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Desert Sun Empty Desert Sun

Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:41 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

The heat of the desserts was infamous in this region, the buildings made of wood clay and brick, reeds and straw used in some construction. It wasn't exactly a place with the technological advancements of Karakura. It was empty and forgotten in this heat and transitions to new, more populated areas. No Organization had laid claim upon this land. Sand had overtaken some of the homes, from storms and other incidents left to nature. Animals came and went through this part of the world—no human life or advanced culture to kill them.

The male's white shawl was up with only small blond hair strands showing along the sides. His height of six-foot was imposing to some people, though he'd seen bigger. Like that of the clear sky, his azure eyes searched the area before finally standing back to his full height and dropping sand on the ground. Nature needed to be considered in any discussion of the cycle.

He'd seen many different kinds of land in his life, those that flowed with life. And places life couldn't survive. That was the nature of the world they called home, and it had been for his entire life. He took in the scents around him; nature wasn't dead here. This was simply the lack of societies of humanoids. Not a bad or good thing in a way; it was peaceful and pleasant.

He brought his hands up, lowering the hood of his shawl now. It seemed that exploring the unoccupied locations as a visitor had some benefits. Ghislain knew better than to wave around his power. It was what Yhwach and Hulderic had done, and they were both dead. The ambitions of the past could still grip the future. Their species followed the first Emperor's way too close for him. He'd left the Vandenreich in Niflheim's hands, but now it was in another. Sofia had let the Demon he captured go as well.

The Vandenreich had changed without an Emperor, and Ghislain had cut the influence of Yhwach's connection to Quincy off. He never heard the end of; maybe it was time he and those two had a conversation again. Ghislain could converse with Yhwach and Hulderic for advice on occasion, but they were both difficult to trust. He looked out towards the miles of open desert, his thousands shifting with the sands.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:05 pm
Desert Sun COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

IT wouldn't take long for Ghislain to find a break in the monotony of the sands. Amidst those pale dunes, he would find something different. A streak of red across the sands. Blood. Surrounding a palce, white structure. Small. More like a small cabin than anything else. From a distance it might have been mistaken for wood or stone. But as one drew closer, the little thing was clearly made from bone. Smooth, flat and squared in a perfect cube save for the doorways held shut by large doors. Over 10 meters in height and width, the little spot seemed very out of place to say the least, especially with the mat of flesh and blood that made up the floor. Though that too was covered by a cracked, raised layer of bone with the red simply showing through .

It had taken some concentration to make grow properly, and within that little space Santa was already bored, slumped against the wall and folding her arms as she watched her 'Sister' do her thing. Stringing little threads of cracks in the air itself. Descorrer. The woman smiled to herself as she gently ran her nails through the air and slowly began to create thin, long, thread-like cracks in the air, distortions as she made short, thin little corridors from one spot within a small 5 meter radius to the other. Opening up holes into the same space, but in different directions. Slowly running off little threads from the cluster, and connecting more and more distant points, watching as the little pathways interacted with one another.

"I don't know how you can do that so much homie. It's been like, an hour." Santa complained grouchily, even as Ajora glanced toward the 'other' arrancar and smiled idly. Adoring that simple mindset, she could FEEL the discontent in the other woman. "Oh I know you're getting bored. Honestly you don't have to stay with me. Why don't you go find something more interesting to do for a while?" She ventured, though that only made Santa tense more.

"I'm not gonna just leave my sister all alone in a place like this. Just try and hurry." She murmured, stubbornly refusing before both women paused. The signature their Pesquisa had picked up was moving closer. It was coming their way.

"Should we go say Hi? It'll be a lot more fun than whatever you're doing." Santa pointed out hopefully, putting on a little smile, hopeful that Ajora would be interested enough to leave the little cube.

And yet, Ajora simply smiled warmly, reaching out and lightly poking the center of Santa's nose, making the taller woman cross her eyes before glancing in the direction of the signature. A calm smile shown. "Patience is a virtue. I'm sure if they want to say hello they will find us eventually." She assured Santa, glancing down to that little coljlection of tears in the air. Gently widening some of them, forming a geometric shape as she slowly widened them, testing to see how permissive the air was to her work. Her smile widening just a little more as she did. It was a simple test. To check the elasticity of the area. It was something she had surmised to do a long time ago, but had never gotten around to. And now she had thatg opportunity. To see if different areas on earth had greater or lesser malleability when it came to manipulating garganta. For now she was simply collecting information. But she surmised that areas with particularly high hollow traffic would have more malleable connections to the valley of screams.

Though she was almost done with her toying around. Her mind was now refocusing on this visitor. Intent on keeping a mental tab on them.

Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:48 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

The desert had more in it than he expected, his head turned towards the direction. It was faint, but blood was in the air. Had this village not been abandoned under the usual pretenses? His tracking expertise told him it was unlikely. He decided it would be better to head in that direction. Avoid confrontation were his inner thoughts. Ghislain knew that starting trouble here would reflect poorly on his current situation. So it was best not to do something like that actively. He wasn't the fastest at using Hiernkyaku, but he could cover some ground.

He went up into the sky, deciding ground level wasn't a clear vantage point. He felt his feet hit the flow of reishi beneath them. The reishi sent him barreling towards them with great speed. The smell of blood grew stronger as he got closer. Blood had always smelled like rust to him. Whenever he smelled it, the taste of water and iron hit his tongue. It was a familiar sensation that he'd become used to over the years.

As he drew closer, he saw the trial of visceral carnage. His eyes looked towards the destination. At first glance, a novice would mistake these materials for stone or perhaps white wood. The material chosen was bones; they were often brittle and unusable. From an architectural point, it was strange, as not many societies used that material. Though in human history, there had been people who'd done so. They were even using skin and other things to craft objects. It was a disgusting and despicable practice.

Ghislain's eyes began going over the structure, figuring out if danger lurked inside. Had anyone been taken to that place unwillingly. A dialog would have to be the key here, but going to ground level was out of the question. He couldn't tell if someone set traps in advance. "Any chance those inside this rural cabin would come out?" Ghislain wasn't willing to fire a shot just yet at them. Destroying it wouldn't be an issue, but innocent people could be involved. Also, firing any attacks in the neutral territory would look poorly on Inami and Sing.

He brought his arms upward and prepared to defend himself just in case. Ghislain's power was a very diverse one that he could apply widely. A defense would be his only action taken here; fighting back would be trouble. But hopefully, he wasn't jumping to conclusions.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:55 pm
Desert Sun COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

The sudden closing in did catch Santa's attention, the woman perking up and standing upright, an immediate smile on her face. SOMEONE STRONG! But Ajora waved a hand to the woman, keeping the little shack from reacting. Of course, the structure even from the outside was .....bizarre. And if Ghis looked closely, he would find that the shack itself, while some bits of bone were ON it, the actual structure itself was not constructed from them. Not bones. But BONE. Clean, flat, even bone, as if some massive creature had had their bones shaved down into clean lines and material. Aside from the few assorted bones on the surface, the entire thing seemed cleanly cut from the stuff. Even MORE bizarre, was that there was no peeking marrow on one of the ends. It was as if the bone had simply grown this way.

Alas, when that voice called out, and from so high up, Ajora finally turned away from the little cluster of rifts. And then the viscera vanished. The bone cabin, all of it suddenly would begin to shift. And if the Quincy up in the air was the sort of man who could sense the spiritual signatures, he would find something....bizarre. He would sense a spiritual signature, but the same one. And as that bone construct began to move, he would feel that signature from within it. As if this entire area, were a single individual. The Garden twisted, the bone structure curled open and then shifted. What had seemed to be the remains of humans, simply coiled and collected, sloughing together as the construct stood up, the segments of block-like bone on it's body shifting and unfolding into random chunks before finally it all vanished, dissolving. That Signature then shifting back into the pair within, though a faint would be felt all around them. Radiating from them.

Santa almost instantly smiled, waving up to the strange man as Ajora simply relaxed behind her, watching him curiously as the taller woman spoke up. "Hi there! What brings you out here?" She asked, clearly eager to have someone to talk to and completely ignoring Ajora, who simply stood beside that little collection of descorrer slivers, letting Santa do the talking.

Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:58 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

It was with some surprise that he got a better view. This cabin was clean bone, and it didn't have any pieces or parts. His gaze looked over the sands below him, making note that the ground wasn't safe. Everything about the structure gave him an unsettling feeling along his spine. Spiritual spread the energy out further than he anticipated. Ghislain determined that the area below was festering as he stood on his platform. The trail he followed had indeed led here had been easy to follow. The mark of a kill or several always had been.

His lips pulled upwards into a smile as he felt some sincerity from one of them. At first glance, he looked to be twenty-something at best. But his eyes were what gave away the secret. If either girl looked hard enough into them, they'd realize someone ancient had appeared. However, it wasn't his desire to point out age or niceties of that nature.

"I was looking at a village not far from here. " He could ask them if they'd done it. He'd gotten so used to the macabre and violent in his time alive. The Quincy race had always been disgusted and vengeful against the Hollow race. Ghislain had no such issue with them and would regularly converse with them. So this display, while it would unnerve some beings, he regarded it calmly.

The cabin was their power, perhaps being used to shelter them. Basic needs were something every race had. Shelter, food, sleep these things weren't only human. So to regard what was home with disgust or some complex was meaningless. He rubbed his jaw, thinking about the power for a moment and the sand.

"That was an interesting display just now. May I inquire about your reason to be this far out in the desert?" No problem asking a question, he guessed. No actions Inami would deem dangerous to Kokuryuteshi's goals or beliefs. That was what he put through his mind as he conversed with the two beings.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:09 am
Desert Sun COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa was pleased when she got a responding wave from the man, even if it was rather hard to hear him. The distant echoes of his voice did make her frown just a little, concentrating in order to hear what it was he was saying. Why was he up there? And all the more, her own voice would barely reach up to such a height at that. "Why is he all the way up there? Should we head up there?" She asked, looking over her shoulder to her sister.

The woman in question couldn't help but just smile lightly, amused if nothing else at the situation, and Santa's own ignorance as to why a Quincy would want to stay far away from them. But she hardly minded the notion. Instead, she reached up, and gently allowed flesh to bloom from her palm. Brilliant muscle crawling out from her palm before unfolding in thin bony slates, feathers made from that pure white as the fleshy thing was formed. A Raven made from viscera. Plated in white bone. It promptly hopped off her palm and flew it's way up to the man, stopping a good 20 meters from him, it's voice rasping out to the man. "We're terribly sorry if our little.....shack cause you to be Wary. But by all means, you should come down. We have no intentions of harming you." The Raven would croak.

Ajora of course hardly expected him to come down. Come down closer? Perhaps, but other than that, they may just have to communicate via Raven. She allowed those little rifts to close up. "But by all means, if you wish to remain where you are, we can speak through the Bird instead." She assured him. After all, she didn't want to go trying to twist any arms.

Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:12 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His eyes looked at the arrival of the viscera raven, its wings of a nightmarish design. Ghislain thought about it and decided it was best ot head down now. Fighting would be avoidable hopefully; if not, he could use his power defensively. He stepped off his platform, landing on another bit of Reishi before coming down to ground level. Ghislain's shawl flapped in the wind as small bits of black energy came off his body. Using his power, let a small bit of the darker energy come off his body.

His gaze fell on them as he stood two arm's length away from the figures. Ghislain's posture was normal for anyone. The fact was he could defend himself from above or below. But hopefully, it didn't turn into one of those situations. Inami would be likely be displeased if that turned out to be the case. Ghislain's senses went over the area for safety again. They'd not answered his prior question on the reason they were out here. Iraq was vast; what made them select this place? He couldn't help but wonder as to what drew them. Certainly, Ghislain could find hollows on earth living normal lives. Some did it better, and others did poorly, though not mindless.

Though he'd not yet examined them completely, he determined some level of life. His mouth kept a slight smile on it as he arrived below. What they thought was him being careful due to the home was correct. But not for the reason they'd imagine. Ghislain was recently hired on retainer for the Kokuryuteshi Empire. It would be poor of him to fight someone in an unclaimed area. Diplomatically handling things was the preferred method.

The age where barbarians ran in and claimed land like the Vikings or others had passed. They lived in a society, after all.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:40 pm
Desert Sun COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa couldn't help but smile brightly, not even the tiniest reservation as she gave a little peace sign to the man as he descended. "Ah Hey there shawty! Welcome toooooooo, well alright the crib is gone. But hello!" She greeted him, promptly holding her hand out to receive a high five! Not even the tiniest regard for social norm or any implications contact would have. A simple woman to be sure. Almost immediately seeming to be considering the man friendly.

Something that amused Ajora, the woman smiling all the more calmly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore your question. We're simply here for some fresh air. And a bit of experimentation. I was simply curious to see how things were in an area without hollows or humans roaming around the place. Though I have to admit, I didn't expect anyone to be out here." She pointed out. That smile still ever present. As no doubt Ghislain would feel a sortof tingle. He wouldn't feel the spiritual pressure JUST from the two women. HE would feel it all around himself. Even up in the air, it would have been slightly around him. Saturating the area. As if the woman was everywhere at once.

Santa just scoffed. "Sis is always trying weird stuff. Probaby why she's always hiding around places. My name's Santa bye the way. Santa Estallar. This is my sister Ajora." She explained, folding her arms a little as she .....resisted the temptation to dip into more slang. "Sooooo, you were checking out a village. How come you came here?" She ventured, her head tilting.

Ajora raised a brow. "You seem a little .....lost." She pointed out.

Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:07 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain could feel the sensation around him, and it was like a blanket. Spiritual pressure covered the area, and the energy didn't come directly from them. Ghislain found the explanation suitable given the location. He'd come out here originally to see nature and how it functioned. But also something else, he wished to begin studying different environments for revitalization efforts. Their people had lost many in those two events. The time to perhaps reintroduce more Quincy was growing near. He was by no means a scientist or someone of that skill set. Ghislain would put that aside for now, deciding to give them an answer.

"My name is Ghislain Eberhart; it is a pleasure to make your acquittance. " He said, offering a somewhat polite greeting despite racial differences. The display of power was intriguing and did usher in more questions. However, he would admonish himself if he didn't provide answers. "I came here to study the environment and see how life was doing here. I've not been through this country in many years." When the question of his arrival to them came, he was happy to explain it.

"I smelled the blood in the air; I decided to follow it to see what had happened." He kept a rather neutral appearance though a smile was present. Ghislain didn't wretch in disgust as others did. The power was interesting on several levels. His own wasn't exactly pleasant to look at, for people sometimes. Dark Matter wasn't something you could explain over dinner and wine. He'd decided that it was best to let that discussion die.

He rubbed at his chin, considering the depth and size of the power. It was interesting in a sense; he could display power if he were a child. But he didn't believe such pleasant conversation needed that barbaric display, so while he was curious about the power.

"I would say you selected excellent testing grounds for it. Aside from the abandoned village, no trace of human life has come to this desert. Nature has done a job of retaking the place."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:54 pm
Desert Sun COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa perked up a bit at that and let out a soft Pbtbtbbt noise, blowing a raspberry when she heard what it was that Ghis was doing out here. "Seems kinda ....weird for one of you guys to be doing. Why would you care about some random desert?" She asked with slightly furrowed brows, leaning to the side and shifting her weight a bit as she eyed the man. She didn't trust it, the reasoning definitely smelling a bit fishy for her. After all, weren't those research things like big operations in the movies?

Ajora couldn't help but chuckle just a little. "Forgive my sister. I must however admit I share her surprise that a place such as this would hold your interest." She noted with.... a thoughtful pause. She idly walked past Santa, approaching the man before stopping a short distance from him and tilting her head to the side. "I admit, when I first saw you walking through here. As I said before. You seemed lost, but not quite ....literally. You say that you've been prospecting the land here. Why is that exactly?" She inquired, gently folding her hands as she waited for the man's answer.
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