Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:41 pm
Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) HEADER_61455122_p18

A smothering noise for the arrancar herself. And yet that was what she chose for the moment as she stared off into the distant edge of Paris as those dark, slitted hues scanned the place for hints of familiarity.

The lone hollow sat herself on the ruins of what had been some small house just outside the city itself, now ruined by past conflicts and left as little more than rubble. It was from this empty place that she watched the distant gem in the night as memories littered her mind. How often she remembered seeing this exact view, her eyes shifting down to the ruins beneath her and closing her eyes. She couldn't remember what it used to look like.

"Together in Paris." She murmured softly to herself. Wondering why the phrase even came to mind. She didn't bear the phrase much thought, so many things flitted through her mind after all. Slowly, she rose up from her seat and took a deep drink of the cool night air, as she felt herself drawn to the city itself. It was....always hard to be near too many people, but a city this size was suer to have a few back alleys and paths she could stalk. Something that would be easy on that troubled head of hers.

She smiled to herself reassuringly. She might even try and get some food. For some reason she found herself hungry for a croissant.
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Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:00 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

The world of the living was a far cry from what it was a few years ago. As the likes of the Mistress Of Glum wandered on the outskirts of Paris, visions of fire briefly flicked in the vision of the hybrid known as Saiko Mori. This woman remembers a time where this planet was consumed in darkness, ruled by devils, and her life utterly enslaved by them. Now, to see starry skies and unshackled futures felt almost -- dreadful, but it was a step in the right direction. So, she had to press forward and try to figure out some way to accept the past, build anew in the future and try to keep making up for the stains of blood on her hands that were ever-present on her mind.

It is for this reason why one filled with the blood of the corrupted could sense another who was just as tainted with sin with relative ease. The woman herself seemed like a cavern of infinite glum, so she sought to attract another into this infinite void to see if there was anything she could do to help this Arrancar. As this presence didn't feel outright hostile, and until malice is given, Saiko herself did not try to operate on a kill first, ask questions later motto since she herself probably should have been killed on that day when this planet was rid of Shadow Fall's presence; yet she still stands and that had to mean something.

But, what had confused her was the sight of this Arrancar. It looked almost like Rukia Kuchiki, a woman Saiko herself was vaguely familiar with if only through her time in the Gotei and Soul Society by history books and royalty. She wasn't too versed on everything that occurred in that family, so it was best to tread carefully into whatever -- this was.

With a soft smile on herself, the aqua-eyed hybrid then waved to Hisana and pieced together some quick words.

"I'm sorry to intrude, but you seem...lost. Is everything ok, hollow?"

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Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) WVMWLOu
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Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:17 pm
Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) HEADER_61455122_p18

Hisana's attention shifted in the direction of the voice. Though truth be told, that Saiko would be able to feel anything from Hisana would be an impressive feat. The woman's form was perfectly human save for those haunted eyes. But when she turned to face Saiko, she would see not the deep violet purple slits that Hisana normally had, but the dark brown hues of someone....well normal. There would not be even a sliver of spiritual pressure escaping the woman, for all intents and purposes she would merely seem as some lone soul sitting in the rubble.

"I'm sorry?" She murmured, her brows knit together. A slight shiver coursing through her as she took a moment to stare a little at this strange girl. All the same, Hisana rose up to her feet, offering a tired, sad smile to Saiko. "I'm fine, what brings you so far away from the city? Are you lost?" She asked, promptly transitioning from confusion to concern as she took a moment to look around for the girl's parents, or well....ANYONE who might be accompanying her. The poor thing. A brief sliver of anger coursed through her shoulders at the notion of someone who would let her just go wandering off on her own. And for just an instant, she REALLY wanted to find whoever was responsible for Saiko. Those small soft hands balled up into gentle fists before she managed to calm herself.

However, a glance back to Saiko caused that anger to die down. One thing at a time. "I'm sorry, I just asked you the same question you asked me. I didn't mean to be rude. No, I'm not lost dear." She finally answered, that odd gentleness about Hisana showing through as she corrected herself.
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Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:32 am


Enter Saiko's Post

A valley of boundless grief could be felt within the depths of Saiko, but her body language didn't indicate that she herself was in pain. In fact, there was more of a look of confusion as the hybrid certainly felt something more -- sinful -- a few moments ago. Something was definitely up with this person, but there wasn't a reason to really announce that fact. The half-breed didn't know what or why she was hiding certain aspects of herself, but she knew her powers tended to grumble when in the presence of something with great sorrow within themselves. And while she was no mind reading, something deeper was in this person and in a world of supernatural hunches you tended to air on the side of caution than not.

"I'm where I need to be in one more ways than one."

There was no sense of doubt in the woman's face as she nodded her head with a gentle smile.

Though, what was curious was a brief glance of her eyes downward. When doing so, Saiko took notice of the brief body language of Hisana. The balling of her fist did not escape her and it was an interesting reaction to take note of. If nothing else, if she did grow hostile, her own chasm of power could undoubtedly lay waste to this area with relative ease. So there was no sense of danger or aggression to be felt from the hybrid in regards to that fact.

"Sorry about that, I'm a bit of a weirdo. I just felt about you. You seemed like you were in pain and I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

As Saiko started rubbing the back of her head, a ginger chuckle escaped her lips before her aqua eyes locked on Hisana. Without any sudden movements, a wisp of oceanic energy would breeze past the hands of Hisana. At that moment, if allowed to be touched, the mindset of Hisana may be altered. Being that Saiko was a hybrid shinigami with demonic blood in her, she could feast off the negative pulsations of mental distress in others in the form of anxiety, dread, woe, and so on. In doing so, she hoped to at least relieve SOME of the tension she felt a second before that feeling suddenly died off. Potent pulsations of sin like that don't just die off.

"Tell me: why were you angry a second ago? I noticed you balled your fist up, are you sure everything is ok?"

(Spoiler contains her feeding ability)


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Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) WVMWLOu
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Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:47 pm
Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) HEADER_61455122_p18

She smiled, remaining fairly calm and placid as she listened to the young girl speaking.....rather strangely. What an odd parlance this girl had. The way she spoke was the sort of talk she'd expect from someone older and she did feel a sliver of unease when the girl seemed to .....perhaps not be the young girl she seemed to be. It was, however, two things that suddenly put Hisana on edge. First was the woman asking why she had been angry, but she had taken care to keep such emotions internal rather than spook the poor thing. And secondly: she noticed that colored wisp reaching for her, and almost instantly the Zanpaku'to that was usually coiled beneath her outfit shifted. A thorn breaking off before so VERY suddenly a Scythe suddenly burst into existence, sprouting directly between Hisana and Saiko to try and ward away that wispy .....thing that had been reaching for her.

In the very next instant, Hisana vanished, her body swallowed up by a sudden burst of dark purple energy before bursting back into existence just a short ways away, that crackle of energy hiding the fact that the woman briefly slipped into a garganta mid-sonido to distance herself from this strange girl. All throughout, there would only be little snaps and crackles of energy, confusing and twisted as it were. Tiny sups of reiatsu from what she was doing: And yet she herself continued to not give off any spiritual pressure.

When it was all said and done, Hisana was suddenly a good five or six meters further from the woman than when they had first begun to talk, a tense and angry look on her face despite the raging paranoida that bubbled up inside her. All notions of their previous conversation continuing were swept away as she desperately attempted to avoid whatever that blue thing was. That scythe snapping into her palm as if of it's own volition. "I'm not sure who or what you are, but I would advise that you leave. Whatever it is you were trying to do: It's not going to work." She asserted, hoping that this would not turn into a fight. But entirely ready to do so if need be.

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Mon Nov 29, 2021 2:05 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko, being one who was positioned to be an anxious person, jumped backward by about five meters herself when the sudden release of the woman's scythe appeared. It was hard to truly catch her off-guard with how heightened the senses of a creature akin the Captain Commanders of the old age, but that didn't mean her heart wasn't racing as she wasn't trying to hurt the woman. So, her eyes remained widened as a mist of aqua and pink reiatsu swirled around Saiko as she was prepared to fight herself if needed.

Still -- that's not what she wanted.

The woman kept gazing as she could see Hisana's aura seeping out. It was clear to her she wasn't an average person, average people don't move as she did. And with her angered expression, there were definitely a lot of conflicted feelings burning in the depths of this individual. So, Saiko remained determined as her face eased over into a more gentle expression before speaking.

"I'm not here to fight. You just looked like you were in pain and I wanted to help. I won't do that again if you don't want."

Saiko raised her hands up in the air as if she were coming in peace. However, given the difference in the scale of their energy, it would be common sense to assume that the half-breed had the upper hand to control the situation. But, in this world, people ain't always logical.

"My name is Saiko Mori and if you couldn't tell, I'm a half-breed shinigami/demon freak. And that demonic half just likes to feed on certain elements of pain. I just wanted to see if I could assist you in trying to ease some of it."

There was then a pause before she just asked a question:

"But why are you so hostile all of a sudden? Are you scared I'm going to hurt you?"

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Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) WVMWLOu
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Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:57 pm
Clouded by the Regret (Saiko/Hisana) HEADER_EgtO3j9WAAEFNJy

Hisana furrowed her brows as she caught sight of that swirling reiatsu that coiled around the woman before her, slowly curling her fingers to grip her weapon a bit more tightly as she listened with visible incredulity to the woman's response. However, she found herself scrunching her face slightly at the girl's....bizarre words. She wanted to help? Her thoughts instantly went to some sort of twisted mercy killing, and even more she felt doubt bubbling up from her chest. She herself could sense the energy rolling off the woman, but she made no particular note of it. Differences in strength were irrelevant in Hueco Mundo. You fought or you died, either by seeming stronger, or too much of a hassle to risk being injured to make a meal of.

The explanation of Saiko's hybridism did nothing to still the budding tension in the arrancar. This wasn't something you just started spilling, and she did not get a sense of ........ sincerity from this girl. Saiko's subtly aggressive words. 'Why are YOU so hostile all of a sudden'. These weren't the measured words of someone trying to talk someone else down. It was something she felt more akin to something annoyed. As if a meal had suddenly gotten more difficult to procure. And even worse, Saiko DID admit that she had attempted to feed from Hisana. Was she being honest? Absolutely, but Honesty was not always the road to success.

"I would very much appreciate if you not attempt to feed from me. And you would do well to stop flaring your spiritual energy before you attract something." She murmured. She herself had only let out small wisps of her reiatsu in the barest amounts to simply use the motion and summon her scythe. And even WITH that, her body itself bled absolutely nothing outside of these controlled bursts, in contrast to the flaring energy around Saiko, a VERY strong energy, one that echoed through the area and made Hisana wrinkle her nose. It reeked. The sensation of mixed shinigami and demon was something that riled her, reminded her of those vile things that she occasionally ran into, and Hisana's attention shifted slightly even as her eyes never left the hybrid.

"If you really want to prove to me your good intentions then stop releasing energy, Go over there." She stated firmly and pointed off into the distance, toward the wastes off in the distance. She was normally a bit more diplomatic, however this girl was STRONG, disgustingly so, and she could SMELL it coming off of her, and she could FEEL it saturating the area around them. IT was possible that even after they left, hollows and others might be attracted to the area, but for now she was simply concerned about the individuals in that distant city.
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