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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:38 pm

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

Koyo remained silent, this was a strange interaction, and he'd not done well thus far. The Captain asked him to come here, and he got lost, he remembered a notice in the letter. The Captain wanted to see about the rumors of him having gotten Shikai. That was something that had slipped his mind. Nervous and anxious about being here at this time. Who got summoned by a Captain in the middle of the night? Koyo's mind raced through thoughts. Before a gentle hand touched his shoulders, his Zanpakuto spirit stood invisible to the others. Giving him a nod, he inhaled a bit, collecting his scattered thoughts and feelings. His mother wanted him to join a Squad soon, and so did his friends. The list was short, Combat, Kido, and Administrative duty. Something where he wasn't hidden away.

This wasn't by his choice; he preferred those quieter moments. "The Captain wished to see if the rumors were true about me having my Shikai. " He spoke, but his voice was neutral and very still. He answered her question before his eyes looked at everything gestured. He didn't know what drove them to be so hard-working. For him, the goal was a singular one; his friends made him fight the fear. He'd done his best to run from his new friends as often as possible. But they were very devoted to becoming his friends.

"If you are alright with it, Vice-Captain Yamada, I can show you instead." His Zanpakuto hung at his belt, having a color similar to his eyes around the hilt. He waited as he looked around the room once again. So many people were here, from the fifth Division as well. Did the stealth and combat Divisions have a connection?

He'd never considered the two the same himself. He believed from the Kuchiki records the Stealth Division worked in the shadows. Dealing with blows that dealt with enemies quickly and effectively. What were the words one could summon about this situation? They were a welcoming group. He believed Amon Breach felt like he did. Just confused in a sense by the situation they'd stumbled upon.

He couldn't imagine what Captain Kobayashi would call him here for. He knew the Captains had papers, but this late at night was an odd choice.

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Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:41 pm

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 CPJhkHP

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

At Saera's response to her initial inquiry, Asami nodded seemingly satisfied with the response. If anything, it highlighted Saera's dedication to her development if she was prepared to run well into the early hours practicing her Zanjutsu just to offset the weight training. It was strange but admirable to push herself that far.

She nodded once more, this time in Amon's direction as the scarred man introduced himself, though Asami decided against introducing herself for the third time in as many minutes. If he had been paying attention then he knew who she was already, if not then he would have to inquire it of her.

Her guarded smile stretched a little wider when Hanako proposed a sparring session though, and she chuckled softly again. An eyebrow perked up on her face as she cheekily retorted.

"I am not one to back down from such a challenge. The night is yet young, who knows where it will take us?"

Asami looked the Vice-Captain up and down again, gauging her physique as best she could. The second seat of the combat division would surely be more than a match for her, but if it came to it then she hoped that she could give a fair account of herself. She was not here to represent the 5th or anything silly like that, tonight she was happy to be just Asami.

"If you've an idea then let's hear it. If it suits then I will happily participate, we all came here for similar reasons so I imagine there will be no trouble."

The curious case of Koyo Kuchiki became only more intriguing when he brought up his Shikai. It was not completely unheard of for students to achieve such a level before leaving the Academy, but was it an outlier enough to warrant a meeting with a Captain with all haste? Perhaps the real clue was in that name, Kuchiki, and this had more to do with the great noble families than it did Koyo's abilities. Still, it was not her place to intrude on the 4th's business, so she continued to offer little more than a pleasant smile to the young soul.

Burning the Midnight Oil | END POST
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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:42 pm
Amon stood there watching, listening to what everyone had to say. It seemed these people were here for the same thing except for the other Kuchiki, who had no real idea why he was there. Saera, the woman who had been sparring on her own moved back and gestured for the group to join. A spar? With four other people? It was a daring thing to do... But it might give An opportunity to find his own style, or at least learn from the experience better.

"Well... I guess I could join in." Amon states between all the talking, stepping back until he was a good distance just like Saera.

Amon wasn't good with people, hell, the only other reason he seemed so open back at the 2nd Division but that was due to the effects of the incense. It relaxed him, made him more open than being reclusive and reserved. But a fight? He was good with fights, with fists, at a bar, in public, or even when he's jumped. It was also what got him killed. But regardless of that, he still enjoyed a brawl or two even though he had no unique powers or weapon, he just had his body and wits... And his Asauchi.
Ame no ko
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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:12 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

This time Hanako was really surprised. What definitely came as a surprise was that a man so young and not even graduated from the academy should already have access to his Shikai. Sure, that by far not everyone was such a late-bloomer like Hanako was a given. Yet even the gifted ones amongst the students, who had already imprinted their souls onto their Asauchis, could understand it’s voice and even use the first release, were rare. And Koyo just looked so young. Of course that was just appearances and he could easily be the oldest soul present by some margin.
The next surprise was this being orchestrated by Captain Kobayashi. Even after knowing him for quite some time now, he still managed to catch Hanako off guard. Each time she thought she was used to it he pulled another “he-knows-what-he’s-doing”-situation out of his sleeve. It was more amusing than annoying, but she still wished that her Captain had informed her about tonight. She might have easily taken another route, missing this area completely, and be sitting in a hot bath by now.

When Asami accepted, Hanako turned towards her and nodded with a friendly smile.

“Less of a challenge, more of a request. I am just curious about your style and if I could hold my own against it.”

Amon also seemed to be in the mood for some sparring, which Hanako had hoped. Saera, too, wanted to go for it, and suddenly the tiredness began to fall away from Hanako, being replaced by anticipation.

“To be honest, I had thought about just using our swords, plain and simple, without any releases. I wanted to do sparring like that with Amon anyway, and with your Daisho, Asami, the prospect of a pure fight of steel against steel is also quite appealing. Aside from that, my own Shikai ist rather difficult to use in more or less confined spaces like here. I mean, it would work, but I fear I could do a lot of damage to the structure and I would prefer avoiding that. Also I don’t really like to use my Shikai against friends. It doesn’t feel right, doesn’t feel honorable, if you know what I mean. Still, if all of you vote for released Zanpakutos for this I’m in, I will just hold back.”

There was some discrepancy between what Hanako said and what she really felt. She had meant everything she just told the others. Of course she didn’t know what Asami’s or Koyo’s abilities were, but it was true that she didn’t plan to partially destroy one of the training areas for something like a relaxed midnight-spar. It just wasn’t worth it. That she didn’t feel comfortable using against friends was also true, but that was a matter of personal choice. Her Shikai was meant for destruction, it was meant to hurt and erase. Even without using its true, hidden, ability, it still didn’t feel right to her.
On the other hand, since Saera and her had to fight against the huge wale-hollow and she had witnessed Tsuki no Ryu in action she itched to test herself against it, a feeling Bakumusha shared.

How easy life would be if there were no choices…

But still, there was one more thing before anything could start. She turned towards Koyo and invited him to step a little closer.

“Well, there seems to be one official duty I have to perform before anything else tonight. I would be honored to witness your Shikai. But only under one condition: If you want to stay afterwards and spar with us, please remember we are all off-duty. As long as there’s no emergency I am not here as Vice-Captain. Besides: Vice-Captain Yamada probably would have to send you back to the academy immediately. Hanako doesn’t.”

She shrugged, to show Koyo that the choice was his, before she turned towards the others and gestured that it was also meant for them. It was one of the downsides of her position, this kind of disconnection between her and her peers. At least some, like Saera and Amon, were going along with her rather lax style, as long as the situation permitted it.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:14 pm

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 CPJhkHP

Furukawa Asami | Officer of the 5th

“Regardless of what the rest of you choose, I have no intention of releasing my blades tonight. My Daisho are more than capable of handling themselves, if others would release then I shall simply have to exert myself a little to keep up.”

Asami responded cooly to Hanako’s offer of a collective spar. Her release was a tool to be used sparingly, she knew that better than anyone, and even if it had the potential to be useful in the coming fight then at least it was only a friendly spar. Better to save it for a time when it was truly required, and attempt to persevere without it instead.

She did enjoy observing how the lieutenant handled the matter of Koyo, though. It was a small insight into her style of leadership, that of juggling the delicate balance between work and pleasure, and left Asami wondering about what she might have done in her position. Still, she was the second highest ranking officer here even if they were not within the 5th Barracks. If an emergency arose then she too would have to spring into action.

“Of course, I am more than willing to cross swords with any of you. I came here with such an intention, I suppose this just expedites the process.”

Burning the midnight oil | END POST

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:38 pm

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

Koyo offered a silent nod before walking a bit further away. The distance was necessary for his Shikai as he didn't wish to hurt anyone. He walked over to a small area without people. His hand slowly went to his Zanpakuto as he let his Spiritual pressure out. Releasing his Zanpakuto was something that he'd become more used to recently. Practicing removing and sealing his sword often. Koyo found his Spirit one of his most influential friends. He brought his sword in front of him as the white Reiatsu formed around him. The strength he could output was immense for an Academy Student. But his friends had told him that, he didn't see it as such.

"Emerge Asashio." With those words, a torrent of water surged around his Zanpakuto. Flowing up and down the blade in rapid succession. As small towel-like cloth from its hilt. His Zanpakuto outside of the water flowing around the edge changed little. The heat coming off it was similar to an Onsen. Making it an interesting release for the student. Koyo based much of his tactics and skills on his Zanpakuto. His friend was important and something he wished to improve at. The water dripping down his handle didn't make him lose his grip.

He waited for a few moments, seemingly looking at his sword. Though his emotions didn't show on his face. Inside he felt satisfaction and joy for this and seeing it. He always admired his Zanpakutos form as pleasing. He'd not mastered his Shikai as of yet. But that was fine for him; he liked the mystery behind his friend. Knowing that Asashio didn't care about his family or his mother. Those things made it feel like a reliable friend.

It took him little time to seal his Zanpakuto back to the original form. Sparring was it that seemed interesting to him. He'd not fought anyone in a while, but they all seemed strong. "I'd be honored to spar someone here." His mint-colored eyes looked over the people as he wondered who he would be facing.

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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:19 am
Amon had adjusted to a spot he was most comfortable with, with what others wanting to join in this free-for-all spar. He slowly unsheathed his Asauchi broad-sword from its simple and polished-ebony wood scabbard and readied the weapon. Putting his right foot in front and his left foot back, Amons blade remained to his side pointing downward until they were all ready to start. He swirled and stretched his left arm several times, working some kinks out and stretching some needed muscle for the next minutes or so. It looked like the party was about to begin.

The Shinigami slower his breathing to where it was controlled, he calmed his nerves and was likely ready to get his ass pounded by a bunch of experienced warriors. At least one of them said they wouldn't use... Whatever it was, which would help make things a tad easier for Amon. He stood there patiently, waiting for everyone to get in their places or for someone to start the group off. Amon didn't mind getting the tar beat out of him as long as he learned something from this skirmish.
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Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open)

Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:39 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Who Needs Sleep? Redux (Open) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hanako stood a few paces away from Koyo, to give him enough space, and watched with arms akimbo. Her face didn’t give anything away, although she was at least a bit skeptical. However, when Koyo’s reiatsu began to condense around him and Hanako sensed the first waves of his power, her right eyebrow rose a few millimeters. When he spoke the release-incantation and the water began surging around the Zanpakuto, the corners of her mouth began curling upwards.

Maybe he was a Kuchiki and therefore a descendant of an extremely powerful family. She doubted that there was any Shinigami that didn’t know the family name or the most famous members of modern history: Byakuya-sama and Rukia-sama. But even so, it was a great accomplishment to achieve a Shikai so early in his career. Hanako remembered all too well how left behind she had felt when even after her graduation and her assignment to the Gotei she wasn’t able to hear Bakumusha’s voice. The frustration, the self-doubt. She also remembered how overjoyed she was, when she met Bakumusha for the first time in her inner world, even if she still couldn’t hear his voice or even name. So she felt an honest joy and pride for this cadet who had already achieved this joy before even the final exams had started. She only hoped he knew how blessed he was.

“Impressive.” she said, after Koyo had resealed his Asashio. “Very impressive. And beautiful. You can be proud to have achieved this even before your education is finished. I will make sure Captain Kobayashi gets a full report.”

She nodded one last time, then she smiled her trademark half-smile.

“Okay, now that’s settled I’m done with being Vice Captain for tonight. So unless something urgent comes up…”

She drew her sword and it seemed as if most of the weariness fell from her. The shadows under her eyes stayed, of course, but her eyes just seemed to shine a little brighter. A little anticipation could sometimes do more than bathtubs worth of black tea.

Without another word she gripped her sword with both hands and turned swiftly with a movement of her hip. Using the circular movement she thrust her sword forward. It was aimed so that, even if Koyo wouldn’t react at all, she would only stab the air next to his left ear.

In any case, she would pull back immediately and take a few quick steps to get her back towards the empty room and her front, with the sword held in both hands, towards the others, thereby inviting them to start the dance. Also she had noticed that Amon had also already drawn his sword and was ready.

Bakumusha gave off a slight vibration, Hanako instantly recognized as favour from her partner. He was in some ways an old school warrior, upholding a code of honour, which Hanako liked very much. But he was also modern enough to realise that it wasn’t at all a bad thing to draw steel against friends and use it for a sporting challenge. On the contrary, he supported it, because intention was what really mattered. And this Hanako liked even more. Her smile widened a little bit.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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