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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:48 am
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Casual


How was she talked into this again? Makoto wasn't expecting her single training session with Abalia and close call with an early death to involve spending time at a cafe. Coffee, it wasn't something she particularly liked though she wasn't going to say no. Maybe the fact she pretended to like it for Abalia's sake made her think that she did actually enjoy the coffee.

She did not. Bitter things weren't something she was fond of, it was a good thing she had a bit of cake to nibble on. When she was told she could pick their venue, she didn't really know where that should be. Makoto did hope that she was somewhat right and guessed her tastes.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry, I spaced out a little bit. Could you repeat that?"

The seated officer looked up from her mug, she had kind of just stared into the liquid thoughtfully about the taste. She was sincerely regretful that she had got distracted.


Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:18 am
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] XaNsDFO


"No, you need not apologize. I do speak at great lengths on rather mundane topics."

Abalia certainly displayed self-awareness of the situation and of her own character, and did not particularly mind it being acknowledged. it was very odd, to simply spend free hours with another. She had done so with Nelliel and Alex, and of course her husband, yet of late there was so much work to be done that she felt she simply ought to be working. But that would be thoroughly hypocritical.

"I was simply speaking on the status of the reconstruction. It has been thoroughly pleasant to see the people benefit."


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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:27 am
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Casual


"No. It's poor form of me to let myself space out like that, especially in the presence of someone like you, ma'am"

Makoto bowed her head a bit while thinking about the talk of reconstruction. What a bother, it might've been important all the details that Abalia was telling her. She'd need to review the reports later, just to make sure she knew what was going on.

"R-right. I've heard good things about the Sabitsura district. They are apparently doing well to establish various facilities to deal in metals and steels. We're hoping that by establishing more of this industry that we can make it easier to reform the outer districts by the materials being able to arrive there faster and with less interference due to shorter distances... As well as obviously provide more opportunity for employment."

She did not mention that Sabitsura was the district that she was from. Though she sipped the coffee and glanced away when she said the name. Maybe that added to why she had spaced out with all those memories. They made her bitter like the coffee she was drinking.


Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:34 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] XaNsDFO


"You certianly know the situation well, Miss Arima. I can see how you have been able to reach your rank at your age. I suspect that having metalworking in the heart of the Rukongai will prove very beneficial, even long after the reconstruction has ended."

Even if Makoto did not mention it, Abalia could see that something about the place bothered Makoto. They were off duty, however, away from the Gotei's rules and from their rank. As such, she would not press the matter. It would be rude, after all.

"Are you not enjoying your coffee?"


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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:43 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Casual


"I try my best. Though others make me think I might've done far more in my ten years than I have at present."

It was just a matter of fact. She sipped the coffee again and the taste wasn't improving at all but she tried to feign a smile when prompted and laugh.

"Pardon? What makes you think that?"

Makoto sat the coffee on the table. Maybe she should just have left it there and forgotten about it. It was natural to ask to try and learn how Abalia had discerned it so naturally, if only so that she could avoid being so telling at another time. It might not be in a nice little setting with Abalia like this that she needed to bend the truth a little and could be a much greater matter.


Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:45 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] XaNsDFO


"It is not worthwhile to compare our achievements to those of others. What matters is that we have achieved everything within the realm of possibilities for ourselves. While I take pride in my own accomplishments, I acknowledge that many of my opportunities have been ones born of mere chance. I believe, had I been in your position, that I would have made it no further than you have. I suspect that I likely would not even have achieved as much as you have."

It was the closest sort of thing to a reassuring word that Abalia was really capable of giving. The assurance that Makoto's efforts were wholly worthwhile, and for her age and strength, tremendously impressive. Not all shinigami were equally blessed with power, and for Makoto to have reached such rank at her level was rather remarkable.

"You simply seem rather unwilling to drink it except as a matter of course. Your sips are short, and you take a small bite of cake after each, which you seem to have made sure there is enough of to last through the whole of the cup of coffee. All of this would suggest you would simply rather taste the coffee itself for as short a time as possible."

Abalia didn't necessarily mean to seem overbearing in her attention toward her companion. In fact, she had only been paying the smallest degree of attention toward this particular issue. It was simply second nature for her to take in all of the information available at any given moment.


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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:59 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Casual


"I see. Still, it's just my nature to want the best out of myself. I suppose I am quite harsh on myself, your words are very reassuring though."

She said it while putting her hands in her lap and sighing at her assessment.

"I see, you're quite right. I'm not a great fan of bitter things and the coffee doesn't really appeal to me. The cake is quite nice though and is nice to wash down the drink. I prefer different blends of tea."

Makoto decided that since her gig was up that she ought to stop subjecting herself to it and finish the cake so she could put her cup left on the table. She didn't know what to ask afterwards, taking a while to think about something she might want to bring up.

"Where do you think you'd be now if you were not so fortunate to be in these circumstances you mention? As a little thought exercise, I suppose."


Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:35 am
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] XaNsDFO


"That is not a poor nature, by any metric. We must simply remember to hold ourselves to expectations which are possible, rather than our greatest ideal."

It wasn't necessarily an inherently negative outlook, but Abalia was certainly not one that could be called an optimist or an idealist. If something could not occur, then she discarded its value outright. Ethics of the impossible were not worth consideration.

"Do feel free to inform me of such things in the future, Miss Arima. These outings are intended for our mutual benefit, and it certainly does neither of us good to compel you to drink that which you dislike."

Makoto's question genuinely made Abalia stop and think for a moment or two. It was a very deep question, one which forced her to consider a great many things. It took a touch longer than a typical question.

"I was fortunate enough to have met a personal friend of the King of Vastime, and to have been given such opportunities to work alongside the Captain of Realm Enforcement. More fortunate still to have been allowed to become acquainted with him personally, such that I might grow to have him as a father. I think, were I to have lived outside of these chances, I would be an unseated bureaucrat of little interest. Others would carry the titles I carry. The Captain Commander, the White Gold Queen, the Heir to the Kyoraku; these would likely all be far more powerful individuals than myself."


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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:16 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Casual


Right, keep herself grounded in realism. Not everyone could be so fortunate as Abalia was with circumstance. Was it really the difference between circumstance and hardwork? She had no doubt Abalia was hard working but it still pained her to think about how circumstance could make the gap so vast between them.

"Alright. I shall be more vocal about my dislikes. I apologise for my omission, ma'am."

She waited for the reply, it was a little strange to consider what it would be if Abalia had never rose to such notoriety after her actions against the former Segunda Espada. When she listened there was a nod, it was a lot to take in but it left another question on her mind and one she wanted to hear the answer to.

"Does it bother you? The level of power that you have in comparison to others, who are more powerful than yourself I mean.. ma'am."

Can't be slacking on her addressing of her superior officer now, could she?


Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Gamma_Signature
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADFunny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] Empty Re: Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri]

Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:40 pm
Funny, The Ways We Grow [Abalia, Makoto, Yugiri] XaNsDFO


"No, it does not bother me. Leadership is a matter of competence, not merely strength. If I believed there were other candidates who could take these responsibilities and handle them more effectively, then I would have no qualms about relinquishing my titles to them. But, at present, I believe I am the only option."

Abalia had never felt as though her lack of strength was anything of a problem, and she sipped her coffee confidently before she continued on, elaborating for Makoto's benefit.

"The people I have sworn to protect, after all, are not so all-powerful. In my weakness, I am able to know always what it is like to be one of them. I am able to keep my perspective, to remember the days when I, too, was a simple citizen of the Rukongai. Those powerful individuals, Miss Arima, are a blessing, and some are very earnestly good people. But we must always remember that they do not see the world like you and I. They do not interact with it as the everyday people do."


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