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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:16 pm
Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) HEADER_0590-014

Giselle was humming to herself as she made her way to the Director's office. It definitely wasn't a trip that she had expected that she would be making so soon. Buuuuuuuut well it was probably a good idea to get this out of the way sooner than later anyway. From the thing that was bothering her, to just outright introducing herself and clearing the air. YEPYEPYEP! That was the way to do it! Clear the air, that way there was no .....surprises.

She knew exactly how jarring surprises could be. Cyrus certainly had seemed....unpleasantly surprised when he had discovered that THE Giselle Gewelle was A, still alive and B, intent on joining the vandenreich. Nor was he likely pleased with the fact that the Vandenreich could not really afford to turn down such an offer. Not with the, apparently, drastic drop in numbers it had recently suffered. A subject she intended to .....avoid bringing up right off the bat. Considering the Sternritter were probablythe hardest hit. All the same, she gently knocked on that big door, and once she was told she would slip inside.

And she was....curious. What WAS the Director like? All she knew was that her name was Helle and that she was a woman. So basically nothing. THAT would be secret objective number 2: Get a read on this new Director of hers!
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:24 pm

Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“What is it you need?”

Without even bothering to look up, the individual who had entered her office had been addressed. There is much that needs to be done, forms filled and filed. She doesn’t have the time right now for too much idle chit chat, so she hopes that whoever had decided to come and bother her has something more than just a hello. One look, however, already lets her know that this is far from an important meeting. Emerald eyes focused on the Sternritter, the expression on Helle’s face a mixture of tired and uncaring. Though, she did not let her attention stray for long before returning to her papers.

“Yes, Giselle? What is it that you need?”

Her question restated, she continued to move her work about. She already knows enough about Giselle. Helle makes sure to know enough about everyone under her. It is the least she should do to better herself in her duties. Lately, she had grown soft and distracted by other things. After Jefferson, she can’t afford to let herself continue halfheartedly.

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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:30 pm
Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle was almost immediately a little surprised when she noticed the sheer amount of paperwork that was piled up on the woman's desk. She paused, looking over the woman's workload and furrowing her brows. What the heck happened here? She had known, naturally, or rather HEARD about the Jefferson incident. So she had of course expected things to be a little backed up. But even so, the woman was so busy that she couldn't even seem to spare Giselle more than a passing glance. Oh dear.

Giselle let her head cant to the side before lightly resting her hands behind her back before speaking up. "Ah, I didn't expect you to be so busy this late in the afternoon. I was hoping to have a little chitchat. But it's nothing immediately pressing so if you'd prefer I can speak with the secretary to schedule an appointment when you aren't soooooooo, like....distracted." She noted her voice having it's usual sortof singsongy quality, but a little more toned down than usual. This was, after all, her highest Direct CO after all.

Did she have things she wanted to discuss? Absolutely, but they weren't something she wanted to A, speak to the woman WHILE they were busy, and B, was something she hoped to have be more of a ....back and forth. Rather than what she assumed, based on the woman's curt responses, be just sharp and clippy responses from the woman herself. Then again.... as far as she knew that might just be how Helle was....but well, if nothing else she'd find that out.

ALL the same, she made it abundantly clear that if Helle was too distracted she would just come back another time. Standing patiently and at parade rest as she waited for the woman's response.
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:39 pm

Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“No… No… Let us settle your issues.”

She needs a break anyway, and she heard it herself: the tired curtness in her voice. That’s no way to handle anyone, even if the situation warrants it. Who knows when her time will free up, and if she doesn’t rest from all this work before her, she may actually have another heart attack. No one wants that. Taking a deep breath, she paused for but a moment to collect her senses. One could practically see the Reishi about her make itself known and irritably stir before she sighed, dispersing it.

“What is it that you wish to discuss, Miss Gewelle?”

Her whole atmosphere changed just like that. She seems calmer, better focused, the tone in her voice nicer and smooth. She did not smile though, for the situation has not yet deemed itself casual. For all she knows, the other Sternritter may have pressing issues.

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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:07 pm
Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) HEADER_0590-014

Giselle raised a brow as she watched the woman collect herself. A pause, her own spiritual sense twinging a little when she felt the air around them adjust in response to the woman's little sigh. Now THAT was some interesting levels of reishi manipulation. Giselle was momentarily impressed by the little byproduct. But she supposed it would only make sense. But even more impressive was the professionalism she noticed coming from Helle. Of course she knew that the woman had probably read a lot about her. However she sensed a shimmer of sincerity in the woman's voice that was MUCH less common for such individuals. She was actually a bit impressed, not just at Helle, but that Cyrus had put such individuals in charge.

"Thank you very much for making time. Its nothing super urgent, BUT I know that since I got back on the ol sternritter horse you PROOoobably saw my files from the old organization. " She noted. An incomplete assessment of her powers, and of course the most pressing issue: Was that Giselle had a particular penchant for zombifying her subordinates. No doubt it was the primary reason for the metaphorical leash that Cyrus had on her.

"BUT! I will tell you what I told Cyrus: That stuff's like....several hundred years old. I also know youuuuu probably are like totally sus of me being in your unit." She hummed, that singsongy voice of hers ringing as it always did. However, she straightened herself up, giving Helle a flat look. "I know about the recent stuff that's happened. I went through something similar myself.I'm sure you're familiar with Radioactive." Nobody calling themselves a quincy WOULDN'T be aware of the psychopath living WMD that had gone around on one of the biggest Quincy exterminations in memory. "So I juuuuuuust wanted you to know that I don't plan on like...causing trouble. Sooooooooooo, I wanted to see if you had any questions! Questions....Concerns....threatening tigermom ultimatums..... Stuff like that. If I'm going to be working under you we should clear the air, right?" She reasoned.

There was a lot of ways she could have gone about this, but well..... she had a feeling that no matter what it was going to be awkward. So she had decided to just be frank and direct. Not that she was holding her breath on Helle actually BELIEVING her assurances. She was, after all, a leader. IT was only natural for her to be wary of a walking hazard like Giselle. But that was fine. Her words were just a foundation, she could shore that stuff up with her actions as time went on. Right?
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:42 am

Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

The way Giselle spoke irked the woman. It isn’t something to be annoyed by, but it doesn’t help Helle take the other’s words as they are. Each time Giselle held out her vowels, Helle could only pray that the woman didn’t pull out a knife and shank her. Yes. She knows much about Giselle. It is impossible for her not to, for it is her job to make sure she has a basic understanding of everyone beneath her. She knows about Radioactive as well. He is a man she had met in person, and she could tell from his presence that he is not one to be measly trifled with. Curse the pride of her brethren that had left them barren and nigh extinction, but the past is the past.

“Do not worry. I understand that we all have our pasts that we would like to leave behind. As you’ve noticed, the Vandenreich has, itself, left behind the past. As we now include other races within our ranks, that leaves many with troubling backgrounds, but that leaves many wishing to change for the better. I trust you, Miss Gewelle.”

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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:39 pm
Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) HEADER_0590-014

Giselle had to admit that she was a little surprised to see such a benevolent response from the woman. Or at least one that was so restrained. From the composure to the lie of an assurance it was actually quite sweet! She could see why this woman was trusted. But then again she supposed that was just a change of times. In the past her superiors never withheld their true feelings, usually contempt.

She had known about the new mixed ranks but truth be told it was hardly a huge surprise especially having found out how many members they HAD. Selectiveness was probably not a luxury quincy could afford these days. ”Was it ever?” She could feel a strange urge to smile.

”Oh! Well that’s good! Definitely makes working together a lot easier. Even if it was a lie, it did mean she wouldn’t have the woman up her ass all the time.

”I guess that means you have no questions either, fair enough. But if you don’t mind me asking a question of my own: What is it that drew you to the Vandenreich?”
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:15 pm

Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“People like you, Miss Gewelle.”

Now, what did that mean? Helle did not detract her gaze from the other, her gentle gaze hardening as her hands slid over her desk, conjoining together under her chin. For a moment, the nice woman from before had vanished, The Savant of The Vandenreich in her place. The Reishi about them, in the confined space of her office, danced. It trickled down Giselle’s sides, brushed her cheek, held her throat. Then, Helle smiled. Obviously, one like Giselle could tell how fake it was, a true display of forced hospitality.

“My people, my family, my home, my life… Shattered by the likes of people who could not understand their place in this world. No. Our foolish race thought it best to trample over others, laugh in the face of those not us. And, now we sit atop a throne made of our own bones. No, Miss Gewelle. There must not be a repeat of past sins. I won’t allow my home to be destroyed again, and thus, that is why I serve, to create a world where all may walk beside one another. That is why I lack any questions, Miss Gewelle. You understand.”

It is but fair to remind those underneath every now and then that she is not their friend. Those she grows somewhat close to, both for formalities sake and her own, allow for things to run smoothly. However, from time to time, it proves best to create a line, and to make it known that that line must never be crossed. Anyway, she is quick to lose her sudden edge as she relaxes in her seat, her emerald eyes dimming.

“I hope you understand, Miss Gewelle, for the both of us.”

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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:54 pm
Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) HEADER_EYSmWvQUwAEy5hw
Ah, well this was to be expected.
Ah, well this was to be expected.

The woman's smile remained unerring as that cryptic-to-some line came out and promptly marked the change for the tone of the conversation. Which, of course, she had been intending to do so, though color her surprised with the direction it changed in. Or rather, that it had changed to this particular tone sooner than she'd imagined would occur. Kudos to Helle.
Bright are the innocent eyes of those stitched shut from foresight. So easy to look over your shoulder at the fall of those blinded to the future. And those knowing its inevitability.
Giselle's eyes darted for a brief moment in response to the coil and writhe of the reishi aura that had begun to seethe in response to Helle's display of power alongside that crocodile's grin that affirmed what she had already derived from their previous niceties. As energy wrapped around her and brushed her, pushed her, gripped her in what she imagined was a manifestation of Helle's own desires to have her fingers around her neck.

And then she gained some insight.
So this is a child upturned in my wake. I suppose I can't take full credit though.
So she spoke of the destruction of her home. Her Family. Of the consequences of the past and all that had come with it. It was.....however....a surprise when she heard that final addition to her speech. That she intended to never let such a thing come to pass again. Now THAT was something that caused Giselle's brows to raise.
Relax. She is blind in her anger.
She relaxed, closing her eyes as she took a moment to consider, burying the sudden boiling bile that had rose up in her throat as this Fucking human took the opportunity to make that connection. Oh? Was THAT what she was? Was SHE the type of person to be the harbinger of destruction? Did Helle think that SHE was at the helm when that went down?

But that anger did not make it any further than the pits of her stomach it rose up from. Her expression. Her reiatsu. Her breathing calmed, soothed, as if a hand on her shoulder kept her in check. A hand called experience. How many times had she swallowed those thoughts? How many times had she felt this choking flourish of spiritual energy around her? It wasn't the same words, the looks, the choice in phrasing. It wasn't REALLY something she had experienced exactly before.
A child is not at fault for a curse it repeats.
But it certainly Rhymed.
A stone is not at fault for the sway and weight of gravity. No matter who it falls on.
"I understand completely. 'A world in which all may walk beside one another'. It has a nice sound to it. I was never really all that great coming up with stuff like that. So instead I'll borrow something someone told me a long time ago.-
Let us go forth, for the sake of Peace."

Let us go forth, for the sake of Peace.
She stood up, offering a bright smile to the woman. "Iiiin that case I won't be wasting your time any longer, Ma'am. I will be the first to admit I was wild in the past, I can admit that. Having a clear and honest goal such as ours is a nice change of pace. I look forward to when you won't have to look at me with such disdain and incredulity. Am I dismissed?" She asked calmly enough, and once that permission was given, she would turn on her heel and promptly leave Helle to her work. She certainly hope the woman got a chance to rest that troubled mind and heart of hers. It was always sad to see a young heart full of thorns.
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Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) Empty Re: Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:36 pm

Beggars Can't be Choosers [Helle/Giselle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Yes, peace. Isn’t it lovely? What is peace, I often ponder. Do all share the same definition of that word? That is a question I inquire of those who brazenly announce such posh. Do refrain from troubling Miss Copeland.”

That is her dismissal. Their meeting was brief and short, but their stances have been laid bare. Giselle’s anger did not go unnoticed, but this is not the place for possible outbursts. It would prove far too ugly, far too a populated mess. She has work she must return to after all. She wasted no time returning to it.

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