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Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:53 am
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Ehefra paused a bit at that and was a bit surprised when Ira just bulled right into the subject after her apology. A .... moment taken to parse the points offered up and she tried to think things through. She supposed IRa had a point, after all, MOST humans had to deal with the possibility of just sudden erasure. Sure, quincy had a more ...inescapable issue, in that no matter how strong they became that weakness persisted, but it was still nothing unique...well...too unique. She put on a sheepish smile and sighed. "I guess. I still can't help but think about it now and then. But maybe even if I'd chosen something different I'd still think that way." She murmured, rubbing her cheek for a moment and then looking back down to Ira.

"It's certainly nice to see someone so kinda....over that kinda worry. Or at least not letting it eat away at them." Truth be told, she felt ..... that kind of erosion a lot amongst her peers. She often wondered why things had to be like this. Why things were the way they were. "So Ira, what exactly brings you to the City of Lights? Just sightseeing? Or are you here for something specific?" She decided to ask. After all Ira certainly seemed to just be ....kinda living as best they could. But all the same, she ....felt better. The conversation HAD aired out a few things she had been keeping inside. So she was struck with a bit of a desire to help Ira. Or at least help facilitate whatever they came to the City for.

Even if she was a bit more relaxed, the subject was......well she just instinctively attempted to move on from it. However subliminally, after all that was a mental spiral she'd gone down before and she didn't like the kind of person she became when she went down it.
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Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:01 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] - Page 2 Yo8iebf


"Mostly came by to pick up my paycheck from Jefferson and wait around for my traveling partner. Well, 'partner' is kind of a strong word, I guess, but she's alright."

Honestly, that was the only reason Ira had come to the City of Lights over anywhere else, though he did have to admit that there was something comforting about the whole place. At least, when you got past the tension in the air. Long as he didn't see his reflection in the water, things were pretty nice.

"I'd been thinking I might see if there's any other work that needs doing, but I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon. I'm not exactly a powerhouse right now, figure I'll end up being more a liability than anything else. So instead I just get to hang out, drink smoothies. I'd ask around about anyone who's got some quick tips for getting stronger, but I might just hold off on that for now."

Probably best to leave it unspoken that his primary reason for avoiding that was the overwhelming existential dread of puberty setting in. He'd already dealt with this once, and dealing with it a second time, much less as the other sex, didn't exactly fill Ira with the confidence necessary to get training. Besides, he wasn't even sure how that'd work with his situation.

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Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:13 am
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Ehefra Kleinmund

Ehefra blinked, actually a bit surprised. "Paycheck? Oh I suppose that makes sense. If you want I could certainly help get you squared away with that." She pointed out. She WAS a Logistics Officer after all, if nothing else understanding the system for these things was her job. All the same, she ....let her mind wander a little as Ira expressed the other subjects that came to mind. Hm.

She did take a moment to look over Ira, on one hand physique was ...REALLY not that big of a factor when it came to sheer strength these days. Ehefra herself was probably capable of beating many full grown men without spiritual powers in sheer strength. There was, however, the other issues that probably came. If his soul had been moved into this body, he might have lost some of his potency with that. She...he....Ira. She tapped her chin. "Well, you know the old saying: the soul will grow most fervently when it is in danger of being extinguished. Not that that's a great metric. But I ....admittedly could probably help you get stronger now that I think about it..." She folded her arms, sticking her tongue out and furrowing her brows a bit. "Wether it's normal training or if you really DO want to throw yourself into some work. I could certainly help out." She reasoned.

It DID occur to her that she ....well....had a lot of free time these days. Vandenreich operations were ...well...few and far between. At most there was usually just patrols, nothing that the Logistical division really had to get TOO involved in. She certainly had the time to spare to help Ira with this sort of thing. And ...diiiiiiiiiiid she maybe also have the notion in her head that getting familiar with Ira might also sate her curiosity about this bizarre condition? Perhaps. If there was one thing that Ehefra was, it was a nerd at heart. And such a unique situation definitely had her disgustingly curious. As a programmer, finding out how things functioned was just least for her. She VERY much wanted to know what was going on in Ira's soul. Maybe even try and figure out how to a bit of debugging? That wasn't inethical or anything right? Especially if she had good intentions! No that was super ethical to want to help someone out! Moral highground don't fail me now!

End Post | That's not a war crime, right?

God of Love
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Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:13 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] - Page 2 Yo8iebf


Was it the face that always made these lovely ladies offer him a hand? Probably, though he'd certainly always been a charmer even in his first body. Oh well, in truth his mind was only barely on the matter of the girl herself, and was far more on the offer she'd made. Probably would be good to have someone to help out with that, huh? He really didn't have any idea what Yugiri would be teaching him, or even when she'd be showing back up, and Ulv, uh...well, that sure wasn't an option anymore, far as he could tell.

"Well, I don't mind taking you up on both of those offers. Not that I wanna take up all your time, of course. Don't go makin' your schedule harder just over me or anything."

Not that Ira actually minded the idea of a lovely young lady taking time out of her day just for him, but the fact that she seemed so earnest about it was exactly why he felt like he ought to be more polite about it. He didn't exactly enjoy taking advantage of good people.

"Hope you know you'll have a lot to work with if you do want to help with that. I'm not exactly the strapping young man I was back in my day."

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Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:26 am
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Ehefra Kleinmund

Ehefra couldn't help but chuckle just a little at Ira's insistence. "Of course I won't be really training you nonstop or anything. IT'll be a gradual kinda thing ya know? But it's not like I usually DO a lot with my time anyway." She sighed, looking a bit moodily off to the side. Her own romanticized ideas of what it was like to be in the Vandenreich had been....buffered. Especially when the SUPER handsome recruiter that had brought her in turned out to be TAKEN! A mortal blow to her own expectations, the romance of having brought her into the fold! She tensed up a bit and growled a little to herself as she could only IMAGINE the sort of hussy that could have snatched him up! No doubt the very ECHO of debauchery! She felt her hands tighten into fists as she imagined whatever blonde fat-chested TRAMP had gone and scooped him up! Her mins instantly shifted to Miss Helle, however she knewe very well that that particular creature had set her talons on an even higher prize. Ugh..... she couldn't help but feel a bit out of sorts, at least back at home the number of foreigners around to go snatching up attractive partners was minimal! But here in america the damn yanks were EV ERYWHERE!

She paused, glancing at Ira and smiling a little as she felt a bit calmer. She wasn't entirely sure What Ira was, but at the very least she would not pose as any opposition to Ehefra's conquests. Perhaps her ability to care for the young one might even win her brownie points with potential suitors! She could see it now! A pretty Japanese girl spotting Ehefra working with Ira and helping her train? And even when they found out the truth, surely her kindheartedness would make her even more appealing!

She had zoned out throughout this thought process, but now she turned and gave Ira an even MORE determined smile. "Don't you worry. It may take a bit of trial and error, but I'll make sure you can return, no SURPASS your might when you were a man!" She declared firmly, incredibly pleased with how much this little venture could benefit her!

Post End | DON'T Stop me now! I' havin a good time!
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Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:44 am
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] - Page 2 Yo8iebf


Well, if she was so insistent on it, that was really all Ira needed to hear to be assured that this was fine. After all, it wasn't like he had any issues with the setup itself. Learning from yet another of the fine ladies of the world? Yes sir, sign him right up.

"Now you're putting a whole lot of expectations on your shoulders, missy. I was one hell of a man back in my day. You ever haul tuna onto the deck of a fishing boat? That's not for small fry."

Of course, he'd had plenty of other feats, as well, but why bring those up? There were only a handful of things in life that he felt any true passion toward, and none of them involved bareknuckle brawling. His family and his crew, that was really all that had mattered to him.

Course, he didn't have either one of those now. What a downer. Another sip of his smoothie to collect his thoughts, put a pause in things just briefly, and he spoke a little more evenly, lacking in some of the jovial tone his voice had carried before.

"Can't say I'm in any rush, anyway. This body's a little fragile."

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Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:25 am
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Ehefra raised her brows slightly when she...he....Ira talked about his old life. A chuckle escaping her before she responded. "Tuna specifically? Not really. I did a bit of fishing but I think I see your point. But I also think you might underestimate yourself." She pointed out, giving Ira a calm smile and crouching to put herself on eye level with the woman. Not exactly the most ladylike of positions, honestly she almost seemed thuggish in the way that she did it. But all the same it accomplished her goal. Putting herself on the same level as Ira as she took a moment to consider his own....hesitation. He did seem .... almost worried. And she could only imagine how vulnerable he felt. At least by human standards, he sounded like he had been pretty strong and sturdy when he'd been....himself. But now? She could see how he would feel weak and even perhaps useless in that regard.

And she herself.....found herself thinking back to her own time in Malaysia. When she had only just gotten free of her parents after learning Quincism from her aunt. And the .....time she'd had ....adjusting....worrying.....struggling with just how cruel and heartless and scary the world could be. Shen she finally started to talk, she wasn't smiling anymore. She had a solemn and firm look on her face as she leveled with Ira. "I was also a frail little girl once. Raised in the safety of Karakura, had a whole life planned out for me. My dad wanted me to work on computers like he did. They never saw me as someone who could ever be anything but the frail little girl they'd brought into this world. And for a while, I was scared that's all I'd ever be. But I wanted more. I MADE myself more. I went from that scared little girl, to a teacher, to someone who could protect people. Someone who wasn't afraid to rip a lamppost out of the ground and beat a hollow to death with it!" She was grinning now, RELISHING a ...ahem...particular memory. And then realizing she was getting a little TOO inte3nse, cleared her throat and settled down.

"The point is, you're WAY more capable than you know. It might be hard, hell it might even mean a lot of stuff you'd never think you'd wind up doing. But ....if you really want to. You can do it." That expression softened and she put a hand on Ira's shoulder. Maybe it was the brownie points she'd get for being motherly around a tiny thing. Maybe it was the sheer scientific marvel that was Ira's situation. Or maybe she was starting to see a bit of herself in this girl's situation. Maybe something was .....familiar about being stuck somewhere you didn't know the way out of. And not knowing how to free yourself, but still DEEPLY wanting a way out. Maybe she was even just projecting all this stuff. But all the same, she felt that desire to help Ira grow more and more pronounced. She didn't just WANT to help. She was GOING to help.
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Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:13 pm
Drive My Own Car, Wear My Own Clothes [Ira, Open] - Page 2 Yo8iebf


Looking at his own hand for a moment, Ira considered what Ehefra had said. The idea of becoming someone like that, someone that could protect others and, at the end of the day, who could just live alone... That was what he'd always wanted. For her, anyway. It was what he'd promised to do with this body.

"You'll make a real good wife to some lucky soul one day, ya know that?"

It was, considering Ira's age and his nature, the most genuine sort of compliment he could really give to a girl of Ehefra's age. Despite the grin he wore when he said it, it was meant rather genuinely, and he gave her a pat on the head that seemed to convey just how old he actually was even in spite of the hand that was doing the patting.

"I'm not too worried about what I can or can't do. Only option's to do my best at everything and see how it turns out, right? Way I see it, you're as good a teacher as I could ask for in that regard."

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Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:32 pm
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Ehefra blinked, her brows raising for just a moment when she received such praise, an almost immediate sheepish expression forming on her face as Ira went so far as to pat her on the head! Almost immediately she had herself a brief flurry of mental images! Having a lovely house, lots of kids, and a fucking SMOKING partner to share it with. Thankfully her mouth was closed as she salivated at the very notion of such a happy life for herself, especially when her fucking parents thought that her quincism would throw all that out the window! Take that fuckwads!

"Yer goddamn right I will." She chimed, before clearing her throat and recomposing herself. "So it's settled! Actually..." She glanced toward Beeps, the little cube floating out into view and displaying an encripted version of her schedule. She eyed the slots for a moment before sticking her tongue out. "Beeps, cancel 4:30 today." She instructed, the little cube chiming in response before she then panned toward Ira and put on a grin. "I Just so happen to have an open schedule. If you like, we can hang out and finish our smoothies, then we could start preliminary examination! So I can get a bead on what would be safe for you." She noted, taking a very large slurp of her smoothie before tensing up, staring off into the distance as she FORCED a scream back down her throat as she was promptly hit with a brainfreeze. Right. Hers was still fresh and hella cold. Shit.
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