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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:20 am
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 HEADER_uyguywgvdsgsgsvwg3323gv2

Giselle Gewelle| Z The Zombie

Giselle paused, getting a snapshot view of Candice's features before that pillow bounced off her face and landed on the floor, no attempt to block or catch it being made as Giselle found herself a bit surprised! The possibility that Candice would indeed be upset had occurred to her, naturally. But she had surmised that as only a SLIGHT possibility, after all Candice seemed like such a a.... ironclad woman! She hadn't even faltered in the slightest in their little exchange around Vee. Not only that, but her own actions had been a REBUTTAL of Candice's own aggressive behavior! Everything pointed at Candice being the sort of menacing and cunning woman that would absolutely throw a big tantrum in public, but then shake it off like it was nothing as soon as they were alone.

It's what Giselle would have done.

And THAT. Was the thought that stopped Giselle in her tracks. Locked in place, keeping her distance for those few seconds as she realized her mistake. Candice was such a .....powerful.....aggressive woman. Menacing, and also sortof.....broken. She could see it in the way she'd behaved, she was unwell in a way that usually made humans into monsters. But she wasn't.

Candice was still human. She was .... so much more vulnerable than she thought, and that thought put a sharp, guilty pang in the center of Giselle's chest as she realized just how vulnerable this woman was. She'd already had this argument. This here, was not new. This was an argument that Giselle had had hundreds of times. Girls, even some guys who were the aggressive, commanding type, not even necessarily people she was seeing, but people who found themselves being toyed with by the aggravating Quincy. She knew how these arguments went, and she usually won them. And quite suddenly, she realized that.....did she even want to WIN this? Seeing the state that Candice was in, did she WANT to have a 1 up on the woman, tell her that she'd started this thing herself?

She could feel the snice remark on her tongue, and she bit it back. Her expression, concerned, pained, twisted as she struggled with the situation. She knew that this had to be addressed, as hurt as Candice was, this had been triggered by HER behavior, just because she was particularly upset by the action didn't mean that she was just off the hook, Candice needed to learn to CURB these actions, because even IF Giselle allowed it, other people wouldn't. At the very least Candice had to UNDERSTAND that this situation hadn't just fallen out of the fuckin sky. Maybe she even DID understand that, and it only made it worse.

All of this passed through Giselle's head, and she remained entirely silent for a few moments before she spoke.
"I suppose I am pretty terrible." She admitted quietly. She ......hesitated. A question on her lips, she WANTED to go over there, but she also didn't want Candice panicking. They ....were still new, they weren't close enough for her to know that she could just walk over there and wrap the woman in her arms and make it better. Though....she did pause. Candice had told her she could come in. The woman WANTED to see her. She hadn't told her to leave...

She started to walk, making her way toward the bundled up woman, stopping just at the foot of the bed and sitting down on it's edge, sighing. "And stupid. Here I thought I'd come in here and you'd just be stubbornly angry this entire evening as we talked about earlier. But I went and hurt my 'Dearest Friend'." She murmured quietly, staying where she was. Giving Candice the opportunity to tell her to back off if she wanted, or close the distance if thats what she needed.
She swallowed her words again and again. So many things she could say to try and smooth this out. So many things she could do.....tell her that she had a lot of stuff she wanted to say about this. Get to the heart of what had caused all this. Tell Candice just how annoyingly beautiful she still was even with her runny makeup. But......there really was only thing she WANTED to say, annoying as that was.

".........I'm sorry."

Post End | Way Ahead of You Babe
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:23 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice shied away from Giselle as she approached, not quite as hurriedly as she had previously retreated but it was clear that she remained a little on edge. There was also not that much space to give, even on what was certainly a luxurious hotel bed, so she instead placated herself with the comfort of the headrest against her back.

She had chosen to act somewhat childish, at least that was what she would tell herself later when given a moment to break down this whole debacle, but she had not expected Giselle to come in here and apologise. That feeling of surprise that suddenly weighed heavy in her gut was perhaps only equal to the surprise that Giselle herself had felt when she found Candice in this state. And, rather predictably with Candice being Candice, it had the exact opposite effect.

"What do you mean "I'm Sorry"? Do you even know what you're apologising for? You really are dense."

Grabbing at the pile next to her, she gripped tightly upon another pillow and raised her next projectile high. The arm went back, all too ready to throw, and yet she couldn't do it. Those green eyes seethed with unbridled fury, a wave of anger burning hot in her heart, and yet she still couldn't bring herself to launch another attack against the slight woman that was perched on the opposite end of her bed. It made no sense, and yet there was nothing she could do to force her body to act. Instead, she just hung there in position. One arm raised whilst the other clutched the sheets tight around her, body twisted so that she could turn with the throw with her gaze fixed firmly upon her intended target.

Who was Giselle to her that she could not act in whatever way she saw fit? And why did she think that it was okay to just barge in here like nothing had happened and then admit that she had gone too far? And why did that make her happier than it did annoyed?

The arm fell back to her side, disappearing once more beneath the duvet, as the pillow was now pulled inside rather than discarded. Candi pulled it into a tight embrace, hiding the bottom half of her face behind it whilst she continued to peer at her companion with a stare that was somewhere between hatred and passion. Her voice was more of a whisper as she spoke again, muffled further behind the cushion that she was smothering, but even then Giselle was close enough that it hardly mattered.

"Why..? Ugh. Look what you've done to me."

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:48 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 HEADER_aTtGedMX-X0

Giselle Gewelle| Z The Zombie

The shock was completely open on the woman's face. The sheer incredulity and twist of surprise on Candice's face wasn't lost on Giselle, and as the woman suddenly reared back and practically hissed in her face, Giselle couldn't help but smile fondly at the woman even as they cocked their arm back in preparation to throw, Giselle closing an eye and turning her head in anticipation of an attack she had no intention of avoiding. And yet for those few sparse moments, Giselle had the opportunity to look at Candice as she sat there frozen in mid-throw. A brief instant to admire her in even such a stressed state. She didn't argue that she knew quite exactly what she was apologizing for, even if perhaps Candice had another idea of what might NEED apologizing for, she still wasn't sure. But all the same.... it seemed Candice was QUITE alarmed that Giselle had promptly surrendered before Candice had even been able to use any of what potentially had been a few prepared and reheased choice words for the slim ravenette.

And she saw that torn look, seeing the moment that Candice seemed to change her mind on throwing the pillow, and then collapsing on herself to cling to that pillow. And all at once, Giselle couldn't help but smile nice and wide. Utterly pleased to see just how alarmingly effective her preemptive apology had been. "What I've done to you....hmmm..." She paused and slid closer, scooting forward so that she was directly beside Candice. "I'm not sure if I really know what you mean. But....I think I probably feel a lot nicer to hug than the pillow." She offered with a small playful smile.

"As for what I'm apologizing for. I probably apologizing for pulling a fast one on you. You seemed a little....aggressive when you first met Vee. Soooooooooo, I sortof....fell into some old habits of ....punishing your behavior with some of my own childishness. And in ....retrospect that was.....a little....cold and ...high and mighty of me. I should have probably talked to you about it later when Vee wasn't around rather than excusing my way out of what would have probably been a wonderful evening with my favorite girl in the city." She noted, adding a bit of sucking up in there as she gave Candice a fond smile.

"Hm.... actually saying it out loud, I kinda sound like the way less mature one in this situation...." She murmured. Eyes then shifted back to Candice. "BUT.....I ALSO know that just saying I'm sorry won't make it all better. Which is why I wanna know what I can do to make it up to you." She leaned in, her voice dipping soft and low as she spoke the latter end of that sentence. "Whiiiiiich if that involves spending the rest of your time vising the city of lights smothering you with attention, OR if that means buzzing off and giving you your space, I'm willing to do whatever is needed."

Post End | Way Ahead of You Babe
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:32 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

As Giselle slid closer across the bed, Candice turned her body away and dragged more of the sheets in with her. She was quickly becoming a ball of all the linen available, her verdant gaze still peering out from beneath the mountain of cloth and cushion. Yet she did not protest or shy away further, letting the woman draw close enough that she could reach out to touch her.

"You put me in a situation, I dealt with it. Vee wasn't even that bad really."

She didn't want to justify herself, she shouldn't have to. Giselle was in the wrong, she had admitted that even as she explained herself, and yet Candi couldn't help herself. Was she still being manipulated, played against her own mannerisms? It certainly felt like it as the words tumbled from her lips as her inner self watched on helplessly. And yet Giselle was also feeding her somewhat downtrodden ego, inflating a little confidence in the talking duvet.

"Well. Firstly, you did the right thing coming here. I won't do this over the phone, or with silly little messages. You fuck up, we talk about it face to face and we resolve it. Now, how can you make it up to me? I could have you traipse around the city, put your money where your mouth is, but perhaps this time you can work for your penance."

There was a flurry of activity as the whole duvet suddenly lurched towards Giselle, a grapple as much as it was an embrace, as Candice's arms shot forth and attempted to drag the other women into its depths. The pillow had been discarded as advised, a better alternative had been found. It wasn't exactly an elegant manoeuvre, most of her usual finesse being counterbalanced by the weight of the sheets, but sometimes these things needed a firm hand rather than a delicate one. If she could, Candi would pull her visitor under the covers and into a tender hold that placed their faces directly opposite each other. Her voice was a whisper again, though it was not a venomous hiss this time. Rather she spoke with a softer, silkier tone that matched with Giselle's own.

"Go on. Smother me in attention then."

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:00 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 HEADER_aTtGedMX-X0

Giselle Gewelle| Z The Zombie

Giselle smiled warmly as she saw Candice bunching up the linens into a little ball for her to cling to, finding the actions rather adorable to say the least, her attention only briefly wandering to see what on earth she was doing with it all, before refocusing to the pretty face as the conversation continued. Her smile widened a bit when Candice brushed off the part about the little run in. "Glad to hear that! I was hoping you two would get along." She giggled, AND glad that Vee hadn't turned out to be like... a weirdo or something. The girl seemed to have a pretty even head, actually she was a lot bolder than Giselle had expected. Calling out the situation when the little spat had happened right in front of her.

She DID raise her brows a little when Candice spoke about her preference. Making a mental note to avoid long distance messaging when this sort of thing happened. Which, realistically, it WOULD. That was just statistics and people having a bit of friction. She was, however, VERY happy to see the woman shift to move right on to making up rather than dwell on the situation itself. A bit of a surprise, but a welcome one at that.

And then, all at once she was pounced, pulled into those covers and letting out a chuckle as she found herself in that cocoon of blankets and soft linen, staring Candice right in the face with the woman wrapped around her and the both of them bundled up further by the cloth jail around them. Giselle's smile deepened in mirth. "Smother you say?" She ventured, lightly, as sloooowly her arms locked around the woman, latching on and securing herself in typical Giselle fashion. Candice would have learned ages ago that once Giselle was held, she was not one to be easily peeled off. "Should we start with how lucky I am that my super hot, super cool, SUPER smooth gal pal is blessing me with a hug?~ Or maybe how I've been wanting to see that cute, kissable face up close since you told me you'd be in town?"

She paused, leaning in just a bit closer and, if allowed, lightly letting her lips brush Candice's not so much a proper kiss as it was a soft and gentle request for permission. "Orrrr, did you have more of a euphemistic smothering in mind?" She asked playfully, though pausing as her eyes darted in the direction of the door. "Actually...side note. Who ARE those guys out there? And do they know they're being paid to guard a hottie who could probably pop their skulls like grapes between her thighs? Should I keep my voice down?" She asked a bit more quietly. Certainly she hadn't really sensed anything special from them, which made it double weird that THEY were guarding Candice. But also because she was ...semi self-conscious about those particular bodyguards listening in. "Or should I be loud and proud about how much I adore their hot, fuckable boss?"

Post End | Way Ahead of You Babe
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:15 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Satisfied that her abduction had been successful, Candice let her own arms wrap around Giselle just as the same was done to her. It did not take all that long for them to be sufficiently entwined, and Candi's fingers began to playfully tug at the extremities of Giselle's hair. A girlish smile soon found its way to her lips as she lapped up the praises, though that nagging thought in the back of her mind remained somewhat irked that Giselle had not simply been like this from the start. It would have made things easier for both of them.

Her grip upon Giselle's back tightened as the other woman drew closer still, nails digging ever so slightly inward, but she felt only smugger when the kiss turned into little more than just a suggestive pass. She was in charge here, of course, so it was preferable that her partner understood that control. Slowly, methodically, her hands advanced in opposite directions until one held Giselle's lower back whilst the other pulled on the back of her head.

"That's a good start, I suppose. You may continue."

There was little teasing to Candi as she advanced with puckered lips to plant a very proper kiss upon Giselle's own, holding the other woman quite in place as she went about her ceremonial admission of allowance for several long moments before reluctantly withdrawing.

"They are just doing what they get told to. My parents pay them to keep me safe, which is a pretty cushy job and I reckon they know it, so sometimes I make them actually work too. But we can be as loud or as quiet as we want because I also pay them to know when to keep their eyes and ears shut. Though I imagine it would be fun to give my thighs some exercise."

As if taking up the suggestion, her legs began to wrap around Giselle's waist and further restrict their movement by entangling them further as they clung together on the edge of a bed that they were using a tiny fraction of and yet were smothered beneath several layers of duvet. They could tumble backwards, of course, which would pull Giselle on top, but Candi left that choice to her partner.

Better get on your knees | END POST
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:05 pm
Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 HEADER_aTtGedMX-X0

Giselle Gewelle| Z The Zombie

Giselle was all too pleased to let Candice secure themselves around her, allowing the woman to idly play with her hair as Candice pulled her tightly to their own body, a soft lirrle "Erhh." Escaping her as a bit of the oxygen in her lungs was squeezed out by the enthusiastic blonde latching onto her. That action only punctuated by the smug, basking catlike expression Candice had as she informed Giselle that she could continue to verbally fawn over her. Something which frankly was so incredibly...entertaining to Giselle. It was almost cartoonish just how much Candice adored being adored, and frankly just how easy it was to placate the woman with praise. I was fucking cute, and she couldn't help but feed into it.

"Oh this? My Candice? My sweet, blonde babe? My lovely loving princess?" She chimed, reaching up and gently framing the woman's face with her hands as she had to STOP herself from devolving into a twisted meme in the middle of this tender moment. It was, surprisingly, hard to remove that somewhat trollish aspect of her personality from herself when she wasn't in work mode. Some part of her just enjoyed being ridiculous. After being alive for so long, why not after all? But all the same, she leaned in and sealed another, more purposeful kiss to Candice's own. A brief indulgence before she peeled back and give the woman a sultry look. "My beautiful sexy linen-dwelling minx~" She chimed, unable to help but add just a little more as she let her own hands gently trace down Candice's spine until she let them rest at the woman's lower back.

The explanation gave pause to their little game, possibly much to Candice's relief, as the subject of Candice's bodyguards was brought up. Giselle could only snort and smile in amusement at Candice's little joke about getting some thigh excercise as she parsed the rest of the explanation. "Do your parents know about your powers? I admit I'm still not entirely clear what you have aside from electricity and your age slowdown." She admitted idly, though she was interrupted when Candice's legs promptly wrapped around her waist and locked behind her. Without hesitation, Giselle leaned forward until Candice was promptly put onto her back, palms transitioning from her lower back, down along the woman's ass and then resting on her thighs as she ......paused. Contemplation shifting across Giselle's face as she was distracted by the subject at hand. And so she ...pumped the breaks just a little, and instead let her hands lazily roam as she spoke.

"So you let your parents think you're being taken care of, the guards get a job, and you enjoy having your minions that you're honestly strong enough to not really need." She murmured, trying to establish what she knew as her fingers idly traced the edges of Candice's clothing, lightly starting to peel as she glanced off to the side. It....WAS strange. They weren't......together. And yet she was, ontop of Candice wanting so very much to help ease the stresses that had amassed because of their little argument. Here they were, HAVING such an argument over a little faux pas infront of someone new the other day. Here CANDICE had been...crying, breaking things over the slight from Giselle. They weren't dating, as much as Giselle felt the desire to romanticize this situation. But it seemed that Candice was doing more or less the exact same thing. Was she overthinking this?

Giselle lowered herself down, staring directly into Candice's eyes as she gently let her hands wander up the woman's back beneath her shirt, atching to take in every reaction she could garner. A pause...glancing down to the thighs that were VERY pointedly locked around her waist. The little comment about working them out. Maybe she WAS just overthinking this. And so she closed the gap and kissed her. "A workout sounds like a good idea."

Post End | Way Ahead of You Babe
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Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice)

Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:47 pm

Oh Hi Candice (Gigi/Candice) - Page 2 GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice was a fickle creature, even her own overwhelming arrogance could not suppress that immutable fact. She had been prepared to fill Giselle full of volts and disappear into the night scarce minutes ago, and then suddenly the other woman was pushing all the right buttons and she was like putty in her hands. How fragile her ego was could only be matched with how ravenously she craved the attention and praise of those she cared about. Which meant that she cared about Giselle a great deal, what an eternally frustrating predicament!

There was a point where words reached their limit though, and even Candi's enjoyment of the constant compliments had just begun to wane when the action became more physical again. A question was asked and, just as she prepared to answer, Giselle pushed her onto her back and pinned the larger woman against the mattress. Her eyes widened in feigned surprise and passionate amusement at the change, a quiet moan escaping her lips as hands passed over her posterior before she bit down on her bottom lip ever so sensually. It was all more an act than genuine pleasure, but she was truly satisfied with the progression of events she had orchestrated.

"Yeah yeah, they probably know I'm a little different. I think most everyone worked it out when I survived that plane crash. But it puts them at ease to know I have those people around me or something. I don't exactly pay attention to the minutia."

Easy words, hastily spoken, and perhaps not the whole truth of the matter but Candi was not exactly in the mood for slamming the breaks on and having a quiet little chat about happy families after all she had been through today. The hand that had been pulling at the back of Giselle's head now swirled around to hold the side of her face, the thumb tentatively tugging at the corner of her lip, making clear her desire to keep moving things forwards. The glow to her emerald eyes, still somewhat surrounded by ruined makeup, speaking for her at the end.

Well? What are you waiting for?

Better get on your knees | END POST
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