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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:01 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future 6EdIfMt

The Soul Society. Home again, finally. It felt good, being in a world that had energy saturated in the very air. Earth wasn't bad, but it didn't have this feel. She dropped into the Rukongai and made her way towards the North Gate, taking deep breathes to calm herself. Her body was a alive with nerves, but she forced them under control and walked. If this went well, then the greatest rock on her shoulders would be lifted..

If this went poorly, she'd be kept alive without her Kido, which was far worse than dying. But, focusing on the negative sucks and shouldn't be done, so she didn't. Hannah's presence was never subtle, her ability to see coming from the output of spiritual power, so most people could sense her arrival even before the Hell Butterfly she sent ahead of her. She'd not touched them in years to avoid attracting attention, but sometimes you never forgot.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:30 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“The Hell you doing here?”

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Hannah would be met by someone when she appeared in Soul Society and neared the Seireitei. The only surprise would be that it was Elyss who met her before she reached the Northern Gate. It just so happened the woman was just about to head out into the Rukongai before feeling something strangely familiar invade her senses. Unfortunately, Elyss isn’t alone, but the redhead made sure that the others that had come stayed back. Knowing a bit about Hannah’s distrust for Shinigami, it would have probably been a bit much to have a small squad surround her. Besides, when Elyss noticed it was Hannah as they approached, it proved a good chance to catch up with the blind blonde.

“Hopefully not to shoot a bunch of lasers, right?”

A little joke to help break the ice a bit, Elyss hoped it wasn’t anything too serious. She hasn’t seen Hannah in a while, and it would be a bit troublesome if the woman had turned a bit mischievous since then.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:45 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future 6EdIfMt

"Elyss!" Hannah exclaimed, smiling broadly and stepping up to the woman to snaffle them in a hug. It wasn't particularly tight or strong, given the blind woman's infirmity, but the love was there. A warmth of support for her friend, whatever she might need. "Ha~ I have bigger things than lasers~" Hannah whispered in Elyss' ear, a teasing tone that seemed like it was trying to be sultry but had no experience in that at all.

Taking a step back, Hannah would give her iconic stare, the one that showed she was paying attention to you even if she wasn't exactly looking at you.
"So, how's the girlfriend?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:24 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Eh? What? The absurdity was all it took to catch the redhead off guard. Elyss doesn’t usually blush, but the words that left Hannah’s mouth with such a taunting tone left her baffled. She did not expect Hannah of all people to suddenly flirt with her. Was that a flirt? She’s not sure, and that’s why she’s a bit peeved about it. However, something like that isn’t going to distract her from what’s important here. And that’s- wait. What girlfriend?

“Hannah what are you on about? You do know you just appeared out of nowhere leaking all over the place. It took a bit of convincing to keep the others from rushing over here, thinking that it’s some threat.”

Well, it is a threat, in a way. Hannah could probably cause a lot of damage by herself before someone cut her down. Kido is dangerous, and someone who’s an expert of it could do something extremely bizarre like drop a meteor or two.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:39 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future 6EdIfMt

"That's fine. I get to practice my bakudo while waiting for the Commander. But honestly, if it was a threat I'd be putting out a lot more power than a seated Shinigami, dear" Hannah would exclaim, shaking her head softly. "But, if you are in the early stages of your relationship and all that blood rushing to your cheeks is the only response you can give, then I shall give you some space. Just know that I am here to support you whatever you need"

Hannah would reach out to take one of Elyss' hands and hold it gently in support of the woman.
"Don't bottle yourself up, don't wall yourself away from the new emotions. I am here to talk whenever you need me" Hannah spoke with a warm, gentle voice that sort to wrap Elyss in a warm embrace, like her reiatsu was currently.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:46 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Wha- Hannah. I’m not in a relationship.”

Elyss wouldn’t count one date as a relationship, considering how flaccid her whole life has been. Humans, for one thing, often try another out before officially settling these matters, and Elyss finds no reason why she should be forced to call someone something. If anything, she has a lot of things to do before giving anyone a title. All this supportive talk from this blind woman is just confusing her. It’s like Hannah’s seeing way more than she’s supposedly allowed to see, but the redhead isn’t one for burdening others needlessly, especially since she has a plan already for her issues. Hannah doesn’t seem the Zanpakuto expert type anyway.

“You’re here to see Aba- Er… The Captain Commander? What for? Thought you hated this place.”

It’s probably best to focus on the important details Hannah had laid out. It’s probably best to refer to Abalia by her title and not by what she calls the woman outside of official matters.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:21 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future 6EdIfMt

"Don't worry. I know how difficult a new thing can be. I am here for you if you need me. As I am here for her if she needs me. Think of me as an auxiliary girlfriend if it helps"

Hannah would squeeze Elyss' hands with a nod. Then, came, the topic of the Commander. Yea. Time to deal with that one.
"Not so much this place. More, what this place reminds me off. But, yes. I am here to talk to her life. I don't know what is known and what is unknown, but I know my heart tells me I have done great wrongdoings. Prison and rehabilitation in the Living World does not mean rehabilitation in the Soul Society. So I need to set my heart and mind at ease here. In my home"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:57 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Okay. This isn’t working. Hannah obviously isn’t paying any mind to Elyss’ insistence that there’s nothing going on. Did Hime say something to this woman? Hannah and Hime know each other?! No. Maybe. Elyss doesn’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise her. People get around. However, an auxiliary girlfriend? What does that even mean? This blind woman might have another physical issue in her head.

“Eh… Home is where the heart lies, so I guess if you wish to reconnect with Soul Society, so be it.”

Exasperated, Elyss still wondered if Hannah should just waltz into the Seireitei like this. Though, another Shinigami approached, pulling Elyss by the shoulder to whisper into the redhead’s ear. Oh… Well, that makes this easier.

“Just got word about you sending a Hell Butterfly ahead or something. Guess you’re clear then.”



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:18 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future 6EdIfMt

"It's almost like the people who need to know I am coming, know I am coming" Hannah spoke. That cool, gentle tone she often used made it really hard to tell if she was being sarcastic or sincere. She would let go of Elyss' hand and place it on her chest, just under the left shoulder. And then after a few seconds, awkwardly slide it across so it was near her heart.

"But are you doing ok? You've got a lot of Reiryoku, and your Hollow is quiet to the point of none existence, but... your energy is ragged and unfocused. There seems almost less control now than when we last met, though I am sure that is mostly chalked up to a sense of scale distorting things. Tell me honestly how you have been, Elyss" the tone of voice was similar to Ulv when she worried about Elyss, though without the deranged level of passion blasting out of her every second. Hannah was far more an asperation with how serene and gentle she was.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future Empty Re: Resolve The Past, Brighten the Future

Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:37 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Huh? What does a Hollow have to do with anything? Ignoring what could have been taken as an insult, Elyss couldn’t help but stare a bit. Honestly, she had forgotten all about that. And, despite her exterior being seemingly fine, inside, she’s a complete mess. Memories of that day under Ulv’s manor came back, but Elyss wasn’t going to let herself get caught up in that stuff. Not right now anyway. She has more important matters that require her attention, so, first, she started by removing her hand from Hannah’s chest and poking the woman on the forehead in an annoyed manner.

“Alright. Let’s not go diving into someone else like they’re a public pool or something. It’s not something you should be worrying your pretty little head over. You’ve got other things you need to focus on, as do the rest of us.”

She doesn’t want to go into it, not now, not in front of others. Let’s get Hannah where she needs to be, yeah?



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