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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Fri Oct 29, 2021 3:09 pm
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


Well, you know, Ira could have gone off to wherever it was Yugiri was headed. In fact, he'd even thought about it for a good hot minute. Could've been fun honestly, if he really thought about it. 'Course, then he thought about last time he'd gone out somewhere, and stopped focusing on her chest while he thought about it.

Then it didn't seem like such a great idea to follow along. Better to just hang out back in the City of Lights again 'til she came back. Besides, he still got his pay for everything that happened, even if he'd mostly just avoided getting turned into a paste. That was more'n most people had done.

Hm. Maybe that was a little insensitive. Well, a lot actually. Not like he said it aloud though. Shrugging to himself as he took a long sip of his smoothie, Ira simply gazed upward from his seat on one of the benches around the city of lights. Damn, this part of the world sure was nice. Never got cold, sun was always shining. Hurricane season was probably a bitch though, huh?

Still. Pretty nice.

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Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:16 pm
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] HEADER_sample-a7d9d99ff9aa04a6ab6de37cc3449055

Ehefra humed to herself as she waited in line.

A mundane task. So .....incredibly different than the past few years. All of that time spent going through the Middle East, heading to America, hunting her way through the country looking about and exploring. It had definitely been an eye opener. When she had gotten back to ....well... a safe place. It was almost jarring. But she was, a few weeks later, just sitting in line. It was a most surreal experience and Ehefra wondered how she had shifted hears so fast. A little bump to the side of her jawline caused her to turn and she spotted Beeps floating around next to her head, wiggling in the direction of the line. Ah... She stepped forward to the counter and ordered her drink. A smoothie, before sliding to the side, that little floating cube following her along, sloating through the air and crooning and making little digital noises as Ehefra waited for her drink to be ready, her attention meandering as Beeps kept it's attention squarely on the staff and their drink being made.

She took a moment, taking in the moment. Her mind picking up on senseless little things. The air pressure. The Wind. The feel of her shoes and the ground beneath her feet. Not rough and uneven, but smooth and flat. Though her eyes DId snag for a moment when she noticed a kid. They seemed fine enough, however, she ....WAS a little surprised when she didn't see anyone else around. She paused...looking around before a voice caught her attention. 'Ma'am?"

Ah right.

She accepted her drink and then turned her attention back to that child. Was she just hanging around on her own? Should she approach? she furrowed her brows.....debating. But ultimately her concern won out, and she made her way over to Ira, perking up and offering a light smile, promptly shifting into 'dealing with un childito' mode. "Hey there." A casual greeting as she took a sip of her smoothie. She didn't want to spook the kid, just see if she noticed any of the nearby adults start looking .... mother-hennish? This was silly, the Kid's parents were probably nearby. But still...the possibility still had her paranoid. Surely she'd just speak to the kid, and then once their Parent poked their head up to give her the 'Yes thats my kid, shes not alone' look, she'd be off and on her way. Simple right?
God of Love
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Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:20 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


Ira, of course, was one well-trained in the art of detecting when there was a fine lady on the approach, and now was no different. Normally, his interested appraisal of the woman would have been quite transparent in its intentions, but his appearance made it look as though he was simply sizing up the stranger that had sat next to him. Of course, it wasn't like he really made any effort to disguise himself around here. He'd been around enough for it to not matter that much.

"Afternoon, missy. What flavor you got there? I got mangosteen, they said it was from around these parts and I sure as hell never heard of a mangosteen before. It's pretty good, if you want a taste."

Casually taking another sip of his smoothie, he simply looked to Ehefra almost expectantly, rather genuinely curious as to how she'd respond to the situation. He had his paperwork if somehow things went really bad, but she didn't quite seem like the type to escalate anything. Not that he was the best judge of character, but you know.

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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:11 pm
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] HEADER_sample-a7d9d99ff9aa04a6ab6de37cc3449055

Ehefra...... paused, surprise clearly written across her face as the language coming from this kid was.....well not even that bad, but coming from such a tiny person was....startling to say the least. She furrowed her brows, briefly stunned into a brief silence. "Uh.....Wild Berry..." She murmured, still somewhat trying to get her bearings. From the word usage to the way that they carried themselves it was almost immediately clear that this wasn't your average child. WAS she a child? Perhaps an underdeveloped teen? Or was this one of those Benjamin button situations?

"Are you by yourself? Minors usually aren't supposed to be around on their own, for identification purposes. Wh-...I ...mean....ARE you a Minor?" She furrowed her brows, trying to avoid accidentally insulting the person if they turned out to be like....forty or something. Her mind somewhat racing. There WERE a few possibilities at play here. This could be just..... an incredibly poorly raised, and unattended, child. It could be a teenager. It could also be an adult. Once she found out the age range she could go from there, the easiest thing would be to either find their guardian OR get their identification. If they had none, she could simply escort them to one of the offices to get the paperwork done for those things. At the very least she had a path going forward.... something that made her smile just a little, pleased that she had a game plan.

Yes, good job Ehefra! Now as soon as she could sus out this little......person's situation, she'd be able to go from there. Truth be told, she .....didn't....have.....QUITE a great grasp of what to do if this turned out to be an adult. She supposed just....ask them about what brought them to the city? She may have to make up for potentially insulting them just now..... she'd worry about that if it came to it. For the time being: She was affixed to being a responsible member of the Vandenreich.
God of Love
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:56 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


"No ma'am, I'm definitely not a minor. Least, not up here." Ira tapped his head as he said that, taking a sip of his smoothie before continuing. "Hang on, I gotcha covered."

Not everyone actually seemed to care too much about his papers, though. Well, actually, he was pretty sure that was just Yugiri. Ah well. Pulling the folded up paperwork from his back pocket, and handing it over to Ehefra, Ira simply leaned back a bit on the bench and continued to study her, in a manner that was only about 50% checking her out. The paperwork itself was fairly comprehensive, courtesy of the City of Lights' finest medical experts. Simply put, his soul was definitely that of an old man, regardless of the body it was in.

"Name's Ira, by the by. What should I call ya? Hopefully it's nothing too long n' hard to pronounce, but ya never can tell around these parts. Seem to have every sort of name under the sun around here."

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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:41 pm
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] HEADER_sample-a7d9d99ff9aa04a6ab6de37cc3449055

She wasn't completely surprised when that placid response came out, at the very least that did eliminate the need to find this girl's parents. However, when the paperwork WAS fished out, she perked up slightly. A little Beebeep sounded as Beep promptly floated it's way uut of her pocket, shaking itself of a bit of lint before it proceeded to peer at the documents, checking them against the database as Ehefra kept her focus on the individual themselves. "Ah, I apologize for the incredulity, and thank you for cooperating. I imagine this probably gets a little tiring." She noted with a bit of a sheepish smile before a loud trill caught her attention. She looked over her shoulder at Beep as the little cube tapped itself on a particular portion of the documents.

Her browsraised when she saw the .....breadth of the girl's condition. What? She furrowed her brows and brought the document close to her face as she inspected the explanation. That this ....GENTLEMAN's soul had been tethered to this young girl's body. What had happened to the younger girl? The only such processes she had heard of was when Hollows performed such a thing for their own cruel practices. What had CAUSED such a strange phenomena? Not only that, but why was he still in there? At the very least he was not pretending to be a young lady, so that ruled out nefariousness, but even so why had his soul not been extracted? He could even be given a gigai. Was he opting not to? Was there something anchoring his soul more intimately with the body than normal? Was .....that something that could happen? Perhaps she should do a bit of research on the process itself. What WAS it that scraped out all the old memories when a soul was reborn? Hmm. She had a LARGE number of questions. But at least for now, she reminded herself that this was still a guest in the City of Lights.

"Oh uhhhh, Sorry I didn't mean to be rude. And My name's Ehefra. It's a pleasure to meet you ....Ira." Was that his original name? Or had he been stuck in this body since it was born? Was this perhaps a malfunction with a reincarnation? Had the memories of his soul been accidentally carried over? She restrained her questions for now, not wanting to seem overly pushy. "How have you been liking the City of Lights thus far?" She asked with a friendly smile, even as her mind raced about this strange predicament.
God of Love
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:39 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


"Ah, ya get used to it after a while, don't go worrying about all that. Shoulda seen the looks I got when I went out to Jefferson!"

Of course, despite his amused chuckle, he didn't find the rest of that situation to be particularly humorous, but hey, no reason not to laugh at the funny parts, right? Scratching his head as she gave her name, Ira did his best to commit that one to memory, if only because she'd been both forward enough to say hello and collected enough not to get weird about the situation.

Well, she was cute too, that helped.

"Ehefra, eh? I've liked the city enough, I'd say. Reminds me of home, all this sea and the like, though a lot of them Quincy types are real uptight. Not all of 'em, obviously, so don't feel offended if you're one too. Just somethin' I've noticed. You get my age and you start to notice when people are on edge, and there's a lot of people around here who seem like they're always on high alert."

Taking another sip of his drink, Ira wondered what had actually brought someone so comparatively energetic to the City of Lights. He was pretty sure he hadn't met anyone so far with half this much personability. Well, maybe that Alastair kid, though he'd seemed a whole lot less personable after Jefferson. How was he doing, anyway?

"Not that I think there's anything wrong with bein' alert, especially with what's happened here in the past few years."

God of Love
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:40 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


"Ah, ya get used to it after a while, don't go worrying about all that. Shoulda seen the looks I got when I went out to Jefferson!"

Of course, despite his amused chuckle, he didn't find the rest of that situation to be particularly humorous, but hey, no reason not to laugh at the funny parts, right? Scratching his head as she gave her name, Ira did his best to commit that one to memory, if only because she'd been both forward enough to say hello and collected enough not to get weird about the situation.

Well, she was cute too, that helped.

"Ehefra, eh? I've liked the city enough, I'd say. Reminds me of home, all this sea and the like, though a lot of them Quincy types are real uptight. Not all of 'em, obviously, so don't feel offended if you're one too. Just somethin' I've noticed. You get my age and you start to notice when people are on edge, and there's a lot of people around here who seem like they're always on high alert."

Taking another sip of his drink, Ira wondered what had actually brought someone so comparatively energetic to the City of Lights. He was pretty sure he hadn't met anyone so far who was half this personable. Well, maybe that Alastair kid, though he'd seemed a whole lot less personable after Jefferson.

"Not that I think there's anything wrong with bein' alert, especially with what's happened here in the past few years."


Last edited by Rawk on Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:04 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] HEADER_sample-a7d9d99ff9aa04a6ab6de37cc3449055

Ehefra was relieved to see that sh...uh...h.....Ira was so calm about the whole situation, and it only made her more determined to quell the surge of questions threatening to erupt from her at a moment's notice! How old WAS he? Did this body age? Did he have powers? So many possibilities! ACK! She had to focus!

She did pause, looking out to that endless ocean in the distance and giving a nervous smile. "Ah, I can't really say this reminds me of home at all. Honestly I try to forget that this is all one big floating city. I've always been nervous around the water." She murmured, almost instantly getting a little more on edge now that this particular fact was brought to her attention. She was incredibly glad that this place was big enough for her not to get sea sick.

However, she....did refocus for a moment at the mention of Quincy. "I suppose you're right. We do tend to be a bit on edge. Things have certainly been rough as of late. We're very far out into the ocean.... and protected. But still..... a lot of us have had to live our whole lives expecting ....death just around the corner." She murmured softly, remembering those nights spent in Thailand, hoping a hollow wouldn't sneak into her shelter at night.

"There's no shame in finding it off. It's just .... a different life being a Quincy I guess.Sometimes you wonder if you were better off being something else." She admitted quietly. Many times she did wonder if she should have just tried to glean power elsewhere. Was it worth living in fear like this? She then realized this was getting WAY too heavy! She smiled sheepishly. "Ahah, sorry I didn't mean to dip into that sort of subject. All the same, I'm glad to hear you're liking the City! Are there any parts you haven't seen yet?" She ventured, trying to shift the subject a bit. After all, she could imagine that given his condition...her condition?..... Ira's condition that getting into some areas would prove a challenge, or at the very least a pain in the ass. The shopping district especially, given Ira would essentially probably run into a concerned adult every five minutes with a place like that, especially if he actively tried shopping.
God of Love
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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:29 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] Yo8iebf


It was fairly plain to see that Ehefra had a lot more to say about this than just that, and that she probably wasn't the sort to ruminate about things like tours around the city. Ira didn't usually pry into other people's affairs, but...well, no, that was a lie actually. He did that all the time, it was just that he generally did it if he felt like it would be helpful.

"Hey, I don't mind that kinda subject. Just 'cause I look like this doesn't mean I haven't been around the block a few times. Way I see it, death's always around the corner these days. Still got all the same things people've always had to worry about. Body givin' out, all that mess out in the wastelands, and nowadays there's always some war or another brewing. If I'd been through what you Quincy have, I'd probably've given up on bein' civil a long time ago."

Of course, it wasn't as if Ira had been through nothing, but he couldn't say the loss of his family to the realities of life was exactly the same as seeing your whole people attacked.

"Personally, though, I don't think anyone's better off bein' anything else. Even if it'd be nice to see a different life, or a more peaceful one, I think sometimes we just need to accept that we're livin' in troubled times. Really nothin' else to be done but try and live your best for the people who didn't make it, yeah? Be a damn shame to get yourself tangled up in those thoughts."

Maybe it was just being old, but Ira was decidedly not the type to shy away from a topic like this. Hell, in a lot of ways it was almost refreshing to hear someone so openly admit things like that. People were too afraid to talk about things these days! Everyone acting like they were in some soap opera, hiding their issues 'til the most dramatic moment. Absolutely stupid.

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