Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:22 pm
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Yo8iebf


That had been one hell of a ride, eh? In hindsight, it seemed like maybe Ira shouldn't have actually come out here to help after all. That might've made sense, but it was pretty hard for him to get it through his head that he oughta actually stay cautious.

Oh well.

Considering the aftermath in Jefferson, he wasn't actually sure he should just head back to the City of Lights. Not a ton for a guy of his size and apparent age to get done there if he went back, anyway, and he had to admit that acting like he'd done anything out here would probably leave a sour taste in his mouth. For now he'd just hang around in this little town they'd retreated to, drink his soda in peace and watch the beach.

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:16 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Nice


It had taken her a while to recover her zanpakuto, the vizard complained to herself after her covert escape from the scene of the fight. The last thing she wanted was to get wrapped up in these Vandenreich's attention, sure she'd be reported and kept track of. That much was obvious to her but getting interrogation with questions, the risk of detainment and all that. Better to just creep away. It was also cooler she thought, the hero disappearing without a trace after the epic battle.

"Where's that damned hollow, I did say he was next."

Yugiri had spent a bit of time looking for Yaksha, half-heartedly anyway. The initial vigour she had for killing a hollow on that level had disappeared after all the work to kill the demon, she made a note to get him next time she ran into him. Instead, all that caught her attention was the little girl that she had saved and kept hidden during the titanic clash sitting on the beach.

"Hey little kid. What are you doing? You know it's dangerous to be out alone by yourself with your kind of power, unless you're hiding it all away in there. Anyone would think that close call with what's-his-face would scare some sense into you."

Well, if it had no family Yugiri figured it fell to her to take care of it. That was the issue with saving someone you know, taking care of their wellbeing afterwards and she was a Shihoin in everything except name so the noblesse oblige was still unfortunately - from her perspective - something that she strongly abided by in matters like this.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Location : The beach :)

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:44 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Yo8iebf


Oh, it was this girl again. Well, she was sure easy on the eyes at least, so that made listening to her act like a nanny a little more bearable. Drinking the rest of his soda without too much care, Ira laid back on the sand and looked instead to the sky, hands behind his head.

"I've been fine so far, I figure I'll keep being fine, eh? Though you're pretty fine yourself, so I don't think I'd be matchin' that."

Look at him, staying so relaxed after everything that had happened. Well, when you were his age, you didn't really get too fazed by anything, even if it was that heinous.

"I'll have ya know I'm hiding a whole lotta nothin' in here besides spirit and plenty of years. Workin' on it, of course, that's why I went out there to help the Vandenreich out. Didn't think it'd quite be such a mess."


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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:59 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Nice


Yugiri took a minute to try and compute what sounding like hiting on her, though this was a little girl so clearly that's was just her reading a bit too much into something. Of course, she did not get hit on by a little girl. There was two things wrong with that if she was, the sex and the age. A small pause followed before she continued and tucked her hands behind her head and let them rest on her neck.

"Well that's stupid. You'd be dead then if not for me and you being all squished from a hollow's foot would probably have made you change your tune about the being fine thing. You can thank me, Yugiri, later if you want for saving you."

That did come out a bit more smug than she wanted, enough so that she looked away to try and get her growing grin under control and keep up that serious uninterested expression that she tried to keep most of the time.

"I guess it's cute a little girl like yourself is so eager to be a hero but seriously, ugh. I didn't save your life just so that you could throw it away another time at the drop of a hat."

She complained while coolly laying in the sand and staring at the sky in thought.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Location : The beach :)

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:31 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Yo8iebf


"I'm sure it'd have worked out fine for me somehow. Nobody's gonna let a face this precious go unprotected."

While Ira had meant to say that as some sort of lighthearted jest, the actual memories attached to said face quickly brought him down. He probably shouldn't have put himself into that sort of danger, honestly, but he only had so many options.

"Tell you what, Yugiri, how about I stick with you for a while, learn a little more about proper hero business and all that while I toughen up. Not sure if ya know this, but there's not a ton of places for someone like me to make a living."

He left out any mention of her being nice on the eyes, that was mostly just a bonus if he got to hang around her.


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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:39 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Nice


"Uh huh, lotta faith in people's kindness kid. When everything goes bad, people tend to think only about saving their own skin."

When she was talking about suddenly pairing up with her. She had a feeling this would happen, she saved the brat and the kid got attached to her and begun to hang off her. Yugiri sighed and waved her hand dismissively.

"Whatever, I guess you can tag along but you have to do everything I say and all that."

She accepted that possibility the moment that she saved her. Waiting here a little bit and enjoying the feeling of the beach was the first thing she'd do with this new partnership. At least this kid seemed like she was quiet and not full of trouble, she didn't want another Chidori on her hands who thought she could do as she pleased and then whine about consequences of it.

"Anyway, little girl. What's your name again?"


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Location : The beach :)

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:37 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Yo8iebf


"Not about people's kindness, just an observation. You're right that most people would just leave me high and dry, but there's always soemone around who wants to help even if it'll hurt 'em. Just something I've noticed."

Ira laughed at the mention of listening to everything she said. Something told him that'd be a point of serious contention, but he appreciated her spunk. It was cute.

"Name's Ira. Ira Holyfield. Not quite the cutest name around, but old bones like me ususally don't have names that sound cool fifty years later."

God only knew how long he'd be sticking around with her, but he figured it'd be a good time. If nothing else, he'd just walk a few steps behind her and enjoy the view.


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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:36 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Nice


"Fifty years old?"

She sounded skeptical, it was probably tall tales coming from her. If she was a spirit like a shinigami or plus then she'd believe the lying child but this girl was organic and alive. There was no way she was "old bones".

"Also I'm not loaded with money, so you better not expect a lot or I'll ground you. I guess I do have to figure out where I'm going to make you sleep too, also if you have allergies. Ugh, kids are such a pain in the butt."


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:49 am
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Yo8iebf


"Ah, yeah, hang on."

Rifling through his pockets for a second, Ira eventually found the paperwork noting his spiritual condition, his soul's disconnect with his current body and a general explanation of the cause.

"Not worried about money, I'm good at odd jobs and the like. Worst comes to worst I know how to grift somethin' fierce."

He laughed at that one. Not because it was a joke, he just thought it was funny.

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No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Empty Re: No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:02 pm
No Adoption Agency [Ira, Yugiri] Nice


She did not bother with the paperwork, actually taking it and putting it behind her head without bothering to read it. It was probably important but she wasn't in the mood to read it, regardless of whether or not she had also didn't matter. She looked like a little girl and so she was going to get treated like a little girl, it seemed like the easiest way to deal with the situation. If she treated this kid like a kid it would be easier on her.

How did one take care of a kid anyway? It wasn't like she had servants like her family did to raise her before. This really was a conundrum and it prompted her to turn and stare at Ira in thought. Well, maybe if she thought of herself as a big sis rather than an actual adult it'd be easy. Just think what Rio would do although she'd never really seen her take care of little kids either.

"Hmm. Well that's good, also make sure you do all your chores. Hey, do you know how to cook?"

Now that'd be nice, Yugiri sucked at cooking. So having a kid to force to do all the work would be great, this taking care of kids thing didn't sound that bad in her head the more she thought about it.


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