Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:48 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 4amdfnX


Go figure, the intel wasn't nearly enough for Reida to have prepped for something like this. She could have rifled through her box of tricks, pull out a more proper breaching setup here, but that would be a risk she couldn't afford to take when she'd already come this far in alone. Oh well, she'd dealt with worse.

"Y'all havin' fun?"

Reida could do little else for now but move all the deeper into the area, not quite as worried about her opponents now as she was about checking for any alternative exits. After all, part of being prepared was knowing your own strengths, and Reida knew all too well that most people would have a difficult time causing her serious harm. If she was going to do this right, she'd have to take a few risks.

Picking up her pace, Reida turned her attention mostly to the walls rather than the area around her, running her flashlight over them to check for any doors or other possible escapes. Tunnels, ladders, the like. She'd gone through a whole lot of more dangerous spots than this, a lot of old Shadow Fall labs and holdouts filled with the kind of thing that made these terrorists look like small children.

But that didn't mean she let her guard down, of course. Just that she was on even higher alert for anyone trying to get away.

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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:55 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 ZGBwypB


"You two, help me restrain them and take them to the entrance. Search them, make sure they don't have any weapons."

Vee's voice had a bit of a tremble to it as she spoke to the Soldat, holding the absurdly fast surrenderer tightly by the collar, holding the freezing knife to her neck and slowly leading her and her buddies outside, restraints applied to all of them as well as to tie them together.

Once the group was situated just outside the blown open door, Vee would once again direct the Soldat to reenter the building to conduct further searching and securing, as well as hearing out for Reida.

Her heart was still pounding, adrenaline and pain making her fingers twitch. Even with how she felt, she remained focused on the mission. This was no time for a weak stomach.

Remaining outside for the moment, she remained vigilant in the event of anything going wrong or her being needed.

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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:38 pm
With the Help of her Soldat, Vee found herself escorting the bumbling idiots from the hangar toward the opening that they had used to gain access to the warehouse. The goons seemed to mumble and whimper here and there, clearly not too willing to try and make any fuss. The cold blade held to one of their throats was all the reason that these simple goons needed in order to comply. The going of course was a bit slower than they might have liked, as the scuffle left the goons bruised and struggling to keep an even pace.

However, before Vee had the opportunity to make it outside with those captives, a set of floodlights suddenly clicked on, light BLAZING into the warehouse from the opposite side that Reida had gone and almost blinding her and the soldat were it not for their gas masks.

From the crates, a Forklift sudden began driving at them from behind! The large burly man from before was kitted out in thick padded armor and at the driver's seat, several large crates used as a shield between him and the quincy as he drove at full speed toward the exit of the warehouse! Clearly intent on making it to the road and trying to escape with some of the cargo! Not only that, but the man brandished a metal club made from a baseball bat fitted with thick metal plates. A determined look on the man's face as he barreled straight for Vee and the Soldat she was with, the captives immediately trying to struggle to get out of the way of the incoming vehicle!

As for Reida, she would find very little in the ways of escape routes. While she did find a few extra air vents here and there, nothing was so large or honestly seemed BUILT for a person to go in or out of the place outside of the main warehouse entrance. However, in response to her little call out, she'd hear something almost directly in her ear.

"Oh more fun than you know."
The voice was said at such close range, seemingly directly into her ear, so much so that she could FEEL warm breath and air brushing against her ear. But if she were to turn around, or even fire into the space that it had come from, she would receive nothing, Nothing could be seen, and nothing seemed to be hidden around her.

"Do you really know what you're doing? You seem like a professional, but I wonder how much of that is just you making it up as you go along." The voice would speak directly into her face, that familiar sensation, as if someone really WAS directly in front of her, and then the sensation of her weapon holding in place, as if someone had placed their hand on it and was slowly pushing it down to point towards the ground, with strength that rivaled her own.

And then she'd hear a click, a pistol being cocked back as a dark figure crouched up on top of the nearest storage container would glint, a gun pointed in Reida's direction, one of the man's hands was held to the side and almost seemed like it was pushing down on something, matching the pressure that was being exerted on her gun.
"Why don't you put the gun down? If you move I'll shoot. I promise you that none of your fancy quincy nonsense is going to keep you from what this thing is loaded with. But there's no need for that. I know you're here for the stuff we stole from you guys. So lets talk this out, huh?" He smiled, but his mouth didn't move, and that voice continued to be produced directly near her ear. But it wasn't a normal smile, it was a ...toothy, cheshire smile, and the way that he moved while that voice spoke, it would, potentially, seemed familiar to a particular type of entertainer. If Reida was the type to be familiar with ventriloquism.
"He's right. We should listen to what he has to say." Vee's voice would echo from Reida's left, as if the woman were right next to her. Once again there would be nobody there, but of course turning to check on that would mean pulling her attention away from the man with a gun pointed at her.

Off in the distance, that familiar hollow roar sounded off, echoing through the area. But this time it was ....different. It went on LONGER. Yowling, roaring out as if it were fighting something, until finally, it stopped abruptly.
God of Love
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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:16 am
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 4amdfnX


Not bad, not bad at all. Reida had to admit that it had been a good angle to come this far out, but there wasn't much reaction from her even as the voice moved around her without a source. She'd definitely seen worse.

"Oh yeah? Whatcha got in there? If y'er plannin' to fire it with one hand from up there, it can't be much bigger'n, what, nine mil?"

Naturally, she wasn't actually nearly so foolish as to assume anyone with this degree of confidence was carrying standard stuff. But that didn't stop her from goading him, considering she was the last person who would ever give someone the satisfaction of frightening her. Besides, short of a shot perfectly through her skull, Reida wasn't afraid of taking a bullet or two. Hell, if he was all the way up there, she could probably afford to take a whole mag if she had to.

'Course, that probably wouldn't be fun, so it wasn't exactly ideal if she did.

"Sorry, cowboy, but I generally always try to keep my hand on my gun. That's range safety 101, ya know. Try not to play around with me though, huh? You n' I both know that ain't my partner here, she'd never be that cool n' collected right about now. Wanna talk over whiskey? Maybe some snacks? I got both."

The roar of the distant hollow barely even crossed Reida's mind, though. She acknowledged it, but it wasn't something immediately relevant. For now, her thoughts were only on how to work out this situation.

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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:25 am
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 ZGBwypB


She kept with the captives, the sound of her breath annoyingly audible to her due to the mask. Keeping her focus forward until she noticed a bright light in their path, and the hum of an engine behind her, followed shortly by the screech of wheels and the lumbering of a vehicle as she turned to see -thankfully dimmed by the mask's visor - a vehicle heading right towards the group. She couldn't see the operator very well from her perspective, but if they didn't move they were going to get run over!

She didn't have time to think well beyond screaming, "LOOK OUT!" And shoving two captives along with her out of the path of the vehicle, hitting the cold hard ground. Her heart was racing, a bit dazed from almost getting run over by a jerk with high beams, but she quickly got her bearings and looked to the vehicle beginning to make way away from her. Her mind screamed an array of cusses as she tried to figure out what to do here; she needed to stop the vehicle but also needed to call Coordinator Copeland to come help, though her muscles were acting long before her brain did, having lobbed an ice dagger towards the lower end of the vehicle with little thought.

"Stop the lift however you can!" She'd call to the two Soldat, before opening coms once again,

"They're trying to get away with cargo, we need help out here!"

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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:24 pm
Be Advised: Four Unidentified contacts have arrived and split into groups of 2, en route to Primary and Secondary Objective Locations. The bright ping of that cube companion's voice, or in some cases the dull glow of text notification would bring themselves to the attentions of all operatives.

That little ice blade thunked and bounced off of the tire of the forklift, the man grinning and raising a hand to give a middle finger to the woman, unaware of the little spike of broken ice stuck in the tire, causing it to start slowly deflating, causing a dull grinding noise as the forklift began to list slightly to the side by the slightest ammount! Thanks to Vee calling out, the other Soldat had managed to yank the others out of the way as well, and following her example soon formed their bows and were firing on the forklift! Several arrows breaking off and sinking into the metal and glass that armored the sides of the vehicle, though a few managed to slice in and sink into the man himself. but the big burly guy continued, seemingly powering through the arrow wounds!

It was then that a screech was heard! A bright glowing Eagle swooping in and landing directly a few feet away from the door of the warehouse. The little bird made of reishi popped down, talons clicking on the ground before it's shadow suddenly swelled and bled forward, pooling infront of it before two figures slid up from the shadows, emerging in the very uniforms that these pretenders had attempted to emulate in the briefing. A large, burly man that rivaled the one in the forklift, and a young woman that adjusted a pair of glasses as the pair took a moment to eyeball the scene before them.

Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 HEADER_a1496a58483334c8a799e05b11513439
"Seems our intel was wrong, nothing here but a bunch of junk. You owe me fifty." The woman murmured delightedly, glancing over her shoulder towards the glaring man whose gaze seemed to briefly pierce Vee before turning his attention to the man in the forklift.

With a sudden vicious swing of his arm, a bright ring like a manacle formed around his fingers before a chain lashed out and CRACKED straight through the windshield and the metal protective grating behind it, a dull THUNK sounding as the man in the forklift made a strangled choking noise, clutching at his neck where a matching ring had formed before the newcomer in the uniform yanked back, a loud THUNK sounded as the thug in the forklift's head was slammed into the broken metal. Forklift boy suddenly went limp, slumping in the vehicle as the thing then rolled to a stop just before the chain and manacles on both men vanished, dispersing back into reishi.
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 HEADER_10c67a62c920e0dcae6810769bcea4ef
"You have ten seconds to hand those punks over or you'll be joining them." He growled at Vee and the other Soldats, his voice daring any of them to make a move as he already began striding toward the group.

The sound of ruckus outside made the man above twitch slightly, but he didn't take his eyes of Reida as the woman seemed to seemed to swing into what was probably Sarcasm. His lips peeled back to a toothy smirk. "Well aren't you hospitable? You make a good point though." His hand would twist, moving from that downward pressure, to hooking his finger. The pressure on her rifle would suddenly vanish, and instead, she'd feel a tug from where she stored the rest of her grenades. The safety pin on one of the grenades on her person suddenly pulled taut as if someone were tugging on it.

"Safety is pretty important. Nobody here wants to get hurt right? And it sounds like your partner is having a bit of trouble out there. So how about this: You turn around and go help your friend. So far as anyone knows you never even found me in this little maze down here. Groovy?" He reasoned. Whoever the man was, he didn't seem intent on fighting, despite the smooth confidence with which he was conducting himself amidst all this. Though it was fairly clear that he had some sort of escape plan if Reida DID comply.
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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:23 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 JfHJLyM


Vee was still a little dazed, but her focus was brought back in a jolt from the notification - More people. She spotted that crude gesture, muttering a soft, "Bien te baiser aussi," watching as the forklift appeared to become unbalanced due to the tire's deflating, keeping to those they had under custody as the Soldat followed her order. She was still trying to figure out what the hell to do, how the hell to react here, until the piercing shriek of a bird of prey was heard overhead. Huh..? Why was there a...

"..Ah merde."

They had company; specifically, those in those shoddy uniforms she saw during the briefing. Her heart raced - they didn't seem anything like the goons she dealt with so easily before, they absolutely had spiritual power - something that was only confirmed when he formed some kind of weapon from his fingers, and brutally killed the man in the vehicle. Her lungs tightened, her blood ran cold when she saw how easily the newcomer killed him. Even if the operator was a normal human, she wasn't much of a bump above it. She could imagine it now, in scarce movement, brutally killed alongside her companions, left to die out on her first mission. Was this the kind of thing Alastair went through?

I'm going to die, the unheard voice of instinct shuddered as the burly man walked towards them, slowly counting down, I'm going to die.

She acted without thinking, in hardly a moment, she blinked, and suddenly she was tightly holding one of the apprehended goons, a frozen knife to their neck, Vee staring eerily back at the man approaching them,

"That's not happening," Her voice spoke with a shaking hiss, unsure of what was colder - the air, her body, or her heart, "Come any closer, do any tricks, and their arteries freeze," She spoke in an oddly calm tone, slowly and carefully, "So if you don't want one of your buddies dead... Back off, and talk - who are you, and what are you doing here? Answer me straight."

God of Love
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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:10 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 4amdfnX


"I don't reckon I can letcha get out that easy. No offense."

Reida knew where he was already, given his constant talking and the shine of his gun. She couldn't realistically gauge the nature of his powers in this short little span of time, and she needed to get going if she was supposed to handle whatever the hell was going on out there.

"C'mon now, you think I'm that unprofessional? Just gonna let a fella like you run on out of here and tell yer friends about what happened? I'm not that kinda gal, sorry to say."

Given her speed, and her general ability with hirenkyaku, it wasn't too much trouble to simply drop her gun and bolt toward the top of the crates. This fella had made a big ol' fuss of stopping her, but he'd yet to actually grab her proper. Just her equipment. Well, if he wanted to set off a few explosions, she could handle it.

The real question was if he could, and the fuse on a grenade sure didn't last long enough to think about it.

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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:18 pm

The man on the container let his eyes dart between Reida and the direction of the others. He was clearly growing less and less confident of the situation as Reida laid things out for him. The barrel of that pistol wavered slightly as the man seemed to struggle with his options, the fact that Reida did not even seem remotely concerned about the grenades on her person being pulled was even more intimidating. But he wasn't panicking, he was focusing, trying to figure a way out of this. "Izzat right? I wonder what's more unprofessional: wasting time chasing me around or, going to go deal with what my friend is doing to your partner out there?" He murmured.... stalling a little as he seemed to consider his options.

There was but a moment of consideration, one last scan, as if looking to see if Reida would try something suddenly, before the air around him crackled. A dull ZTNNN sounding that seemed almost EXACTLY like a Sonido! His spiritual pressure would vanish completely for just an instant as his body blurred and he sped off in the opposite direction of the Warehouse entrance to make a run for it. Not only that, but whatever high speed technique he was using, he seemed to have skills comparable to her own, as least in terms of the sudden acceleration he seemed capable of.

The man, cowed from his original plans of trying to get her to surrender, was suddenly turning tail and running. And it was VERY clear that it wouldn't be a quick, or easy chase if she went after him. This along with the sounds and messages she was getting from Vee would serve to complicate the situation even further.

Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 HEADER_10c67a62c920e0dcae6810769bcea4ef
"Seven..." He murmured as Vee briefly seemed to almost freeze up.
"....Three..." He growled as Vee suddenly spun and grabbed one of the captured man and brought a knife to his throat.
"....One...." He hissed as Vee gave that stern ultimatum, striding toward her the entire time, heedless of the threat that she was making.

The moment that she had finished speaking, his body became a blur as he closed the distance between them. his entire body twisted into a full-bodied punch aimed at the side of the hostage's face that Vee had been using as leverage. Whether Vee slit his throat or not, a chain would suddenly RIP through the man's cheek, having traveled in one cheek, scraping past the man's teeth, and then tearing out the other cheek to rush straight for Vee's throat in a sudden burst of brutality and speed that would see that chain not pierce, but lock and form a manacle around her neck if she wasn't able to evade the surprise chain popping out of the man's face, the force of that chain being more than enough to slam her into the ground by her throat in such an occasion.

In the very same moment, the woman was humming as she zipped over to the man that was slumped inside the forklift, peeling the door straight off and then pulling the man out to feel for a pulse, seeming unconcerned with the fight between the man and Vee at present, nor even the other Soldat who were briefly shellshocked by the abrupt and sudden violence from the large man.

In that very last moment, whether by text or by voice, that familiar tone would pipe up. Evacuations are nearly complete. All teams in need of Reinforcements please respond.
God of Love
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Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida)

Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:25 pm
Investigate Anaconda: Secure Cache (Vee/Reida) - Page 2 4amdfnX


What a waste. A total waste of time that very nearly made Reida say some mighty unladylike things.

Whatever. She didn't have the time to chase this degenerate down, whether she wanted to or not, and she already needed to be moving far faster than she had been to this point. Drawing out the energy under her foot, Reida destroyed it to give herself a rather tremendous increase in speed as she shot to her dropped firearm, then did the same once again as she moved to go help Vee. There wasn't really much time for caution now, though the sheer sound of conflict did at least give her enough cover in itself. She'd have liked to call for more backup, especially given the message from this irritating little device, but she also hardly had the time.

All she could do now was find a vantage point among the crates, thankfully still hidden in the relative darkness and staying distant enough not to blow her cover. This wasn't good at all. Two, and one looked like he was about to split Vee in two. Part of her wanted to help the poor girl out, but that wasn't practical. Setting her sights on the woman who seemed content to check on the man in the forklift. Even the briefest pause was all that Reida needed.

One. Two. Three. A perfectly grouped set of shots, two for center mass and one for the head. Bullets by their nature were already far too quick for the average person to dodge, and Reida's were even moreso simply by the nature of her fullbring. The infectious, corruptive energy that sat within those rounds would have to be enough for now. If they weren't, well, she'd figure that out.

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