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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Demon Come, Demon Go

Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:40 pm

Save Me | It wears Me

“Help… Someone please… Help...”

Within the shade of Karakura Forest, a voice cried out. Under the mighty trees that make up the dangerous area that exists right outside Karakura Central, a lone woman, average in looks but oddly pale, limped. Her voice is weak, but the urgency of it is palpable. With each step, she left behind fresh droplets of blood, a nasty gash on her right arm leaking her life onto the dewed shrubbery she trampled upon. It is unclear what has happened to her, but this is but one of many incidents that occur within the lands outside the safety of civilization. As the world darkens around her, her vision faltering, the edge of the forest would become apparent; a flood of light slipping between the density of forestland and tilled ground. She is slow close to civilization, but her next step leaves her face first on the ground. She did not fall of her own volition.

The air around her feels hot as it vibrates because of the heat of something breathing down her neck. She does not need to look to know what is behind her. It was what left her like this in the first place. All she can do is close her eyes and pray before she soon felt nothing, her life extinguished.

However, days would pass, and strangely enough, her voice calls out once more. This time, however, she is not calling for someone to save her. She is standing idly at the edge of the forest, waving her arms out near the roads that led into Karakura Central hoping for someone curious to stop and provide her with a bit of assistance.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:55 pm
Wayfaring Stranger
Since the day she spent addled with Silvia, Kuanastha left Demon World. She still had eyes, ears, and a means to communicate with her sister and keep a keen eye on Vicara. After their affirmation of conviction, she was more watchful over the well-being, and namely of any interferers, of Vicara, but the weight of their discussion had her needing some air. From the whole place. Fortunately, she still had a home in Karakura. Admittedly, if she did a poor job of concealing herself it might've caused trouble. Between the last time she stayed in the city and now, a lot had happened. Enough that she might even be considered an enemy of the nations on Earth.

Thankfully, Kuanastha had the means and tools to stay under the radar, even against something like the Yuudeshi Network. She did it before, after all. She shifted into a new appearance indistinct from her natural form, and she entirely suppressed her Demonio Visera energy, until her signature was totally unrecognisable. As an additional defense, she maintained a tight hold and awareness on her karma threads, making as little contact with any other threads around her as she could.

Once in a while, she took a step outside her house to visit the forests around Karakura. It was a magical place, a host to some of the greatest fights to ever happen. Beings of monumental power went wild with reckless abandon here, their abilities spanning several tens, maybe even hundreds of kilometres. Yet, somehow, this place remained a forest. And, to her understanding, it wasn't by any influence of the residents in Karakura. What a curious place.

More curious was this woman, out in the forest asking for help by a nearby road with arms waving and everything. To be honest, it was straight up suspicious. This act might've been inconspicuous many years ago, in fact many centuries ago, but given the technology and widespread availability of spiritual awareness and abilities, it wasn't often someone actually needed help, and waved on the side of the road for it. Did this woman not have a phone?

Nevertheless, out of the good of her heart, Kuanastha approached them anyways.

"Excuse me, ma'am, did you need somethi-"

Kuana frowned. Her karma threads were pretty all-telling, so when she approached the woman, she saw all the tangling around with beings in the shadow. Entities she was personally familiar with. What a shitty attempt. Frankly, she now wanted nothing to do with it; she wanted to leave the scene as a whole, but if left to their own devices, she was sure there'd be another, real victim.

"Come out, and stop doing this stupid shit."

Without wait, Kuana conjured a sword of nether energy and sent it over to cut the woman down.


Demon Come, Demon Go 8Bvy1N8


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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:02 pm

Save Me | It wears Me

'She knows...'

Yet, it will do the sudden attacking woman no good. Of course, concealing her energy proved advantageous for none could decipher whether she was a being a remarkable power or a normal human traveling the edges of Karakura Forest. Such lack of presence did not hide her from the prying eyes of the forest. The woman by the road knew that Kuanastha would come near. She did not, however, expect the other to brandish a blade of energy. At that moment, the woman would move remarkable fast, unnaturally so, as if yanked from where she stood against her will. A few feet away from Kuanastha, the woman would bring her hands together, her face eerily calm, hypnotically so.

"Close, but you are far from the truth. Cutting down this woman will only prove disadvantageous."

The voice slipping from the woman's mouth is far from her own, masculine, yet, serpentine. It should be noted that the woman's mouth did not move to match the words spoken but opened irregularly as the words flowed out. That did not detract from the weird echo that distorted the voice. It is obvious that the woman is nothing more but a microphone. Though, the end of those strange words are followed by a knife being brandished. The woman would move forward, her legs sliding behind her inconsistently with her movements as her arm swings wildly down on Kuanastha, each swipe sluggish and rubbery like a fish flopping about.

"Be careful. There is more than just your life at stake here." The voice would warn, the woman's mouth not even moving as the words pierced the space between the two women.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:47 pm
Wayfaring Stranger
Kuanastha rolled her eyes and conjured yet another sword of nether energy, this one in hand. She still had no issues whatsoever cutting the woman down. It was just a corpse being used for some sort of trap, as far as she knew. But the voices were indicating otherwise. Rather than a particular interest in their specific goals, Kuana's interests grew more around the surrounding contexts. Why do something like this in Karakura Forest of all places, so closely outside of one of the most prestigious and superpowered cities in all the realms?

"I feel pretty secure."

Just a fraction of a second was all it took for her to slash away straight at the woman's arm, and another fraction of a second to carry that slash through across the woman's neck. Presuming no interference or unexpected additions to the moment, and the corpse should be done away with.

"I also don't really care what's at stake here. Not as long as you're hiding, so you come out, or I come in; and if I come in, I'm going to be annoyed."


Demon Come, Demon Go 8Bvy1N8


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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:30 pm

Save Me | It wears Me

"You really are no fun."

Kuanastha efforts succeeded in disconnecting the woman's arm and head from her body, blood spurting from the open wounds. However, the woman did not crumple to the floor as expected. Instead, the corpse remained upright as its body parts fell, but, midway, they stopped and floated back up before replacing themselves onto the woman's body. With a sickening twist, the head spun rapidly before stopping, demonic energy sealing the wounds closed while leaving visible scarring.

"No hesitation, but I guess that's to be expected."

From the woman's shadow, a formless blob rose. It expanded itself as it grew before a skinny black-clawed hand gripped the woman by her chin. Then, behind her, the blob grew quills from its back before beady red eyes shone within the black mass. Its mouth opened, revealing the rows of needle like teeth as it smiled wickedly at Kuanastha. At that moment, the woman in its grip blinked groggily, her eyes suddenly full of life before panic immediately took control over her features. Tears formed in her eyes as she began to sob uncontrollably, but, as she tried to speak, blood would cough out of her mouth, coating the ground crimson.

"She's not dead, you know. Demon magic works wonders. Even if the head is disconnected, the life is preserved just long enough to reattach it. Of course, she's just a measly trap for other wandering humans and is probably going to die from trauma and blood loss. People don't usually mask themselves around here, especially in these dangerous woods. Funny how such a pristine city exists so close, yet cares so little for what's outside it. Now, how about a trade. This woman's life and I get to walk away from here."


Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:01 am
Wayfaring Stranger
Nothing Kuanastha was unfamiliar with. She was, after all, partly demon herself, and lived in Demon World for such a while. She took these gross formations of itself as an attempt to intimidate, and paired with this sort of bravado, it only served to irritate.

She took ahold of the woman's body through nether energy, levitating her without touching. Personally, she preferred to just strike the demon down where they were, but immediate action wasn't necessary. It was probably for the best that she attended to the woman's body first, and dispelled any residue from the demon's magics. Besides, given the karmic threads now binding them, it was easy enough for Kuanastha to find the demon later and dispose of them.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before. Go find something productive and healthy to have fun with. Now bugger off."

She brought her hand up to make a shoo'ing motion and immediately started analysing the woman's body to discern all the intricacies of whatever spell was placed on her. The sooner she dispelled and remnants of demonic energy within the body, the better for her.


Demon Come, Demon Go 8Bvy1N8


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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:36 am
Demon Come, Demon Go Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Completely out of its league, the demon knew escaping would be but a moment respite. Kuanastha would undoubtedly find and dispose of it. This is its only chance to possibly land an attack on the other demon while she is busy. The demon only smiled as he is shooed away. "It is unkind to turn your back on the enemy." However, despite its words, the woman's body that Kuanastha now has convulsed before jumping up at Kuana, flailing her arms madly. And, at the same time, the demon appeared behind Kuana, its claws slashing downward.

Though, there is the whooshing sound of something sailing through the air, and, in the next moment before an attack could land from anyone, the demon that was in the process of attacking Kuana takes heed of the sharp edge suddenly sticking out from its head. Yet, the demon did not die immediately, screeching in rage due to the immense pain flaring in its skull. It would reach to rip the sword from its skull and heal itself before time ran out, but before it could, a hand would grab onto the handle of the blade and pull upwards, slicing the demon's skull in two. Then, it would find its opened skull severed from its body, its body falling to the ground, dead.

"Are you okay?"

Standing where the demon once stood, a redheaded woman now exists, the katana in her hand returned to its sheathe. Her outfit consists of a normal white T with a black and red jacket. Black pants, one leg cut extremely short up to her thigh while the other legging reached down to her ankles with black boots. On her hip rested two sheathe blades. Her black eyes would look at Kuanastha and the woman that had stilled after the death of the demon, barely an expression present.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:11 pm
Wayfaring Stranger
Kuanastha could only physically roll her eyes any further because of her demonio visera physiology. Even then, it felt like she couldn't roll her eyes back far enough to express how ridiculous this was. She even felt second-hand embarrassment on behalf of the demon, choosing to cringe her body rather than defend herself.

Her most well trained trait was her sensing abilities, after all. Kuanastha barely even processed where things were through her eyes, and constantly had a 360 degree perception of the space around her, as was her specialty Ksetra Pari. She felt no need to respond to the demon's sneak attack both because she saw it coming, and because she saw a third party coming. Hell, she even made note to disperse the swords made of nether energy.

"Yup, thanks for the help."

She meant it sincerely, since that was the polite thing to do, but the gesture may not have come off as particularly genuine, since Kuana's eyes were still trained on the now limp woman's body. She grabbed them, rather than letting them fall to the ground, and slowly crouched down to let the body onto the floor. Her eyes scanned the body, and her nether energy felt around to progressively break down and understand the spell of control placed by the demon. Demonic energy still lingered around the body, so in theory just because the demon died, didn't mean their magic vanished along with them.

"Wait a second, what?"

Kuana's eyes rose from the body and to the new woman standing before her. A great amount of karmic threads wrapped around her densely, so much so that it was difficult to see her. She squinted her eyes and read the paths and knowledge held in the threads, some memories and events as well as more mundane notes, like the woman's name.

"... Elyss Kishimodo--no, Kishimoto, sorry. Shouldn't you be elsewhere?"

As far as she could tell, the crossing of some of Elyss's threads made it seem like being at Karakura Forest, at this time of the day, seemed uncharacteristic of the woman before her. In fact, Kuanastha only sensed their presence in the vicinity rather recently, which only served to confuse her even more. Was this Elyss woman a part of the demon's plot? Through personal experience, she knew most demons and shinigami were not on good terms, so it seemed unlikely, but there were always outliers. She knew that first hand, too.


Demon Come, Demon Go 8Bvy1N8


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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:22 pm
Demon Come, Demon Go Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


That is all the inquiry Elyss cared to vocalize. She paid no further heed to Kuanastha, nor did she make an attempt to understand why this woman knew her name. Instead, she moves to kneel beside Kuanastha and look at the downed woman. The scar around the woman’s neck and shoulder suggested that something had cut deep, the circlet scar indicating the severity of it. Placing her hand against the woman’s neck, Elyss would try to feel a pulse. There’s a weak pulse, but that only caused her more worry. Next, she’d lean and place her ear against the woman’s bloodied lips, feeling barely anything blow against her ear. However, her rough checkup did tell her that this woman still lived, but her life is slowly fading.

“We should get her to the hospital.”

Straight to the point, any particulars can wait until this woman’s life is no longer in danger. Without saying anymore, Elyss scooped the woman into her arms and rose. Whether Kuanastha griped or moaned is up to her. The redhead is already heading towards Karakura Central.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Demon Come, Demon Go Empty Re: Demon Come, Demon Go

Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:26 am
Wayfaring Stranger
Elyss ignoring her was a bit irritating, but in fairness Kuanastha started speaking about things out of the blue. Probably total gibberish to the shinigami as well. She made no issue of Elyss performing her own assessment of the body, but she still noted aloud,

"That's not really going to do much. The demon put a sacrificial spell on the lady. A bit of a sinister one, at that. It allows the demon to control her body at no expense to itself; instead of using its own energy, the spell is sustained at the cost of the woman's own life, constantly draining away at it."

Kuanastha stopped using nether energy to discern the predicament, as it wasn't well suited towards safely deconstructing demon magic. It was far easier to do it with something more compatible, like her own demonio visera energy. It exuded from her and coated the woman's body, slowly interacting with the intricate patterns invisibly carved into the body.

"Hm. I'm kind of surprised; the demon was something of a small fry, but the spell it used is kind of excessively complex. They might've taken it from some sort of tome, or something. I don't think we should move her to the hospital right now."

In saying so, Kuanastha moved to stop Elyss's move to hold the woman into her arms and take her off to Karakura Central by stepping between the two. She even gave a rough shove with her nether energy, to push Elyss back.

"Now that the demon's dead, there's nothing to control the spell; it'll just destabilise and destroy the body more rapidly than intended. I'm gonna dispel it, but I actually don't know if I'll make it in time, and I'm probably a better bet for complex demon magic than whatever's immediately available in Karakura's hospital."


Demon Come, Demon Go 8Bvy1N8


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