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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:47 pm
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Lerna wasn't a mind reader, so she was largely unaware of the sudden gear shift between 'I'm so late now that I probably shouldn't bother' to 'This girl is trying to get me to skip class' that had gone on in the girl's head. Then again, she supposed the girl WAS in a sort of situation where she might well.....expect a bit of mental weirdness. A belief that would have only been magnified if she could read that little mind and hear the shit those swords were already listening.

When Kyu's heels dug down, there was a brief moment in which she simply slid across the floor for a few paces before Lerna paused, a brow raising as she noticed the girl's concerned look. A worried frown crossing her face, mixed with just a hint of annoyance. Ugh.... this really was getting to be a pain in the ass. It was bad enough the girl was in this situation, but she also seemed like she WANTED to keep those swords. True, she had displayed the situation as 'I don't know they just GAVE them to me'. But from the anxious way the was looking at the swords, and that previous comment about being proud of having gotten three? Her suspicion that this girl had stolen them was sounding more and more likely, though even if it wasn't, this girl was clearly attached to this bizarre situation in some way.

Even if Kyu re-readied herself to follow along, Lerna had stopped dead in her tracks, frowning down at the smaller woman with a conflicted expression on her face. On one hand.... she was uncertain about letting this girl out of her sight. But was she maybe being ......overparanoid? She had no fuckin idea, she only had the barest understanding of this Asauchi business.

The subject of the girl's motivation briefly distracted her from the conundrum. "I'm from the world of the living. Been killing hollows for a while now actually. But a little hard to keep an area safe when killing one without one of these babies causes a whole lot of fuss." She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose before turning and continuing to walk, only this time making no effort to bring Kyukaku along. "Whole lot of slums in a whole lot of different places, kiddo. You don't need to be a shinigami to keep people safe. Least not in this world." She noted as she continued on toward Captain Murasaki's office. Was she slightly disparaging the girl's motivations? Possibly, but then again maybe these were just the words of an ignorant world of the living punk who made her living off being hired by gangs.
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Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:51 pm
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Kyukaku was so dumbfounded at the words that this woman just said to her that for a good moment there was just silence. Well, there's always silence from her, she's mute, but you get the point. It made her wonder if Lerna has actually ever been to the slums, let alone lived there. There were so many emotions that were swelling up inside of her: anger, confusion, passion, offense. It was like the people in the slums, the ones she's grown up with, the ones she's seen die, don't need to be protected. Totally fucking baffled, Kyukau spoke. "Take a trip to Zaraki. You'll think different." That's all she was going to say. See, she was a mute by choice, having learned at a young age that opening her mouth often came with a lot of trouble. With that, Kyukaku would try and wrestle herself from Lerna's grasp and walk ahead despite having no clue where she was going.

Thankfully, at this moment the swords were silent. Kyukaku was in a certain space where if she had more than one voice in her head she would have started yelling. Anyways, whatever Lerna was trying to say to her she wasn't listening.

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Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:59 pm
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Lerna paused, noticing the sudden change in demeanor that was within the girl she'd been talking to. She stared calmly at that, her head slowly canting to the side. Did this girl just completely mishear her? She turned to face her fully and furrowed her brows. "I don't know what you think Shinigami are, but they aren't a secret cheat code you can use to get stronger. I've seen Shinigami fight, and I've seen them die too. I said that you don't need to be a shinigami to protect people. That's exactly what I've done for the past couple hundred years. You callin me a liar?" She asked, her voice flat and undetered by the woman's sudden pouting.

" I don't care if you're from Zaraki, or if you're from hell itself. I been to a whole lot of shitholes. You're a spirit aren't you? Maybe four hundred years ago Zaraki was pretty bad. But now theres places all over earth as bad or worse. I'm not saying that what yer doin is wrong, or that the people in Zaraki don't need protecting. All I'm saying is that you didn't need to become a shinigami to do that. Sure, they teach you all kinds of neat tricks, and an asauchi can mean not getting in trouble for slaying hollows. But that doesn't mean that it's the only answer. THAT'S why I asked you why you became a shinigami. Is it a way to get strong? Sure. But theres plenty of strong people. Even normal Pluses can gather strength. I'm asking you why you came to be a shinigami specifically." She clarified, coming to a complete stop outside of the door. Murasaki's office. The woman she herself had to thank for even being here. She hoped she was around.

She turned, giving the girl a chance to say her piece. And once she did, Lerna would turn her attention back to the door and raise her hand to knock.
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Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:40 pm
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Murasaki had been at least a bit busier than usual lately, and much to her chagrin not all of her work had been paying off as well as she'd have liked. But that was only one thing, and as important as it was, there were other things to focus on. Sheathing her zanpakuto and standing from her seated position, Murasaki opened the door to the yurt that served as her office, visibly a bit perplexed at the visitors that had come to visit her.

"What's up?"

She probably shouldn't have been quite as to the point about it, but she'd been a little focused before they arrived, and there was a faintly serious air to Murasaki that wasn't typically there.


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Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:52 pm
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Lerna perked up, actually a bit surprised to actually SEE the woman showing up! Well that was auspicious! She put on a nervous smile and cleared her throat. Thankfully, having known the Captain and more or less having been RECOMMENDED for Substitute Shinigami duty by the woman, she was much less nervous than she would have otherwise been. "Ah, Captain! Sorry if I'm bothering you. But I actually had a question in regards to Asauchi. I know they told us in class that we spend our time channeling our spirit energy into our swords. For" The whole process was honestly a LOT more mystical than she'd anticipated. Go figure that Shinigami were all kinds of bizarre. "Well this girl I ran into she wound up with ....thrrrrrrrrrree asauchi. And I know that the spirit link thing is like....automatic, just by having it around us. So I wanted to know if that was....bad? Like....having that many isn't dangerous is it?" She was doing her best, with, potentially, the girl in question right behind her, thus she moved to the side and gestured toward her.

It certainly felt silly asking about this shit when she knew so little, but she'd had a concern, and this WAS what these teachers were around for right? She at the very least felt like it was a reasonable and good question. One that hopefully Murasaki would have an answer for.
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Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:13 pm
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She stood there with a slightly annoyed look on her face as Lerna went on to explain the situation to the woman. Kyukaku could vaguely remember a Murasaki being one of the captains of the Gotei, but she has yet to see or meet the woman. Eyeing the woman up and down--taking note of her larger than average thighs--and summed up that this was about what she would expect from a Gotei captain. Though, there's not like she had a frame of reference so Murasaki just had to unfairly go up against whatever insane preference her mind had conjured up. After Lerna finished explaining the situation, Kyukaku opened her mouth, again. This was bound to end poorly, she was sure of it.

"But it seems like I've already imprinted on them. That or I'm just developing voices in my head." The student would present all three of her asauchi to Murasaki, as if the woman could just take a look and peer into the world of the swords. "Oh, and I do want to say this wasn't my fault. They just gave them to me, probably a mistake in the system or something."

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Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:49 pm
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Murasaki scratched her head at that, trying to figure out what sort of absolute failure in the system led to someone being given this many asauchi. They didn't exactly grow on trees, and it's not like it was difficult to tell when someone had one already. Well, regardless, it shouldn't have been that much of an issue.

"It could probably be dangerous, but it's honestly just pointless. Not like an asauchi's got anything going on until it awakens. Considering you've gotta pour a lot of your spiritual energy into a zanpakuto to properly awaken it, even if havin' three different ones did work, you'd be waitin' years just to hear a peep out of 'em. That's not even gettin' into shikai."

There was a certain degree of finality to Murasaki's tone, and considering she was one of the foremost experts on zanpakuto living in the Soul Society, it wasn't without merit. Of course, she could always have gotten her mom to weigh in on this, but she didn't think all that was necessary. This was kind of a straightforward issue.

"Either way, you should still return those. They're still asauchi, so it's not an issue for someone else to use 'em later."

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Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:23 pm
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Lerna tilted her head a bit at that and furrowed her brows, a bit surprised. Shinigami could still imprint on these things after they'd been discarded? That was ....strange.....and interesting. She glanced down at her own asauchi.....with intrigue. THAT said.... she did turn her head toward Kyukaku for a moment and ......paused. Thinking. Tilting her head thoughtfully for just a moment. Wait, why did she say that with incredulity? After a moment, she leaned in and peered at the message that Kyukaku had written on her phone, and then thought back to their conversation before making it to Murasaki's office. The girl had acted like she was crazy when she mentioned Zanpaku'to spirits, but knew how to pour spirit energy into her swords, she mentioned that she was hearing voices in her head. Plural. So she HAD been pumping spirit energy into the swords. So she knew about that, but she didn't know the fact that zanpaku'to spirits existed?

She found this strange....hodgepodge knowledge of Zanpaku'to a little....suspicious. Normally she would just write it off as the girl just maybe falling asleep during some portions of class. But there was ALSO the fact that this girl just...HAD three Asauchi. Not only that, but seemed.....awfully insistent that she keep three of them. Despite the fact that Lerna had thought it might have been dangerous. Kyukaku hadn't even seemed SLIGHTLY worried that something bad might come of that. She hadn't even entertained the possibility of something bad. But she ALSO wasn't paying attention enough in classes to know if they were. So this girl valued swords....that she didn't know how they worked, and seemed to really want to have more than one. Was this girl planning on SELLING Asauchi? She did mention that she was from a poor part of the rukongai...

She stewed on this for a few seconds. This didn't add up at all, and years of working with street gangs made her suspicious of this kind of thing. She glanced at Murasaki, just to see if the other woman seemed as incredulous as she was. But she ....didn't say anything about her suspicions for now. It wasn't like it wasn't possible this girl was just the weirdest combination of inattentive and zealous. She had mentioned all that stuff about ...protecting people. Maybe she just thought more zanpaku'to would mean she'd be stronger. Ironic that accodering to Miss Murasaki that seemed to be the opposite of the truth. She actually felt potentially bad for the girl, adjacent to her suspicion. Either way, she'd be keeping an eye on this one.

These thoughts raced through her head for a few seconds at most, before she glanced to the teacher and nodded at her assessment. "Thank you for your advice, Sensei. Er....Captain? " Being polite, especially since Murasaki seemed less.....bright and cheery than usual. Guess the Captain much preferred her field work to teaching at the academy? She supposed hollow hunting was probably more interesting than grading papers and other.......professorly activities. Well, for most Professors.
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Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:31 pm
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"I-" Kyukaku stopped herself.

There was a part of her that had wanted to try and fight against the authority and keep the things that were given to her. It was one thing when they were just inanimate objects, hunks of metal that she just kept around her waist, she didn't really care what happened to them. But now that they spoke to her, Kyukaku had to make a choice, she had to pick which fragment of her soul she liked the most and what she was willing to give up.

It took only a moment for her to decide, mainly because the other two didn't really sell themselves. It was between a damsel and a murderer at the end of the day, but Kyukaku's emotions had prevailed over any notion of a cool powerset. Who knows, maybe she'd refind them later. But for now, Kyukaku would give up two of her swords, leaving her with just the larger one.

"Here." The shinigami rookie would extend out her arms, katana in her hands. If this was how it was supposed to be,

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