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Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:12 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain could understand the confusion; what brought him here? A Quincy of all creatures out in a desert. The answer was less exciting and mysterious but did have a tale behind it. "No need for an apology; your sister is fantastic as she is. To answer your question, I have a keen interest in archeological sites. My interest does extend to abandon villages or things like that." He said, nodding as a smile formed across his lips. Ghislain adored studying everything he could. His hunger for older culture came from being older.

Treasures from his period were rare in this day and age. "I also like looking to find pieces of culture tied to my people. But also, I am over five thousand years old. Some of these places I visit or come to were drastically different upon my last visit." Ghislain said, admitting that the changes in the time were there. He couldn't stop the time, and it was a fluent terror that destroyed or preserved as intended. Nozomi, Yhwach, and other names left marks on history. They went to many different places and left a mark.

Sometimes he would go places and see if that mark remained. Other times were locations his wife and he visited. Though she was long since dead, they brought fond memories. So his reasoning wasn't just for some data hunt or something like that. It was very complicated and even convoluted if one thought about it. Relics of the past often did survive well in this region.

Deserts in Egypt had done a fine job of keeping many artifacts in excellent condition.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:32 pm
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Santa smirked, puffing her chest out, clearly her ego was fed just a little by the man's comments, giving Ajora a smug look for a moment as Ajora herself simply avoided her sister's gaze for the time being. Though Santa didn't let it go, leaning over and towering over Ajora. "Hear that sis? I'm Fantastic." She hummed, making faces at her sister even as Ajora took her time to consider the man's comments.

Hmmm. "Is that right?" She asked quietly, closing her eyes as she imagined such a thing. Thought back to her own decisions, her eyes opening to glance in Santa's direction for just a moment. And for just an instant she reveled in the smug, innocent joy she felt from the woman. That bright face..... so basking in such small praises and little words that she herself could ..... never so appreciate. Not knowing what she did. Not when she looked up to the sky and knew what lie beyond that thin blue veil, knew just how insignificant even such a seemingly massive desert like this could be.

"Five thousand years. What a terribly long time to be alive. I can only imagine how heavily your memories must weigh on you." She noted quietly, closing her eyes and tapping her chin for a moment, turning and looking around. "When you say your people. You mean the Quincy.... do you not? I would be surprised that they would leave many behind. IN most cases.....the end of their lives are swift and ....unpleasant in the past. I can't imagine much is left behind. Nor can I imagine the disappointment one must feel when finding the ruins of what one's people once were." She noted slowly, carefully, thoughtfully.

"And so you come to a place like this." She turned and gave him a rueful smile. As if understanding just what such pains might be. There were no shortage of remnants of the arrancar strewn around the places they had been driven from. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling a little aren't I? suffice to say I'm afraid nother me nor my Sister have found any such villages about."

Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:36 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain's gaze watched the girl boast proudly for her compliment. If only it were that easy to please everyone. The world would have been a much simpler and more manageable place. His digits played along the edges of the round locket he wore. By contrast, her sister seemed to understand. Ghislain was ancient by most standards, not even just Quincy. He was a survivor of a period that died off so long ago.

"I suppose it is; memories can be a curse or a blessing. " He said, considering his memories carefully for a moment. One stuck out, one time period more than any other. It wasn't the days when Yhwach ruled them or Nozomi's lessons. Nor was it the time their people were genocide happened. It was 90 years spent with his wife. The others weren't as meaningful or beloved as those.

"The Quincy, my people are a complicated race in some ways. They bring about their ruin by reaching for the sun with wax wings." A human tale indeed, but Icarus shared much in common with Quincy in Ghislain's mind as he'd grown older. They picked fights and held such foolish beliefs. Pride and arrogance were a downfall they'd suffered. Yhwach was evidence of it, and the man proclaimed himself a god.

"Walking through ruins of what once was a culture I knew, it is a strange feeling. I suppose it's akin to going home and seeing your home knocked down or changed. I can only hope the current leadership does nothing rashly. " Ghislain said with some concern, Niflheim he trusted this new person he didn't even know.

"Nay, your sister nor you owe any such apologies. In some sense, I suppose my curse is to wander and watch my people; I suppose she would want that."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:51 pm
Desert Sun - Page 2 COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa frowned, seeming a little put off by all of this sad talk. She thought for a moment about her own sadness, her own pains and the like. But in the end, she had also learned that such things were temporary. She lost friends, but she was always able to make new ones wasn't she? So long as she kept reaching out and making more friends, she'd never have to run out of them. She smiled, pleased with her own logic at having presumably solved such a conundrum.

A childish solution that Ajora could feel in the back of her mind, chuckling a bit to herself as she folded her arms, listening for a moment as Ghislain laid out his thoughts. She tapped at her chin. "And yet, here you are. You remain. Which means that you did not, presumably, play a part. You wander these sands as if you had some calling. If the Quincy were truly so doomed, then you would have simply given up. Headed out and looked for a life that would simply suit you. However. You act as if you owe your race something. Do you owe them something?" She asked curiously, letting her head tilt a bit to the side. Watching him as she did, her stance and voice perfectly calm.

"From time to time. I wonder if I should have helped my fellows. During the whole Aizen Fiasco. When the wealth of hollows moved to take over earth. And yet what did that earn us? Subjugation under another boot. We are hunted by humans because of the fear they have of dying. And the Shinigami hunt us because of our effect on the balance. At times I could not help but wonder if perhaps there simply WAS no balance that we might be left alone. Or rather that at least things wouldn't be so hard." She sighed, before looking back to Ghislain.

"The balance, is, after all, why the Quincy have been wiped out as well, is it not? Though I suppose the worlds falling apart is hardly a good alternative. I HAVE always wished that things could simply be more........stable. Thus my research." She smiled, gently tapping her finger on the air, peeling the space open again. "I've always wondered how the balance was truly structured. Wondered if it could be fortified. We Hollows manipulate space and move more freely than any other race. We can form zanpaku'to of our own accord. And we can actually CONTROL lesser hollows. I've always wondered if perhaps the shinigami shared the method for purifying us, if we might simply be able to govern ourselves. But that is unlikely. And so my research continues. " She hummed. Her words like a web. Carefully woven.

Careful with what she spoke about, or the themes she pointed to when speaking with a quincy, one who might try to obliterate her at any moment. No matter how....pleasant this man seemed. She was cautious. Life was a game. A Cruel one. And it behooved one to never forget that the game was still being played, even in casual conversation.

Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:53 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

A topic of interest had come up, the balance and what it was. But also the name Sosuke Aizen, Ghislain was familiar with him. One didn't live as long as he and not know it. "In our culture, there is an Emperor, one who rules the Quincy species generally. There were three of them in all Yhwach, Hulderic Hylham, finally myself. " Ghislain said, thinking of the names as rattling his eyes narrowing a bit. "Selection isn't by choice of the one given it, you are chosen, and upon the death of the previous, you become Emperor." Ghislain had no desire to be the Emperor.

It was a role forced on him by Hulderic and his whims. If anything, the last Emperor before him had been worse. He wished to have the Quincy side with Mana and Shadow Fall. He sighed, releasing a breath from his lips, before smiling faintly. "Regardless of it being the end of our species or not, as the one who ended the Emperor's line. My job is to preserve our history as best as possible. I know everything Hulderic and Yhwach did for their entire lives. Their memories were given to me as part of the..transfer."

The subject of Sosuke Aizen was a difficult one to brooch. He could have stepped in as well and done something. But Ghislain chose not to, believing that wasn't the place of he or his peers. "Sosuke Aizen, between him, Shadow Fall, and the people who've claimed to be Emperors or rulers of Hollows. I am not equipped with enough knowledge or experience to know why." He said, shrugging his shoulders at the notion. Ghislain envied the Hollow's freedom in a way.

"I've watched people butcher our races for the sake of this so-called balance for so long. Another balance seems to infect this world as well. Have you ever noticed that all the battles take place on Earth?" The wars between these supernatural beings have been fought here. The times it didn't were few and far between for his liking.

"That is a solution; you do have Zanpakuto, which allows you to perform the art in theory. Sadly my people cannot maintain balance. When we destroy something, it is gone. Nothing remains of the soul, and it is for that reason I've abstained from fighting when possible." He said, offering what insight he could as an elder.

"Though I guess I've taken up my bow for a fight again in the end. Someone convinced me that we could end the cycle of war that has hit this earth. Humanity never asked for wars of the supernatural to be fought in their countries. At least that's my belief."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:59 pm
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Santa and Ajora both listened as he spoke, and Ajora paused, thinking of a way to put this a bit carefully. It certainly was an ......interesting mix of perceptions. But ultimately it was Santa who actually spoke up. "So how come you're doing all this by yourself?" She asked, looking around and lightly kicking the sand. "If this whole Quincy history stuff is so important, how come there aren't like....others with you? Have you tried asking the quincy if they even care about the past?" She asked, idly itching her neck for a moment.

Ajora held her tongue on that. Instead deciding to interject. "You say that rather strangely. You refuse to fight for the destruction you would unleash. But aren't quincy supposed to be specialists in spiritual control? Surely you're able to dial yourself down? As a matter of fact, if you were truly strong as you say. Would you not be all the more able to control your ability to a fine instrument?" She reasoned, rubbing her chin before she closed her eyes, thinking it over.

"As it stands. I don't think that your power has anything to do with why you choose not to fight. You have stated that your race is in need, and yet you spend your time here....sifting through the dirt and the sand for a history that many may not deem worth preserving. You speak of having attained the memories of two powerful quincy. But I can't help but wonder how exactly that occurred. I've never heard of quincy who would separate memories from a soul. And beyond all of that, there is the fact that you seem to have these lingering dregs of guilt. Even with all you are doing. You look at us with dull eyes. With neither energy nor purpose. A cursory caution simply because we are probably hollow." She murmured, closing her eyes for just a moment before they opened back up.

She smiled, reaching out and gently holding her hand out to the man, her palm facing up. "I don't think you understood when I said that you looked lost. Even if you may have something to tell people as to why you wander on your own. You don't truly seem to have a purpose. If I were a betting woman, I would say that the reason you dig up the past is hope for trying to figure out what you're doing with your future. The all important emperor of the vandenreich isn't even among his people. A lone existence does not befit an Emperor." She noted slowly, her gaze was ....considerate. Empathetic. She wasn't mocking him, she was doing her best to understand. Testing. Probing. Those eyes piercing, scanning, looking for everything.

IT didn't matter if she was wrong. At this point, his reaction would tell her what she needed to know anyway. "So then. Ghislain. Have you considered someplace above the dirt to look for your purpose?" She smiled calmly.

Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:27 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

How to explain in a way so they could understand? He could wield his power with devastation effectiveness. Or as precise as a violinist's fingers on each string. Ghislain didn't speak for a moment remaining quiet. He was pondering the situation and the conversation's direction. Finally, he opened his mouth and said calmly about the statement.

"Because the Emperors were no different from Sosuke Aizen, they kept Quincy under a boot. I am not welcome among my people even if I believe they have need. They do not want the reminder of those shackles that once bound them." He said the sentence bitter about how he was also once in that situation. Swallowing it was the first step to coming to this conclusion. He smiled a bit as the woman mused about the control of his power.

Ghislain held out his right hand, a mass of white began to form around it. No trace of light seemed to exist within the small orb he held in his hand. His energy leaked out around him. His eyes looked towards the globe of undefined nature and existence. Usually not able to be seen, his spiritual energy making this matter visible. He closed his hand, dismissing the power as he sighed softly. "I hate fighting; I despise it more than anything else. I can control my power much like a violinist controls the strings. But it doesn't change the fact, and I find no joy in the act."

Ghislain sighed; they weren't wrong about his eyes and the dullness that came with age. He smiled faintly, albeit tiredly in a sense that came from his generation. "What I think and want is of no importance to my race anymore. The Quincy will not seek me out, nor will they accept any guidance I have. As for what happened with Yhwach and Huldric, the Emperor's Decree. Successors are to be vessels in a sense if one dies. But Huldric changed the power by meddling and tampering with it. " He was a man without a people. That was Ghislain's fate in the world.

His eyes looked upwards towards the sky before exhaling a light breath. "For now, it is with Inami and Sing in the Kokouryuteshi that is where my purpose is. I wish to see this world Inami proposes without war or violence. I know not how she will accomplish this feat. But I am curious to see it after five thousand, nine hundred years of life. I want to see it.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:46 am
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Santa stuck out her tongue just a little at his response regarding the other quincy. She herself thought to her own experienced with Arrancar.....okay well maybe her OLD experiences with arrancar. None had been particularly intent on being around her. But then she'd met Neliel and Tier! And that had been all kinds of enjoyable! So it seemed a little.....weird that he just intentionally isolated himself.
"Sounds kinda lame. I don't know why, but it DEFINITELY sounds super lame." She noted with folded arms, clearly stubborn about the subject.

Though Ajora definitely understood what Santa meant, she remained silent as Ghislain went about and seemed to be making excuses. Not only that, but this.....notion of ending the Cycle was something she had intentionally pretended to miss. Because that was........ beyond interesting as a tidbit. But right now, she would keep it to herself. Think on it. Because it implied..... a VERY good number of things. And that was not a subject to be expressed lightly. As a matter of fact she wondered why HE would even bring up casually speaking to the effects of ending the worlds.

"You hate fighting, and yet you say you have gone back to the idea of doing it for the sake of this Inami person. " She closed her eyes, and then opened them, and promptly reached out and held her hand over Ghislain's. And the air slowly tore itself apart around it. Little maws crawling open as if to scream out in birth, before the air around that ball was simply a dark void, the energy itself simply vanishing into the valley of screams that she had opened. Proving a point as she did. Pure strength wasn't everything.

"You say that you are a reminder of a shackle to your people. Have you not considered abandoning the title? If you remove the name, you are simply a successor of certain powers and memories. Abandon your title. Go to your people. And ask what YOU can do for THEM. If the Emperors of the past have enslaved and manacled the quincy race, then isn't that all the MORE reason to prostrate yourself before them now?"

She removed her hand and .....put on a calm smile. "But As you said. You dislike fighting. And yet you will do it for the cause of non quincy. You hate combat enough that you will do it for strangers, but not the race you owe a debt to...." She closed her eyes, smiling just a little before turning her back on the man, flicking her wrist as a descorrer crawled open, stretching across her path. Santa almost immediately perked up and rushed to her sister's side, having been watching with pleassed interest, having always gotten a kick out of watching her sister talk about this stuff!

Ajora paused, smiling over her shoulder at Ghislain. "I believe I've conducted sufficient research in this place. And I think perhaps this is the juncture in which it's time for you to decide internally what your priorities are. And, perhaps, you should have a conversation with the current quincy leader. But that, at the very least. Is none of my business. I will only leave with one bit of advice, or rather.... information: My race remembers Aizen well. Much like your emperors, he was a shackle of sorts. And the thing he promised so many was victory, and a new vision for the world. This Inami person sounds quite a lot like him. Perhaps you should consider that." She hummed, before gesturing to Santa and walking into that dark void with her 'Sister'.

Desert Sun - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Sun

Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:51 am



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain became silent and didn't speak or offer any further dialog. His ears listened, and the question rang through his mind. Was he making excuses and trying to tie himself to them? Truth rang out from the hollow sister's words as he stood there, His eyes closing now as he considered his actions and purpose. They claimed many things and said much. Inami was a shackle; she bound him in a way few others would know. He felt his teeth grit as a message came over the radio.

Inami was gone. She'd taken her entire country with her. His digits slowly began digging into his palms. The sisters had long gone from this location through the black nether. It was a good thing they had left; he was seething with emotion. One he'd not felt in thousands of years. It was a cocktail of anger, sorrow, and disgust. It made his jaw tighten, and small bits of energy leak out. This entire venture, the trust he put in Inami wasted. Why had he left his cabin for this utter display of nonsense?

He joined an organization for Inami and trusted in her honeyed words. Biting down on a hook for the hope provided. In the end, she proved the same as all the others. She wasted his time and brought him nothing but lingering disappointment. Anger was such raw emotion, and he could feel each bit of the hot blood flowing through him. His hands slowly released the pressure from his anger. This world was filled with nothing but liars. They brought words dripping with honey laced with venom. They pretended to walk upon the water when the river was frozen over.

Ghislain's features tightened for a moment as his raw energy leaked out in frustration. A small blast of his energy came through as he pulled his shawl up. The black, lightless energy blasted away sand and some things before retreating within him. No humans were here and no life nearby either. He turned around abruptly from where he stood, the epicenter of a mild explosion. Only five meters around him was affected, no further his control on display.

His hand brought his shawl up as he left this desert disinterested and no longer sure he would aid Kokuryuteshi Empire. Or any beings who came upon his cabin seeking aid. Some part of him even considering leaving this planet and going far into deep space. Where not a single being could bother him and waste his time as Inami had.

Ghislain's form walked into a portal of his own, leaving evidence of a mild temper tantrum from an ancient man.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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