Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:35 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) HEADER_EYSmWvQUwAEy5hw

It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that Candice was pissed, not that Giselle was particularly surprised given the circumstances. Candice had been .......interestingly back and forth during the little encounter. One minute seeming intent on teasing Giselle, the next she had been clamming up, the next making cute frustrated faces. Following that, her text being left on read as it were. She hummed to herself, lightly flipping her phone thoughtfully through her fingers for a few seconds, before finally her dexterity failed her and it dropped to the floor, at which point she picked it back up as if that had never happened.

Well. The only reasonable reaction would be to go visit the woman.
It was a simple task to make her way toward Candice's hotel, making her way through the fancy place, honestly a little surprised that Candice could feel at home at these foofy fancy places. And eventually, she'd stop in front of the woman's door, taking a moment fix her hair, having taken the time to do it up in a braid. And with that, she knocked on the door, smiling warmly and swaying to and fro excitedly as she waited for her companion to answer. She even had a small bag of food, snacks, and some other things she'd prepared for the evening. No point in showing up as a surprise without tribute, right?

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:47 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Immediately apparent to Giselle was that Candice's room was guarded. Two hulking men flanked the door, shoulders practically touching so that none could get past. In unison, the pair stared down at Giselle as she stopped before them and made it clear her intent to enter.

The one on the right raised his head again, a pudgy hand raising to his ear as chubby fingers worked an earpiece that was comically small compared to his digits. The other, still looming over her, seemed to ponder the situation for a while before finally, his mouth hung open and words poured out that were slick with boredom.

"Wer bist du?"

A simple question, yet he seemed to be waiting for an answer before he even considered letting Giselle anywhere near that door and the woman who might be behind it.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:19 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle's brows raised slightly as she looked between the two hulking men, head canting to the side before she considered, briefly for an instant, making them not a problem. It was an old little kneejerk reaction of course, one easily pushed down, but it still crossed her mind for the briefest moment. "Giselle Gewelle. Am I on the list to see Miss Catnipp?" She asked lightly, seeming unperturbed by the bulk of the two guards as she waited patiently for their response. This .....certainly wasn't an interection she'd expected, not that rich girls didn't HAVE this kind of protection, but more the fact that Candice would be the type of woman to bother having protection. Unless they were spiritually gifted humans?

She simply decided to make a mental not to ask her about that later. For now, she simply waited, realizing that she might actually get sent away. Of course she could just...FORCE her way in. But well, even she felt that might be a bit too extreme.
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:10 am

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire


There was a tension to the men as they both responded in unison. They looked to one another for a moment, the one on the left rolling his eyes, before returning to watch Giselle warily. Neither of them were particularly spiritually gifted, not that it would matter all that much to them should it come to a brawl against the Sternritter, they were just big men there to see to Miss Catnipp's safety and protection.

A crash sounded from inside the room, drawing an eyebrow raise from both the men outside. The right one turned, cracking the door open slightly so that he could peek inside. A voice called from inside, a little hoarser than perhaps it had been before but unmistakably Candice's.

"Let her in you fucks."

With a loud exhale, the man peering in turned back and motioned for Giselle to enter. Trying to remain as imposing as possible in the situation, though it did seem like they were both a little out of their depth.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:29 am
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) HEADER_0596-009

Giselle raised a brow slightly, intrigued. Oh? Candice hadn't put her on the list? Well she supposed that was reasonable, and she began considering her options, were these guys the types to go forwarding a message to Candice for her? She was about to find out when that sudden crashing sounded from inside the room, both brows raising when that hoarse voice sounded off. Wait, was Candice....sick? Her calm expression shifted just a little as she looked between the two guards. The heck was going on?

"Uhhhhh, thanks! Pleasure to meet you guys!" She chimed to the both of them before....cautiously making her way into the place itself, poking her head in as she began to scan the room for Candice, already wondering just what she was walking into, that voice definitely had been off, was she sick? Injured? Already Giselle was starting to worry a little, and so there was a bit of pep in her step as she hurried inside to go looking for her special friend.
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:12 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice's suite was, as Giselle might have expected, a rather luxurious thing. A sizable main room greeted her upon entry, an open door to her left indicating a bathroom whilst across the way were a set of double doors that were still sealed shut. Given that the lights were off in the bathroom, and the main room itself was relatively undisturbed, what had caused the sudden commotion was probably in that backroom with her desired companion.

The main door was pulled shut behind Giselle, the pair of oversized bodyguards giving her a firm stare before returning to their posts, and then there was silence. This main room was certainly fit for hosting, a pair of sofas faced each other in the centre of the room, divided by an ornate wooden table, and a drinks cabinet looked freshly replenished in one corner. There was time for Giselle to explore the room at her own leisure as the ominous quiet continued but after a while, or when she got a little too close to the back doors, a voice called out once more.

"What are you doing here?"

It wasn't a shout, but her voice was raised a little to account for the fact she was speaking into the door itself, still, her tone was accusatory.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:55 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) HEADER_0596-009

Giselle took only a moment to survey the inside of the room, more or less having expected the sort of lavish stuff that was in evidence, making it abundantly clear that this was indeed a Catnipp nest if nothing else. That said, the noise from the other room caused her to perk up, going suddenly very silent for a few seconds as it suddenly occurred to her, her smile slowly starting to grow more and more whilst that irritated shout hit the silent air. Was she back there doing something? Her head canted to the side for just a moment as she wondered, was there a person there?

Giselle's attention meandered around the area she could presently see, not really seeing any immediately-notable evidence of someone else being here. That didn't necessarily disqualify someone being there, but still.... "You never came by after the other day so I wanted to check up on you and see if you were doing okay!" She noted, her voice more.......serious than usual as she did still wonder if Candice was feeling sick. "You didn't get sick when you guys went off to eat did you? I knew that Thai place seemed suspicious..." She murmured under her breath, mentally calculating the plausible places that Candice could have gravitated to and subsequently gotten sick from eating the food.

All the same, she made her way up to the door, hesitating as she abstained from straight up putting her ear to the door and simply waited patiently for her partner to reply.
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:00 am

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) A6TcbTM

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"I'm not sick. I just... You... Ugh."

The voice behind the door cracked as it spoke, trying to maintain some form of gravity in the situation and failing rather terribly. Why was she like this? She shouldn't be. She shouldn't let such trivial things get under her skin and yet they still did.

"How could you not know what is wrong? You've been around long enough haven't you?"

Something else shattered behind the door, it was certainly more of a shattering than a crash this time, and there was the quiet grunt of exertion that suggested it had been an object thrown by Candice herself.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:19 am
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) HEADER_0590-014

Giselle's smile slowly widened for a moment as she let her head cant slowly to the side in hearing the strangeness in Candice's voice. OBVIOUSLY she had imagined that possibility, but of course she also knew THE Candice Catnipp did she not?~ That possibility was something that SURELY if THAT where what was going on, SURELY Candice would have stopped once Giselle entered her abode would it not? And all the more, hearing the carnage going on in Candice's room made her pause, thoughtful, contemplative.

She did not get too ahead of herself just yet, but now she was VERY curious indeed. As to the ...source of that strained voice. And a tiny part of her hoped that it had not just been Candice sobbing. But that only made the desire to get in there grow even stronger as a mix of potential amusement and the potential need to comfort her partner rose up in her mind. She made her way oward the door, gently resting her hand on the handle. "Were I a couple hundred years younger, perhaps I might be the kind of girl to go making guesses. But if there's one thing you learn about people, it's that you really shouldn't try to guess what people do." She pointed out, before finally opening that door and slipping inside, her blut activated in case any more glass objects went flying her way, intent on checking on Candice's situation.
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:51 am

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

There was the quiet scurrying of feet as Giselle approached the doors themselves, as Candice retreated from her position on the other side and - judging by the spring noise that followed - leapt onto the bed. It was not locked though, perhaps to Giselle's surprise, and she was free to valiantly charge forth across the threshold with Blut pumping through her veins. A decision she would quickly be thankfully for, as she was greeted not with words but with an object thrown at some velocity.

A cushion, fluffy and square, came flying towards Giselle. It was a firm throw certainly, but hardly enough to even faze another spiritual being. Let alone one with defensive measures in place.

"You... You're insufferable!"

From her position of inferred power, wrapped up in the duvet that she was still gathering about herself, emerald eyes peered across the room at Giselle. Her blonde hair was surprisingly unkempt, whilst she was wearing what appeared to be just an oversized sweater underneath the sheets, and her makeup was equally chaotic. Had she been crying? It was a distinct possibility given the black lines that had begun to trail from the corners of her eyes, but were they tears of sadness or anger? That did remain to be seen.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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