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Sun May 02, 2021 10:52 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Nice


This kid sounded old. Whatever, it was still a little kid and she sensed nothing special in the way of a different race in there. Just a genuine human through and through. Eventually she'd have to move though and follow what she was using as her guide towards the centre of the city, trying to fight off all the fodder alone would slow her down and weaken her. Better to take things slow and not be hasty here.

"Alright. So no cheating with the sky and ambushes all the way down yet they insist on herding deeper into the centre."

If she used her full speed and skills with shunpo then Yugiri thought she might be able to blitz the route before anything could react to it and get to the centre relatively easy, that involved leaving Ira though and she had already condemned herself to the responsibility of taking care of this little girl by snatching her up and into safety. It made her a little grumpy, once upon a time wouldn't be nice or helpful. Just ignore it and move on.

How times change.


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Sun May 02, 2021 11:17 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Sterne20


Alastair was pacing before the map of Jefferson, which had been rolled out across a makeshift table in what might once have been a kitchen, when the calls went up of another party approaching. He flexed his hand again, making ready to draw forth his spirit weapon once more, though was relieved to learn that these were not new foes but rather friends. Emerging from the building, he headed out to meet with Omega 3's squad leader as Yaksha used his mere presence to disperse the aerial demons.

"You are a sight for sore eyes." He watched as their gaze moved past him and onto the severe lack of manpower, a muted smile now twisting into a dour grimace as he briefed them on the situation. "Demonic ambush cost us General Jenkins and about half of our fighting strength were picked off by the Gillians before they made it through the barrier."

"We were beaten bloody, left without a means to contact the other teams, so it is fortunate you found your way here. Yaksha has been doing a fine job of warding off the smaller creatures, but they are up to something greater and I get the feeling that we are being closely watched."

Eyes turned to scan the peripherals, just in case whatever had taken Ira decided to rear its ugly head, but they found nothing but rubble and broken corpses. With a deep exhale, he let his mind turn back to the situation at hand.

"Either we continue with the original plan and press on toward the eye of the storm, or we wrap around the perimeter and hope that we can intercept Bravo 1. The likelihood is that we are going to be funnelled inwards regardless, but it might be best to try to combine all our strength right now."

When the skies open | END POST
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Tue May 04, 2021 4:05 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

"Absolutely not. Your general separated us for good reason. I saw the look of bloodlust in the eyes of your comrade earlier. It's best all around if whatever horrid fate he wishes for Calypso doesn't occur under my gaze, or I will undeniably end up doing something that would get me killed. And furthermore, the nature of these traps are becoming clearer and clearer: They prepared for quincies, not hollows or demons. They had no expectation that the Vandenreich would have unexpected comrades. So I simply have to start getting more creative, to ensure that they continue to believe their plans are progressing at their own pace. Thus far I've managed to buy time, but if I continue to act as I have they will be forced to change their plans. That can't be permitted."

He folded both wings up and forward, causing them to engulf him in a manner very similar to a cocoon, as he simply began to twitch and roll his shoulders, his movements dulling, growing slower by the second. There was a hideous, organic-sounding squealching from beneath the wings, the sense that something gut-wrenching was going on underneath, and that if one were willing to peel back the curtain he had drawn, they'd be able to see something far more intimate than a man bereft of clothing. He didn't speak for several long moments, not even bothering to ask to be defended; at this point he had taken on his own command role as certainly as Alistair, but of a completely different kind: He simply was assessing every resource they had, and making sure to put them in the best place possible. The outcome would be as obvious and beneficial as if he'd given clear and obvious orders, without the benefit of the enemy being able to interpret them.

When they retreated, the horns that adorned his head, normally resembling a crown of sorts, had vanished, to be replaced with a writhing nest of what resembled snakes; each one made up of thousands of miniscule hairs braided together, making him look as if he had seven or eight ponytails surrounding him. The red markings covering his body flared to life ever so slightly, as he spoke in a somewhat irked tone, his hand moving towards his chest.

"I should have taken to the skies, but I feared a target larger than my wisps would attract a commensurate reaction. Now I'm feeling as if I haven't slept in a few days. I'll be far less useful until we can find and slaughter those who ate my fragments, and I can get them back. Assume for now I'm simply taking on a support role. This is, after all, your operation. General."
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed May 05, 2021 12:42 am
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Yo8iebf


"Dunno what the plan is on either side at this point. Figure if they're getting some backup, maybe things'll cool down, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Guess I have to commend those boys, sticking to the mission even after half of 'em have been gutted like fish."

Maybe that was a little morbid, but Ira found that it was usually good to bring a little bit of levity to a situation when possible. After all, they'd just watched quite a few deaths right before their eyes, and he couldn't say he'd done much to really stop it. Not that he could have, but even so. Helped a good bit to at least shake it off.

"Probably ought to go help, huh? I did sign up for it, after all."


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Wed May 05, 2021 2:25 pm

Jefferson | Delta 2

“If I may, I suggest we continue towards the center. As well as it may be to possibly try to retreat and regroup, you are correct in saying that we may meet resistance every step of the way. Our best bet is to reach our destination and hope everyone else makes it.”

The leader of Omega 3, or Jackson as he goes by, is quick to give his idea after ending his report with Richards. It is hard to believe that in only about 40 minutes, they have lost so much. He didn’t sign up for this, honestly. The reports stated resistance, but this is ridiculous. This isn’t a simple in and out procedure. This is warfare. It’s impossible to even get reports back out to the camp because of the barrier interrupting the signal. Even then, the Menos that are outside are probably causing problems for the camp if they are trying to send reinforcements. A report back to Washington D.C. may save them, but how long will it take before anything of help is able to arrive?

His eyes then turned to Yaksha. The Hollow is correct. It seems as if the demons show absolute hostility towards Quincy but seem to not care or show innate fear of the Hollow. It is an interesting development, and has proven somewhat useful. However, it seems that innate fear isn’t absolute. The demons attacking Yaksha’s wisps prove that they are capable of challenging him or are simply taking advantages whenever they can. With Yaksha stating he has been weakened, this does not bode well for them.

“Let us move. We do not know when we will be attacked again. I will send scouts ahead to watch for anything peculiar. The longer we wait, the longer we are open for anything. If this whatever wants us to reach the center of the city, let’s not leave it waiting.”

He moved his hand to contact Richards again, but he gets static. Are their communications being intercepted or something? Luckily, he has scouts nearing the location. He may be able to get through to them if the channel has been invaded. It is better to worry about the people around him though. “Everyone, huddle up. My men, move out ahead and scout. Stay hidden though.”

Hopefully, everyone moves as they set out again, their destination the same. This time, they don’t seem to be intercepted by anything, demons in the air leaving them be as they headed towards the center. Funnily enough, they do reach the center, seeing the large empty space with nothing within it. Really now? All that, for this? Out the edge of it, they can see that something had carefully made sure that everything is empty, but for what? Why? Jackson tries again to contact Richards. More static. Has his scouts not reached them yet?

Then, he picks up a report from his scouts that there are bogies behind them. Turning his attention, he sees a line of the demons that had attacked Delta 2 from earlier, but they are still and unmoving like the statues they used to be. That is when Gargantas began opening up in the sky, depositing Hollows into the empty space before them. These Hollows, however, began to attack one another, ignoring the group. A strange free for all began as the Hollows continued to kill and eat one another as more and more appeared from the Gargantas.

“What the Hell?”


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Wed May 05, 2021 2:48 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Nice


"Fine. However, they are not my problem. I will consider them your own responsibility by doing this, you're the only one I'm taking responsibility of in this situation because they thought it'd be fine to send a little girl into a battlefield."

Yugiri stood up and dispelled her curtain that had since concealed the two of them before approaching with Ira over her shoulder unceremoniously she'd be fine like that. The hollow was a problem but she could deal with it later, for the moment she had to settle this predicament.

"I'm Yugiri. A shinigami in the area, it's my intention to end this foolishness. Also, this kid's mine now."

She made it clear that Ira was now her's, not their's. The vizard didn't feel like arguing about the matter, they were welcome to disagree but there was no point. What were any of them really going to do about it? It was unfortunate that she was morally responsible for Ira the moment she had decided to save her.

"Anyway, let's go Ira."

Turning on her heel, she headed towards the centre with him still over her shoulder. When everything started to get heated in the centre, Yugiri stood and remained keenly aware and focused on the environment. How strange, did the Vandenreich want to go first? It was their operation here after all, wasn't it?


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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Thu May 06, 2021 4:21 am
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Sterne20


Alastair nodded along in agreement with both Yaksha and Jackson, they made fair enough points and so into the centre of Jefferson they would head. He had already begun getting the Delta 2 survivors ready to move out when Yugiri made her grand reveal, with Ira hanging over her shoulder. He had opened his mouth, ready to ask for her to either return Ira or at least explain herself, but the woman was already marching away. At least the child was safe, probably safer than he would have been if the shinigami hadn't picked him up, and that alone was small comfort as they marched onwards.

He had no idea what to expect at their destination, but an empty area was certainly not it. It was another trap or trick, no doubt in a similar vein to their previous encounters. Whatever was doing this wanted to further divide them, keep whittling them down, just to bring them here. He felt the Gargantas appear almost before they did, his hands already beginning the motions to resummon Falke, and, with those demonic statues at their back, there was scarcely room to run and hide.

"Call back the scouts, Jackson. It is not going to take long for those hollows to turn on us, given the rate that they are coming, so I think we should attack whilst we have the advantage and try to thin the horde."

This was an altogether uninviting battlefield for the Quincy, bereft of the terrain that had proved so invaluable in keeping them alive earlier. The best chance they had was to maintain a formation and prevent the hollows from getting on top of them for as long as possible. He paused to wonder if he should give Yaksha or the shinigami orders, the latter seemed totally futile but the former might still abide.

"Yaksha, it might be time to start getting more creative. This could turn from bad to worse at any moment."

His piece said, he took aim into the heart of the throng of Hollows and focused upon his first Heilig Pfiel. Should the command come to engage then he would release a flash fire shot, hoping perhaps a Blitzfeuer would disorientate his foes as it burnt so brightly.

When the skies open | END POST
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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Thu May 06, 2021 2:11 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

Yaksha was actually left speechless for the first time since arriving here, as the hollows appeared from nowhere, beginning to feed on one another in a way that brought to mind pirahnas converging on their prey. There was no obvious rhyme or reason to it, no particular explanation for why they'd be doing this. Why even dump them -here- instead of outside, or near the base of operations that had been set by the Vandenreich? They could have easily struck while the lion's share of competent agents were otherwise occupied, and instead they were taunting and harrassing the people who sought to salvage from the remnants of the city. That implied that their objective here was nowhere near as clear as it seemed at first.

Yaksha's masked head tilted to the side, the writhing nests of snakes around his shoulders, continuing to move and wriggle as he contemplated the purpose behind all of this, and the nature of their enemy. They were spawning demons that resembled hollows in horrifying ways, trying to skirt the line between races, and they were now using the mindless masses as their playthings for some horrid experiment, something ill-defined and probably terrifying as it was disgusting to the quincies. That meant only one thing to Yaksha. He clutched both hands, speaking with the first genuine sense of heat or emotion for the first time since arriving.

"Have you no fucking idea how much you've gone and complicated things? My limits are being tested, moment by moment, and you are beginning to grow more and more irksome with every passing second. Your ambitions have overlapped with mine, and I can only say one thing about this."

He stepped forward, only vaguely hearing the commentary of the quincy "commander" behind him. It was something he would've seen fit to comment on at any other time or place, but right now all he could do was watch his kind tear each other limb from limb in this elaborate bottle, surrounded by demons, and lift his hands to the sky. There was a quiet that exuded from him, a palpable and expectant sound, as the writhing snakes comprising his hair began to lash out, piercing the arms, the torsos, the collarbones of every hollow they could reach, beginning to resemble an enormous, elaborate, and -very- angry tree, its branches probing outwards to pierce intruders.

And when he spoke, it was in a resonant, white-hot voice that reached into the hindbran and yanked at it. There was no ominous echo, no sense of multiple voices overlayed upon one another. There was simply a sound that made the heart skip a beat, and caused existential shame to wash out in a wave from him. It was so potent, he couldn't even guarantee it wouldn't wash back, to affect his comrades somewhat. But even so, it was a message worth saying, at this time, in this place.

"Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols."
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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Sat May 08, 2021 8:33 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Yo8iebf


"Thanks, lady. I appreciate you saving me."

The act of a small young girl was at least nominally back in place now, if only because he was in a decent position to stare at this lovely lady's rear end. Only for a moment or two, though, seeing as he still wanted to actually do something. Shooting Alastair a thumbs up as they walked away, Ira then accepted his spot on Yugiri's shoulder for now.

"So, lady, what's the plan from here on? I'm down to stick with you, but I dunno how we're gonna handle this whole situation. I can help out a little, but ya know, I'm not exactly a big strong guy."

Of course, then all the spookiness started from back where they'd been, the Hollow over there having some sort of conniption or another. Was he okay? Was anyone okay? Ira didn't like all that, so he brought his attention away from it.

"This place is a fuckin' mess."


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Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 Empty Re: Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig

Mon May 10, 2021 4:46 pm
Delta 2: Jefferson City Shindig - Page 3 U9cGCh5

The Uprooter

“There are no need for such hostilities, Yaksha. We can all get along.”

The air is cut cleanly by the song of a blade soaring through it. Moments later, Yaksha will find his hair of snakes cleaved through as the large blade flew through the masses of Hollow that tore into one another. Somehow, despite the rambunctious pack of rabid Hollow tearing into one another, a portal opened in the middle of the display, a clearing made just for it specifically. Out of it stepped a thing that could only be called a demon. Its skin glowed an eerie red and resembled a person’s body that lacked any skin. Hardened carapace covered its body, acting as shoulder blades and leg coverings. One of its arms is adorned in this hard carapace, forming a gauntlet. However, its face is the most startling, a pale skinny visage with an extremely pointed chin and gaunt cheeks. With glowing red eyes that lacked pupils and a crown of horns, the demon seemed a prestige being amongst the crowd of rambunctious Hollow.

“A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I assure you, your weapons are not needed, yet. Put them down and let us talk. You may live longer.”

The sword that flew came and rested at his side, plunging itself into the Earth before the demon’s manicured hand sat atop its handle. By now, the sea of Hollow had dwindled to minute numbers, the few that remained congregating with one another before seemingly merging into one black mass. Then and there, everyone witnessed the birth of a Gillian as its body grew and towered over everyone as its recognizable mask came into existence. The demon turned his head, acknowledging the large Gillian as it sat there motionless.

“Fascinating, isn’t it? The way Hollows devour one another to gain strength. Such a thing is seen as a curse, a sin, but I simply see it as a way of nature. It is rather good hyperbole of life, is it not?”

And then, the ground shook as wind blew through the area, the sudden explosion of sound bursting eardrums as the sky lit up with the color of an explosion not so far away. As dust flew and visions became obscured, Jackson spoke up.

“Who the Hell are you?! What the Hell is going on here?!”

That simply got a chuckle out of the demon.

“That. It is simply that: Hell.”

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