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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:14 pm


Enter Calypso


Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] 6EdIfMt

Dusting off her hands, the young woman smirked in satisfaction as she delivered the finishing touch to her little project. Amidst the uneventful days within the decimated city, she wanted to give a go at building restoration using her abilities. She decided to start small, and what would be a better place than a small restaurant? It wasn't buried in rock, so that helped the workload a little bit. Occasionally she'd look up, curious if a certain someone noticed her as she worked, only to sigh and keep working.

She was clearing and restoring for at least two hours, mostly only taking so much longer due to trying to figure out how the building should even look as she went along. She didn't want to stick the building back together and it looked like hastily a put together, fragile rock monument, right? Plus she needed to make sure the kitchen equipment even still worked, which was successful when she supplied her own power to them.

Soon she was sitting in a clean kitchen, looking around with a smile on her face. It was a little different than how it likely looked before, some parts having more of her.. Fantastical touch to it, as she would sit down at one of the restored tables, opening a small gateway and pulling out a bubble, popping it and cracking open what she brought - A rather standard American cookbook. Calypso honestly never cooked before, so.. Would it hurt to try on her own? She had a learned understanding of how all the equipment worked and how portions worked, but.. She never actually did it.

Looking up at the sky, her brow furrowed,

..Wonder if he'd teach me?

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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sun May 02, 2021 2:44 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

Yaksha had been fairly active in the city of Jefferson, simply moving rubble and doing his part to examine the surroundings to find out what the scouts had been looking at and for recently. The city was a relatively simple place for him to examine, as he went about the arduous task of doing countless calculations in the back of his head, trying to run thousands upon thousands of hypothetical scenarios over and over. There was so much going on, and so much to consider as possibilities in the near future. The entire country of America was becoming the Wild Wild West once more, and there was the added caveat now that they knew quite well what advanced opposition lay out there.

How was he going to ensure that when the dust cleared and people were ready to resume their normal lives, that there would be a place for him and his kind? America had been a place that hollows moved about relatively freely with the approval of Shadow Fall, but they had still been little better than pets, or pests; people treated them much the same as when they saw deer on the highway. There was no true interaction between hollow and man, or even hollow and demon.

And so he had taken to delving into the simplest resource he had; the space between spaces, the shaving of reality off of the infinite supply of possibility. The realm where none dared trek for long, and everyone simply considered it a place to get where they were going. But Yaksha had nowhere he wanted to go; he was already exactly where he wanted to be. He simply wanted others to stand alongside him.

He had been taking the habit lately of tearing garganta without much purpose or intent, simply seeing where they led; perhaps one in a hundred made their way to somewhere totally unexpected, like isolated portions of the Rukongai, but each time he made sure to close those connections before they became a significant issue. Those times that he did find himself staring into the churning miasma of potential, the inky blackness of infinity, he would allow himself to split off, ever so slightly, and see how long the connection between himself and the splintered memories he allowed to roam lasted.

Thus far, his current record was 100 years.

He was quite content to wile away his times with this new experiment, up until the moment he realized that Calypso was in the process of trying to repair a building. To what end, exactly? Making the scouts feel more at home, and providing them a place to rest and regain their morale? Something he'd considered for a little bit; letting them explore more of the city and return to their headquarters less often felt like a very good way to get a better sense of what their objective was here. But why would the demon girl of all people be doing it?

He finally found her after a few moments of scrambled confusion, while he tried to sense the area around him and realized that the 'him' was getting somewhat murky. There were a lot of eyes and ears projecting for him right now, and he had spent a little too long in one place, just trying to expand his horizons. He stood up, stumbled, nearly fell, and finally managed to catch himself in time, wings flaring outwards as he canted his head to the left, then right, beginning to test the air around them for the presence of demons.

Bad idea, as this was Jefferson city, and that presence was damn near everywhere. He almost felt his head constricted in a vice for a split second, before he narrowed his focus only to the Asthavon, and managed to single her out relatively quickly. She was at...a restaurant. A place she likely had never really interacted with before now, so something understandable enough to be curious about.

"You do realize of course that trying to explain the concept of food preparation as a specialized form of labor would fall extremely flat in the demon world, right? Can't you just create fully-functional food with your magic as is, and skip the tedious process of browning or basting? What purpose would this serve towards your precious goal of making your home better?"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sun May 02, 2021 7:45 pm


Enter Calypso


Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] 6EdIfMt

Caly looked through the book, trying to figure out something she could make - preferably without meat. Just something to start with... She had some grasp on how it all worked, but of course if you don't do something regularly, you don't quite have the motions of performing it familiar to you. And considering she spent most of her time feasting off mental energy from dreams, there wasn't much pressure to learn how to manage physical food. Though, for a variety of reasons, some more self-relieving than others, the interest in cooking formed. She couldn't ask her mother - woman somehow got something in the kitchen to explode, mostly of the ground wheat variety. Was hard to cook anything with flour all over it, after all.

Her gaze flicked up as she sensed that familiar presence, seeing the hollow poke his bony form through the doorway, her gaze lighting up a bit as she honestly was a little happy he ended up noticing. However, her light gaze quickly turned to amusement as he spoke, a light smile creeping on her face,

"Ha ha ha, very funny. No I can't just magic food out of thin air. Don't think anyone can really make something from nothing, especially not food... Don't imagine conjured food tasting too good, either."

Shutting the book, she would stand up, gently pushing the recovered chair back in as she would lean against the table, "Of course demons cook, Yaksha. Not all of them are crazy magical powerhouses like me, capable of bending stuff to their will. You'd be surprised - a lot of them don't live much too dissimilar to how humans had, or do now."

Standing up, she would then walk over to him, the book held close to her chest, "Besides, can't rely on my magics for everything. Just because it's more convenient doesn't mean I should do it all the time. Sure, I can fly, or teleport, but even I take transport to places - sometimes the mundane is good to enjoy, or at least know how to do. Cause, like.. If people just relied on their power doing all the work for them, they wouldn't know how to do anything themselves. And if they don't know..."

She looked down at her abdomen, almost expectantly for a moment, "..Then their offspring won't know. And well.. Not knowing how to do stuff with your own hands will just be harmful in the end. Besides, it seems fun."

She would then look up, smirking, she'd suddenly push the book towards him, "So, I was kind of.. Hoping you'd do it with me, maybe teach me some stuff if you can? You had to have picked up some things, right? Besides, you obviously have been hard at work - why not have a little time to do something else, with lil' ol' me?"

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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Tue May 04, 2021 4:18 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

"You dodge the question quite adeptly. And I riposte. You still never answered how this will do anything to help the demon world. The place you proclaim to have such a vested interest in, you came here to sit and lick your wounds as you contemplate your mistakes. If you are meaning to imply that you intend to change it one person at a time, then I have little choice but to laugh at that. It's just such a mortal perspective to approach the matter from."

He ducked down the entranceway, his wings seeming almost to fuse to his back like a beetle's, tucked into some indescribable place that was there just long enough to house his appendages, and then gone. His green-flame eyes watched her impassively, giving away no information whatsoever as he reached out for the cookbook, and began to examine it. He flicked a few pages idly, and then tucked it beneath his arm, before turning back to her.

"Hope in one hand and shit in the other. That's the human adage, as I believe it goes. If you want my assistance, you understand there are costs attached. I am very far behind where I'd like to be thanks to a certain would-be king, and I have a significant amount of catching up to do. While you don't have to do what is convenient -all the time-, it is certainly in your interests to know when an inefficient use of your time is inexcusable. Such as, for instance, when a very well-armed and very unfriendly army of people is on their way to your location."

He crouched before Calypso, once more exuding the aura of predation that he was becoming more accustomed to as he returned to the world of the living. It wasn't quite hunger as others understood it, but it was an instinctual and cellular understanding upon looking at him; that this was a creature of regality and purpose, that by its very nature it stood at the pinnacle of potential. There was a tiny, ever so tiny voice speaking in the back of the head saying to lie down and be eaten by this creature, to bend to its whims, would be to become part of that potential, and reach greater heights than they ever could otherwise.

"You say I'd be surprised as if I didn't run a city of hollows, wherein we pursued hobbies and crafts, performing productive tasks without once harassing our fellow man. I know quite well that every creature is capable of reaching the level of perfection man embodies. That doesn't make me consider demons any less scornful for their ability to ape things they have seen. You were not and never will be of man, as hollows were. I strive to regain what I have lost. You, Calypso, seek something you never had. You are trying to solve a puzzle with half of the pieces missing. I at least know what they are meant to look like, even if I have to spend a very long time seeking that which I misplaced."

"I will say this once and only once, Calypso. Cooking is fun. It is relaxing, comforting, invigorating, inspiring, and frustrating. And I'm not entirely certain it's in either of our best interests to be working on it -right this moment-. Are you quite certain there's nothing you'd rather be doing for your precious demon world? Or preparing for the coming confrontation?"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Tue May 04, 2021 7:02 pm


Enter Calypso


Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] 6EdIfMt

Calypso's rather casually mischievous expression diminished as he had instead responded with a rather scathing response, creeping backwards a little to give him space to come inside, watching as he would flip through the pages. The woman's jovial look had completely evaporated when it wasn't reciprocated - frankly, she wasn't all too happy today. She wasn't too pleased the past few days at all, in fact.

So to be met with a rather burning lecture from who she considered an ally, wasn't exactly a favorable thing she wanted today. However, the more the man spoke, the more steeled the woman's expression became. He even tried to bare down his presence upon her, something she actively pushed against, even if there was no visible struggle or irritation towards it. Between all of these details, the demon could discern only one thing - He was trying to shoo her off. Though it wasn't an attempt made in malice, it was enough to get the hollow a rather unusually serious look in the young demon's gaze, far more serious than he perhaps would have ever seen her before,

Never again.
Never, ever again.

Her chest would rise, then fall, as she would raise her gaze, staring right back at the masked face,

"I'm not trying to help the Demon World. I'm trying to help demons."

Her hand curled into a fist as she felt her energies become tempered, her gaze remaining trained as him as she spoke. He presented as a predator, but yet another predator would stare right back at him, teeth bared, and hackles raised, refusing to be outdone.

"I wanted to lend my help to Demon World, Yaksha. I tried to play by their rules, but I was pushed away. Not even a single attempt at understanding what I was trying to do. Even if I was trying to do right by them, they treated me with scorn. Though my actions were misguided by emotion, my heart was there, yet they turned away from me. My own people, my own family."

Her gaze would sour, before clicking her teeth, ".. I'm a fool for even continuing to think of them that way. They never accepted me, they never saw me. I'm just an inconvenient creature to their twisted system of apathy and violence. Kindness is a hideous aberration to beings so entrenched in themselves and their own self interests."

Neutralizing once again, she'd sigh and continue, refusing to break the hollow's gaze, "However, not every demon is satisfied with the system. Often times they're killed for defecting, for fighting back. There are many demons who come here, or are even born here, and get to see how other beings live, that the world doesn't have to be entrenched in uncaring or cruelty. Those are the demons I want to help. The ones who don't believe in the poisonous values the strong before us came up with."

Her gaze wavered a bit as she would blink a few times, as if a thought just occurred to her, "I.. I don't think I want to bother with Demon World - i'm far more interested in who Earth bears than the realm that only has beings who turn away from me. But they deserve only an excellent example - I want to become that example for them, that person to look to, for guidance and understanding. I can only loathe the idea of being Queen now - because 'Queen' carries with it the rancid ideas that made them flee to begin with."

Her gaze was furious, disgusted even with the idea she had spoken of, as she would narrow her eyes at him, "However, I will call and say that I have to refuse your idea of demons. Demons aren't missing something, they are what they are. Sentience attracts curiosity - we ALL model after each other at the end of the day. Even animals practice this, it's the basic consequence of being able to think - you observe, you learn, you grow from what you've learned. Everything with the capacity to do so is worth seeing on an equal plane in my eyes, for that's what separates us from the plants and dirt - Thought!"

A heavy breath left her lips as her hands placed over her chest, as if she was unearthing a very troubling to recall memory, suddenly eyes blinking open upon her body, twitching to look at the hollow, "Though, I have to say, I don't feel i'm the same... The concepts I embody, Dreams and Nightmares... It isn't simply hopping around wishful whimsy.. I'm connected, to all. Everyone, your thoughts, your desires, your hopes... I almost drowned under the cacophony of voices and memory upon birth, but.. Someone saved me from losing myself. Someone... Very important to me."

"If she didn't seal my power initially, I would have been at constant threat of drowning and losing myself to the hearts and minds of all. But, that connection still remained - overwhelmingly at times. Sometimes it makes me think.. Maybe that's why i'm not like my family - I understand all of you too much at an intimate level, far more than any typical being can consider."

Her fingers would then weave together, being held against her chest, "..Sometimes I think, my birth, my survival, meant something. That I was meant to do something in the world. But, that something was up to my discretion. I choose to help beings become their best selves, not just demons, but anyone."

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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sat May 08, 2021 2:08 pm

Yaksha, The Überseele

The creature continued to loom over Calypso, his appearance conveying the clearest impression of displeasure as possible; he was hunched forward, his hands both resting idly on the ground with the elbows and joints beginning to contort in ways that would've applied uncomfortable pressure on any mortal body. And he listened in dead silence, the red etchings along his form swirling and flaring in asymmetrical manners that made it hard to focus on any one part of him.

He listened intently, with that same patient, endlessly patient expression that made one feel almost like a bug pinned to a corkboard, being watched as the last bits of life drained out and left nothing behind but a desiccated shell, the component parts that had once comprised a person. And then he reached out with one clawed hand, fingers extending outwards, each one capable of rending flesh from bone as easily as a hot knife sliced through butter.

He adjusted her hair, tucking a few idle strands back away from her face, as he spoke in a soft, bemused tone.

"There you are, Calypso. It's glad to see you back with us after so long. All of this moping and worrying doesn't suit you. I didn't choose you of all people to approach first because you were doubtful, or anxious. I chose you because your conviction is something I've felt before. You lack direction, but not momentum. Once you set down your path...I am certain you will make leaps and bounds towards what you seek. For yourself, and everyone else."

He took a step backwards, his head phasing through the ceiling of the building, causing him to let out a mildly irritated throat sound, before taking two more steps backwards, and down; he seemed to sink -into- the concrete, until he stood roughly level with Calypso, his lower body now obscured up to what would be the knees on any human anatomy. For him, it was impossible to tell exactly what was there, if anything at all. His joints seemed to come and go as needed, utterly smooth the rest of the time.

"You speak in paradoxes and hypocrisies, Calypso. As should surprise no one, because I've done the same in your position. Demons aren't missing anything, but seeing how other beings live causes demons to suddenly long for something different. Demons consider apathy and violence to be the normal state of affairs. You are -so very- close to the truth of the matter, and then you take two steps backwards, to approach it from a new direction."

He gestured vaguely around them, his expression irked, somewhat bemused, like he was searching for the right words, or trying to explain a very deeply-felt emotion that words hadn't been invented for yet. Or perhaps sifting through a dozen different languages to find the most efficient way to sum up what he was trying to express at that time. There were countless explanations, but what -happened- was that, for nearly a full twenty seconds, he simply stood silent.

"Demons lack love. They are able to prepare nourishment for their bodies, to be certain. Anyone can place a chicken carcass atop a flame and apply heat. Salt, spices, acidity, all mere accidents of chemistry. Whether through demon magic or kido or pure dumb luck, everyone will stumble across this. And by the same metric, a mere accident of biology can lead to motherhood, or fatherhood. Mitosis, miosis, cellular differentiation...all simple terms for something far more significant. And it is that insistence that there is nothing special, or meaningful, or unique, that makes demons so lacking."

"You were birthed by a dispassionate mother, fully realized. Each of you, even Mana herself. The souls created by the soul king may be similarly meaningless to him, but from the moment those souls inhabit a mortal shell, they are able to feel a -purpose-. Involvement into something greater than themselves, and a sense of scope. Breadth. What is it that demons feel, once born and looking upon the world? Do they feel...small, in the face of the world that they have entered? Do they feel a sense of wonder, at the opportunities presented before them? Do they seek out a mentor as naturally as a bird seeks to spread its wings and fly? I genuinely have no idea. I can only speak from my own experiences, would seem no."

"Demons are born to eat and exrete, to piss and breathe, to seek sensation and little else. They are imbued with powers phenomenal, and little sense of guidance of what to do with it. Little concept of what this MEANS. Every demon is free to decide for themselves what life means. Is it not natural, then, that if there is no one there to swaddle them and allow them the safety and freedom to learn in a...controlled environment. That they will come to the conclusion that the world is cruel and painful, and so they too much be cruel and inflict pain?"

"To cook a -meal-, Calypso, is to put every ounce of love you can into the meal. To know who is eating it, when, and for what reason. To know the last ten meals they've had, and the next ten they plan to have. When you are making food, it is simply reading a recipe book. When you are cooking a meal, you are holding a conversation with the recipient. And it is therefore most helpful to think of what message you want to convey."
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sat May 08, 2021 7:02 pm


Enter Calypso


Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] 6EdIfMt

She wasn't afraid of him. She wasn't afraid of what he had to say, or think. She wasn't interested in running off with her tail tucked between her legs, or to worry about what awful thing he had to say. She wasn't certain why she had devolved into such a coward, but that moment with Ulv relit that fire in her - the outrage she felt, even with the fiery anger of the gods obliterating her thoughts, towards what she felt was an injustice towards her was immense, and she was just so goddamn sick of coating it in sweetness and pretending it was all okay. That it was okay that who she thought were her friends and loved ones had abandoned or lied to her, that it was okay they hurt her, that it was okay she shed so many tears for people who just could not understand what they did, or what lives they lived, hurt others so dearly.

Though rather than a reprimand or slight of words, she was met with the hollow's bony finger gently brushing away stray locks of hair to clear her face, before the man would refer to her, "welcoming" her back. Her guarded expression softened as she'd hear him out, speaking of her lacking direction yet possessing momentum. Such a statement caused her to bite her bottom lip, and think for a moment,

..Do I really not have a direction?

Sure, her objective was to help all the demons who were sick of the cycle, but did she have a real way of going about that? She had been under the assumption no world powers would help her - if anything she guessed any attempts made on Earth would be met with violence and an all-my-hard-work-being-burned-to-ashes type of response, simply because of what they were. She just thought, especially after a world-changing war, that everyone here at the very least had a distaste for demonkind, even if she believed it was unjustified. Like, it was unfair to dislike an entire race just for the actions of some of them..

She lifted a finger, her mouth slightly parted as she saw his head phase through the ceiling, about to say something, before closing her mouth, just giving him a moment to settle into a better position, her hand falling to her side, continuing to hear him out, even waiting the long moments of silence and contemplation, before he spoke of something that really got her rearing to speak up - That demons lack love.

She caught herself before she really went for a loop, instead letting his words wash over her like a great waterfall. There was no need to go for the kneejerk when something valuable can be attained... Even if it was something she felt differently about, she kept quiet, thinking to herself about what the man before her had to say, before shutting her eyes,

".. I did."

Her voice was low, but she would speak, her gaze appearing lost, in a different time than what they stood in, ".. When I was born, I was all alone. I didn't even remember the person who saved me. I was alone in a forest, well.. No. I wasn't completely alone - There were plants, there were animals... I was so dazzled by them, I wondered how they worked, I wondered if they spoke... And when I slept, there were endless worlds for me to look into. Even in my earliest days, I didn't simply dream walk to eat - I dream walked to learn. So many dreams, negative and positive, scary and pleasant.. Even if I couldn't interact with people in the waking world very well, I sought to learn their passions, their wants, their actions, their motives..."

Her gaze softened a bit as she would continue, "...I remember when I found my mother, and got my first taste of what violence truly looked like... Those screaming faces will forever be burned into my eyes, and that sensation of helplessness, the inability to stop what was happening before me, forever marked in my psyche."

She looked fit to cry, as she knew she had lived those moments time and time again, "...A lot of demons are notorious with following what works. A lot don't like to go against the flow, it's easier to just let the current wash them. Unfortunately, that flow ran red some time in the past. It wasn't always this way, but.. Something, something changed, and then violence and apathy became the new show of strength."

Her fists squeezed shut, "...So, if you weren't strong enough to kill those who wanted to kill you, you died. If you wanted to find a better way to get out of being killed, you died. Til all we're left with is a bunch of young demons who don't know any better, and the older demons who could have changed things, are just passive fuckwads who let others do whatever they want, because they aren't brave enough to step in."

She looked at her hands, her eyes bleary, "... But isn't that something humans experience too? You can't tell me that humans always want to get along and build towards something greater. They've had wars, they've turned their backs to something they can change... Some humans are even raised to think a certain way, even if it's just awful. It's not fair to attribute that only to demons, but.."

"... I have to say; Demons didn't help me when my powers were out of control, when I was just a small child who felt like trash because not even my own family came looking for me, when I couldn't even stand in a crowded room without having a panic attack from the sheer overload of so many people's emotions baring down on me... But humans didn't help me either. Many saw me, but didn't reach out. Nobody helped me; I had to help myself."

She looked fit to cry with anger, as she continued, "I had so much love in my heart for beings who didn't give a shit about me, some of which looked at me like I was a piece of trash that happened to fall in their path. Despite everything, I can't help but love and care and have some hope that they would grow and change. But sometimes, some people just reach a point where they just... Don't."

Golden tears would roll down her face as she was silent for a moment, sadness and anger rocking her being, before she would speak out, "... Even you're looking at me in that way, huh? Like i'm just another cold hearted demon who needed to be 'domesticated' to have any semblance of humanity. Like i'm some creature that can never measure up to you.."

She let out a low, furious chuckle, her hand clutching her heart as if it were a bleeding wound, "I didn't need to 'copy' anyone to become who I am, and I don't care if you view me as nothing more than a lesser creature. What I am doesn't fucking matter when there are people out there who are lost and afraid. Who I am is what matters, and you know what? I'm sick of this stupid fixation on 'what's!"

"If i'm to cook a meal, it's going to be a damn good meal - for anyone."

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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:06 am

Yaksha, The Überseele

His head canted to the side, a distinctly avian moment that brought the impression he was about to reach out and peck at her, or that he might just spread his wings and fly away at any moment. She spoke, and he listened without moving in the slightest, giving the impression of some enduring obelisk, some permanent fixture. Had a third party walked in at that moment, it would've been extremely easy to come to the conclusion Calypso was talking to herself, and that there was simply a statue present. Yaksha's patience, grotesque in the extreme, made him capable of soaking in words at a prodigious rate, and then twisting them around in his head until they resembled a pretzel.

When she finally finished speaking of her experiences upon birth, of her shouting at him and pitting her will against his, he simply reached up with one claw and began to run it along his collarbone, as if he were brushing away a stray fleck of dust, or shooing a fly that had landed on him. His demeanor could be extremely difficult to read when he wanted...and painfully obvious other times, mask be damned. There was a very strong sense currently that he was hiding something back, trying not to give away his true feelings for some inscrutable reason.

"I'm afraid I must disappoint you once again, Calypso, by asking a what. -And- a who, in a manner of speaking. You are the Danava of dreams, but within that purview, what rights and duties have been afforded to you? You understand dreams in ways we do not, but in so doing you also fail to grasp things that we understand intuitively. You had a mother, as all demons did. And you had a sense of...wonder, and curiosity of you, from the moment of your birth. Before even meeting your own kind. And why do you think that is, Calypso?"

He reached out with both hands, cupping them around an empty space with the impression of someone holding a globe or a glass orb, before exhaling slowly, carefully. As he did, something kindled to life there; a faint flickering white flame that gave off no heat, and began to twist and contort in a wind no one else could see. It began to babble, speaking with a mouth none could see, in some meaningless language, like an infant desperately trying to figure out language on its own.

"I have met Danava of madness. Danava of flames. Danava of storms. I suspect that those ancient entities mankind call 'gods' that were not shinigami or hollow were danava. There is doubtlessly a danava of fathers, existent somewhere in the world. And in all of their cases...they are supremely confident in themselves, and their desires. They have not wondered for their purposes, that I could tell. Mayhaps they were simply spectacular at faking it, but I rather doubt it. Instead, I suspect...they were formed from something immutable. A fire may change shape, color, and hop from place to place, but even within this it is always a fire. Flames may never leave behind jellybeans instead of charcoal...except in a dream."

"A dream is a wish, young Calypso. A wish, whether spoken aloud or held deeply in one's own heart. Countless creatures sleep; a dog may rest, and in its rest it may kick its leg. Perhaps one could derive from this relationship that it is dreaming. For we in our own experience behave similarly; we rest, and as we do, we wander impossible realms, to explore and free ourselves from our mortal limitations. A man who has never seen the ocean may dream of it, and imagine how wondrous it must be...but to hear -him- explain to another the oceans of his dream, you would think that the world is far different from what it is. Do you understand, now, my analogy? You are the dreamer, while I am the historian. I have -seen- the ocean, smelled its spray, immersed myself in it. And you have heard countless, countless stories...and constructed within you an idea of what an ocean -should be-. Praytell, Calypso. Was it anything close to the majesty of when you first saw one?"

He rose one hand, causing the flaming 'child' he had created to cling to the extended finger he had created, and then bounce off of it, to hover faintly in the air, throwing off odd shadows like a strobe light. It seemed to still be trying to find its tongue, but now there was more purpose or confidence behind its actions; it seemed to be speaking exclusively in a single language, but one Calypso still hadn't heard in quite some time.

"But what makes wishes so unique, then? Why can it not be said that a dog wishes? The answer is simple. Dogs do not understand the connection between cause and effect as mankind does. A dog knows that were it to bite down on a bird's wing, it will break. And it knows were it to break a bird's wing, it will have a meal. One could perhaps even extrapolate to say that a wolf knows that if it and its pack members all chase a deer, one of them will lay a fatal blow and strike it down. But can this be called a -wish-? A dream? Hardly. A dog follows its instincts, and does that which it knows will work. It can experiment, certainly. A dog trapped in a cage will attempt any number of random behaviors to unlock its latch, and may one day stumble across the correct answer."

"But mankind...humans...they experiment with purely theoretical constructs. Each story they tell is a dream, and a wish. 'What if this bird with a broken wing didn't die?' 'What if my child got sick tomorrow?' 'What if I were to kill this man and take all of his meat?' From the moment mankind existed, it dreamed. Long before it had a name for it, or anything else. Mankind manipulated reality, purely in the confines of its imagination. They told one another, and spent hours without end, of the dream of one day taking down a mammoth. They worked it out, in their head, moment by moment. They spoke it aloud. They criticized and praised one another's tactics. And finally, without ever having seen one...a group of mere humans felled a mammoth. By asking themselves how it -could've- happened."

"You call yourself the danava of dreams. That is incorrect, Calypso. You are the danava of wishes. And only mankind may make a wish, little one. Be it from a star, from the breaking of a bone, from snuffing out a flame, from plucking a flower...only humans can wish. For one who cannot exist in the absence of humanity...would it be any surprise that in your incubation, your knowledge consisted of those wishes that mankind had made? Now, in the past, and in the future?"

He finally poked the flame near Calypso, which began to lazily drift towards her, and orbit the demon's head like a sun, as Yaksha finally managed to let just the tiniest bit of emotion drip into his old, papery, unspeakably ancient voice.

"I daresay, Calypso, neither of us exactly embody a...typical. Example of our kind. To use yourself to refute my claim that danava are born without love is to deny that you yourself could not exist if the world was devoid of love. A storm may ravage a planet that is devoid of man, and a flame may scour the flesh from the bones of the last human corpse. But mankind's wishes can never be without something to wish upon."

Yaksha sounded...proud. Like he had finally heard Calypso say something he could truly agree with, or that she had made an argument he couldn't refute in the slightest.

"Is it any surprise, little dreamer? That you would wonder what your kind -could be-? With just a touch more magic than Mana herself can muster up."
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha] Empty Re: Kitchen Nightmares [Caly/Yaksha]

Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:48 pm

Incredible emotion burned in her as she awaited Yaksha's answer, though her gaze softened as she slowly pulled herself back, keeping her senses fixed on him as things went along, a somewhat bothered look to her face forming as she noticed the far taller hollow, poised like a pillar has steeled his emotions much like one. He wasn't incredibly easy to read, but the woman didn't put forth the focus to digging into that - they were talking and that was something for her to worry about some other time.

She was posed a question, but kept her mouth shut, merely contemplating it as she knew it was rhetorical, a subject he wished to cover. She seemed a little ruffled, but she let him talk and looked for where the hollow wished to go. She watched as he closed his palms together, and soon after formed a small, flickering flame. The demon's eyes were wide as she looked at it, light shimmering in her eyes as further surprise struck her as the little thing began making noises, like it was trying to speak. Whatever it was, it was too infantile for her to fully understand what it could be intending to say, a tightness in the demons' chest as her gaze would avert to meet that of the hollow's once more as he would speak.

Quietly following along, she would think rather thoroughly about Danava and their concepts. She acknowledged that, yes, a fire doesn't have terribly much to change. Fire is simply.. Fire. There was no other way to bend it, but compared to a concept like her own.. Her's was far more amorphous, changeable, flexible in comparison. It.. Probably wouldn't be hard to say it was something that'd always be moving and evolving, right alongside all who dreamt. A wish, an idea..

"Well.. The real ocean definitely was a lot more.. Standard, than what I thought it was. But, i've seen a fair amount of different perspectives of the ocean... Some people saw it as a glorious underwater world, full of color and life, others saw it as a deep, dark, blue abyss to suffocate in. The real thing is a lot less.. Emphasized? From what I had seen others see it as, or even how it formed in my own mind. It was all those ideas, at once, rather than strongly representing any one of them."

She felt compelled to quickly catch the small flame, but her movement was merely a gentle jerk forward, relaxing her arms as she realized the small form wasn't going to fall, rather floating instead. A shimmer of relief went through the Danava as Yaksha would go on, the younger of the two listening quietly.

Cocking her head to the side, she did understand where she was coming from - Animals still felt just like they did, but it was.. Different, she noticed. Every animal had their own little workings going on, some simpler than others, but there was still something going on. But it just didn't compare to humanity, or other similarly sapient creatures, who were the most complicatedly put together things she'd come across, and likely will ever. It wasn't that other beings were inferior - just different; they wouldn't have any use for the kinds of things humans worry about.

Her eyes were full of thought as he spoken - it wasn't a new thing presented to her, but rather a new perspective of a thing, an angle she didn't fully explore about herself, and by extension others. Her gaze lowered, fully digesting this idea, before finally speaking,

"I can't be the only one in that case; there should be plenty of Danava who wouldn't exist without humanity's existence. Tons. There's many concepts that humanity forged, and many more that they shaped or redefined. Love, Fantasy, Debate, War.. Many more... I can't be the only one of my kind who was born embodying something of humanity, and thus be able to understand it."

Her gaze followed the little flame for a bit, feeling tempted to reach up and touch it - she humanized it in a way in her mind; she couldn't help it. Even if it lacked a face or exact form, she felt some attachment to it, some desire for it.

"... Even if horrible things have happened because of them... I feel a need to save them; demons. They could be so much more, but they've been strayed into this disordered state, everyone hates them, and every day there's a little demon born who will be lost, alone, and inevitably become consumed in violence.."

Her voice broke a little bit as she couldn't help but imagine some poor little imp emerging to a lonely world that doesn't care about it, eyes full of feeling,

"..Because... Monsters are made. Not born. I wish I could get everyone to understand that. If they were born, I would be one; I'm made of the extracts of perhaps the biggest monster life has concieved of right now. But, i'm not a monster; I didn't emerge with a thirst for blood and violence, I emerged curious, gentle, and extremely meek..."

Soon, an eyebrow would raise from the woman, a question in her mind, "..Though, what are you trying to get at, here? What are you trying to say? You're so veiled even your emotions are masked from me."

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