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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:17 am
Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] R88oDbU


What a lovely sense of aesthetics the City of Lights had. Claudia had to admit that the stark white architecture of this place did appeal to her own preferred style, enough so that she considered whether it would be prudent to purchase an estate here. One thing at a time, however. No sense in buying a home when there are no enterprises to be headquartered here.

Claudia was not especially surprised when she was informed that she would be meeting with the head of the Sternritter, rather than with the Reich's grandmaster overall. She had already been dealing with the Sternritter in a more limited capacity during her time in America, after all, so it was not a particularly significant roadblock that she was to continue doing so. She simply walked calmly through the streets, until she arrived at the administrative offices and stepped inside.

"Claudia Duvalier, to see Captain Helle Armstrong."

She said nothing more on the matter, assuming that the bureaucracy of the Reich was more than competent enough to handle a simple meeting. Claudia may have thought little of those she interacted with, but she did not automatically expect incompetence. She simply took a seat, and as she did so, Eliane and Arlette naturally stood at either side of her, their general presence seeming wholly natural, if obviously protective. There wasn't much hostility to them, and they certainly did not carry any weapons openly, but it was clear that approaching Claudia would be a poor decision until the Captain herself arrived.


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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:21 pm

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Miss Duvalier?” The voice of one of the front attendants traveled from across the room before the woman approached, hesitantly, towards the Claudia and her bodyguards. Nervous and obviously uncomfortable, the woman bowed her head and rose a hand, ushering for Claudia and party to follow her.

“Please this way, Miss Armstrong’s current meeting is finalizing as we speak.” Doing her job, the attendant would guide the three other women over to the elevators, taking one that is reserved for special occasions such as this. The travel upwards barely takes two minutes before they reached the correct floor with a ding. Guiding the women further, soon they are stopping at an office door moments before another man stepped out and down the hallway. Obviously, he seemed of somewhat importance, but overall, proves estranged from the meeting at hand.

The attendant knocked on the door before stepping inside. A few seconds pass, and the attendant stepped out bowing her head once more. “You may enter, Miss Armstrong is ready for you.” And, with that, the attendant flees down the hallway to return to her duties downstairs.

Claudia may enter with her bodyguards if she pleases, but once inside, she will see a standard office with nothing that would catch one’s eye besides the blonde woman sitting near the closed blinds. Emerald eyes roam upwards to gaze at Claudia and party, papers ordered and placed down on the desk.

“Miss Duvalier? Please, sit. Your security may use the couch if they so wish.”

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:47 pm
Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] R88oDbU


"Thank you."

Claudia naturally followed along, her bodyguards taking in the place with a much more keen eye than herself. She was, of course, taking stock of everything relevant, but matters such as escape routes or potential threats were not what she concerned herself with. Those were matters for her bodyguards to consider. Instead, as she entered into Helle's office, she offered a polite nod, walking to the desk and holding out a hand for her.

"It is a pleasure to meet with you, Captain Armstrong. Pardon my security, but I suspect they would prefer to stand."

Naturally, Claudia herself would never have allowed the two of them to sit in a foreign land such as this, particularly on a first visit. Even if the two did not look it, they were on the highest possible alert, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Still, that was not for Claudia to be worried about. She took her own seat across from Helle, one leg crossed neatly over the other as she wore a courteous smile.

"I would not wish to waste your time with idle pleasantries, Captain Armstrong, so I will move directly to the matter at hand. The Duvalier Group has already been operating alongside many of your Sternritter in the reconstruction efforts in America, and it has been brought to my attention by several of your men and women that the Vandenreich may benefit from my assistance. I would, of course, be more than happy to offer it, though I do not know precisely what sort of support you would need, beyond further infrastructure and support in America. Given this city is in such a remote location, I assume that there is some need for a more secure and consistent method of bringing food and resources in?"


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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue0/0Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Sat May 01, 2021 6:59 pm

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Starting their conversation off by stating her accomplishments right after a handshake? Miss Duvalier has come to strike a deal. It is particular hard to find any leeway on this topic, yes. From the efforts that have already been lent to the situation at hand, Helle finds it hard to find a plausible reason why Miss Duvalier’s suggestion may prove disagreeable. However, there are other things that should be discussed as well. Placing a hand under her chin, the Quincy’s gaze bounced to the guards, an obvious inspection of their quality. It’s difficult to gauge their capabilities without a more taxing look, but their orderly appearance leaves one questioning Miss Duvalier’s business state. What all could she bring to the table besides a faster means of acquiring food? What does resources mean?

“I am already on board, Miss Duvalier. Your assistance with the reconstruction effort prove more than enough to sway our opinion in favor of allowing more of your influence within our ranks. I, however, must further employ your definition of resources. Do you mean simple supplies, such as medicine and clothing, or are there more, sensitive, materials being offered?”

Her eyes return to Miss Duvalier, a suspicious glint clouding her emerald gaze. Helle seems more curious than accusing, but there are certain details that must be hashed out before they can settle. It would do no good to secure the minimum of their possibilities, and would it not prove beneficial for them both to deal in more than just common goods? Miss Duvalier holds high control over the economy in America. It’s not a mistake of character for Helle to assume that her business partner deals in a many of trades?

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Mon May 03, 2021 2:37 am
Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] R88oDbU


It seemed Captain Armstrong was not one for a subtle approach. That was just as well for Claudia, personally. She did not especially care for those who seemed indecisive on business matters, and while she would have preferred a business partner with more tact, she would take what she could get in this world.

"The Duvalier Group's holdings include a wide array of enterprises, Captain Armstrong. Medical support and consumer goods are of course available should the City of Lights require them, of course, but I think that the crown jewel of our corporation will always be Carrington Developments."

Setting her briefcase onto Helle's desk, Claudia opened it and pulled a single plain folder from it, handing it across the desk to the Sternritter Captain. Within was a limited, and of course relatively censored for security purposes, catalog of Carrington's most recent marketable developments. It did not begin to encapsulate the full scope of their offerings, and certainly made not the slightest mention of their most advanced developments. It was, however, still quite thorough.

"And, of course, if there is anything in this world that you would consider to be beneficial to the Vandenreich, you need only inform me. I am quite certain that a kind witch will spirit it into the next shipment to reach your port."


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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Wed May 05, 2021 12:53 pm

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Ooh. A folder? Helle took it with a slight nod of her head, bare interest in her gaze. She should not allow for her more childish side to rear its ugly head despite how curious she is. With one hand, she opened the folder and looked within at its contents. It seems she is working with someone who is rather adept at a multitude of things. Miss Duvalier’s control ranges far and wide. Anyhow, it is clear to see that this partnership would only prove a boon for the Vandenreich. They have been lacking in sufficient manpower for a while now which is fair considering they are still building from the ground up. After so many tragedies, it is only accurate that it would take a while before they prove capable of standing beside other organizations. With Miss Duvalier’s cooperation, that would push them one step closer to reaching their former glory.

“I understand, Miss Duvalier. You do prove capable of supplying the Vandenreich much. I am afraid that I do not hold the power to simply accept your offer, but I shall have it placed as one of our highest priorities to settle.”

She is only filling in for Ninsianna who is a fill in to Cyrus. Of course, it is within her jurisdiction to finalize this meeting, it would be in ill faith to make such a deal with the woman when there are possible other opinions on the matter they weigh more than her own. She only wants what is best for her people, and such a drastic decision should not be made on the fly. It is unfortunate that her higher ups are unavailable at the moment.

“Now, it is only fair to assume that you may require something from the Vandenreich in return, Miss Duvalier?”

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Wed May 05, 2021 6:45 pm
Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] R88oDbU


How tremendously irritating to hear. The Captain of the Sternritter did not have the power to authorize military expenditures? What authority did she have, then? Was her spacious office and title in the organization merely for show? If Claudia were a less controlled woman, she would have displayed some degree of spite. But, of course, she simply maintained her polite business demeanor.

"I understand completely. I do hope that your superiors are as amenable as yourself."

It wasn't simply empty flattery, given the nature of business dealings. Obviously, Claudia would be quite disappointed if Captain Armstrong's leaders declined the offers being made.

"I am a businesswoman, Captain Armstrong. While I am quite glad to offer my services to those in need, I have quite many shareholders who would be all too cross with me if our efforts did not bring profit. And, of course, I could not continue to expand without it. We can establish more specific payments when final agreements are reached, but apart from the natural way of business, I would ask only that the Duvalier Group be your initial consideration whenever you require new business dealings."

While Claudia's smile and her tone made that final request seem as though it were nothing more than a lighthearted joke, in truth, she had meant it very seriously. The idea of needing to elbow out competition, particularly in a market she had so handily cornered, did not appeal to her.


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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Fri May 07, 2021 1:34 pm

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

She is not the best at this. It is why she would find it better to get Ninsianna’s opinion, at least, on this. She is rather young after all. She has done much to help the Vandenreich expand, but most of that required her to follow simple guidelines. This, politics, requires more finesse that she does not feel adequate in. It seems that Miss Duvalier understands, but Helle will not pretend that she would not feel any form of aggravation at being halted.

However, as inadequate as she may be, it is all but a clear move for Miss Duvalier to request dibs on anything requiring business. It is a bit comical to the Quincy. Even as people grow older and gain responsibilities, things that they find cute while children always pop back up at times. Though, the least she can do for Miss Duvalier is put in a good word for her and her business and try to assure her spot whenever business is required.

“I shall make your requests known, Miss Duvalier. As soon as I have word on the status of our dealings, you shall be notified to return to finalize whatever is needed. Do you have any more questions that you wish to relieve?”

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] Empty Re: Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle]

Fri May 07, 2021 1:52 pm
Queen, Take Knight [Claudia, Helle] R88oDbU


"Not at present, no. I will of course leave my points of contact with you for the sake of anything you may require, but I will be staying in the City of Lights for 3 more days, regardless. If there is anything which comes to your mind which would require my attention, do not be afraid to reach me at any time."

Seeing as this preliminary meeting appeared to be finished with, Claudia stood, straightening out her jacket as she did so. She saw no need to take the catalog of Carrington's developments from Captain Armstrong, seeing as it was always intended to convey what she had on public offer. Even if the information was somehow leaked, that would only be to her benefit.

"I do look forward to speaking with you again in the near future, Captain Armstrong. Your hospitality has been quite welcome. The next time we meet, perhaps it ought to be over dinner, yes? Something less formal than the office."

Most might have offered that sort of thing if they were interested in the woman, but Claudia had no such motives. She simply preferred to do many of her dealings over a meal, when people were willing to let their guard down a touch. And, of course, it was in a public area, where she did not need to keep Eliane and Arlette on quite as tight a leash.


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