Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:12 pm
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) 6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

The sand was bliss beneath her toes. Decadently hot, yet it squished with pure tactile bliss when her feet pressed against it. The crisp cold of ocean-water lapping at her feet, up to her calves as it washed upon the shore. Sure it was a tad gritty, and sand was sticking to her slightly tanned skin, but Magnolia loved the freshness of the sea-breeze and above all else, the quiet. Behind her was the desiccated husk of a city, abandoned in WW3 when over 80% of the population was killed off. Four-Hundred-Years had passed since then, and nature had reclaimed the city in a new kind of splendor. Wildflowers grew from vines atop crumbling, but tall skyscrapers. Tree’s grew on rooftops, roots adding new structure to the broken buildings. Rain-water from the water table had long since reclaimed subways and underground structures like basements. Animals roamed sidewalks. Birds nested along the ocean in what once used to be vacation homes.

Yet like with all beauty there was still danger here. Hollows roamed the streets, wolves and other beasts, changed by reiryoku, hunted the supernatural as much as the animals that once had been their sustenance. Dogs and cats which had returned to their more feral roots hid in every corner. But god it was beautiful.

Magnolia sighed, her eyes closing as she laid back in the sand, the shade from a towering palm-tree gracing her with blessed respite as the sun rose to just the right height in the sky--a little before noon. When the shadows were long enough to encapsulate her in their embrace. A Little off to her left smoke rose from the hot cinders of a once roaring driftwood fire. Palm leaves lay there wrapped around fish and bound by woven leaf-- lunch well on it’s way to being done.

The smell of fish was intoxicating, and if not for the natural sense predators and prey alike had for even bigger predators, she’d surely have been swarmed by wildlife looking to steal her lunch. The scent of the fish was nostalgic for her, bringing her back to a simpler time. Where both honor and noblesse oblige meant little to her. To a time where she simply lived to get revenge.

”Brings you back doesn’t it Magpie?” Raijin spoke from within her mind, his deep and rich voice a rumble in her ears.

”It’s nice, I haven’t appreciated the quiet in a very long time.” Magnolia murmured her agreement as her arms stretched over her head, elbows bending before they came to rest beneath her head, her body--clad in a black bikini soaking up the heat of the sun. Her swords lay maybe a half foot to her right, easily within reach if they were needed.

Then she glanced towards the vacation homes, as a flock of gull’s took flight, something having upset them from their roost. While it didn’t really bother her, she did wonder what had disturbed their rest. The thought though was quickly discarded from her mind as she closed her eyes once more, focusing on enjoying the wonderful ocean breeze.

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) LzZCuy7
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) BtXe12b
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue0/0A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:02 pm
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Eot8js6VoAEzHIh-1-lern

Lerna had learned a lot when dealing with humans over the past four hundred years. From their penchant for schemeing and trickery, to the viciousness that they sometimes employed to survive despite their aptitude for feigning civility. So when she found herself being pulled into a meeting in such a ....... remote place. She couldn't help but smile to herself. Arriving in the center of the ruined city, she was a little impressed when she noticed those small hints of the operation. The subtle hints of human occupation. While it was true that the place was a roving wildlands of hollows and beasts twisted by reishi, that didn't mean there weren't people there. Individuals who thrived on the opportunity to be in a reishi-rich environment.

She stopped, pausing when she took a moment to look at her phone. Atrophy and vines had rid any notion of trying to read the signs, but according to the gps she was where she was supposed to be. She looked around and paused when at long last she noticed the person she had been tasked with meeting. A wiry man purportedly by the name of Sikes. He was already nervous. She could tell that from a distance, the way he anxiously fidgeted around as she walked closer.

"Deal's off. Something came up." He stated flatly.

The statement made her raise her brows and she put on a casual smile. "Oh really? That's a pretty far cry from when we talked with your b-" She was actually interrupted by the man suddenly pulling a piece from his waist, immediately she let her eyes shift to the blue capping at the end of the gun. "I SAID it's off! We got somethin to take care of." He asserted.

She paused, gently raising her hands disarmingly before putting on a calm smile. "Oh really? And why is that? I'm a little intrigued. You guys hav e a reputation after all." She chimed. And immediately she saw a glimmer of interest in the man's face. One that slowly turned into a knowing smirk.

These guys were known extremists. Fleshies. IT wasn't actually one group, but a scattering of various groups here and there. Humans, Quincy, and other various living folk that had .....particular feelings about spiritual beings putting their noses in the business of the living world. They hung around ruins and other blown out places where spiritual battles had taken place. SUPPOSEDLY they had tech to collect the leftover spirit energy. That was why she was here.

"We got a spook. Just outside of the city. A shinigami."[/color] He smirked. He knew what she was. These guys were paranoid, and so she'd had to give in a lot of information about herself to get them to agree to the meeting. Fuckers like them were not the kind of people you wanted to surprise.

That caused her to raise her brows slightly, intrigue showing on her face before she put on an unpleasant smirk. "Really? And how can you tell that?" She asked, clenching her hand into a fist. A gesture he seemed to notice. Clearly pleased with her reaction, he gestured for her to follow.

It was a long walk. None of the machinery worked as great around here, none of the infrastructure at least, so while they had equiptment, the elevators and such didn't work. So it was a long staircase up to the top of the nearest building, and a walk across several bridges they'd built between the buildings before finally she spotted a big group. All of them looking down scopes, binoculars, telescopes in one particular direction. Her own eyes lazed off in that direction and she noticed it was the beach.

"Who the fuck is this?"
"She's cool. Ey, she's a MOD soul." Sikes informed the others, who all then put on excited little smiles as Sikes pointed her to one telescope. "Right down there."

She looked down and winced a little through the lens. It was.... a woman. The details were hard to make out, but she was clearly in a bikini. Some blonde. "Ain't that somethin? Taking a fuckin vacation next to a city these fuckin bitches let get wrecked. Like it's a fuckin tourist spot." She could HEAR the sheer hatred in the man's voice, none of them were even paying attention to her at this point, and she saw some of them opening up cases. What looked like a strange set of RPG launchers being taken out and propped up on the edge of the roof. "We're gonna give this spook the tanning of her life. You included."

She raised her brows, surprise registering on her face as she turned her head and glanced at him. His hand was on the handle of his sidearm. Charming. "You came here to do business right? We don't do biz with just anybody. Besides, how many opportunities you gonna get to blow a Shinigami away like this?" He asked slyly, like he was giving her some kind of gift.

She couldn't help but grin, showing all teeth. What a bunch of fucking idiots. USing what she could only assume were some sort of weapons they'd been TOLD would work on spirits. Had they even tested these fucking things? "You're right, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." She chimed, making her way over. The woman with the nearest weapon gladly held it out to her, pointing out the operating mechanism. She gently took it in her hands, getting a feel for it as Sikes smiled behind her. She could almost smell the sheer glee in his eyes.

What none of them saw was her roots spilling out from her fingertips, peeling away the metal from the weapon and fusing it to her fingers, along with reishi from the air, hardening her fingers. In the very next motion, her body twisted, her hand flashing out to SWIPE! Her open hand like a blade as it tore clean up from the woman's ribs ripping through her chest and all the way up to her clavicle as she twisted, her hand following through in that spinning sweep, tearing the throat out of the other nearest individual before she felt the muzzle press to her back.


Her body JERKED as she tumbled forward, The woman falling onto her back, sprayhing blood as the man she'd winged with her hand gurgled and dropped to the floor! She spun! Turning and finding Sikes giving her a disappointed look. "Fucking Ghost Lover." He practically snarled before he fired again. He was fast, VERY fast for a human! He pulled the trigger and she dodged to the side, that bullet ripping into the woman on the floor instead of her chest as she felt cracks slither along her back. Her hardened skin having only mostly taken the bullet.

She grabbed for the gun just as he KICKED, aiming for her chest! He was fast, but when his foot hit her, she bulled into it and SHOVED him onto the ground! Grabbing his ankle, she twisted, snapping the bones and making him Scream before she SHOVED down! His leg breaking as she rammed his own knee into his chest, caving it in.


FUCK! She turned just in time to see the last Fleshie aiming that rpg at her! She twisted as they fired. BOOM! It lanced straight past her, hit a vine-riddled car on the other side of the roof before it exploded! A Burst of heat and spiritual energy blasting the area and setting the roof on fire as she felt herself being thrown off the roof! Spinning as her body plummeted! She twisted and SLAMMED her hand into the side of the building! Instantly she found a window, hooked, and then was slammed in, her body crashiong through the window below it and almost feeling the tendons in her fingers snap as she was thrown into the building, tumbling through a plant-infested office space before coming to a stop, coughing as she got up.

"What the FUCK?!"

Shit. She hissed as she heard a voice in the hallway! A man came rifle-firstg into the room, just before a hollow's face CRASHED through the wall! A CHOMP onto the man's arm and shoulder, promptly screaming as he pulled out a sidearm and began shooting the hollow in the head! The beast screamed out, releasing the man as it fell back. That was Lerna's cue to charge through a cubicle and SLAM her shoulder into him, barreling him into the hollow, and then both of them out of the wall it had come in through! Allofasudden she was falling again, and by sheer luck she managed to get the hollow and the man down beneath her when they finally landed and CRUNCHED a car! Her own body bouncing off the man as several snapping noises sounded all over his body, an the landed on the pavement as similar sounds of carnage began to sound off in all of the surrounding buildings! While that weird modified rpg certainly HAD worked. The smell of a spiritual discharge had gotten the attention of the hollows. What did they fucking put HOLLOW bait in those rockets?!

She grunted, peeling herself off the ground and brushing glass off herself. All intact? All intact. Thanks in no small part to having hardened her skin before making that move of hers. Still, she could already see more hollows closing in, and she coulnd't help but snort to herself. "Fuck me sideways."" She grumbled before grabbing the door of a car and ripping it off it's hinge as a weapon. That stupid shinigami better be hot. She thought to herself.
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:16 pm
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) 6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

”Explosions?” Her picturesque getaway in the middle of suburban armaggeddon had been interrupted by the sound of rockets going off in the not-so-faraway distance… Then there was the screaming, and hollow noises.

”Technically… you’re still on duty Mag--hold on, what’re you doing?.” The rumble in her mind was slow.. Begrudging almost even, like, her zanpakuto spirit almost felt.. Bad for her? Until his owner started stripping that is.

”I’m not ruining this bikini, it’s one of shuten’s favorites.” Magnolia’s tone was brusque and matter of fact. As if she wasn’t about to wade into battle with her unmentionables in full display solely because she’d undoubtedly end up that way when the wind pressure interacted with the lacie 2 bit she had been wearing.

”Yo-.. You’re going into battle against our sworn enemies.. Naked??” Resignation and defeat flavored her zanpakuto’s voice, even as more explosions occurred in the distance.

”Wait.. Coconuts. Use the coconuts!! That's it!” It was as if Raijin had found salvation, the spirit positively begging her to wear something if she was going to insist on combating the hollow menace. Flash forward a few minutes, and Magnolia was decked out in some coconuts and fronds. Even though they would undoubtedly end up shredded to, whatever right?

”Can we go now you big baby?” Magnolia grumbled, unsheathing her twin scimitar before launching off the sand, disappearing in a crackle of electricity. After which, atleast to Lerna, it would appear as if the blonde she had originally seen had appeared in the middle of the air, her foot extended high over her head.

”Well, let's play kiddies'' the voice was sensual, like a purr as a wild, almost feral grin that showed all her pearly white teeth blossomed across her lips, her hair a wild halo that whipped in the wind. With a loud shout of excitement, her foot snapped down on the hollow’s head. In the few fractions of a second following that one simple action, if one slowed down time, they might see the way a ripple flowed through the entirety of the hollows body, before inevitably it’s neck was dislodged downwards, every bone in it’s torso and legs turning to sludge as it was forced down into the ground, pavement and earth displaced outward and upward around it’s wrecked form.

Once the hollow had been dispatched and Magnolia’s feet firmly had touched pavement, her golden eyes finally had time to survey the carnage in front of her. A body was crumpled atop a modern vehicle, something that looked like a weird shoe with wheels on it to magnolia. A woman stood a little ways away from that with a.. Door?

It took a few seconds to register, but scrutinizing the girl even further she realized that.. They looked the exact same. But.. the Her of this reality was dead and gone, so.. How? Before her mind tied itself into knots trying to comprehend this, the oncoming cry of more hollow drew her attention from the conundrum, and she flashed forward, her scimitar drawing a clean silver crescent across the neck of a hollow that had scuttled out of one of the submerged subway accesses. The accompanied spray of juices spattered across the majority of Magnolia’s torso, staining it with purple fluid as she shouted over her shoulder.

”Hey, while i’m sure we’ll get real cozy as you explain to me exactly what happened here later, are you capable of protecting yourself while we sort this idiocy here?” Magnolia’s tone was flint and steel as she shouted, her foot scything around to knock the dissipating hollow body into another with enough force to shatter it’s mask completely.

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) LzZCuy7
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) BtXe12b
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue0/0A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:23 pm
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Eot8js6VoAEzHIh-1-lern

The sudden blitz of motion caught her eye. Her brows raising as she noticed that sudden....what?! She was startled, her eyes wide when she saw what looked like someone who could pass for her twin sister suddenly zipping in out of nowhere to heel drop a hollow to death! She stared, almost too distracted to notice the hollow that was rushing in to her side. With a sudden SWGIN she used that car door like an axe, the metal edge shredding messily through the hollow's body as it was swung with that heavy force, a loud splatter onto the ground as it screamed, shuddering to the ground as it dropped to it's side.

Another twist and she slammed, using the door like a shield to bash and knock another hollow to the ground. It's head slamming and cratering into the ground slightly as Lerna spotted the nearby buildings coming abuzz! The flash of scopes catching her eye. "Who the fuck're you cutie?! Look I don't know what beautiful gene pool you done swam out of, but don't go using any fancy shit alright?! We got enough of these things as it is!" She hissed as she leapt up, standing on a car between the muzzles and Magnolia, having no real idea how well the woman could take bullets meant for killing hollows.

PAPAPAPAPAPAPAPA! The air suddenly roared with the crackle of gunfire, as the human gang promptly opened up on both women as well as the hollows! The Car door peppered with shallow holes as the gunfire popped the window, Lerna's own hardened body cracking as a few shots hit her through the door, but hardly managed to get much penetration. As the men from the upper levels of the buildings fired, another set of men ran off to the side, trying to circle around the women and the hollows being shot at, one of those RPGs in hand.

Lerna however was too distracted with the gunfire, the hollows that hadn't already been stomped by the woman promptly being shot to death by the concentrated fire. It wasn't the sort of random peppering of bullets like in the movies. Each and every muzzle was firmly trained on a target, gunning them down, and then refocusing when their target went down. Lerna herself was forced to tumble back, dropping behind a ruined truck as she spun and then THREW the car door! That hunk of metal slicing into one of the buildings, causing a loud cry! She was not that great a throw, or well, not a superhuman one. So rather than killing the man, the door had simply shorn the man's leg and a portion of his hop away from the rest of his body in passing, causing him to scream as he dropped.

"They hate spirits! I dunno what kinda rules you got but those fuckers gotta die!" She called out to Magnolia. Just before a few little THUNKS sounded near the women. She spotted what looked like a little black pineapple, and in a panic she KICKED it! It shot up into the air, leaving MAgnolia to deal with the one that landed near her before those spirit grenades promptly BURST! Exploding in a burst of blueish white flames. Up in the sky, the sky was beginning to distort, little ripples and wrinkles forming as the continued use of those infused explosions began to draw attention.

Lerna herself was thrown through a car window, grunting as she suddenly wound up in the backseat of a Civic, grunting softly as it seemed the gunfire had died down, as all the smoke and debris didn't offer the men up in the buildings solid targets to fire at. Though there were still some random sprays here and there, as if to make sure she couldn't just leave cover safely. Ughhhhh, fuck. She could feel sections of her Root Shell was starting to break, and she had to concentrate to mend it, closing up the cracks in her skin and peering out the dirty window. Fuck. Of all the times to have to be getting shot at it was when there was a naked twin of her leaping around like a goddamn amazon.
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:51 pm
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) 6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

”Mag, it looks like you have some gnats buzzing about you.”

The loud cacophony of gunfire pinged like tympany, it’s glowing sparks bursts of iridescent white in the backdrop of the pandemonium spreading before them. The girl with the door quipped about her beautiful gene pool, and despite herself a wild and free laugh bubbled up from deep within Magnolia’s chest.

”It’s a long story lady.” Magnolia’s voice cut through the chaos like a knife through hot butter, it’s boisterous nature free and unfettered as the woman leapt up into a window, bullets illuminated the shadow of her path as her swords flitted too and fro, phantom trails of gleaming silver that were marred by brilliant sparks of white-gold as they collided with gunfire. Then when she got close, her swords turned man and woman into a blender of bifurcated body parts. The walls and ceilings quickly begin being painted red in high-powered arterial spray.

”No, No, Please!!!! Auuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhh” The broken screams of one of the skin-flints rose to a grating squeal before Magnolia’s blade severed their head clean from the body it had laid on. Around this time her eyes drifted to the strange pineapple like object that had gone sailing through the window. She didn’t know what it was, but as the air began to grow with reiryoku, she figured that it couldn’t be anything good.

Leaping across the way to the other set of buildings, Magnolia’s body spun like a top in the air, her foot scything around to slam in the side of the building with enough force that the entire thing just.. Exploded. Gurgling screams coming from the bodies that were crushed in the twisted wreckage of cement and metal that was launched across the townscape in many different little fragments.

Landing next to the woman who looked like her, caked from head to toe in brilliant red, Magnolia asked as she looked her up and down, head to toe in their moment of respite, the overlooked goon on the rooftop with the rpg slowly army-crawling to a new spot to “take his shot” unbeknownst to the two of them.

”Are you okay?” Magnolia asked, her eyes taking in the faint cracks that adorned the woman's bodice, even as they were regenerating, then to the horde of hollows that had begun to form in front of them. A sigh escaped her lips as she muttered to herself.

”I wasn’t wanting to do this, because i didn’t want to destroy the town.”

As magnolia set her swords at her feet and reached out, thunder began to congeal from the skies, a white-hot glow forming upon the surface of her palm. This glow would begin to stretch, electricity arcing to the ground to create smoldering spots in the pavement around them. The very air itself would become charged with electricity as by the end of it a ten foot long bolt of pure electricity crackled within the confines of Magnolia’s hand. After, the woman grinned, adopted a javaliners pose and said.

”Chew on this you ugly bastards.”

Then with a throw that would put even the best major league pitcher to shame, she hurled the ten foot lightning bolt into the oncoming horde of hollows, a blinding white light accompanied by a deafening roar. In the aftermath, there would only be a crater, approximately the size of a city block in its wake, not a spec of the hollows that had swarmed here remaining. For a moment only the sound of gurling water remained, as water from the subterranean network of sewer tunnels and subway accesses flooded to fill the hole, the roar of water building as more and more water flowed out of the vast underground network to create a new pond.

Yet even this would only be a moment's respite, the far off roar of hollows becoming more numerous, and prominent in the outermost reaches of the city, having been drawn inward by the spike in reiryoku, and the noise of the explosion.

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) LzZCuy7
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) BtXe12b
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Joined : 2021-06-04
Posts : 4179

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:14 pm
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Eot8js6VoAEzHIh-1-lern

Lerna was .....well not surprised to see the Shinigami start zipping around and using her blades like a handheld blender. Not that she was putting much of her focus away from the actual fight itself. With most of them gone, she took a moment to catch her breath and paused to look in the direction of the other blonde, now slightly redheaded thanks to the blood caking her body. She whistled appreciatively for a moment. Their Physiques were a bit different, Lerna really wasn't as ....toned as Magnolia seemed to be, but she could definitely appreciate the look to say the least.

And then she saw her turn and ready that lance. And seeing it fly off before Detonating, her whole body went TENSE as she saw the sheer ammount of destruction that was unleashed! And she immediately TENSED. WHAT IF HER SHIT WAS OVER THERE?! She cursed under her breath, shaking her head as she hoped that those fucking Fleshies didn't have anything important over there that she could have looted. A sigh escaping her as she ALSO sensed the sudden hitch in hollow activity. And she saw those rifts up in the sky start to tear open. The low growl of deep groaning wails as glowing eyes peered from above. Fuck.

She tensed up and attempted to grab the woman by the arm. "Yo, I know that probably felt really fuckin good, but we need to get the fuck out of here before this becomes more trouble than it's worth. Let's bounce!" She attempted to ....advise the woman, keeping her tone from anything akin to an order, leaning more to an appeal. She didn't know how unstable this woman is, but seeing that almost whimsical expulsion of strength already had her concerned. For one, this city had a lot that could be gotten, even in its state, and she didn't want to lose out on that shit. Not only that, but the immediate threats had been dealt with. She just hoped the shinigami would listen.
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:31 am
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) 6EdIfMt

Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

The scent of ozone and the metallic tang of blood were a noxious, familiar cocktail upon Magnolia’s nose. For a moment, the woman simply stared out at the destruction she had wrought, and the blood that had already begun to dry and flake on her hands. ”Blood always flows like rain, doesn’t it Raijin?” Magnolia’s thoughts reached out to the spirit that lay within her, her closest, dearest confidant.

” Yes Magpie, and like the rain it all flows away. Do not lose sight of the beauty that lingers beyond the downpour.” Raijin’s tenor timbre was rich, kind, and gentle in the expanse of her mind. With it’s calming words, the bloodthirst that gleamed in her golden eyes dulled, and she closed them for a moment. Then she inhaled deeply, sucking in large lungfuls of air before exhaling them back out again. She had almost allowed herself to be lulled into the rhythm that sang in that deadly dance known as battle. ”yes, she’s right, we should leave.”

Magnolia was still getting used to the idea that this universe was intrinsically balanced by the fluctuation of souls that flowed through it. Be it the living, the dead, or those that were lost in between. While the slaughtering of a few hollows posed no problem for her, the larger repercussions of her simply offing large droves of hollows could cause small levels of impact to the balance. That was something she could not allow to happen.

The roars of hollow only grew louder the longer she stood there, and so with a sigh Magnolia turned around on heel to face her dopple. The wild exuberance that had been aglow across Magnolia’s features had dimmed at this point, and all that was left of it was a glint of steel in her gaze. Her posture still projected the undertones of strength, ferocity, and dominance. Everything about her screamed it, and in part that was because that was who Magnolia was.

Her dopples hand still lay against her bicep, and Magnolia stared at it briefly before her gaze slid up to study the face of the woman it belonged to. She still couldn’t get over how she looked, it was the exact same as she did! Her expression softened some as she said, with her eyes focusing on the yawning rifts that had already begun to form in the sky above.

”You’re right. We’re going to leave for now until everything calms down. If you have any stuff here we can come back for it later.” Her tone was direct, firm, and blunt. She had no clue exactly why this individual had been here, but the situation would only continue to deteriorate the longer they stayed.

”Pardon me, i’m going to move us elsewhere.” Magnolia slung an arm around Lerna, and with a slight noise the two of them vanished as Magnolia utilized shunpo to transport them back to the beach she had been lounging on before all of this chaos had started.

Removing her arm from around her newest companion, Magnolia made her way over to where she had been perched in the sand. She’d squat down, sheathing Raijin back in his twin scabbards before rising back up.

”My apologies in advance.” Magnolia said, given her knowledge that people of this world for some odd reason acted strangely in the face of nudity. Then unceremoniously she ripped the final vestiges of her makeshift attire off and made her way to the ocean to wash away the blood that had coated her from the spat she had found herself in.

”So why were you out here in the first place? If my knowledge of earth is correct, anywhere other than walled cities are covered by desolate, hollow-infested wastelands.” Magnolia called over her shoulder as she worked out clumps of blood from her hair with her fingers, the cool ocean water coming up to her neck as she had nearly fully submerged herself by sitting down within it’s cold, briney embrace.

”And can you tell me more about the other people who were with you?” Magnolia called over her shoulder once more after a few moments had passed since she had voiced her first question, then she exhaled, and chuckled ruefully to herself.

”I just realized I've been being terribly rude. I’m Magnolia.” Magnolia said, finally introducing herself to this strange look-a-like of hers.

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) LzZCuy7
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) BtXe12b
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue0/0A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:24 am
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Eot8js6VoAEzHIh-1-lern

It took a moment for the woman to pull their attention away from the destruction they'd caused, and she couldn't help but wonder whazt the heck was going through their mind. Her own eyes darting around to the distortions. It was going to be a pain in the ass, but at least this wasn't a populated area. Then, just as quickly, the Blonde seemed to snap out of it, catching Lerna by surprise when she felt the arm slide around her and they were suddenly jarred off into the direction of....the beach?

When they finally arrived, Lerna paused, blinking owlishly for just a moment as she looked around. Wasn't this..... This was the spot she'd seen through the scope. Well, TECHNICALLY the area they had used to scope the area was gone, so they were safe for now... All the same she looked over her shoulder at the massess of hollows in the distance. At least until the other version of her spoke up. Her brows raised just a little and then bfore she knew it, the Shinigami was stripping down. Lerna's brows raised, looking over the woman. It was ....weird to be sure. On one hand... this was the body she saw like every day. But on the other hand, seeing it on someone else was.....huh.

"We're adults, yer fine. Nice bod through bye the way." She noted, just instinctively at that. Was this some form of narcissism? She hardly cared. Making her way over to the water she peeled her clothing off and waded in as well, rinsing herself off before returning to shore and then bunching her clothes up. Slowly, the blood simply was drained from those clothes. Injecting her roots, she focused, narrowing her eyes as she slowly dragged and absorbed the blood, fusing it to her skin, adding it to her Root Shell, and in the process, removing it from her clothing, leaving them unblemished by the blood, or well...for the most part. She'd have to do a more thorough job of it later, but at least it wouldn't look like she'd walked into a butcher shop.

That question made her pause, raising a brow as she looked over her shoulder at the other woman from where she had squatted, still holding her clothes. "Nice to meet you too, name's Lerna." She noted, a mild bit of sass before she tossed her now mostly-clean clothes to the side and then slipped back into the water, peering a little at Magnolia for a moment before she answered. "Business. Some people were living in the ruins, there's a lot of shit here that people left behind. They said they had shit to buy. Did NOT expect that shit to be a buncha reishi-infused weaponry. Also they had a bead on your little beach spot here. Though the building they did it from is now gone. Those little RPGs of theirs were aimed right at ya. Whoever they were, they didn't like shinigami. And as much as it wasn't my business, the last thing I needed was to be around when a Shinigami got blown up. So I...." Her mind flashed back to the feeling of her hand cleaving through flesh. "....expressed my displeasure. And it broke out into a fight." She explained.

Though she did pause a little when more questions came, and then of course, the woman got around to introducing herself. She smirked just a little. "No problem hot stuff. Really aughta smile more though. Our face doesn't go well with a frown." She pointed out before she began wading out of the water. "As for those guys? Some gang that lives out in these ruins. Real fuckers. Not a fan of spirituals. I haven't exactly read any of their info pamphlets but more or less they want Spiritual beings the fuck off earth. But they tend to get their hands on some neat shit so I was hoping to trade with them. Just didn't expect a shinigami to be around." She paused, ayeing Magnolia and grinning.

"No less the War-goddess that I wound up meeting. That was some solid moves. Even if you kinda iced a whole block at the end there. Always liked the shpiel you Shinigami had going on." She smiled calmly. Of course she gave no indication of what she was. She didn't know this girl quite well enough to go outing herself as a mod soul. For now she would play it calm and casual, and go from there.

"So....we uh....both seem kinda similar-lookin. This like....some kinda Parent Trap kinda situation? You don't SEEM british. " She joked, bringing up the double blonde elephant in the room. Eyeing magnolia up and down. They had slightly different heighty, but even their proportions seemed pretty close to eachother. Spooky. "Either way, that was exhausting. You wanna go get hella drunk? We can swap stories over a pint. I really could use a drink."
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue59000/99999A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:24 am

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) 6EdIfMt

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”Nice bod? Does she mean my body?” Magnolia thought faintly as she worked the crusted layers of blood and grime off of herself. It took some time, and thankfully time was something that she had plenty to spare. Methodically working through the muck gave her time to quietly listen to what her look a like had to say for her, and boy there was quite a bit of information to take in there. Human radicals that had gotten ahold of spiritual tech. That was something she didn’t expect. Her head spun as she tried to take in some of the more foreign terms, such as Iced, etc.

”Well, I know you asked, but this woman certainly is a talker isn’t she Magpie?” Raijin commented with the faintest of chuckles rumbling deep within her inner world.

Finally, Magnolia had enough of an idea of everything to begin formulating her response. Lips parting she’d eventually say.

”Well, I had no clue that I’d be having such an interesting encounter either. I came out her initially to take a nap and enjoy the sunlight and ocean. “ Magnolia’s words were laced with a tinge of wistful longing. As if such a mundane thing was all she really wanted right now, which honestly wasn’t too far off the mark. Still, as encounters went this one at least was continuing to keep her interest. She hadn’t met someone quite like the woman before her, be it the mannerisms, or how she had absorbed the blood that had been on her clothing.

Then there was the little bit of sass, always welcome, especially in strange and stressful situations like this one. As Lerna had begun to wade into the water, Magnolia’s lips pursed in thought.

”I don’t like that humans are figuring out how to get ahold of weapons that can affect the supernatural world. It’s dangerous and unsafe, do you have a clue where they’re acquiring such weaponry from?”
Magnolia finally asked her golden gaze flicking sidelong to look at Lerna, her expression quizzical in nature. After all, if she knew, that would be more information that Magnolia could pass along to the captain of squad seven.

Then, the woman started talking about more stuff that just flew completely over the Shinigami’s head. Something about trapping parents? The kind of glassy stare Lerna would get in return as Magnolia tried to figure out how trapping parents could have something to do with the oddness of how similar they looked continued to elude the woman. Maybe this was more of the earthling lingo she had been trying to accustom herself to to seem more approachable to the younger generation? Still.. The woman swallowed before volunteering more information on their.. Odd situation.

”I’ve met one other person who shared this phenomina. They no longer exist.” Magnolia stated, before she tugged her bottom lip into her mouth to chew on it, rocking it against her perfectly straight teeth.

She didn’t know exactly what was going on here, beyond the worriing bit on the humans, and this woman whose likeness was dredging up bad memories for her. Still.. The woman pondered more as she turned around to wade out of the water, her feet padding lightly against the warm sand over to her strappy black two piece. Shimmying it on, she’d glance over her shoulder as lerna asked if she wanted to get drunk. That, was territory she was more familiar with, and the woman would grin slightly before saying.

”Sure, lets get wasted, on one condition though.” The woman turned around and held up a single finger, wagging it back and forth with a little bit of sassy emphasis of her own. She’d let a pregnant pause linger for a few moments more before saying.

”Please explain earth lingo to me please. Half of the words you said make absolutely no sense to me, and you get to choose the bar.”

”Ah well, never a dull moment was there?” Magnolia thought ruefully to herself.

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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) LzZCuy7
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) BtXe12b
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A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Left_bar_bleue0/0A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Empty Re: A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia)

Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:27 am
A looking glass, upon a balmy breeze. (Lerna/Magnolia) Eot8js6VoAEzHIh-1-lern

Lerna raised a brow at that and nodded. Just a vacation.... she recalled the hateful derisions she'd heard from the group itself. "A hell of a place to go relaxing." She murmured, looking toward the city, seeing the small wafts of smoke and such from the destruction that had gone on. But ultimately, the damage that had done would be miniscule in the grand scheme of the massive wrecked city. Why would the woman come here to relax? She looked over her shoulder. Hah.

"Is it a surprise? Almost the entire planet has some level of spiritual power. It was only a matter of time before they began to make something that even a human with barely any spiritual awareness could use. As for suppliers that's the kicker. Supposedly they make it themselves. They purportedly get Quincy help Or at least, someone familiar with Quincy.....knowledge?" She waved a hand. She knew that stuff was all technical. Quincy could make other quincy just by teaching them a few things.

She followed Magnolia back onto the shore but didn't bother getting redressed, tossing her outfit into the sand and sighing as she closed her eyes. Enjoying the sun on her skin as she looked out to the rest of the beach. She couldn't help but smirk a little when they agreed, but insisted on the explanation. "For serious? Well alright. Uhhhh What parts didn't you understand?" She asked, taking a moment to help....explain Magnolia through the bits of slang she'd used.

Though at the mention of a bar, she snorted, grinning. "Who said anything about a bar? MY stuff is stashed nearby. A nice couple bottles to celebrate a successful deal. This was SUPPOSED to be a pretty big break for me. Was." She sighed, shaking her head. "Real pain in the ass trying to find someone worth working for. Gotta keep trying though right?" She reasoned, starting to lead Mag toward her things, assuming she agreed. A pause to look the other woman over again. Her brows knitting together as she picked out a few differences. Some variation of physique. Tone. Small things. But still, the fact that it WAS so close, any normal person would think them identical. Spooky.
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