Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:24 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


"I am perfectly well, according to her. Outside of the obvious psychological impact it has had on me, there is no particular threat to my health."

Abalia spoke on the whole thing rather plainly, quite obviously not especially worried about the situation. To her, there was not much time to be committing to something as inconsequential as her emotions when there was such work to be done. She knew, of course, that it was an important matter, one that Minerva especially would be cross with her for ignoring. But she simply could not bring herself to consider it a high priority.

"We have no particular way of knowing the state of the rest of my soul. It is, presumably, still on Earth, but we do not know if it is in a single piece, nor the precise state of it. In all likelihood, it is in some way attached to the manner of my death."


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Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:33 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Tomoe-header


"Why do you sound so nonchalant about it? You seemed upse-... distracted after your encounter with Miss Shihoin."

She had recalled the way Abalia had spaced out, it reminded her sometimes when she'd be reading and suddenly get distracted with a memory or thought that took her on a tangent unrelated to her work. She hated that, didn't it frustrate her? Makoto couldn't understand, though she had nothing wrong with her soul.

"We should assemble a group to handle the situation."

Despite the way that Abalia wasn't concerned about it, Makoto disagreed. It was something that should be important to rectify although if she had her emotions the seated officer wondered how that would change her.

Would she be more like the people she hated? It disappointed her a little to imagine making her captain whole again and being unable to deal with how it might change her.

Fourth Seat of First Division | END POST

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God of Love
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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:40 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


What a piercing question to ask. Abalia, in fact, felt quite legitimately unsure of how she ought to respond to that. Makoto was wholly right, of course. Speaking with Yugiri again had only reminded Abalia that she may well have been completely inadequate to do what it was she always intended, that her best efforts for others were not likely enough.

"This is a personal concern, Makoto. I would think it would be thoroughly wrong of me to commit any of the Gotei's resources to my own well-being. Am I mistaken?"

Abalia was the sort who tended to ask these sorts of hypothetical questions in order to help another think through her own thought process, rather than to simply explain it. It tended to help them understand far better. Yet, in her eyes, and in her tone of voice, there was some faint degree of truth to the question. Most quite likely could not have seen it, but a friend surely could.

She did, quite genuinely, wish to know what to do.


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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:00 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Tomoe-header


"You're wrong."

Regardless of the pain she felt in doing so, she sat up from her position and looked at her from an upright position. A defiant action which might come off as insubordination really with how she had declared it. Makoto wasn't speaking to her as a fourth seat to a captain though.

"If manpower is a Gotei resource and you tell me to go on leave for two weeks for the sake of my wellbeing then it's hypocritical to ignore your own. Captain Kurotsuchi told you that you're fine now but how can she know the future? How does she know you won't deteriorate later from the complication and-"

Makoto coughed and spluttered while saying her part but refused to let any injuries silence her.

"How is it good for the Gotei if our leader might be burdened by personal concerns in the future because you refused to take care of your wellbeing when you had the chance."

Fourth Seat of First Division | END POST

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God of Love
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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:29 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


"I see."

Abalia took it quite calmly, her expression giving no particular indication of how she might have felt about Makoto so brazenly telling her that she was wrong. Within, however, she did run through what she had said many times, and in turn considered what her friend had said in response. It struck her that she had no manner in which she could feasibly argue with Makoto's points, regardless of how she might have wished to.

"I suppose you are correct, Makoto. It would be hypocritical of me. I allow many things for the sake of my duty, but I cannot allow hypocrisy in my handling of subordinates."

Nodding once in confidence, Abalia's gaze turned a bit more gentle, wanting to do her best to seem reassuring. It...wasn't perfect.

"We will assemble this group, then."


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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:43 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Tomoe-header



Makoto was satisfied with her response, enough so that she let out a sigh of relief. She didn't know if it was because Abalia had yielded to her case or the fact that the pain of sitting up like this had begun to numb in her mind. This was far more out of stubbornness and her will pushing through it rather than it disappearing.

"Rrright. I volunteer for the group now."

She made her intent clear and tried to not sound like she was in pain when she said it. Helping Abalia seemed like the right thing to do and after her sorry display of self-control she needed to feel like she wasn't a terrible human being by doing something right. She'd make sure she apologised to her sparring partner when she got out. On that note though.

"Ma'am. Um, Abalia.. Could you get me out of here? I.... I don't like hospitals."

It was embarrassing to have to say it and her hesitation made her instintively try and downplay how she felt but Makoto didn't want to admit that she had a fear of being here.

Fourth Seat of First Division | END POST

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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTIs This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADIs This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:19 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


"I appreciate your volunteering, Makoto."

In truth, Abalia had thought of continuing on, and telling Makoto that she would not ask her to join any such group when she was still injured such as this. However, she did not particularly wish to do so, given it would likely just lead to more conflict on the matter. If she wished to assist, then Abalia had to accept that much. It was what friends did, whether or not she liked the thought.

"I will speak with the medical staff regarding your recovery. If you are able to return home and recuperate there, then I will ask they let you do so. If not, then I will simply have them send you home at the first opportunity. You must understand that I do not wish to let any significant injury go unaddressed."

Even if she knew that the hakuda teacher had likely not caused any significant damage to Makoto, she still would not wish to put her health at any unnecessary risk. Still, it seemed rather obvious to Abalia that Makoto was unhappy here, a display of discomfort that was quite unlike what Abalia had seen of her before. That, in itself, made the matter seem more pressing.

"You will not spend any more time here than is absolutely necessary. You have my word."


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Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:34 am
Is This What We Call Consideration? [Abalia, Makoto] - Page 2 Tomoe-header


She wanted to protest the idea of being made to stay here, even if it was required but the sentences forming in her head didn't make it out of her lips. Her eyes said as much as those words would've though, she was scared of the idea. Her earlier protests with the nurse was driven by it.

"Thank you, Abalia."

Makoto muttered it while sitting back to lay back in bed and stare out the window. She hated being reminded of when they found her covered in blood after that night and kept her in a small shoddy hospital because they had thought she had been attacked. It just wasn't her blood all over her though. Hospitals were the worst, she'd wait it out though because Abalia asked her to.

Fourth Seat of First Division | END POST

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