Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty Re: Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:25 am
Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 WWTleJt


Even if the thought scared him, he had faith that it wasn't a mistake -- and even if it wasn't real, they could always try again. It wasn't like it was impossible for them to have a child. More than anything else, he had to push those thoughts out of his mind and do his best to soothe her fears. He knew she was scared, but he had to say something.

Reaching down and taking a small segment of his jacket in hand, he gently wiped her eyes, still holding her close as the two quietly walked through the Forbidden City, with Vanyel remaining mostly quiet aside from remarking on a few little bits of trivia from history. He kept her close the entire time, whether holding her hand or keeping her firmly at his side, occasionally giving her continuous words of love and faith as they walked.

The day went on, and rather than take the bus back home, Vanyel opted for the quicker route, using a cobalt vortex to take them to a store not far from the hotel they stayed in. Taking some time to lighten up the subject as they browsed through the store, picking up some things, Vanyel told her more stories from Chinese legend, more funny stories from the tales of the Monkey King, and even told her about the tale of when Nezha, the Third Lotus Prince, sacrificed himself to prevent the world from being flooded by Ao Guang.

It didn't take them too long for Vanyel to pick up what he needed for dinner and using another vortex to bring them back to the hotel, Vanyel went to the kitchenette. Thankfully, the room that he managed to get for them had a slightly bigger and more expansive one than normal ones, and as a result, had an oven.

With the ingredients that he got from the store, Vanyel went to work (along with Calypso, if she wanted to) with cooking and putting together a small set of dishes for the two of them. Mandarin oranges, jiaozi, or dumplings, tang yuan, or sweet rice balls, various other sweets, as well as noodles. He had made sure that everything he made for the dinner was something that Calypso was willing to eat -- but also picking them out specifically for the cultural and symbolic value that they held.

For the oranges, their names were a homophone for luck. For the jiaozi, good fortune. The noodles represented longevity and long life, and finally, the sweet rice balls represented something he felt was the most important for the time -- being together with your loved ones and family reunion. With a smile, he set out everything on plates and sat down to eat with his wife.

After finishing, cleaning everything up, and taking a small bit of time to let their food settle, Vanyel checked the clock and grinned. The time for the special surprise that he made sure to keep hidden more than anything else. Slinging his jacket back on, he stood up, taking Calypso's hand as he smiled with an almost child-like excitement in his eyes.

"Ready for the big surprise, Caly? I know you've been waiting all day for it, but, it's just about time, and I promise, it's well worth the wait."

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Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty Re: Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:15 am

Spending time with the man she loved was effective in taking her mind off of her worries, sticking incredibly close to him the entire time. She had brought up the worry with Pseudologoi, who merely told her to just relax, believe in it, and let whatever happened with it, happen. But, she couldn't help but worry, especially with the saddened look in the ancient Danava's eyes; she knew Pseudologoi was wishing so deeply and vehemently that it was truly a child - she wouldn't want her sister going through the same thing she had which led to her sad demise... ​

She listened happily to all of Vanyel's stories, indulged in the culture he presented, and just.. Enjoyed it. Enjoyed all of it. Though she had light and joy in her heart, it couldn't fully distract from the darker thoughts in her mind. She wondered of all sorts of things she knew were beyond her control as she went about with her husband - like what if she was taken in by someone, an actual parent, instead of being allowed to roam around unsupervised, unloved, alone. Would she be the same as she was now? Would she have stories to tell, a birthplace to show Vanyel around? Was she better, or worse off for how she's had to live her life? She never got to be a child, to have friends or parents, to have simpler pleasures, not having to worry about the scary world outside because she was protected and loved in her own home.

Sure Vanyel's life wasn't great in the slightest, but.. She envied him, a little.

Even so, she worked with him, or rather helped with preparing their dinner - she honestly knew nothing about cooking.. Maybe she should change that soon. Though her awkwardness towards the activity was incredibly obvious.

She was sitting, eyes closed and head pointed up, until she could feel Vanyel's excitement like tickles on her being perk her up, smiling as she knew exactly what he was about to say. She got up on her feet, holding his hand fondly as she'd reply,


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Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty Re: Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:08 pm
Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 WWTleJt


With his grin never fading, Vanyel let go of Calypso's hand for a moment, walking over to his suitcase, and picked up the firecrackers, tucking them under his arm before taking Calypso's hand and guiding her out the door and out of the hotel. The sun was beginning to set, so Vanyel tugged her arm just a little bit harder as he slid his way through the crowds, walking not terribly far from the hotel, stopping near a place where many people were gathering outside.

The line, thankfully, was quick to shorten, and the couple walked inside, with Vanyel giving his thanks with a brief exchange with the person organizing the event. He walked with his wife through the hallways, coming to a moderately sized space, a stage upfront, and many seats that were quickly being filled. Sitting down somewhat close to the front row, with Calypso next to him, he gently squeezed her hand as he smiled.

Some time passed, and more and more seats were taken up. Eventually, the doors were shut, and the lights began to dim as a woman walked onto the stage, speaking in Chinese, because repeating what she said in English, welcoming everyone, expressing excitement to celebrate the Year of the Snake, among other formalities.

After a few minutes, she stepped off the stage and a performer dressed in red walked out, carrying a spherical object atop a pole, spinning it in circles as he walked across the stage. Moments after he walked out, a large dragon, sectioned on poles, each carried by individual performers, followed suit. The head and body had a consistent flow to it as it moved up and down and spinning in circles in wave-like patterns, all while following the pearl. Drums and cymbals sounded off in the background as the first performer started, and both the pearl and dragon itself remained in sync as they "danced".

Leaning over to Calypso, he kept his voice low as he whispered.

"This is the surprise: Dragon Dancing. Xīn Nián Hao Ya, Caly. Happy New Year."

He paused, smiling warmly and squeezing her hand gently.

"It's a traditional dance that brings the motionless body of a dragon to life, showcasing the historic roles of power and dignity that dragons had. The sphere in front is meant to represent a pearl, something that represents wisdom, with the performance also representing a dragon's search for wisdom."

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Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty Re: Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:46 am

Oh, the firecrackers again? She sincerely wasn't sure what they would use those for; like of course she knew what they did, but she wasn't sure what the surprise was for them to be using them for. Whatever it was, it probably was explosive? Heh.

She walked along with her husband, surprised by how close their destination was to their hotel. She expected a bit more of a walk after all. High sensation was all around as Calypso could taste every ounce of joy, excitement, and love the crowd felt. She couldn't help but get a little excited herself - if everyone else seemed to be looking forward to it so fondly, it was good enough reason to get her hopes up. She held firmly to Vanyel as they navigated the crowd, soon practically hugging his forearm as they went to sit.

A show? The surprise was a show? Oh gods, that sounded great! She never went to see one - either too afraid to or other things occupied her active thoughts. But the idea of seeing one was always there, she loved stuff like that even as an anxious little newborn. Moments like these told her she really needed to just relax and indulge in hobbies more... Everything didn't need to be a life or death situation.

Her gaze fixed on the woman who came out to greet the crowd, feeling the sensation of anticipation all around her in incredible waves. It made her heart flutter all the more as the performer came out onto the stage with a pretty red dress and some object Caly wasn't entirely familiar with. Then the real show started, several more performers coming out with what looked like a dragon puppet, chasing after the pearl. They handled the dragon so gracefully she swore it was flying on it's own, dashing and flying after the pearl in an endless chase.

Calypso was thoroughly enthralled, only being pulled back by Vanyel's explanation of the show, her eyes bright with joy as she was almost excited enough to cry out, but held her emotions in check,

"I love this. Like you read my mind - I kind of wanted to see something like this."

She'd lean back, pressing her cheek against Vanyel's shoulder as she would hold his arm, "Happy New Year. Thanks, Vannie."

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Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 Empty Re: Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso]

Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:08 pm
Something to Remember [Private/Lillian] [Vanyel/Calypso] - Page 3 WWTleJt


Vanyel only smiled as Calypso clung to him, gently ruffling her hair as the show went on, and hearing her happiness and excitement toward the dragon dance. While he hadn't quite read her mind, he knew that she would probably take interest in a show like this, if not solely because there were dragons involved. As he gently rested his head against hers, with Calypso pressing her cheek to his shoulder, he briefly had the thought of showing her a lion dance.

He lifted his head, turning his attention back to the show, still occasionally looking back at his wife as she watched. His eyes followed the pearl, watching as those who controlled the dragon continued to spin, circle, and spiral in the fruitless, endless effort to obtain that pearl.

It reminded him of the tattoo on his back -- a red dragon, with a missing pearl, leaving its claws empty. In a way, the artist who had inked his tattoo had foretold his own journey for wisdom during his time in the yakuza, when it fell apart, his time in Norway, all eventually leading to today. But, alas, it was never finished. With a quiet sigh, he rested his head on Caly's once again and he whispered to her:

"Would you wanna see a lion dance sometime, too? It's wildly different to this, but I think you'd enjoy it just as much."

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