his lips seemed to falter slightly. Decreasing in size until it was more of a natural resting smile than anything else, staring at the bottles on the shelf. Even in this moment he had to wonder what was going on with Chidori, wondering if perhaps he should go back early. The thoughtful look on his face was ever present, as he looked over to her.

"You said you wanted to talk, earlier. Got anything interesting to talk about?"

He'd inquire before lifting a hand, gesturing to get a refill of his drink of choice. Even going so far as to consider ordering a light snack. "Want to split an appetizer?" He'd inquire off-handedly, waiting for her answer to his questions. A hand coming up to brush some of his hair back, before resting a hand on his dragon tattoo'd shoulder.


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Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:48 pm
Spilled Secrets [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


That was weird. He seemed like he had way more experience than he did with having fun, was he faking it until it looked like he naturally had such charisma? She stared at him curiously for a little bit before he shook her from her thoughts with reminding her of her comment about chatting. Idle chitchat?

"Not really. I'm just thinking, my family make decisions I don't approve of. I don't know why it bothers me seeing my sister making out with women. It just does."

The words were said while she sipped at the dish, sighing and pouring some more of the liquid into it to sip at while processing it. This guy seemed open minded and of a different world. Maybe he had a different perspective than her more prudish one.

"What do you think? Would it be weird if you saw your brother with another man, make you uncomfortable?"


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Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:01 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Rio was kissing women? Ah man, that's knew. She seemed like the most straight laced out of them.

Well that wasn't something he expected but he wasn't one too judge. He'd lift his dish clearly undisturbed by the thought for the most part, it wasn't like it was Chidori or anything like that. That would be ridiculous to think, after all, they where still able to patch things up once she settled family affairs. None the less he'd take a sip of his own dish as she asked the question to him, giving a thoughtful gaze.

"Well.. I can see how it would make me uncomfortable." He'd say slowly, turning to look at her. "It's just not something you expect, and back where I come from it was pretty looked down on for a while. Could just be built in like.. prejudices." He'd explain as his fingers drummed the counter. But soon an easy smile would spread on his lips.

"But to be honest, if it made my brother happy, I wouldn't care too much. Like sure, yeah, it's a bit strange if you're not used to it. But I love my brothers, so it's kinda like, whatever. Family is all about getting used to those weird quirks of your family, and just being there for each other." His smile would grow slowly, if only because he actually thought back to his brothers- Marcus and Joshua. He hadn't seen them in awhile, and honestly, he hoped he would soon. God, he wanted to show them his and Chidori's kids.

"There's nothing wrong with not approving of their choices, or even being put off by them. It's only normal. Just be there when they need you, ya' know? I'm the youngest, so I'm sure I'll need their help eventually and vice versa."


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Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:51 am
Spilled Secrets [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


Well that was annoying. She kind of wanted him to agree with her and reaffirm her own belief of it just being wrong and shameful. Yugiri still had to try and wonder how it must be Sol in this situation. On one hand the argument of wanting to repair a relationship and then doing that gross taboo stuff.

"I guess that makes sense."

He really spoke like he was from some wild tribe, it kind of matched his strange look now that she thought about it. It made sense why he might be more accomodating towards it, especially when the actual rammifications of reputation didn't need to be taken into account. Yugiri could hypothetically be as gross and gay as she wanted to be, Yugiri Shihoin could not. Then again, the reason why she was asking a stranger who appeared to be so far departed from her own upbringing was because she was trying to understand Chidori who seemed more like she'd flourish in a situation more like Yugiri's own rather than stuffed in an environment she hated.

"She needs some help alright. Not mine though."

That was said about more than just the sexuality part too, just in general. Yugiri sipped her sake and tied the waist length hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way and stretch again. Her little spar with Rio was really catching up with her as she winced a little.


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Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:29 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"What type of help does she need then?"

He'd ask innocently enough, maybe Yugiri had some insights that he could help out with. It wasn't like he was entirely new to this thing, he just wanted to help out where he could. Yugiri also seemed to have changed in some ways while not, which was to be expected. So a little probing questions didn't seem to be bad, however he'd notice the soft wince she had.

"Sore?" He'd inquire before chuckling lifting a hand to his own shoulder, also feeling a bit sore from his own sparring sessions. On top of his practice with his sports team, things where really physically pushing the male. However, he'd get to notice her hair actually. "Hey I like your hair." He'd point out playfully, looking at his own. "We're matching. Kinda." He'd laugh.


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Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:57 am
Spilled Secrets [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


Yugiri went to open her mouth and respond before it closed, nope. She might be borderline drunk but she wasn't so far gone that she was about to admit to the Shihoin Family's head having suicidal issues, a case of being a homo and a trainwreck.

The very thought of it made her sip down again and sigh. Ah, this wasn't her problem anymore. Why was it being made out as being her problem? Ugh.

"Huh? Yeah. It's nothing."

She waved away the concern for her little bit of soreness. It was nothing but Rio being strong, she looked pretty but she had all the force of a gorilla behind those punches.


Yugiri stared at Sol's hair, taking a moment to consider it before it clicked. Oh, their hair. But her hair was a very stark blonde in comparison to his dark one. If anything their tone and colours were antithetical. Sipping again at her dish before finding the bottle empty when she went to refill it and stare at it. She answered back while her eyes stayed on the bottle thoughtfully.

"I don't really think we are.."


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Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:43 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Ah' c'mon the colors may be different but look!"

The man would reach a hand behind his own neck to show the tying that kept his hair in a sorta ponytail. It wasn't a pony tail proper but the binding was around his neck which kept it from getting in the way. He'd laugh at his own humor, releasing his hair, before shaking his head. He'd reach over to his sake going to take a sip, staring forward as he held an easy smile on his lips. As the burning alcohol went down his throat his mind went back to what she said.

He couldn't help but think about what she said, the girl on girl thing. It had to be Rio, it wasn't like Chidori would really be doing that at this point. Like sure things where rough, but it wasn't that bad. The smile on his lips would falter, as he sorta went into his head. His brow furrowed briefly as he took another sip of the liquid, pushing aside whatever thoughts he had on the subject. He'd tap his fingers for a moment on the bar.

After a bit of silence, he finally broke. A deep sigh left his lips as his shoulder sagged.

"Can I be honest with you about something?"


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Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:56 pm
Spilled Secrets [Closed] - Page 2 Yugiri-header-template3


What a weird guy. He got weirder the more she spent with him. Instead she went back to her thoughts while thinking about the empty bottle, it'd probably be responsible. It was also getting late. If anything she ought to play it smart rather than get reckless.

"About what? You haven't been thus far? That'd be pretty rude you know."

Yugiri teased while knocking the dish to the side. Giving him a playful look, she wasn't really sure what to expect but from thus far it was on her mind that he was probably going to say something cheeky.


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