Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss)

Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:10 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Eventually, she was let down, particularly after kicking the large man’s leg one good time. Then, began a back and forth between the two involving a bit of catching up and whatnot. Murasaki would learn that Roofus is a part of the police force that had been set up after the Captain Commander reconstructed how Soul Society functioned. She would also learn that Roofus also works as a part time security for the saloon, a position that Elyss used to hold full time. It all happened pretty quickly since the large man had to return to his post, but it did give valuable information about Elyss’ standing around this place, a bit of the redhead’s history revealed just like that.

“Phew. What an idiot, am I right? Let’s head to the bar. It’s not as crowded as the tables. We can grab something to eat, drink a bit, and then head out for whatever gals do.”

Whatever gals do, huh? Elyss said that in a way that made it seem like she has no plan, which isn’t completely false. She sort of just did this on a whim. She has something she wants to talk about, but she’s not sure how Murasaki will take it. That’s why she decided to lighten the mood by heading out with her Captain. It’s why she chose this place as their first stop. It’s nostalgic and homely for the redhead, even if it also has her nerves on edge. She’s not the best when around a crowd which contradicts the whole reason for being here but… Let’s go.

Moving over to the bar, a seat taken, a mighty sigh would slip from her lips. There’s no service just yet. It’s a busy afternoon, strangely. When did this place become so popular actually? She doesn’t remember it being prone to being this packed. She’ll have to ask when she can, but for now, her attention is on the other woman, a surreal glint in her eyes.

“So, ya like drinking or nah?”



God of Love
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Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss)

Sat Mar 06, 2021 1:35 am
Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


Honestly, it was nice just to see Elyss in a setting that was...well, normal. That wasn't exactly the usual way she acted, so genuine and almost like, nice. Was that rude to say? Well, maybe. That might've been a little rude though... Murasaki just followed along, a small smile on her face at the whole situation. It was cute.

"Mm, I do like drinking, yeah. Maybe not to heavy though, I'm not a fan of getting plastered. Just a drink or two to keep the mood light, ya know? Plus, plum sake's just really tasty."

Murasaki took a look around the bar, just sort of taking in the whole place. It was honestly really nice to hear that people were joining and supporting the Sakutaiso, too. Still, if this was a look into the everyday Rukongai... Well, she'd already said she'd probably handle things a little differently. There was a lot of work to do out here.


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Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss)

Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:04 am

Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

“Eh? But getting plastered’s the best part. Arkin would agree.”

But, you can’t make people drink differently from how they normally do. Elyss doubts she could sway Murasaki anyhow. Maybe if she had Arkin or someone else as backup, but with the promise of heading out and doing other things, it’s probably best to not get lost at a bar. Murasaki probably doesn’t want to see the redhead that drunk anyhow. Elyss’ reputation is already a wonky thing. With a wave of her hand, she’d get the attention of the bartender. It wasn’t hard either considering she knows the old man personally.

“Yo, two drinks. Plum sake for her and-”

“Now, is that anyway to speak after so long, young lady.” The old man would interrupt her, causing Elyss to stutter a bit and make a really exaggerated oopsie face. Then, she’d sigh and shake her head, looking almost apologetic and dismayed. Right after, her eyes would glow definitely as if she wanted to say something, but, instead of saying something, she just sighed, defeated and dejected.

“Hello, papi.” The old man would smirk at hearing that, his sandy skin seeming to lighten a bit just from hearing Elyss speak those words. “Gone for months on end and lost all your manners. Don’t forget who took care of you for so long.” His words seem a bit harsh, but it’s hard to miss the care that his tone is full of. Then, his eyes would train on Murasaki. Of course he recognizes the woman as one of the Captains of the Gotei, but he doesn’t make a show of expressing such knowledge and simply gives her a large smile as well.

“And I assume this is your date Ely? Dropped that big guy? What was his name again? Arkin? Well, at least it seems you’re into the tall and fair.” He’d chuckle as Elyss’ gaze would harden slightly, but it quickly softened as she groaned and rubbed at her cheeks. At least she’s able to keep from blushing or anything.

“No, she’s not my date. She’s an acq… She’s my friend… And I wasn’t dating Arkin either! Just get us some plum sake already.”

She wasn’t reprimanded for that outburst, everyone already knowing how easy it is for her to get volatile even if she’s not particularly angry. The old man would oblige though, passing over two bottles and two tokkuri. Of course he poured their first drinks for them, but Elyss has a tendency to refill as she seems fit, so he just leaves it up to them to keep refilling if they get thirsty again. He goes off to take care of other customers, leaving Elyss and Murasaki alone once more. Elyss is busy grumbling to herself about how annoying everything is before downing her flask in seconds and pouring another. She’s that kind of drinker.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss)

Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:52 am
Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


"Nah, no way. Gettin' plastered n' all that is cool in the short term, but what's the point if ya don't even remember all the fun you had? Plus hangovers are a drag and a half."

Well, Murasaki wasn't exactly sure what to say to everything that came next. She'd been about ready to put out a hand to shake, talk about how well Elyss was doing and all that, but the back and forth between Elyss and the old man certainly gave her some pause.

"I'm afraid I'm not her date, nope. You oughta see the boys who look in her direction, though! She's pretty popular, not that she'd ever say that I don't bet. Besides, she's smart, she doesn't give em anything beyond the time of day. Lookin' out for a good guy to sweep her off her feet."

Hopefully that at least sorta shifted the atmosphere a bit, though she probably threw Elyss under the bus a little. Well, ya know, it was her family, be kinda weird not to tell about that sorta stuff, wouldn't it? And add a little more flair, a little pizzazz!


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Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Mint Strawberry (Murasaki/Elyss)

Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:23 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Right… Right…”

It’s best to just let all that happened be what it was. The old man and Murasaki seemed to work in tandem to make Elyss feel slightly grumpier. She’s not looking out for a good guy, and she’s not trying to, eh, date anyone. But, despite how fun it would have been for a back and forth situation to occur for everyone, excluding Elyss, the old man didn’t bother to go much further beyond a slight chuckle and wink. He really does have to focus on running his business. That leaves Murasaki and Elyss to conversate, but Elyss doesn’t seem to want to say anything yet, her drink gone in a flash and replaced just as quickly.

“For some reason, I feel I might want to forget today.” She’d mutter under her breath, focusing her gaze on the counter.



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