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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:09 pm

Sundown on Hueco Mundo 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

His body sat upon a stone with fire lit before his eyes. The dark eyes he had resembled the night sky. His skin was darkened while long hair fell to the middle of his back. His hair was a lighter shade than his eyes if only by a small margin. His mind seemed to be circling the problems with this place. Kings and so-called Gods came and went from this world. From the geezer who believed himself the God of Hueco Mundo. To Nagato the Pretender, it was all so tiresome how little this place advanced.

In his long life, he'd seen these beings come and go. Losing the grip on sanity they had. His frame leaned upwards, the bones around his neck rattling. The cloak he wore moving revealing the dark skin bathed in the light of the flame. Las Vegas, a chance at peace wasted. He'd met the ruler of that place, while young he did have experience. Thankfully most Arrancar gave him a wide birth, he'd eaten energy blasts before. And his regenerative powers were rather potent as well.

His gaze shifted slowly towards the sky, observing what one could call stars. He'd slept through the rise of the Gotei, most of the organizations that were today didn't exist then. It was puzzling to see the shape of the world. Hanako had been informative and helpful. But it raised some questions, what did he do now that he was awake. Tier Harribel by many was considered the leader here. Though he guessed someone else was lingering.

In his experience, the strong denizens of this place often were out of sight. Waiting or maybe not even bothering with this world. It had become too pitiful to even bother with. He tossed a stick upon the flame, the situation was one to give pause on. Sooner or later, if he wanted a peaceful place. He'd have to go seek out Harribel and the others. Leaving things as they were invited trouble. It was in that sense that unfit people swooped in.

His power didn't feel strong enough to challenge them yet, he'd have to wait for now. And slowly build from the ground up to be done. His digits slowly snapped a branch in half as he began to stand up from his stone. Preparing to meet whatever may have been coming to him.

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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:39 pm
Santa Estallar
An endless white canvas. It was the same sort of bland, unstimulating environment she knew so well. Of course in her incessant wanderings now and then she found herself enjoying a return to the pale plane, walking quietly in that fine sand, her attention meandering as she allowed herself to simply walk without concern for where she was going or what purpose she had. Complete relaxation. A welcome break from the sort of ..... excitement she felt when she was in the other worlds, which had it's own consequences to be sure.

So.... a place even such as Las Noches had its benefits. A break from it all. But of course, it also had its occasional excitement. That dull radiating spirit energy always did draw attention, and it didn't take long for her to vaguely sense the faint signatures of hollows starting to track and follow her. She never really attracted anything too strong, after all. A blessing in and of itself, and it reminded her of her life as a hollow. She turned toward the faint signatures and watched for a moment with those pale yellow eyes. Brief, drifting attention, but nothing more than that. She didn't spare them an extra thought. She always hated when that happened.

And so she kept walking, paying them no mind, completely unawares that off in the distance she was approaching a rather hapless denizen of the sands. One who likely would be quite perplexed by the sight of the tall, blonde antlered arrancar garbed in black, with her own little entourage of hollows following her around, looking for some opportunity to try and take a bite of the superior being. However minute that superiority was.

All the same, as she drew closer to the person, her attention inevitably picked him out among the sand. Strange, a humanoid. Was it another arrancar? It was almost interesting, but she managed to keep herself held back, even if the sand around her took on a faint pinkish tint for just a moment, one that would flourish in a slight speckle around Calatravos' feet, but it was nothing more than that. All the same, those hollows backed off just a little in response to the strange sight, giving the two arrancar a moment to interact as they seemed to recalculate their hunting plan.

"Are you lost?" Came her calm question as she reached earshot of the man. A reasonable question as far as she was concerned. She herself was a wanderer but someone belonging to the general families Arrancar had? It was a bit odd for them to just be out in the middle of the dessert. Unless she had wandered somewhere significant... She glanced around, as if to spot any landmarks she might have been unaware of.

Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:09 pm

Sundown on Hueco Mundo 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

His gaze came down, towards the sight upon the ground. His ears picked up the sound of the voice, detecting intent behind it. He couldn't be sure if it was a threat, in this sandy domain threats were constant. They were something that came like the Sunrise and sunset. His figure shifted, turning to face her direction. His cloak moved the sands, finding his hollow would be hard. Given just how small the thing was, the bones around his neck caused a sound of knocking as they bumped. Pieces of his former mask had been broken. Her question left him pondering for a moment. In a sense, he was, how to proceed in this sense.

"No, not in the sense you are inquiring of." He responded, his voice had a gravelly tone to it, his eyes fell upon her. Seeing the followers she'd amassed behind her. They were obviously looking for the next meal, hungry and driven by that instinct. In a sense it was pathetic, they went from one meal to another. Constantly eating, but never seeing the meaningless nature of it. They ate to evolve, but eventually reached a point like he.

"This place is special to is where I arrived in Hueco Mundo the first time, four thousand years ago." He saw her shifting gaze, looking around the surroundings. Taking in each structure and place, stones and nothing else far as the eye could see. It seemed empty and without meaning for others. The sands and the grains here were soaked with blood. The spirit of this place, he looked at the sky.

"Have you ever considered what these sands would say if they spoke? His expression kept even and didn't broaden into a smile or change much, as those years went by. His temperament was kept even and calm. So when meeting a new face, he always came to them the same way. If they chose a fight, he would fight them until he could no longer. That was the way it had to be, building a future in this desert. It would take time, but it couldn't be in Las Noches or those former seats of power.

He kept his gaze on her, sizing up her and those around her. It wasn't without reason, he needed to know the place he was. Nobody was a friend at first in Hueco Mundo.

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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:43 pm
Santa Estallar

Her gaze remained steady as he gave his answer. Arrived? She closed her eyes for just an instant as she remembered her own arrival. Blind. Mute. Deaf. Did she even KNOW where she'd spawned? The notion of finding those pits having never occurred to her when she had done her wanderings of hueco mundo in the past. She furrowed her brows just a little before her eyes opened again and she watched the man.

But that next comment. Oh how that tickled her. In a moment a smile broke out from her features and she couldn't help but chuckle as she reached up and covered her mouth. Not a gentle, ladylike titter, but a deep, amused chuckle. It was in that moment, that one of the hollows suddenly SPRINTED toward the pair, and Santa's eyes shifted in it's direction in response to the hollow losing it's sense of patience. The other hollows moved in, but had the sense not to jump in as well. They were clever enough to watch.

It made four bounds, sand flying beneath it's claws, before the ground suddenly erupted beneath it. Hands. Clawed fingers. Bare, open muscle and sinew burst into being along the ground beneath it, as a clawed hand and arm grew like bamboo up from the ground and grabbed it by the throat, and a dozen more latched onto it in unison. It stumbled, tumbled, and slammed into the sand as it was flipped, and then dragged back toward where that mess had grown. Fleshless heads spilled up from the ground, hissing as they clamped teeth onto the hollow's body and started peeling it open, the limbs slowly pressing it down into the ground and smothering it, keeping it from filling its lungs with air as a mass of fingers reached into its mouth and began to choke it.

Santa didn't even turn fully. She could FEEL the hollow through those limbs and teeth. And she felt that slow trickle of spiritual energy as those mouths began biting chunks from it's body, and its startled screeching suddenly pitched up before a claw sank into it's neck and fired a bala into it's spinal chord. It was weask, but enough for it's neck to pop open and stop the noise as it slumped to the ground and her garden resumed consuming it.

The other hollows were already backing off. Very much deterred by the sight as Santa turned her attention back to Calatravos. "If the sands were capable of any noise I doubt they would talk. They would scream." She murmured in dry humor. As if her answer was obvious.

Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:18 pm

Sundown on Hueco Mundo 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

A gaze fell upon the creature moving, something harmful or perhaps even more. An air of violence that was thick, he had a switch he could flip. A crimson glow formed along his right hand's side. Glowing across his pinky down to his wrist. The glow formed as he brought his hand up. Bringing his hand up into the air and holding it there. He brought it down with a single motion. The blast struck not far from those followers of hers. A blast of sand into the air, like a blade, had slashed through the sand.

"Silence you mindless beast, we are conversing." His eyes held a moment of anger for this disruption. His gaze shifted back to her now, screams were her response. That was a pity, screams were a tragic way for things to be. If all these voices knew was screaming, it was a waste. They could be so much more if they were taken the right way. His gaze looked at her, deciding to ask her another question.

"And do you believe, that is all they are capable of?" His frame stood, he didn't give off the hunger of any kind. In truth, the fact was, he unlike others had only a single soul. Thus his memories weren't distorted or affected by the multiple periods. He maintained a link to his core, that was all.

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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:29 pm
Sundown on Hueco Mundo HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

She paused, attention shifting when she saw that sudden flash of energy, ripping into the sand and sending the hollows, many of whom had simply been backing away, scattering to the dunes with that sudden display of power. Far greater than her own, by a decent margin, and she paused for a moment. A brief lament. Not just at the gap, but at the question tossed her way.

"No." She put simply. "Absolutism is ash in the throat if you let yourself choke on it." She murmured lightly, before she crouched down and eyed the sand itself, her mind wandering for a moment. "I've heard a good number of things about Hueco Mundo. From those who don't live here. I have an awful habit of eavesdropping. Did you know that the sand isn't like normal sand in the other worlds?" She asked calmly, eyelids drooping in idle thoughtfulness. "It's more like eggshell, or bone. Have you ever wondered where all of the sand came from?" She asked, glancing lazily in the man's direction. He, of course, possibly taking it as disrespect, or even carelessness. It was highly improbable that he could fathom that it was a form of restraint.

Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:43 am

Sundown on Hueco Mundo 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

His hands lingered by his sides as he brought one of them up. Thinking and listening to her response for what it was. Decoding it and considering the purpose and potential behind it. What could be made of this moment, her words did lead him to believe potential existed. He could remember those days when he first came here. What he saw and experienced, the sand was here. Even in those days, you could call it many things. The fragments of bones of the constant fighting of hollows in the desert.

The broken memories and purposes of all those present perhaps. His hands rested at his side once more. Consideration for her skill aside, though strange it wasn't the oddest thing he'd seen. There was an Arrancar at one point who shot Ceros from his Penis. It wasn't the first or last odd thing he'd see in this lifetime.

"Quite right, I do not feel as though ash has come to linger in our mouths yet." He listened to her comment with some fascination, she brought up a good number of things about this place. Indeed Hueco Mundo though a desert, did present itself with opportunities. Though none that he could capitalize on. And the theory of subjecting the people had failed three times now. So something needed to evolve or change, obviously, this way didn't work. Not for them, otherwise, they'd not have the problems they did.

"This white sand and the quartz-like trees that inhabit it. Have been here ever since I arrived. "

He paused for a moment, deciding to bring his thoughts to her. He'd use a term the humans were fond of. One of their sports, called baseball drew his attention.

"In our world, there have been Three claiming to Rule this Desert. The first is Baraggan Louisenbairn. He ruled this place for some time evidently, after he was the Shinigami. Sosuke Aizen, and finally Nagato Tengen. Do you know what they have in common? Aside from their gender." He said leaving his thoughts open to her now, as he'd raised his fingers for each person.

He'd not run into any of them, he slept through Sosuke Aizen's entire situation. The Gotei didn't exist when he fell asleep so neither did the boy. Nagato was recent and Baraggan an older one. But his memory of that one was hazy.

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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:34 pm
Sundown on Hueco Mundo HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

She paused for a moment as he explained. However she was..... unable to relate. Her brows furrowed for a moment as she .... contemplated. Ruled? She recalled nothing of the sort. Perhaps by happenstance, luck, or just the timeline of how long she had actually been able to use all of her senses, but she had never been able to discern any sort of rule among the endless dessert. "I can't say I know who you're talking about..." She admitted.

Wasn't Hueco Mundo ruled by the moon? There was no other constant presence. "I'm afraid I don't really understand owning someplace you've never seen all of. If you walk far enough in any direction, I'm sure you would find others who think that they own it." She murmured calmly, a bit of a bland hint of disinterest audible in her voice, as if she didn't even consider the notion of a ruler of hueco mundo as any serious subject. It would be like someone claiming to own the sky.

But.... she was not a worldly woman. But she was an observant one. "Are you thinking of being the next ruler?" She asked, following the path of the conversation. It seemed very obvious that whatever 'common trait' was among them was probably not a compliment, and something that this strange fellow probably considered, falsely, probably, that he was not also applicable to. It seemed like a very hollow line of thinking. For a moment, even she imagined what it would be like to rule the place, as insipid an idea as it still seemed to her.

Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:47 pm

Sundown on Hueco Mundo 6EdIfMt


Artist: SilvaGunner - Song: Hip Shop

He shrugged his shoulders, uneducated on that topic it would seem. Finding an answer from her would be difficult. His eyes closed as he frowned somewhat. The problem with teaching depended on the student. He'd taught before in his life, came with the territory of being old. "Three Tyrants, each holding dark ambitions. We live in their aftermath. " He said glancing around this place, it was reckless and perhaps even foolish. To think one could claim rulership of the entire Hueco Mundo. It held too many parts and was larger than most human locations.

"It is ludicrous the thought to own a place, where others come too or are born. Territory exists certainly, but to claim yourself as King of a Species or ruler of a race is nothing but utter arrogance." He said calmly commenting on the idea. No, he had no aspirations for a Kingdom or a Throne. But he did want a place, somewhere the Hollows could live out a peaceful and quiet existence. If they so chose and the option to live in the Human World. But these things and such a place wouldn't be found in Hueco Mundo. Not in Las Noches either, no you had to go further.

He shook his head left to right, at the question of him being next. "The idea isn't even worth merit, I'm the king of nothing, much less this desert. " He had an idea, a place he stumbled upon once. But he'd need to find Tier Harribel first and the other one. Her name was Rose, he'd gotten descriptions of her but little else. It was simply impossible for him to do anything more. He had no resources, he didn't seek to make a King or even be one. He sought to open a door for someone. Maybe to see if there existed a place beyond this.

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Sundown on Hueco Mundo Empty Re: Sundown on Hueco Mundo

Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:28 pm
Sundown on Hueco Mundo HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

She furrowed her brows slightly as he ....went on about people she didn't know. Talked about events she had never heard of. And did .... well very little to assuage the concerns she had regarding his intentions. That was exactly the kind of thing a megalomaniac would say to throw someone else off their ego trail. Of course he could also be sincere, but the way he talked about it still felt off. IT could also be that he also didn't TECHNICALLY want to be a ruler. But more of a leader. Which was super splitting hairs, but well, she didn't even need her pesquisa to know that second guessing his motivations wouldn't do her much good.

She .... furrowed her brows. "Alright, I ..... guess. So if you don't wanna take their place why do you care about them anyway? They're dead now, or at least gone. So what does it matter what they were?" She reasoned with an idle shrug and a light folding of her arms. Not yet realizing just how suddenly invested she was in this strange thing the man had going on. Which super probably wasn't her business, or even anything she wanted to get involved in. But well, here she was. Snooping.
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