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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:14 am

After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Piercing rays from the morning sun illuminated the scene as Candice slowly came to consciousness. She was in a bed that was not her own, a room that was not her own, but that was hardly unexpected. There was something else, though, a weight against her midriff that was something more than a blanket or misplaced pillow. Slowly, but all too surely, the events of the night prior made their way to the forefront of her mind. She didn't remember leaving the couch, but she did remember being here. With her.

Peeking under the covers, she was greeted by that strangely familiar sight of messy black hair and a body behind it. Giselle was wrapped around her lap, once tightly though Candi had since sprawled out and pushed the other woman to one side so that she was still clinging to one side of her thigh. Just as she was in person, Candi had sought to dominate the bed and had thusly claimed almost all of the available real estate as her own. Lifting her arms above her head, she stretched out and yawned as she took stock of her new territory. It was Giselle's bedroom, and yet there was only more antiquated furniture and questionable fashion choices.

Satisfied that she was now fully awake, and thus her companion could not be allowed to rest any longer than her, Candice's hands disappeared once more beneath the covers. Quickly losing themselves in Giselle's hair, her digits began to ruffle, curl, and tug with a steadily increasing intensity. She was still cute whilst she slept, so cute that it might have been a shame to disturb her, but that was Candice's role. Her voice was soft, sultry even, as her green eyes peered down at the other woman and waited for a sufficient response.

"Good morning, you. Or maybe it's the afternoon already if you've been so lucky."

Bask in the Glow | END POST
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:40 am
After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_0590-014

The sun was out. A sun that never sets.
The usual dull clouds that wrapped around her dreams, sitting in the pale white light as she stared out onto the courtyard. A sight she had known for ages it seemed. It hadn’t been. Her time in that room had been so incredibly brief. And yet her dreams always brought her here.You seemed happy enough. Even if they were your… wilder days.

She glanced to the side. To an empty seat beside her. A dull and neutral smile on her face. She was… warm. This always was such a cold seat. It almost made her able to ignore the smell of corpses. Ignore the crawl of fingers up from the floor. Clawing at her in silent drowning desperation. Do you regret the life you were gifted? Was I cruel?

Fingers in her hair. So much more gentle than in her dreams.
Her eyes slowly fluttering open, that warmth so much more sharp, tactile, REAL. The feeling of fingers in her hair made her glance up and the sight of Candice caused her to perk up. Oh. Memories snapping back into focus. A surprisingly passionate night, much more a surprise for Giselle than for candice it would turn out, certainly having not expected to spend the night with the woman.

That voice made her spine tingle and a tired smile spread over her face.”I need to stop sleeping in. Or do it more often.” she smirked tiredly as she rested her chin on Candice’s hip. Her voice calm, relaxed, entirely missing the valley girl accent that Candice was used to. Though she had similarly lost it last night just before they had kicked off their nocturnal endeavors.

Much less annoying. Her eyes wandered around. They had made it upstairs. Slowly the bits and pieces of memory fell into place and she found herself glancing up at the woman who was so…. Caringly caressing her scalp. Once again surprising her. Certainly she did not expect this … no that wasn’t right. She’d noticed hints of this last night. In that softness the woman had shown when she talked about her parents. And….. in the night. It was not at all what she’d expected. Mistake. This is bad. This was a mistake. She doesn’t know. You fucking monster

”I think we’re close to noon….you woke me up instead of sneaking off. Missed your chance to steal my cool record player.” she jested with a smirk. Still gathering her bearings as she adjusted her grip on the woman’s thigh. She was in no particular hurry to peel from her current position after all. Though she DID struggle to remember why she fell asleep down here…..
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:09 pm

After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"You're quite the little knave, to suggest you have anything I would deem worth stealing but this."

One hand stopped curling strands of hair and wrapped around the side of Giselle's face until she was tapping upon her nose. It might have been a gentle gesture, but Candice was not exactly soft with it as she pressed into her face. Her little plaything was getting pretty big for her boots if she thought that such a comment would fly by unanswered.

"Besides. If I snuck off then you wouldn't have been able to see me leave, so there's no fun in that. I'd hate for you to think that it might have all just been some kind of vivid dream."

That same hand that had squished her nose now pinched Giselle's cheek, before heading up to cover Candice's mouth as she yawned again. She couldn't see her phone anywhere nearby, or her dress for that matter, but it wasn't like she was yet in a position to peer over the sides of the bed whilst she continued to be grappled in such a manner. It would have been easy to break free, but why would she do that when the woman had gone to all the trouble of staying down there? Whatever time it was, business could wait. Even if she ended up extending her stay by a day or two, that was a trivial matter compared to the situation she now found herself in.

The City of Lights wasn't all the clean after all. So why cut a good thing short for the sake of a dime or three?

Bask in the Glow | END POST
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:03 pm
After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] HEDAA_56814324_p1

Giselle grinned nice and wide as she felt the girl shift a hand from her hair to her face and push on her nose, the Zombie's eyes crossing to watch the finger applying pressure to that little peak before refocusing on the woman she laid on. A pleased little humm escaping from her before she stuck her tongue out to poke at the joint of the finger.

"I DO have a pretty cute face~ And I don't think I've ever had a dream quite THAT pleasant before." She cooed, leaning down and then executing a similar tongueboop to the woman's navel, nothing lurid but rather just something impish and playful as if to ignore the clear way that Candice seemed to enjoy asserting herself over Gigi. Not that she had MINDED that.

Seeing Candice yawn, she looked around, taking a moment to get a better handle on what things had happened. There was no trail of clothing, they must have gotten pretty into it downstairs before moving up. Right they had ....started downstairs. And ....done a LOT on the couch. And then .... Her eyes shut, trying to remember, before a flash of memory coursed through her mind. Candice smiling saucily and beckoning her up the stairs. And then the sight of the woman walking up the stairs. She couldn't do much but admire Candice's utilization of angles while drunk was admirable.

"You were......surprisingly confident." She chimed, smirking just a bit wider as she raised herself up slightly, hands on either side of Candice's hips and pulling herself up just a bit until she was a bit closer to being face to face with the woman. "Like....VERY confident. You were like, almost a completely different person~" She murmured with a pleased smirk, her head canting to the side as she waited for the woman's response. She definitely was interested as to where that had come from.
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:57 pm

After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice did ever so enjoy Giselle's reaction to her teasing, her response that was initially defiant and yet quickly turned submissive. Her own smirk seeped arrogance as she gazed back down undeviatingly into Giselle's eyes, she bore the visage of a conquering queen who was enjoying the spoils of a hard-fought victory and yet bore not a blemish of the battle before. Back under the covers, her hand moved again, sliding past Giselle's rising head and down to her chest. There it stopped, a little static charge jumping from her fingertips as she pressed them against her skin. Not enough to cause anything beyond the tenderest of shocks, but an assertive gesture nonetheless.

"Your face may be pretty, but it was something else I had in mind."

Sliding downwards with her body, a movement made all the easier by Giselle's slow ascent up it, Candice brought them face to face with a single fluid motion. Suddenly it was unclear exactly who was at whose mercy, no longer was Giselle trapped beneath her but instead freely able to tower above her. Yet Candi's expression had not changed, she was all too smug as both her hands sought to wrap around Giselle's neck and affix the two in a prolonged stare.

"Did I mislead you, Z? I do not think I ever downplayed my character. You made your way into the lion's den of your own accord, I just picked up what you put down."

Fluttering her eyelashes, she feigned ignorance at that moment. Savouring it for a matter of seconds before laughing devilishly. Of course, she did not feel like she had forced Giselle into anything, The girl had simply wrapped the leash around her own neck and handed it to her without much a second thought, that was her own weakness rather than Candi's fault.

Bask in the Glow | END POST
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:44 pm
After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_uyguywgvdsgsgsvwg3323gv2

Oh wow. Giselle's eyes widened slightly when she felt that little CRACK, a gentle little spark that forced the muscles to briefly contract, a little flinch as she was VERY clearly suddenly reminded of several moments back in the previous evening. The woman definitely wasn't shy with her powers that was for sure. Giselle actually envied the woman in the ability to do as such, and though she was perfectly capable of deadening the nerves, she refrained from doing so, taking a moment to .......take in what was happening. Remembering what had happened more and more. And the words she said also ....made her curious. Wait a minute.....did Candice mean.....stealing her in her entirety?

"I think I'd be pretty hard to steal yaknow." Her voice slightly teasing, though not so much that it would be too easy for Candice to take it as a challenge, Giselle was still getting her bearings and Candice wasn't making that easy with how she was moving around. So very suddenly she was staring down at Candice, as the woman so casually put herself in such a compromising position, Giselle freezing as if afraid that she would move the wrong way while Candice was sliding down like that.
A ridiculous fear, given all that had happened last night, but it was an instinct on her part. And Giselle had to admit that Candice had a point. She had played to such a direction quite well. But well......people were usually so ....deceptive. People lied, put up fronts.

Seeing that part of Candice, Giselle had simply assumed it was a mask hiding something else. Not necessarily someone meek, but simply someone not AS commanding. And yet it seemed to saturate everything Candice was. Who knew a rich girl could be so ...Honest?
"Technically this is MY den." She jabbed in playful reflex.... but her expression made it clear she was ..... a bit enthralled with all that was happening right now. As if that warm dull pulse didn't already tell Candy that as it were. The feeling of the woman actually wrapping their hands around her throat was ......unusual outside of a fight. Honestly it didn't trigger any fight or flight instincts. She literally could have a vice around her neck and not care. But this was such a different context.

This was the part she usually said something clever or sassy. But the truth of the matter was that she was a little speechless at this point. How did she wind UP here? Not JUST here, but with THIS woman? This successful, rich, driven woman? Just as Candice had intended, Giselle was deeply aware of what a gift this was. That this was special, something she would normally just TAKE. But to be just....GIVEN it? She almost expected to have the rug pulled out from under her. But ....well....this was so far past that wasn't it?

She ....considered the words that sat in her head...... for all of the felt like she was the one pinned to the floor and walking the edge. Feeling the need to be careful with what she said. How she said it. Those soft gray eyes stared down at the blonde before she finally spoke.

" seems like you might be in a position to start stealing after all. What is a lion to do with this intruder?" She asked with a smile, playing along with the analogy. Giving Candice what she wanted by verbally presenting herself as being at the metaphorical lioness's mercy.
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:19 pm

After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Not all of you, silly. I only need the bit that beats."

Her admonishment was accompanied by a sharp tensing of her hands around Giselle's neck. Another brief shock, for in an instant she had released her hold and her hands were beginning to travel anew. One went upwards to wrap around her head again, playing with Giselle's hair as if that brief assertion of her power was so swiftly forgotten, the other moved around to her back and waited there eagerly. It wasn't like she actually wanted to hurt her companion, rather the opposite in fact, but there was an unquestionable thrill from asserting herself over the smaller woman that she could not so easily shake.

"I suppose this apartment is your den, but you are still laying in mine. And I think you know that already."

Only now did her eyes actually leave Giselle for what seemed like the first time since she had awakened, looking from one side of the bed to the other before returning to the other woman. That sly smile turned slowly into a thoughtful expression as if she had just come to a great conclusion, sucking in her cheeks ever so slightly and puckering her lips into an 'o' shape before she spoke.

"But, come to think of it, I don't think I even need to steal that thing at all. You'll give it to me freely, won't you, Z?"

Bask in the Glow | END POST
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:04 pm
After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_EYSmWvQUwAEy5hw

She stared, and for just one instant, her eyes seemed to briefly go vacant as Candice .....confirmed her suspicions. But not in the way she had expected. She had surmised that Candice wanted far more than just some specific part of her body. But now realized that that target was MUCH different. And yet, included those as well. Her heart? That....was what the woman wanted?

That sudden jolt through her body caused her to TENSE! Surprise written across her face as Candice went so far as to shock her . Promptly she stilled, and slowly she smiled down at Candice. Oh she liked this. She loved this. She ADORED just how little Candice knew about the things she was stepping on. How she had no fucking idea just how incredibly OVER her life could suddenly be. But wasn't this so much BETTER?

Veiled distrust.

It was always the same. People who felt she was some sort of defilement. People who felt fear at what she could do. People who thought they could threaten her. People who pretended to trust her. People who openly hated her. People who tried to use or manipulate her. She had been alive for so very long. Shinigami. Hollows. Humans. Arrancar. Quincy. But in the end they all blended together. Filth scurrying around living Short. Pointless. Lives. Drowning in their sorrows and fears. Chasing dreams they would never live long enough to see as they thought they would. Settling for whatever semblance of victory they could clutch.

But this earnest woman, was holding her goal in her hands. And Giselle felt compelled to give it to her. Curious..... What if she DID let this human have what she wanted? What was it to her if she indulged this woman until she eventually expired as every other human did?

She reached down, hands gently gliding from their position at Candice's waist to the blonde's hips. A gentle pressure of her thumbs to the thin line of connective tissue unprotected by muscle. She turned her head into the hand that cradled her head, letting it press into her cheek, never breaking eye contact as she did. Smiling in her own, impish, sultry way. "And what if I did?" She ventured, her voice whispering a dissonant 'maybe' to the 'yes' that her eyes burned into Candice's own.
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:57 am

After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

There was a moment where Giselle seemed to pause, and so too did Candice. No more subtle squirming, she just lay there flat on her back staring up at those eyes that seemed like they might devour her. It was a sudden turn, for in that instant it was Candice who felt ever so small and vulnerable. She did not like it, not one bit. Where exactly that had come from, she did not know, but it was not the first time Giselle had spaced out on her either.

A response bubbled up in her throat, all too ready to ask what exactly was going on, and then that old malleable Giselle was right there again. Kneading her cheek into Candice's hand as if nothing had happened. Had anything actually happened? Perhaps it was just a reaction to the electric charge that she had not expected, that was perfectly reasonable. She liked that better. The alternative was confusing and conflicting, this was much simpler for both of them.

"Then I'll know that you are mine." Her hand continued to stroke Giselle's face as she persevered, a delicate thumb now pressing upon those dainty little lips, "My crazy little thing."

The grip upon Giselle's back tightened, her other arm wrapping around just above the waist, and then Candice began to roll them both over. Even if it was just a passing nothing, she couldn't have the other woman ever thinking that their roles could be reversed. This was a one-way road. So she needed to be on top, to pin her under her greater form, and then gaze down into those mischievous eyes with a blazing intensity of her own.

Hovering there above her, she let Giselle bask in the pure radiance that was all of her as she loomed overhead. That hand had moved from her waist to support her body for this, but then the arm buckled and suddenly their faces and bodies were pressed together tightly. As close as they had been the night before, closer even, as Candice's mouth rested within touching distance of the ear that had been turned to face her as Giselle had rotated her head. Eye contact was broken by the proximity, but she did not much mind. Her voice was a whisper now, so quiet that it was almost like a shyness had overtaken her, but those words that followed were anything but.

"I just... I just need you to beg. Beg me to take your heart."

Bask in the Glow | END POST
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After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: After the Storm [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:04 am
After the Storm [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_aTtGedMX-X0

She relaxed and let Candice slowly roll her onto her back and she was staring up at the woman as they pinned her down. Adoring the brief look she'd seen in her eyes. For a moment she was worried the girl might break out of it. But no, that fear vanished and she became so damn resolute. So INSISTENT on this. She was clearly new to this, or well....comparatively speaking for an old hand at it, it seemed new. But it was so goddamn cute to see. Ahh, being pinned down, she watched as the woman leaned in and went for her ear to speak. It was effective, and that firm aggressive voice of Candice's made Giselle's back arch just in the slightest.

This was so much~
SO much that Giselle could only imagine how badly this might have gone in the past for Candice. Escalating so incredibly fast after one night. Being demanding almost out of nowhere. Even jumping into shocks rather than slowly easing her into them. Any normal person would have been out the door or freaking out at least a little. This woman was going right for the kill, all but WAS trying to claim Giselle.

She smiled a smile that thanks to this position: Candice wouldn't actually see. Something soft and adoring, as her hands shifted, gently sliding down the woman's waist where they had been resting to glide in slow, gentle caress down the length of the woman's thighs before shifting back up much more quickly, fingers clutching along Candice's spine in what would feel like Giselle clutching the woman with NEED. One that veiled Giselle taking a moment to appreciate the gorgeous creature that had her pinned and 'at their mercy', no less all but sitting squarely on Giselle's racing pulse. As her own voice broke from silence and breathily took the stage.
"I keep remembering last night in bits and pieces. Everything you're doing feels....familiar....feels Right." She gently swiveled her head, rubbing her cheek against Candice's, done easily with how close they were with the position. Hands falling slowly down the length of Candy's back and then gently curving in around her hips before they slowly sank up. Fingers plying into softer skin and flesh before snaking up over her shoulders and curling until her arms looped around the woman's neck.

"You don't have to take it. You already have it. But If you want I'll still ask: Please take me." She begged in soft, adoring earnest. Something she had not done in sincerity............ ever. Had she? Thinking back through the centuries, she could not remember any occasion. Had she simply forgotten? But she supposed that didn't quite manner. She was here now, and eagerly clinging to the woman that had her pinned to the bed. Waiting with baited breath for the response to her capitulation.
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