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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat May 01, 2021 8:10 pm

The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

[Time: Early March]

To say that he was going into this with a doubtful mindset was an understatement. Vanyel knew that Algos had done nothing but abuse and hurt Calypso, and both of her parents abandoned her when she was born because she was weak and helpless. Now, they stayed -- at least temporarily -- in her other mother's home in Minatumi Harbor, with Arianda Vael, taking her last name and forsaking the Asthavons forever.

Even if Calypso was willing to live with Arianda, there was a bitter distrust that burned in the heart of the former Dragon of Kyushu. He sat on he and Calypso's shared bed in the home, his elbows resting on his legs while one hand cradled a fist, his head resting against his hands from behind. Calypso told him that she wasn't qualified to teach him the basics of how to be a demon and adjusting to the new powers, emotions, among other physiological and psychological changes that he was experiencing, post-conversion.

But, even still, he didn't trust her. All the family that his wife had ever known, all they ever did to her was mistreat and abuse her -- and he had sworn to himself that he wouldn't let it happen again. With everything that he and Calypso had gone through in such a short time, how was he supposed to trust Arianda as easily as Calypso now did?

The man muttered to himself as he slowly stood up, changing to his Shifter Form, leaving his jacket on the bedpost as he tucked a knife in each of the pockets at his side, as well as the rest of the essentials, treating it as if he were going out for the day. Leaving his hat on the bedpost as well, Vanyel slowly made his way down the stairs to find where Caly's other mother was, likely already having been told that Vanyel would approach her about the subject when he was ready. With a sigh, Vanyel kept himself cautious as he stepped into the living room.

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Fri May 14, 2021 6:51 pm

The Angel of Conflict


The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

It hadn't been too terribly long since Calypso Vael, previously Calypso Asthavon, had moved in with Arianda; it hadn't been too long since they had officially become more of a family than they really were before. Such a thing Ari was glad for. After all, she loves her daughter.

Of course, the next piece of news was one that was more... surprising. She was married already; which threw Ari for a bit of a ring. For her child to be married before her; a tiny bit odd, honestly. However, her choice of husband seemed to be a moody, recently demon, man by the name of Vanyel; who Arianda SWORE up and down she had seen him before. Regardless, it was obvious by the looks he had shot at Arianda every single time Arianda came within any distance near Caly that he was not a fan of Ms. Vael.

Arianda couldn't, partially, blame him. In truth, there was a lot of reason to be wary of Ari when you look at who Caly's other family is; the Asthavon's. All demons who did not treat Caly the proper way. In all honesty, it miffed Arianda that he was not even a touch optimistic. Then again, Arianda couldn't blame him. After all, the demon was unsure how to feel about Vanyel. A pair of overprotective demons being overprotective of the exact same person.

However, Arianda was more than willing to help her daughter when she came to ask Ari for help with Vanyel's powers. Being a traditional demon, instead of a Danava like Caly, this was probably a good idea; and, the whole "teaching" gig wasn't for everyone, after all. Heck, even Ari wasn't the greatest teacher ever; she just tries her best to do what she can in the end. Regardless, she accepted her daughter's request to educate Vanyel in the art of demonhood.

Such reasons were why Arianda was waiting patiently downstairs; sitting in the couch opposite to the entrance to the living room. Her legs were crossed, and Arianda had spared very little expense. This was a lesson about demons, so she was already in her True Form; waiting for Vanyel to arrive. Once he arrived, the demon looked up and gave him a genuinely warm smile; one that probably did cause Vanyel a bit of disquiet. After all, he was likely used to the "Asthavon" treatment; which was certainly not the best. Regardless, Arianda gave him a smile before rising to her full height; albeit, it wasn't much.

"Hello, Vanyel~ It's good to see you. I take it my daughter has appraised you of the situation, yes~? Then please, follow me. The Living Room isn't... Well, it isn't the best place for a lesson on your demonic abilities."

Arianda gave him a small smile before she lead the way towards a blank wall; pressing in a small section of the wall. What revealed was a small secret passage; which lead down to a small training area. Big enough to properly accommodate Arianda's weapon collection, which was anything but small, and allow for Vanyel and Arianda to comfortably practice and let loose a bit; especially thanks to Ulv's protection over the area.

"So, tell me; would you like to take a practical approach or shall I introduce you to your abilities slowly~?"

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Sun May 16, 2021 3:16 pm

The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

The warm smile only served to make Vanyel cringe, his scowl growing more intense as his arms folded over his chest, not saying a word in response to Arianda greeting him. Only with a curt nod in response to her asking if Calypso had let him know what was happening, Vanyel cautiously began to follow Arianda.

It was mildly impressive for her to have a secret little tunnel like that, but he kept his eyes on her as they moved down the passageway, a hand rested in his pocket and gently idling with the knife between the tips of his fingers as he kept a distance from her.

As they approached the small training area -- complete and filled to the brim with weapons of all kinds, Arianda turned around to face him, asking him how they were to proceed, whether to go with a practical approach or go through the abilities slowly. A soft growl came from the fledgling demon's throat as he leaned against the wall, and his voice was impassive and indifferent as he spoke.

"Slowly. I don't know anything about what the hell a demon can do. All I know is the heightened emotions."

He paused, taking a look at himself -- the scales on his arms, his sharpened, claw-like fingernails, and the fangs that shone whenever he opened his mouth, turning his gaze to the side.

"...And this stuff, but I think that's more of just somethin' cuz of Caly turnin' me."

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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Empty Re: The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda]

Mon May 31, 2021 4:08 pm

The Angel of Conflict


The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

He wanted to take things slow? Perfect, frankly. After all, taking things fast when it came to learning about demonic abilities, features, and so on can be quite the misstep if done incorrectly. And Ari was sure that Vanyel did not need to fuck anything up. Besides, he IS the husband of Ari's dear daughter, Calypso; so it would not do to return him in a matchbox. So, she gave him another warm smile, one that probably still concerned Vanyel deeply despite the fact Ari's intentions were completely benevolent, and took a look at Vanyel's arm; which was easier to examine than anywhere else he looked draconic.

On a hunch, Arianda decided it would be best not to touch the man. He seemed on edge, and quite a lot of his emotions did point towards the fact that he may or may not hate being touched; that or he wanted to stab Ari. Nothing new, frankly speaking; so she just ignored those particularly angry emotions and used a tiny bit of magic to gently raise, and hold, Vanyel's arm while Ari peered at it. It was curious, frankly. However, Arianda did have a feeling it was either related to that conversion OR Vanyel's possessive shifting had frozen his arm in this state ever since he was converted by Ari's daughter. After a tiny bit, Arianda released his arm from the magic, likely ignoring whatever threat he was making in the process. She had a feeling that would likely trigger SOME irritation in the end.

"Perhaps. I can't say for certain, of course, but if it has been a constant in all of your forms since Caly made you into a demon; it's likely a bi-product of her influence. All things considered, if you needed to hide it in what form you consider as your more 'human' form, you could likely learn to hide that article with some possessive shifting. Of course, if you wanted to. Otherwise, I find no reason to hide it."

Arianda hummed softly as she thought on what to proceed to. After a few moments, as casually as one would sit in a chair, the demon plopped down onto empty air and crossed her legs; humming still as she considered Vanyel. Being a recently converted demon, if he had a true form now it was quite possible he knew a tiny bit about possessive shifting; at least enough to get by. However, after that small bit of consideration, she leaned backwards a little bit, her back straight as she stared at Vanyel. It was likely, in this one moment, that Arianda's previous reputation shone through the smallest amount... some habits die hard.

"Well... if you know little about demons, and only that demons have a higher emotional capacity, and capability, than other beings; then let us start simple. Simple being Possessive Shifting. Every demon should know how to do it; it's the basis of how we change our forms."

Arianda considered him for a moment before she grew wings from her back; ones that were clearly not there before. Sure, Arianda had the pair of wings at her waist, which were acting like the skirt of a dress, but the pair she grew were certainly much larger and far more formidable. She gave Vanyel another smile before speaking once again as she spread the wings as casually as she would lift a finger.

"You could even do this, given experience... however, we need to start small. So, something simple; hopefully. I want you to imagine your arm, imagine it changing. Try to perhaps change your skin to steel, or even your arm into a blade of some form. If you need, take an example from one of the weapons around the room; I leave that up to you. Afterwards, we can try something more complex."

Arianda smiled at Vanyel, calmly furling her wings against her before they simply disappeared into Ari's back; as if they had never existed. Afterwards, the demon simply watched Vanyel with obvious interest. What would he do in this moment? Would he succeed or falter? Either result was alright, frankly. Failure was simply an opportunity to learn. Besides, he would have no reason to fear failure. At least... Arianda hoped he wouldn't fear failure.

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:51 pm

The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

His arms remained folded across his chest as she smiled, his expression not changing as she did. But, as she used some kind of magic to hold his arm in place while she looked at it, his face turned to a scowl, and while she was out of range of his other arm to swipe at, a draconic tail slid from behind his back from his True Form, smacking Arianda in the face.

He didn't say anything, but it was clear that he didn't want her touching him, or doing anything like that again. When she released his arm, he promptly crossed them over his chest, glaring at her, only softening by the tiniest bit as she brought up starting simple with Possessive Shifting, the Demon's primary format of changing forms and what often fueled their powerful and sometimes irritating levels of self-healing and regeneration.

Watching as she manifested a pair of wings from her back to show an example and as she told him to try and turn his skin to steel, turn his arm into a blade, or something to that degree, Vanyel slowly unfolded his arms, looking at his hand as he channeled energy into his arm, focusing on the intent of changing the structure of his skin. His eye twitched as the color of his skin began changing, starting from his fingernails and gradually making their way down to his wrist, slowly changing his hand and forearm into steel, stopping just before his elbow.

The more he tried to force it behind his forearm, it only made him feel more tired and angry, and in a fit of irritation, he punched the wall, his arm quickly reverted back to normal afterward. Part of him expected it, but there was still part of him that was irrationally angry that he couldn't get it. He was a fledgling demon, what was he supposed to expect, him being able to master shapeshifting in five seconds?

Regardless, he growled and grumbled, mumbling a number of curses and general words in his mother tongue, Chinese, before leaning against the wall and folding his arms over his chest again.

"What's next?"

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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Empty Re: The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:17 am

The Angel of Conflict


The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

To be slapped upon the face, or at least to attempt such, was quite unsurprising to Arianda. After all, Vanyel was more on edge than Ari ever had been in her life. Regardless, the demon simply bend backwards a tiny bit when Vanyel aimed a slap at her face with his tail. She blinked some, shaking her head softly at Vanyel. She had hoped that using magic to hold his arm was better than touching him; but apparently Vanyel was more volatile than an active volcano. She simply shrugged and observed Vanyel as he did his best to shift his skin to steel; which he succeeded at in large. However, the more he attempted it, the more he pissed himself off; which eventually ended in him punching Arianda's wall. It didn't harm the wall, thanks to how Ulv has the city enhanced; but, it still did cause Ari to smile gently.

"Come now, give yourself a bit more credit. What you just performed, Vanyel, was possessive shifting in one of its simplest states. It may not be your focus, but you can easily master it given enough time. I wouldn't let it frustrate you. I would suggest practicing every night. My darling daughter might be able to help you with that as well, albeit, not in quite the same capacity. She is a Danava, after all."

Arianda gave him a small smile, even if he did basically just try to slap her, and then turned to some more slow teachings of basic demon things. She hummed softly, seating herself on air, as if it was as easy as walking. She smiled again, and calmly held up her right hand; blue fire bursting into form above her palm.

"Magic is another extremely important factor of being a demon; albeit, it may not be something you wish to master quite yet. However, I think what's most important is to figure out what your possessive power may be; and especially what you, as a demon, consume in order to gain sustenance. In fact, in order to live. So, I want you to, next, figure out what exactly you, as Vanyel, are as a demon. For example, I consume pain for sustenance; along with my possessive powers being related to pain. After that, I think we should visit some basic combat so you can test your abilities. How does that sound~?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:29 pm

The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

Despite Arianda giving him some level of praise and condolence for the small feat of Possessive Shifting, Vanyel still found himself angry. Even if he was a fledgling demon, he was annoyed that he couldn't bring himself further. Perhaps part of him wanted to speed along the development of everything so that he could practice and grow stronger in order to protect Calypso and be equal to her.

As she smiled after she finished speaking, Vanyel only narrowed his eyes. But, his expression turned more neutral as she began to briefly go over the concept of Demon Magic. He had a slight understanding of how it worked already, as he assumed that it tied into each person's thematic, a thought process that went neatly with the topic she wanted to broach next: figuring out his Possessive Powers.

From what he understood, they were extremely personal to the user, which gave him a few ideas of what they could be, or, at least, what he wanted them to be. Shrugging lightly in response to her, he continued to ponder the idea of what his Possessive Powers would be. There were at least two things that he could think of, and he could probably even merge them together: those being Chinese Mythology and Dragons.

As he began to speak, his voice suddenly got low, unsure of how to really broach the topic with someone he didn't really know, especially someone he didn't trust. He didn't feel entirely comfortable just blurting out a bunch of personal stuff. As a result, his voice came out a bit mumbled, sounding more like an awkward teenager rather than an irritated, on-edge demon.

"I guess...two things that I'd want to form my powers around would be Chinese mythos and dragons. I, um...still like reading about them, and always read about them when I was a kid."

Summoning the old, cherished memento to his hands, Vanyel slowly held up the copy of A Journey to the West, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly with his free hand.

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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Hm7QDbg
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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Empty Re: The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda]

Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:04 am

The Angel of Conflict


The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

"Demon powers are quite fickle, Vanyel. Sometimes, you're born with certain powers. However, in your case, it's likely you're still early on enough that you may be able to choose your powers a bit easier than some demons. If you desire something related to Chinese mythos and Dragons, I'm sure we can figure something out... Albeit, I kinda wish I knew where my mother Zayla was... she knew more about dragons than I. Ah, nevermind."

Arianda shook her head gently, tearing herself away from a momentary reprieve that involved thought of her parents; and she turned herself to the task at hand, guiding Vanyel towards proper demonhood. It would be a little hard, but she was certain they could do it. After a few moments, the demon smiled once again, humming a tiny bit as she let Vanyel absorb what she said.

"Let's start with Chinese Mythos; quite a lot of inspiration to be gained from that, from what I understand. Latch onto one specific mythos; maybe a favorite or whichever one speaks to you the most. I want you to think about what it would be like for you to embody it. Again, this might be difficult, especially for your first time; but I want you to properly find something to focus on. We may need to still find your core demonic abilities, be they pain or otherwise, but I think worrying about your possessive powers is a great idea for now."

Arianda smiled again at Vanyel, and then, let out another soft hum as she considered the man.

"Afterwards, I want you to try and figure out how to bind that possessive power to your being; make it part of yourself. It would become part of what makes you Vanyel; and then, I want you to try and manifest some form of ability from that. It doesn't matter if it is offensive, defensive, or a utility of some form; I just want you to try. At some point, once again, I do wish to spar with you. Sometimes, words are poor replacements for blood and sweat."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Empty Re: The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda]

Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:49 pm

The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

Vanyel's perked up at the notion that some demons were born with certain powers. It reminded him of what had happened during his conversion, something that Calypso had lightly mentioned after the fact. Hell, he knew that the abilities he had previously, ones that he had developed and created on his own, had transferred over from when he was human.

"...About that. Since Caly converted me, a lot of the abilities I already had were also transferred over, but now they just use Demon energy. So, in essence, I guess I was 'born' with some of these powers. Caly also said that I was...breathing fire during the conversion. Eastern Dragons don't have that ability, but Western Dragons are really cool in being able to do that, so...I guess I wanted to have that as part of my kit."

Arianda then told him to focus on a single mythos or story -- yeah, that wasn't gonna happen. He knew that there would be no way he'd be able to narrow it down to just one. With how deeply connected that those stories were to his life and his personality, there wouldn't be any single story he could focus on -- at least, not right now.

But, as she then asked him to manifest some form of ability from it, his mind went to one of the oldest abilities he had developed during his life, something he had based on Wukong's immortality in A Journey to the West, his five layers of defensive, Five Forms of Immortality. It wasn't something new that he was trying to manifest, but he figured it would work, right?

So, channeling his energy, a shimmer of cobalt blue washed over his body, clinging close to his skin like a viscous liquid, before molding, hardening, and forming draconic scales all along his body.

"It's not really new, it's something that I've had for a while, but...I based it on Sun Wukong's five different methods of immortality. It's an ability that gives me five layers of defensive protection."

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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Hm7QDbg
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The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] Empty Re: The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda]

Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:21 pm

The Angel of Conflict


The Plot Sickens [Private/Darkfunnel] [Vanyel/Arianda] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda nodded some as Vanyel spoke of the powers he had beforehand; humming pleasantly as she listened to him, once again seating herself upon the air if she was not still seated of course. It made complete sense that his old powers would convert into being his possessive powers; likely something Ari's mother, Zayla, would need to help him with if she were here... however, that little sour spot of reminiscence was soon abandoned in favor of paying attention.

"Then, instead, we could try to focus on those. If your powers from before you became a demon, are now your possessive powers, than that would certainly make things easier; especially if they're centered around dragons."

Arianda hummed as she watched Vanyel change his skin to scales; which now completely made his skin match the way his arms had become scaled thanks to his conversion from human to demon with Caly. She hummed a tiny bit more, admiring his scales for a bit before she nodded in clear approval; even if he didn't accept it whatsoever.

"Even if it isn't new, it's something to remember. Just, try to keep your powers in mind so you can figure out which is where. Frankly speaking, it might all just be under one big umbrella; I'm not sure~! Regardless, I think the best way to test is a trial by fire, hm? I'll go as easy as you like, or not at all; your choice. But, I think it would be best for you to get your bearings by being pushed into a corner, what do ya say, Vanyel~?"

Arianda smiled warmly once again. She wanted him to spar with her. Even if Vanyel may never trust Ari, she didn't care. She was going to help Calypso's husband, boyfriend, whatever, and her technical son-in-law, even if he would distrust her for a long damn time. After all, Ari wasn't sure how to feel about Vanyel quite yet either.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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