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Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:03 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Nice


Well it sure did explode didn't it. Yugiri could do as she planned, remain hidden and let them all be wiped out. It was the more prudent approach to let these people serve as fodder until the real threat presented itself. Just let them all die, if she saved them she was becoming responsible for them. The same as Ira, if she had let the child be caught in the middle of it all then it was not her obligation to take care of her afterwards but by taking action the child became her own problem.

"Stupid idiots. Coming into a trap so unprepared with nothing but cattle for slaughter."

She bit her lip at it in frustration. It was their fault this was happening, they shouldn't have been so arrogant as to assume these nobodies were suitable for the job. Send strong and more competent people, that way the casualties would be lower but they didn't.

"Look up to the sky o' bound earth, tear off thy shackles and climb for the heavens. Claim your place amongst the stars and dance your wild dance until you are reminded of your place. Hadō #57. Daichi Tenyō."

Yugiri muttered the incantation under her breath and held her hand out under the cover of her curtain, the earth around the group of Vandenreich operatives suddenly being torn up in places and flying to intercept the oncoming demons and knock them away to crush, disrupt and knock them away while providing them means to entrench their positions.


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Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:06 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Sterne20


He had known that this outfit was hardly a veteran unit, given the number of recruits and assorted roughnecks running around the camp, but it still caught Alastair by surprise to see them act so ineptly. The fact that the vanguard had so blindly stumbled into this ambush had left them all exposed, these demons already breaking apart the loose formation, and for that, they had paid with their lives. The general was also making no attempt to give useful orders either, which hardly made the fight any easier.

"Stick in groups! Move together! They will pick off the stragglers."

It pained Alastair to subvert the chain of command, but he was not going to see this early chaos turn the battle into a one-sided rout and so away he barked. All the while, the air hummed with the cry of Falke as he fired arrows into the attacking monsters and held his ground.

When enough of his fellow troops had rallied around him, Alastair pointed in the direction of a ruined building for them to take cover in. He had no idea what exactly 'Yaksha' was capable of, but he was a large enough hollow that he certainly might be able to muster a powerful blast. The last thing they needed was to get caught up in that, as it was unlikely that they would survive. Just as he was about to make the first move, the ground beneath his feet began to shift and break apart. Had it been another attack it could easily have swept him off balance, instead, the chunks of rubble flew out into the horde of demons and made some effort to thin their ranks.

"Now! Get to cover!"

Seizing the opportunity, he quickly gathered Reishi under his feet and blitzed forward with a Hirenkyaku intending to dive quickly into the cover of the nearby building. He did hope that the rest of his comrades would be able to do the same, else they might be in a tight spot.

When the skies open | END POST
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Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:07 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

Yaksha couldn't help but feel some small degree of confusion as he watched the troops approaching the statue, allowing themselves to be drawn into the line of fire, and taken down. He was the one here who was most expendable, and on top of that he had the capacity to take extremely impressive punishment even without the regeneration typical to hollows factoring in. So why then were the mortals approaching the opponents and allowing themselves to be so easily felled? Was it something to do with the chain of command? Or fear of him in particular.

And then in the midst of this mysterious decision, their leader shouted towards him, demanding 'something big'. Given their previous conversation Yaksha mused for perhaps a full tenth of a second on grabbing a nearby building to drop onto these creatures. He then determined anything like that would just be a waste, and probably outright counter-productive when they decided to hold their 'interrogation' after this. He settled instead for folding his hands over his chest, in a manner that brought to mind a lawyer or some other agent about to engage in a lengthy but meaningful monologue.

The ground beneath their feet lost a significant amount of solidity, causing a few of the demons to stumble, and Yaksha's wings to flare outwards as he took a single negligent half-step backwards, now standing on a platform of pure spiritrons as he waited ever-so-patiently, allowing the diversion and the very obvious presence of someone who had no intention to fight, who didn't even seem to realize this -was- a fight, to gather their interest. Merely by doing nothing, Yaksha was able to become the center of attention, and it became all the easier when his own party was retreating to a safe position.

He opened his eyes, then opened them again. Something happened with the flames in his eyes, something subtle and nearly-impossible to define unless one was looking for it and was very very in tune with themselves, or the world of spirit beings. The flames in his eyes ceased flickering, crystalizing into something far more static, their mere presence seeming to prickle and jab at the eyes of all the ravenous demons, as he simply spread his wings wide, allowing some invisible muscle to relax, some sense of tension around him to leak out. Like a spring suddenly being loosened, ever so slightly, but not fully released.


He never moved from his spot, but he seemed to grow larger by degrees, inch by inch, some subtle play of perception and light that made it feel as if the creature before them was still in the process of evolving, as if he were going to grow and grow and grow until he consumed the entire world as easily as one would a jawbreaker. And there was that horrible sensation of looking into the Eyes of the King that seemed to make the blood boil, and the heart race.

There was no flashy display, no sudden fluctuation of energies or forces that made it seem as if he were about to fire off a blast that could restructure the entire topography. There was in fact no sense whatsoever that this man even seemed to -know- what he was doing. It was a spiritual and psychic assault at the same time, their own bodies causing some unseen, unknowable poison to course through their own body, tearing the least prepared among them to shreds slowly and subtly. Even if they simply ignored him and charged past to strike the retreating Vandenreich, the distraction would serve its purpose, giving them time to reinforce their new position.

With a single word, and without a single thing that could be considered an act of aggression, Yaksha simply seemed to be ushering the creatures before him towards death's door.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:44 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Yo8iebf


Well, this was kind of a shitshow, huh? Honestly, despite how comfortable it was here next to his rescuer's chest, Ira had to admit that he was at least a little bit uncomfortable at the thought that he was nice and cozy here with the pretty lady while everyone outside was getting lopped in two. A real conundrum.

"Can't say I really know what the plan was. Seemed like they had things pretty lined up, least in their heads."

While he wasn't exactly admitting to Yugiri that his depiction of a young girl had been a facade, Ira also wasn't doing much to pretend he was anything other than an old man. Of course, he was still held nice and close to that chest. He'd stay right there as long as she let him, honestly, especially considering he couldn't do too much to help with the whole wanton slaughter thing. He'd have liked to, though.

"Maybe their heads weren't on right, though."


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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:06 am

Jefferson | Delta 2

Report after report detailed Jefferson as a barren land that was being occupied by random demons and hollows. The ratio of volunteer to actual Vandenreich soldier should have proved advantageous for this mission. However, ever since they’ve stepped into the city, they have been met by unexpected calculated ambushes. It’s almost as if the enemy knew of their plans ahead of time. Even if they had been discovered after entering, the events that occurred all felt premeditated and purposeful. The barrier around the city activated as soon as they stepped past the border, but something of this grandiose nature should have taken at least a week to prepare, not to mention the wall of Menos that gathered immediately after. Then, the corpses becoming animated as soon as they stepped far enough through them. There are only few explanations for such coincidences.

However, despite his many thoughts, Jenkins must prioritize getting his men to safety, or at least to a better area to hold their ground. This open battlefield is proving too advantageous for the rampaging zombie-like demons to crowd and surround his men. Even as his men fell, the demons seemed more inclined to chasing them around than actually mass murdering everyone. Though, the sudden upheaval of the surrounding boulders and rocks proved advantageous for creating choke points that many of the soldiers were able to create space through. Wait a minute, from their previous position, Jenkins concluded that they’ve been moving closer to the center of the city. Why?

“Gather in the building! Let’s g-”

Suddenly, Jenkins is no longer there, his body slipping down into the ground underneath his feet. Suddenly, there wasn’t anyone giving orders, but Alastair’s voice was the last thing that sounded coherent of a plan to everyone, especially as Yaksha began preparing his technique. Soon, the building is filled with operatives right as the demon assault began to grow more cognizant. However, when they felt the pressure of Yaksha’s gaze on them, the multitude of them paused and turned their attention to the Hollow. As if acting by instinct alone, the demons began to flee, understanding their inability to deal with a creature like Yaksha. Still, many of them fell on the spot as others showed more resistance to their bodies growing desires to cull over. And, even then, some still rampaged towards the lone building that the party had escaped to, slipping through any crack that they could, proving easy targets for the remaining party to deal with.

And, as the horde began to thin, everyone is allowed a bit of a breather.


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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:32 am
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Nice


The hollow was doing something, Yugiri did wonder about why the hollow was helping them. She assumed it was entirely selfish, a hollow could not truly be benevolent when they were slaves to their instincts. Though she judged him to be a Vasto Lorde and so she could safely assume he had overcome his need to feed on souls for necessity. It wasn't like an adjuchas that would be at risk of regression to the Gillian stage if they were not able to continue to devour souls.

"They weren't. Their leader is dead."

She watched the death of their commanding officer, now she expected the coherency to fall apart and for the section to collapse unless the second in command was still alive. If not, then it would turn into a grabbing for power but the weak red head seemed to have his voice heard above all the others.

"It's settled down now. Do you notice how they herd their prey? They're like wolves... or velociraptors."

It wasn't clear on whether or not she was speaking to herself when she said it. Yugiri's decision to liken them to raptors was entirely because she thought those dinosaurs were cool. She'd never really understood them until she got to the living realm where they had inhabited but they were cool.


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Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:33 am
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Sterne20


As the number of demons finally began to dwindle, an assault that had felt like hours but had in fact been only a handful of minutes slowly began to wind down. As one of the final demonic stragglers attempted to squeeze his way through a crevasse that even its mutated form could not manage easily, Alastair brought the blade form of Falke down upon the back of its exposed neck. The first swing didn't behead the creature, causing it instead to flail more vigorously, nor did the second, though it did cause it to grow still, and by the third strike, the deed was done. He paused long enough to wipe the sweat from his forehead before moving to the window to assess the scene outside.

Whatever Yaksha had done, it had certainly worked. Whilst the lone hollow stood unflinching amidst the sea of corpses, Alastair scanned the scene for any other survivors beyond those in his current building. The situation only grew bleaker as he realised that Jenkins was not amongst their number, and the already fragile chain of command had gone with him. His free hand ran through his messy hair, sweeping it back off his face as he attempted to process exactly what was happening, then he finally emerged from the ruins and began to round up those few that survived.

"Alright, fall in on me!" He called out, "And speak up if you saw where the General fell."

Right now it didn't exactly matter what had happened to the poor man, but he had been wearing an earpiece so perhaps they could contact the other teams. They had already been beaten pretty badly, some of the soldiers were sporting assorted wounds whilst the rest - Alastair included - had certainly exerted themselves in the fight. He wished he had some rousing speech to give them, but his throat was dry from the gathered heat and his mind was hardly suited for those on the best of days. Still, his days in the Jagdarmee had not been wasted.

"Listen up. We need a minute to tend to the injured and see what can be recovered from the fallen. I want a perimeter created, centred on that building, in case those creatures come back around for a second pass."

He reached into his pack, pulling out a map of Jefferson that he had been able to pull from records. It was far from accurate, and certainly depicted the city in a much better condition, but perhaps it would suffice.

"Yaksha!" Amber eyes turned in the direction of the hollow once more, and he pointed toward his great wings, "If those things work, perhaps you could take to the skies and give us some aerial reconnaissance? We have been running blindly until now, and whatever is out there is just waiting for another chance to pick some of us off."

When the skies open | END POST
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Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:59 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

Things continued to escalate, and throughout it Yaksha had about as much visible reaction as the statues that had lain in wait for them to approach. The demons were falling in droves, a select few turning away and fleeing, simply trying to save their own skins: This implied that they either feared him more than the one who had brought them here, or that failure to incapacitate the targets hadn't been associated with a terrible fate. Which was interesting in and of itself; one who had brought beasts like this here only to run amok, without any purpose? And then created this trap? Their motives were growing murkier by the moment.

Add onto this their apparent interest in prioritizing and defanging the Vandenreich as they entered the city. The quincies in particular seemed to be an object of focus for them, raising even more questions about some possible past relationship with the organization. Some foe they had once vanquished but not fully slain? Or a person with history with someone within the group? Too many options, too many possibilities. Yaksha's brain moved at ludicrous speeds, but over and over simply struck solid obstructions. He needed to learn more.

And there was the matter of Jenkins. The commander in arms had simply been spirited away, in a manner that made Yaksha curious in the extreme. Phasing through solid matter was an interesting trick, especially when one made that matter selectively permeable to others; it implied a great deal of surveillance, and great precision. They had identified one of the key targets, and quickly handled them. But why take them underground? If the objective was to kill them, there were other ways that could be just as final, and just as decisive. It implied something Yaksha was becoming more and more certain of as the moments passed:

They had set out bait for the Vandenreich, hoping to draw a great number of quincies to the city, but hadn't accounted for what else may have been attracted by that same bait. It was much like a bear wandering towards a hunter lying in wait for wolves to eat the poisoned meat left for them, and mauling the unsuspecting man. They had planned, near to the point of absurdity, how to deal with the quincies. But the vasto lorde? Far less so.

And now one of the surviving quincies seem to be taking lead by virtue of simply being most willing to accept command, approaching and calling out to him. Yaksha made a very concerted effort to close his eyes before ever turning to acknowledge them, wondering for a single idle second if their tone would change in the slightest if they were to look into his eyes for longer than a scant second. They asked him something about his questions, naturally including an insinuation that could be taken as a barb in it. Why was it they continued to believe provoking him would lead to a desirable outcome?

"I can already tell you will become a spectacular commander. Allow me to give you one piece of advice about the best generals: They only ever give commands they know their subordinates already wish to follow."

He held out one hand, allowing it to dangle out in front of him. As he exhaled, the fingers vibrated ever so slightly, and seemed to swell up and out, the tips turning into bulbs that slowly and rhythmically pulsed, bringing to mind fruit growing on a branch in an extremely sped-up motion. They each expanded and began to move in queer, unreadable ways, before at the tip of each finger there was a white flame, no larger than a person's eyeball, hovering. He turned his palm over, blowing upon it, and setting all five flames aloft.

Yaksha took to the skies. Five times, in two seconds. His mind seemed to expand outwards, connecting to each of the flames in a distant, faroff manner, bringing to mind surveillance cameras for a second. And then with his other hand he did the same, allowing it to expand and grow. The process took perhaps ten seconds each time he did it, but he seemed perfectly content to keep doing it until something interrupted the process.

The skies would alight with eyes, for all to see. This city was his territory, and no predator worth their salt allowed their territory to be invaded by others. He would sniff out the culprit of this ridiculous trap, and then he had quite a few questions for them. In the meantime, he would do as much as he could to ensure that the Vandenreich made it out of this place intact. It would do greatly towards his other objective.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Yaksha on Sun May 02, 2021 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Sat May 01, 2021 10:11 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Yo8iebf


"Damn. Well, he did seem like kind of a stiff-ass, can't say I'll miss him much. Sure his family'll be sad about it though."

Ira's voice did have some genuineness to it, though it was also pretty clear he wasn't exactly torn up about the loss. If it weren't for the nice rack in his face, he might have been a little bit more worried about everything going on, but for now, he was enjoying this little oasis.

"Clever girls. Pack mentality does a lot to make up for a peabrain, so I'd guess it follows that somethin' like a Hollow would use that kinda strategy."

He did, admittedly, know that he'd come around here to help. There was a little frustration in the back of Ira's mind at the knowledge that there wasn't much he could do, but then, what could he do? He was still just a little girl here.


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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 2 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Sun May 02, 2021 7:30 pm

Jefferson | Delta 2

Desperate for someone to deliver them from the Hell they had stepped into, the remaining party were quick to take to the first person who voice stood out among them. Alastair is suddenly in command. His words echo out, and the men get to work immediately. The injured are taken and supplies are passed around to those who need them. The doubt of what is to come weighs heavy on everyone’s mind as they mend their casualties. None know what happened to Jenkins. He simply vanished into the ground without a trace while everyone was focused on regrouping. It would seem they have lost all capability to communicate with the other squads. Their headsets were created specifically to converse with others in their squad. However, only the squad leaders could talk with one another to keep the airways clear. Without Jenkins, they are truly on their own.

That is until Yaksha acts. His flaming orbs floated up into the sky, spreading out and granted him vision for as far as they could see. First, he would notice that the center of the city looked surprisingly barren, a sudden change in the landscape that wasn’t there before. Instead of smoldering remains, there is now a wide radius of nothing but flat land in a perfect circle. Next, he would notice operatives moving towards the group from the ground below. Behind them, though, swooping down from the skies are bat-like creatures that sport Hollow masks and holes in their chest. Strangely enough, these creatures feel entirely demonic. Finally, he would notice that the same bat-like creatures are approaching from the skies, swooping towards his flames with their maw open, an obvious attempt to eat the flames. They seem to care not if doing so kills them, they dive headfirst and devour all ten of his flames, dying in the process if they must.

Then, like he saw, operatives would appear on the scene, men from Omega 3. Following them, of course, are the bat-like creatures, but they soon take back to the skies as they neared Yaksha, sensing his power and being warded off as if his presence is enough to outweigh whatever commands them. Seeing Yaksha, the operatives would move in closer and see the scene before them, obvious shock on their expressions at the lack of people around.


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