Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Left_bar_bleue16000/1They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:12 am
They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] 5ZB9kYu


He knew that this was going to be the last time he saw his little girl. The last time he saw much of anything at all. But he would save the goodbyes for now. Maybe it was just because that was what she wanted.

"Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Roman watched as the girl he'd protected for so long went off to speak to the adult she would soon be a part of. Well, that she had always been a part of, he supposed. The moment he'd seen Abalia, he'd known beyond any shadow of a doubt that she wasn't the same girl he'd cared for. She had none of the passion, none of the life in her eyes.

Well, if nothing else, that gave him some hope. His Abalia was too bright to be washed out by someone that dull.

Of course, he hadn't been left alone. There was still the redheaded woman that had led to all of this. The one that he, if nothing else, had marginally more faith in than the rest of the Gotei.

"This doesn't seem like it's just a job to you, either."

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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:09 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

It was weird, watching the little Abalia and the older Abalia together. The difference between the two was like night and day. However, just like night and day, they’ll come to balance each other out, yes? That is all she can hope for. One full of life, and the other devoid of it. She doesn’t want what Roman protected to disappear. She only wants it to blossom, and it can only blossom if made whole. Hopefully, she made the right choice. She doesn’t want to regret any of this, nor does she want Roman to be disappointed. Though, speaking of the man, it seems he’s found interest in her. Considering how their showdown went, Elyss expected such.

“It is a job. It’s also a hobby, a passion of mine, and something close to my heart.”

She let her attention slowly drift to him as he let everyone else go about their business around them. She couldn’t help but feel a bit disconnected by her thoughts despite the role she played in all of this. If it wasn’t for her, they’d have never found out Roman’s name, they may not have even gotten to speak to Katya, and Roman, her and Makoto? Someone would have died if not for the redhead. It’s a bit hard for her to wrap her head around.

“Abalia… My Abalia, she’s weird, quirky, but she seems to mean good. She reminds me of someone else, someone close to me. Doing this meant helping her feel whole, like a normal person. I didn’t even stop to think before I jumped at the chance, but I guess I’ve always been like this… Always ready to help anyone, whether it be a lost child or an elderly man crossing the street. It’s just… complicated situations like this… I can only hope I made the right decision in the end… Sorry, ya know, for being a little sneak back there. No hard feelings, right?”



God of Love
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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:34 pm
They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] 5ZB9kYu


"There's no looking back on any of our decisions. We just have to accept that we did what we thought was right. Whether or not it was, that's not up to us in the end."

Roman simply shook his head in response to Elyss' question. No, he didn't have any hard feelings. Maybe that was just because he was too tired for that, though. And besides, he didn't want to be angry for the last bit of time he'd share with the little girl that meant the world to him. There were other things more important, more valuable than that. Anger was cheap by comparison.

"My Abalia's a gentle soul. Always smiling, always doing what she can to help. I have to wonder if she's doing all this just so I don't have to fight. But whether or not she is, she's in charge. Always has been. Always will be. I...I just make sure she's happy and safe."

Of course, his eyes were still on that little girl until she'd disappeared into some other room with her elder counterpart. He could still sense her, of course. He would know if anything was wrong.

"It feels wrong, seeing her so cold. She's always been smiling as long as I've known her."

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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:52 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始


What else could her response have been? There’s not much she could say or do about anything right now. This situation is just weird, similar to her own which is just as hard to accurately explain. What causes a soul to suddenly act on its own like this? If there’s a system, why is it possible for things to end up like this? It’s hard to imagine Abalia actually having emotions, but this is for the best. She hopes the Abalia that comes out of this is also a gentle soul, a woman that knows how to smile. Though, that’s being a bit too hopeful. There’s no way having her soul repaired is going to simply replace everything that she is without it. It’ll only add to it. The fact that the complete Abalia could possibly be worse or no different at all from the lifeless monster that Roman called her when they first met is still there.

“...Guess you’re sticking around, huh? There’s probably a lot you and Abalia have to catch up on, and who’s going to make sure that this was the right choice besides you? If it’s hard to see her not smiling, then you just have to make sure she starts smiling again. Besides, it was more than just a job, right?”

At that, she sighed and tilted her head to the side a bit. Look at her, trying to get him to stay. Why? She doesn’t know. This all feels like a finale or sorts. No one died, but it feels like someone should have. He seems the type to just disappear at the end of the story, yeah? She’d rather he not. He’d rather he not respond to her by saying something stupid like it’s up to her now or whatever. That’s just weak talk.

“She still needs her bodyguard, after all.”



God of Love
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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:18 pm
They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] 5ZB9kYu


"Me? I doubt it. She and I have a special bond. Even if you'd cut me in two, I'd have just gotten put back together to keep her safe. I get the feeling I'll be paying back quite a few debts like that when she's gone."

What more was there to say on that? He knew he would die. He'd accepted it as soon as she said she'd come with them. Of course, maybe he'd have regretted it when he got here. But even if he had, it had been her choice. He'd do anything for her, after all, and that didn't change now. If she was happy, that was enough for him.

"It was always more than just a job. She means the world to me. I can't say I'm exactly glad to say goodbye, but it's like I said. If she's happy and safe, I don't need anything else. This is what she wants."

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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:22 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“You’re allowed to feel a little greedy, ya know? Why are you ready to say goodbye so easily? You haven’t even gotten to know her yet. I, for sure, wouldn’t just fade away without at least having one talk with the woman I’ve spent my whole life protecting. I’d stay to see her smile, to watch her laugh, to be there for when she cried. Abalia’s about to experience a world she’s never had after dying, and you’re just okay with not being a part of it?”

She couldn’t help but let her voice grow a little desperate, as if she were him, right now, waiting to die. She doesn’t like the way he’s talking. She doesn’t like his finality. It’s stupid. He’s stupid. She’s stupid. Here she is trying to convince him to stay as if that’s enough. She doesn’t know what’s going on, but if he’s connected to Abalia’s separated soul, she can only guess that he’ll disappear when it does. However, even if he’s accepted that fact, she’s going to deny it. If he won’t fight for his life, then she will. Now, she’s the one being greedy, but how is she supposed to just accept that a guy she actually thinks is pretty cool is going to die any moment now?

“She’s not going to be happy and safe forever, you know. There are so many things in this world, so much evil. She’s going to need someone by her side who’s looking out for her at all times. I’m sure there are ways to keep you from dying if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ll storm in there right now and demand we find a way if that’s the case. I don’t know how, but I hate sad endings. I’ve already been a part of too many sad endings.”

Now she’s getting a little mad, her teeth grinding everytime she pauses. She couldn’t help but let her normally stoic gaze falter, her black orbs softening and growing wet. God dammit. Where Abalia fails to show any emotion, she exceeds at showing too much. It’s so easy for her to get worked up over anything, but dammit. As if she’s going to sit by and let a good man just die. To Hell with everything he’s done. It was all to protect an innocent little girl. Trudging through Hell for the ones you love? It’s like looking in a mirror.



God of Love
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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sun Nov 28, 2021 1:26 am
They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] 5ZB9kYu


There was something about the desperation in this woman's voice that reminded him of himself, in a way. The intensity of her voice was one thing, but it was the tears she held back that meant far more to him. It was difficult to fake something like that. Well, not impossible. But he doubted that she'd do that.

"Of course I want to watch her. She means everything to me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired, but that doesn't mean much to me. She's all that's ever mattered."

Of course, she was right. Maybe he deserved to think about what he wanted, beyond just what was good for Abalia. But then again, all he really cared about was what was good for her.

Maybe leaving wouldn't be good for her.

"If there's some way to keep me around, I'd take it. I always wanted to see her grow up."

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Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:50 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“I’ll admit, you’ve missed a lot, but we’re all ghosts here, you, and I, and her. We have a lot of time left to do whatever we want. I’m sure there’s a way. We just have to ask. Maybe they can somehow transfigure your soul, put it in a Gigai or something. Science is pretty crazy these days.”

How could she not smile? It’s rare for Elyss to ever spread her lips in such ways, but she couldn’t help but look 10 years younger with such a glorious display of her teeth. Why, anyone who knows her would think this expression completely alien and way too adorable for someone with her reputation. Yet, there’s little she can do when she feels her insides bubbling. Whether angry or happy, she simply sucks at hiding it.

“Hah. We could even do a bit of sparring too. Could teach me how to fire a gun.”



God of Love
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They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] Empty Re: They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss]

Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:57 am
They'll Seat Thy Daughter as a Queen [Roman, Elyss] 5ZB9kYu


Honestly, there's almost something strange about the smile in front of him. Roman didn't really know how to describe it, but he certainly didn't feel as though this was an expression the woman typically wore. Call it a hunch. It did, if nothing else, look remarkably genuine. Even a bit endearing in its own way.

"I haven't kept up. I tend to leave the Gotei to its own devices, though I guess that wouldn't be the case anymore."

Of course, he hadn't addressed the second point she'd brought up, but that certainly didn't mean Roman hadn't heard it. If anything, he really just wasn't sure what he was supposed to say to that. He was here for Abalia. But if this woman was too, he supposed he didn't mind sharing the load.

"I guess we could. Teach me to throw a punch like you and maybe you've got a deal."

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Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:39 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Well, I reckon Abalia’s not gonna want you wasting away in a corner watching her sign papers and stuff all day long. Besides, I heard she’s been learning a bit of hand to hand anyway. We all can have a day of training and sparring and whatever. Then, we can go to some bar or whatever and waste the night away.”

This is nice. It’s better than talking about responsibilities. Talking about future plans and stuff is how it should be. People should never have to say goodbye, but instead, they should say see you tomorrow. Yeah. Something like that. Elyss knows a little about not being able to say anything, to lose everything without even knowing. Ah, but this isn’t the time for getting caught up in past complications. Nope. She has too much to worry about now to worry about the then.

“Anyway, shouldn’t ya like, go and be there for when Abalia wakes up or something. I have to go… catch something.”

Her eyes turned away, watching the crowd move. She’s looking at something, but it’s not exactly clear what.



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