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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:20 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Two days from now, morning.

That's what Vivyan had on her mind as she had propped herself on the bench, having coming by at the crack of dawn. She was already used to getting up ridiculously early for training, so waiting a few more hours to go out wasn't a thing to sweat in the slightest. Waiting for Giselle, she was rocking back and forth on the bench, humming softly.

Wonder how she's gonna teach me.

Was it rough, how they trained in the old days?

Could I manage it?

Of course I can. Get rid of those thoughts, chin up and have confidence like Ahura Mazda said. You belong here, you deserve a shot.

She batted her nerves away, keeping her head held high. She already made a little progress in the way of getting her energy to do what she wanted, having practiced what that guest had taught her, though it was still difficult and unrefined. It felt like building a house, but abruptly stopping midway through to build something else entirely, smaller even.

She just didn't get it, why were her powers like this? She looked to her colleagues very well and even the most unskilled and unlearned of them didn't have issues like her. And really.. Did they really have the potential to become that dangerous? The way Mum and Da looked at her whenever she even tried was nothing but disappointment and shame - that one of their children was so inept that she couldn't even make an arrow, much less gather reishi proper. She had always heard how unremarkable she was, so for the script to suddenly be flipped to, 'your power could be dangerous' was kind of jarring, and even a bit scary.

Well, she had everyone to help her here. Everyone to support her. It would all be okay, nothing bad could happen even in that unlikely event...

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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:27 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

Vee would possibly sense a presence walking up behind her. Each and every step a quiet sharp clack as the distance was closed between Trainee and Mentor. Until finally Giselle snuck up on her little trainee and patted the girl on the back, smiling from ear to ear. "ARE YA READY KID?!" She shouted, smiling brightly as she did, no doubt intentionally startling the woman out of those clouded thoughts that kept her shrouded in her own indecision and probably uncertainty.

"SOOOOOO you finally showed up! Or well, you showed up exactly when I told you to! Excellent! I think? I'm not actually sure how strict the higher ups are these days..... but back in the day your ass had better show up when it's supposed to!" She chimed, pausing to look Vee over for a moment. Acceptable to be sure. Especially since she didn't see any of those ridiculous gloves.

"So then, are you ready?"
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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:07 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Her eyes scanned her surroundings occasionally, wondering where Giselle was. She was here at the right time, right? Is it possible Giselle meant a little later on? Or god forbid, earlier? Oh that would have been dreadful if that's what she meant, but.. Wait no, she would have been sitting here and maybe made some sarcastic comment about how slow or sleepy she was with her lateness... She wouldn't just leave her hanging.

Though, as she waited around, she felt someone nearby. Which, really wasn't an odd occurrence, people would be up at this hour walking around. But this presence... It was...

It feels like someone...

Right as she moved to turn and look at who was approaching her, Giselle was suddenly there, smiling like a madwoman and yelling cheerfully in her face. Vee swore she felt herself jump out of her skin as she quickly spun to face her, wide-eyed and bushy tailed for certain; she swore this was like the millionth time someone spooked her in the span of only a few weeks.

"Seriously, did everyone here get a spook-Vee-every-few-days briefing that I wasn't aware of or something?! Why all the sneaking up on me?" She'd cry out, but start laughing soon after. Honestly, she needed the jolt and laugh, but sheesh her poor heart and goosebumps.

With a breath and a hand on her chest, she'd gently shrug, "I mean, it's just normal scheduling I guess, they aren't going to literally chew you to bits if you're off... Though since we have like, alarms and digital calendars and stuff, you kind of have less of a reason to forget to be up or whatever."

She'd smile widely, her excitement settling back in, "I was born ready!"

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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:44 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

Giselle smiled, pleased an amused to say the least as she watched the girl recover from her spookums. Her head canting a bit to the side as she took note. Not like she was really all that familiar outside of the required training. All the same, she grinned. "Alright, so since this is your first lesson with me. Why don't you tell me what sort of training you've done in the past? Just outside of your lessons with your trainers and such." She asked, tapping her foot and resting a hand on her hip as she watched the woman closely.

Of course it was natural that the girl had normal training, but she was curious what ELSE Vee spent her time on. Already a few ideas were floating around her head, but she still wanted to see what the girl had been fixating on, then they could go from there. Specifically she was making note of a few...possibilities in how to train the girl. But that could come later, for now she would just see what the girl could accomplish on her own. Simple enough right?
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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:35 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


"Oh, training? Well..."

She knew her typical physical fitness and practice with her trainers, but outside of that? Well...

"..A lot of independent practice. I had been picking up whatever I could from when I was a kid, but really I didn't have any proper power til recent. Never really had anyone to teach me properly til I got here, so most real practice has been here."

She looked visibly irate at the thought of reminiscence on those days where she had to stay up into far into the night, take her bangle out of hiding and spirit off into the night in what felt like futility but a stubbornness to keep training in some day a weapon would spark to life. The moment it did she made plans to venture off somewhere that actually was willing to teach her, after all of those countless loud arguments about the current Vandenreich's position...

"Mostly did a lot of independent target practice, and of course you walked in on me trying to figure out how to cope with my ice," She'd wave to her hand which, surprisingly, didn't possess any new burns, but it was obviously beginning to scar up in some places, "But with a visitor's help, I think i'm on track to not having to touch it."

She'd grin, however it drew out into a sigh, "...Buuuut it's super hard to control and kind of headache-inducing."

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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:38 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

Giselle quirked a brow slightly at that and nodded just a little. She rubbed her chin a few times before glancing at the burns on her hands. Well, nothing new at least. But actually Giselle honestly couldn't even tell. All the same, she seemed to take a moment and think over plausible methods. But ultimately she knew what it was she was going to do. Her mind racing back. "Well, I do have a special kind of training that I want to teach you, however I don't think you're quite ready for it. Not like you are. I think it's far more important that you learn how to fight without hurting yourself." She pointed out, smirking.

"And since I assume you don't know any normal quincy spells, Which means that you're going to learn to fight using normal weapons." She noted with a light smirk, holding her hand out before forming. a slim line with her hand, grasping the arrow out of the air, it's shaft looking like bones. Only it was incredibly large, the thing more like a spear than anything else. Promptly she stuck the arrow into the ground before forming a second one for herself to use, though her own lacked a point. "Not exactly normal, but since your own reishi manipulation is so low that you probably can't make these, just pretend that these are normal spears."

She smiled a bit deeper. "For what I have in mind, you need to be able to defend yourself. So we'll be practicing some basic combat training. First just getting used to the feel of a weapon that isn't one you've made yourself."
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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:01 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


Vee would nod affirmatively with Giselle's initial determination, whatever that training may have been, "Yeah, I got something started at least, it's just a total headache..."

Her eyes would slowly roll - of course even with this way there was some catch. Regardless she had intensely dedicated the last day and a half to these meditative practices to 'feel' the energy around her, as well as actually trying to practice stopping the formation at that speckling stage, and instead focusing them into tiny projectiles. She was pretty worried about them hitting people, considering they were just about as potently freezing as the knives, just with more surface area...

She softly shook her head as Giselle brought up spells - yep that was definitely something she missed out on - though she looked a little confused with the mention of 'normal weapons'. Really? Where were they-

"Oooh..." She'd softly breathe as she watched Giselle form the bone spear, immediately looking struck with awe and a sense of morbid curiosity, watching as Giselle stabbed it into the ground and formed her own, and gave some idea of what they were doing. She looked closely at the spear for her, as if quietly trying to determine if it was actually bone or whatever, before quickly being given reason to grab it and just position it correctly. Ah well, this was what she wanted, why she came out here. No time to shake boots.

"Defend myself huh?" She'd grin, "Sounds good. Haven't really tried using anything else, so might as well get a feel for another thing in."

She wasn't sure, maybe it'd help with the 'feel' stuff? She did try to get a feel for the body weapon quietly as she held it, though she didn't fully get it.

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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:10 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle smiled calmly enough as Vee seemed to be quite amicable to what she was suggesting. Which was good to say the least. All the same, she promptly moved toward Vee and raised that long bone staff, tapping it against the center of the woman's chest, a slight shift of her wrist, and that staff was suddenly a blur around her body, swinging about and flitting through her fingers before she would execute a firm sharp tap onto Vee's chest straight to the sternum with enough force to make the girl stumble, but not enough to properly injure the woman. Intent on shoving the girl out of her relaxed state and into something a bit more ....alert. She'd need it. She knew what Vee might encounter. Possibly.

Truth be told, she had no idea how meditation worked for quincies from Nozomi's line. But there was no way she was going to let the girl get into that unprepared. That staff came to a sudden stop and she leaned on it's shaft. "I'm going to guess that you've never been in a combat situation before. And that's what we'll need to start with. You need to know what it feels like to be in a fight. Alastair can help you with your form. Your Instructors can put you through the motions. They can teach you stances. Technique. finesse. But the best thing I can teach you is the feeling of desperation." she smiled calmly, canting her head to the side. "Which is why your first lesson: You are to do everything you can to stab me."
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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 5:28 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] ZGBwypB


She stood ready, holding the spear in a somewhat proper stance - the only experience she's ever had with one is none, only going off of how she's witnessed actual wielders did. With her stance, it was glaringly obvious of how amateur it was, but even so she still held a look of determination. She IS gonna train, she IS going to do well, no matter how odd the position felt. She had faith in Giselle to teach her something valuable, especially as a Quincy from so long ago.

Holding the spear tight, she was ready for whatever was coming, though looked confused as Giselle pointed her spear to her chest without any prompting, the tip of her own twitching upward a little too late as she watched the spear spin unnervingly fast around the other woman, until she felt a sharp jab in her sternum, causing her to stumble a little and wheeze.

What the heck?!

That definitely was a wakeup call, the girl's entire body trembling as adrenaline seeped into her senses. Her grasp grew tighter, her eyes were wide and focused, and strangely, her hands felt cold. And then, the older Sternritter would go on to her own observation, and then instructing of what she was to do; Do everything she could to stab her.

Vee was initially confused, but silently reasoned why - she probably wanted to see how she moved and fought, even with an unfamiliar weapon. She was sure it was more of a test rather than the woman expecting her to actually manage to stab her, but hey, she had to give it her all or else it'd look like all her effort had gone to waste.

She didn't take another moment of hesitation, immediately moving to rush at Giselle, having the spear initially in a blocking motion in the event she had moved to retaliate, but then swiftly spinning the spear around to, if successful, cut across her chest.

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A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] Empty Re: A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 5:56 pm
A Cool Morning Breeze [Vee/Gigi] HEADER_0590-014

It was about as much as she expected. But then again, she was more or less ignoring those details about the girl at this point. After all, technique and form aren't what she was trying to teach the girl. She was trying to teach her something....... special. She watched as the girl seemed to recover from that blow to the chest, watching carefully.
Even a deer will bare it's horns when threatened.
This was good. "Even a deer will bare it's horns when threatened. Remember that." She noted in calm warning to the other woman as she watched her grip her weapon.

Her own staff swung out, watching as the other woman blocked the strike, before following through with a sudden slash. A decent move, but Giselle twister and THRUST her shoulder forward, checking the shaft of her own staff and causing it to shunt into the side of that spear as it was swung, bashing it up and into the air, causing it to completely miss Giselle before she executed two more sharp blows, slightly harder this time intent on making Vee stumble with the first hit, and then knock her to the ground in the opposite direction on her second hit.

"A spear isn't made for slashing. Sure you COULD cut with it, but it's not really designed for that. Swords....knives...those are all small, easy, aerodynamic, flat weapons made for swift and easy slashes. Of course, you could learn to slash with a spear effectively, but that takes a lot of time, practice, and experience. None of which you have. If you want to hit with a spear, you need to use it how it's designed to be used: Stabbing." She explained calmly. She knew what Vee was doing...or she had an idea. But a slash with a shallow wound wasn't what she was looking for. She used hirenkyaku to suddenly blitz her way to Vee, getting in her face and grabbing her spear, raising it up, and scraping it slowly over her own face, and Vee would see that subtle pattern forming along her skin, her blut stopping it from even scratching her. "Besides, a glancing slash like that? Isn't going to hurt me."

That's what this was. She wasn't going to just LET Vee stab her halfassedly. She had to push her. To make her struggle. To learn. A spear had a lot of length, and sure it was very easy to let out little pokes. But Giselle could easily ward away those sorts of things. What she wanted to draw out of Vee, was a powerful charging stab. As if she were really trying to kill Giselle. That was why she was using her Blut and had adjusted the strength of the arrows they were using as staff and spear. Vee would not be able to succeed unless she came at Giselle seriously. And that too, would be part of the lesson. Not just how to attack with intent, but to see what happened when that intent was executed. Vee would need to kill. But she'd also need to learn how to control her own strength. Not just with her poowers, but with all of her abilities and skills. To SEE how her attacks would effect a normal human body. Vee needed to know not just HOW to fight, but when to fight, and how hard. Most people were able to learn the first, some were able to learn the second, but very few were able to learn all three. Even powerful quincy and shinigami in the past did not know how to hold themselves back. Often resulting in egregious collateral. Her mind snapping back to the memory of Radioactive.

These were lessons she intended to instill in Vee. At least as best she could.
The others could teach her how to fight.
They MIGHT be able to teach her when to fight.
But putting it all together could be hard. Especially with someone as ...young and enthusiastic as Vee. They could lecture her. But experience was the best teacher.
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